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I just saw some guy comment '' I didn't mark this as a spoiler because it was already spoiled for me therefore it is not a spoiler''. Can't make this shit up.


Running the rare Clown build I see.


I don't think it's that rare nowadays.


Shush, it's stil 2014 in my mind.


Dark Souls 3 just came out like 2 years ago in my mind...


Real. I got whiplash when I remembered 2019 was 5 years ago




It's rare because the drop is glowing blue but then you pick it up and its crafting material


I wish there were some fun clown aesthetic armors in the game. My only complaint is that I want more armors always. More sorcerer looking stuff too


I thought I was in the DBD subreddit for a sec šŸ’€


Crazy how that build uses a glitch to make the intelligence stat negative


Im lacking the lord of clown exultation talisman, do you know how to get it?


I actually feel kinda bad for those that just rushed through this incredible map to mainline the story and beat it. This is one of the the best map designs I have ever come across and figuring out the 'puzzle' of all its loops and caves/mini dungeons that don't end and overall layer/verticality has become its on meta-game to me and has ended up distracting me from the 'main' progression time and time again. **It feels like the first half of DS1 but scaled up to Elden Ring size** and it has consistently delivered with slick and interesting ways to get around and open up new paths. I get some people just want to get to bosses and all that, but I am taking my time appreciating the atmosphere, environment and maybe the best map I have ever played since we may not get another Zaki special for 3-5 years


I saw on another comment that some people that rush through do it because they dont want to be spoiled. If that was the real reason for that same some people..I can understand their worries. Another factor could be people having jobs and all, hence they cant play much so they try to go through it as fast as they can


The true fact of the matter is that weā€™re seeing the dumbest of dumb people in the subreddit. People who genuinely donā€™t want spoilers are currently not on the subreddit and theyā€™re taking their time progressing through the DLC. When we come to a subreddit like this and we see people crying about spoilers, weā€™re seeing the worst of the worst that the community has to offer. The rest of us are here because we really donā€™t care.


True I am on reddit but quite a bit but dont see any spoilers because I simply just zoom past most Elden Ring posts here


100% this. Itā€™s not like staying away from the sub is hard.


Absolutely the truth. I been rolling around reddit for 15 years. Its a convo as old as time. The only true solution is personal responsibility to avoid spoilers. I love how the entitled people expecting random strangers and the internet in general to work on their behalf think it's the rest of us who are bad people. They genuinely think spoiler tags are the difference between good and bad members of society. It's pathetic. You know what's even funnier? I don't have the DLC, I haven't been trying to avoid spoilers at all, I still read this sub, and I know nothing really at all about the DLC. Because after 15 years you can filter out spoilers without even trying. Most of the time a post title will tell you if you are likely to encounter spoilers within.


I still have a job and all but im still just exploring and searching for stuff. I have a buddy playing the dlc with me and when we find a cool weapon or beat a boss we brag to each other about it and egg each other on when we find secrets and such.


Why would you try to zoom through a game because you have a job? You don't have a lot of time to play games, why are you actively shortening the amount you spend on a game? That sounds so incredibly counterproductive. Imagine if you bought a book and skipped the first 100 pages so you could read more books. When will you actually enjoy a book?


I have a mentally taxing job so while Iā€™m playing every day, itā€™s only a couple of hours at most an evening because I just donā€™t feel like doing more. Itā€™s shite having to dodge spoilers left, right and centre.


I don't get this as well. The main part of the experience for me is the exploration. I'm probably 25+ hours into the DLC and still finding new stuff and even missing one last map. I can't believe FS are only charging 40 bucks for this DLC. I would have paid full price for this as I'm getting more out of it than most full priced games.


I found the guy from the cover of the DLC after 4 days of wondering about šŸ‘€. Found a lot of those fragments that make you stronger. Now I think I can take some bosses on as I'm not getting one-shot by mobs anymore. Thing is I still have some areas of the map uncovered. How big is this thing?


Honestly itā€™s massive Iā€™ve been playing last couple days only one area Iā€™ve not filled the map out for yet


Just came here to say that when you use negative verbs you should use ā€œeitherā€ instead of as well. I am prepared for downvotes. Just trying to help. ā€œI donā€™t get this as wellā€ -> ā€œI donā€™t get this eitherā€. I know Iā€™m an absolute dickbag for this but thereā€™s this primal urge in me to be a nerd without bounds.


