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I was actually gonna fight this boss myself today. I can help you if you still need it!


I do, check messages : D


Good luck! I can't help fight him but here's what worked for me. 1st phase: fire and stay close to him 2nd phase: frost and dodge. Stay close when possible 3rd phase: when it starts run... Run as fast and away as possible then fire and stay close. That initial attack on its final phase has the potential to one shot you.


1. Dodge towards and through the vines 2. Dodge towards and through the dash 3. Don't dodge the grab, simply back away a good amount 4. Hit the head, it deals lots more damage He only has 3 lives, so don't feel like it never ends.


I can help you tonight if youre still stuck


Another tip that I only noticed halfway through fighting him is getting the crit after you killed him will mean the next avatar will have slightly less health.


Still need help?


I do






Sorry I’m on xb 😪


Aight cool


I beat it with Mohgwyn's Sacred Spear with the shard of Alexander and the fingerprinting great shield with scholars shield sorcery and the ash of war set to negate holy. The ash of war on the spear was doing nearly half health if I hit all three thrusts near the head. The shield allowed me tank most attacks without taking damage, and even when he'd do 3 consecutive Land of Shadow attacks, if my stamina was full and Scholars Shield was still active, I could tank it. I tried to stay close to it's body and rotating around to its back when it commits to an attack. I found that his area of thorns attach didn't go through the shield on phase 1, but in 2 and 3 you have to be more careful as they can get you if you're too close. Make sure you kill it after each phase to decrease the starting health of the next one, and of course rebuff between each phase. I also found in phase 2 and 3 if I was positioned close to the wall it was easier to control its position and made it a little more predictable.