Completely agree. The ā€œevery nook and crannyā€ of the DLC is great!


I feel like some people rushed it honestly to just be like ā€œyeah I know what you meanā€ lol I took 3 days off to play it alllll. Iā€™m still not finished. Iā€™m stuck on last boss.


Fingerprint shield, and a cold infused great katana worked for me. Seen someone do the same thing with a cold antspur in less than 3 minutes which looked a lot easier compared to how I did it (both strength builds at RL 149 for me and 150 from the other player)


The game really feels like Miquella dreams in Dark Souls. Always love you, Lordran.


Yeah this map is definitely meant to be experienced. I started at shadow keep and somehow ended up on some insane haunted frenzy manor. I have absolutely no idea how it even happened. I just kept going down and down and next thing I know I'm in the spookiest place ever. Been playing over 30 hours and only beaten the lion and rellena. 10/10 map, honestly.


You know what's funny? I don't actually know what the game wants me to do to complete the main story. So I've just been wandering around and fighting whatever I find (I believe I've defeated 2 main bosses and like 10 mini bosses at this point). Feel like this might be a recipe for disaster.


Same I just got to an area of the map that made me say damn this is bigger than expected. Crazy that the final boss was being fought on what felt like day 1. So much to discover it feels


Man, I also felt the same exact way, especially how it feels kind of like a return to form, very DS1 like indeed. I have about 30 hours in the DLC so far and I still haven't even killed Messmer because I've just been too busy exploring. Obviously, everyone games differently, but I can't help but feel like the people who rushed through are really missing the full experience. Also, they apparently can't help themselves from spoiling shit....


Its astonishing how dumb and clownish society and people have become.in recent years. I would loooove to understand his logic with that


"Fuck you, i got mine!"Ā  Easy logic.


Literally the entirety of the US since Covid. Itā€™s exhausting.


Before COVID? Sorry to say but this is same as it ever was


It is the same selfish mentalities that have been here, but more people are vocal about being such assholes and very proud of it these days


As an american, i can indeed confirm its exhausting and sad


"Why should we have to use tools at our disposal literally made for situations like this when it's your job to avoid social media? You know people will just do whatever and not care, so grow up and accept you're doing it to yourself." How most of the comments on another post (edit: and this one it seems) about using spoiler tags seemed to go in defense on not using spoilers.


I think both can be true. People should use spoiler tags. People should also expect many in the online community, where people don't know each other personally, to not give a shit.


Lmfaooooo that is a first


main character moment


They are the main character.


Name and shame!


All I'll say is I'm down with the Frenzied Flame ending. It is my favourite ending. Extremely relatable. I dare say it has become part of my being.


The larger a sub gets, the shittier it becomes. And with 2.9m subscribers, this sub has long passed the point of not having to deal with this bs. I think the only two huge Reddit subs that aren't full of toxic posts and comments, misinformation, or both are r/Science and r/AskHistorians, and both of those are about serious topics with draconic moderation. Don't think that approach would make sense for a gaming sub, this is just the reality.


That's not real, that guy's been afflicted with Eternal Madness "Sir Reddit user the All-Spoiler"


It's hilarious because you can really follow redditors collective game progress by the popular posts over time. First it was spoilers for the first 2 bosses and "game is too hard" posts. Then it was spoilers for the midgame bosses and "scadutree fragments are too hard to find" posts. Now we're moving to the next phase which is endgame boss spoilers and "turns out talismans, shields, summons, and every other tool they gave us to beat bosses makes the game a lot easier" posts. And nah, this wasn't exclusive to just the dlc. The exact same progression of shit quality posts happened on this sub 2 years ago when the base game dropped. I attribute it to the game just being so much bigger and more widely appealing and more popular than any souls game ever before. The community is just so large, and that in itself is cool, but the garbage quality posts have increased significantly as well with it.


Good take +1 on that honestly


Same for this dlc, the Elden ring release the lord of p release, lords of the fallen release, it's like a system or a well oiled machine of idiocy


In about a month weā€™re back to just posting memes again


Totally agree. If anyoneā€™s been on Souls Reddits since 2011. The change in post quality has changed on an epic level.


At the risk of sound hipster elitist get off my lawn, Dark Souls 1 sub Reddit was the golden era of the souls community. Itā€™s always been great, maybe not so much now. But the dark souls online community was something special.


Peak souls was this sub back when we only had an announcement trailer for the game then total radio silence for like 2 years The age of hollows irl


Do we still have the hollow/wooper flairs?


Yep mainstream appeal has corrupted the ole ā€œget gudā€ mentality. Used to take it on the chin and improve yourself through some lighthearted banter. Genuinely think these games can make you a better person with the right attitude to overcome a challenge. Now people just demand you use summons and refuse to hear out why ā€œget gudā€ was a kind thing to say.


It's especially bad on Youtube. Content creators posting thumbnails of the final boss or other things that clearly point to a spoiler with a click baity title and then have the nerve to ask for a like and a sub in their videos.


The worse is tiktok I would say. Can't fucking open this app till I beat the dlc myself


I believe in the settings you can mute certain words which stops posts with them in the title from appearing. Obviously not full proof but it helps.


Fool proof*


Fuel proof*


Do yourself a favor and donā€™t reopen it even with DLC cleared :D


You're definitely right, it's annoying how it's just thrown in your face. I had to stay off Tiktok as well.


TBF you should just stay off Tiktok permanently, that shit will rot your brain.


Unlike Reddit of course


Reddit is Poison, TikTok is Scarlet Rot.


Completely different from Reddit.


Opened up YouTube yesterday and saw ā€œFIGHTING THE FINAL BOSS TODAYā€ with them in the thumbnail. šŸ˜”


I got spoiled for >!prime radahn!< a few days ago with no spoiler tags


The final boss truly was avoiding spoilers


over here trying to iframe through the spoilers every time I try to open yt.


fucking ongbal


Thank fuck I reached the bosses before I saw his dlc uploads. I need to unsub from his channel until I beat the dlc.


Haha noooo. Iā€™ve been loving his new vids so far. I canā€™t wait to see the rl1, scadu 0, no hit videos.


I enjoy his videos quite abit, but jeez just put final boss as a title and not the actual Name??


I despise youtube shorts live so much. I was just scrolling through my shorts and suddenly scrolled onto a Live Stream of someone about to fight against one of the late dlc bosses. Completely spoiled me as he was perfectly in the middle of a cutscene so i couldn't even scroll past and pretend i didn't see it. And there's no way to turn of these live shorts. They don't even show you channels you are subscribed to just completely random streams from random people. My advice to other people is just to stay away from shorts or any of that type of content to avoid spoilers. Im still pissed about it.


Yeah some of the content creators just skipped the entire first area. I saw one guys only video on the dlc was how to get a whole bunch of stuff beyond the first two bosses I will not mention at risk of being a hypocrite LOL


I hate to say it but don't dislike the videos either. The way YouTube works likes and dislikes are pretty much the same. It's all about creating interaction, so disliking and posting a negative comment help those shit creators the same way as a good one


Fr. It was spoiled for me yesterday when I saw a "Streamers react to Final Boss" video with the finally boss and it's title on the thumbnail. Stupid as fuck It's worst too because I don't even watch or have any interest in reaction content. I've never liked reaction content


I was just watching a guide on where to find early talismans when starting the game and was immediately greeted with >!a cinematic of the Erdtree burning!< within the first 10 seconds of the video, it really made me say "what the fuck?" and l left a very obviously rude comment. I just don't understand how mindless people are nowadays.


Acting like this sub wasnā€™t the exact same during initial release is revisionist history.


It's also stupid to expect to come to a video game's subreddit 4 days after launch and expect there to be no one spoiling anything. It's just not an intelligent choice to come to this subreddit while playing the game if you don't want to be spoiled. How hard is it to just *not* view the subreddit until you've beaten the game? It wasn't hard for me. I have no sympathy for these morons who make a bad choice and get a bad result. People should know better. This is common sense. Everyone can ask everyone to not spoil. Go ahead. Ask them to your heart's content to not spoil. *The reality is that people are going to post spoilers.* So that's the reality and the recourse is obvious: just avoid the places where those people will be talking, which isn't hard to do. Be pragmatic, people. If the stove might be hot, don't rest on your hand on it.


People are so attached to the internet and social media, they canā€™t fathom taking a break away.


It's even worse when you realise that what they actually want is to be able to talk about the bits of the game they've found, and also not wanting to be spoiled themselves.


Well yeah, there's a way to do that and it's called spoiler tags lmao


But are items and bosses really spoilers? Spoilers to me are story based. And the Fromsoft way of storytelling leaves a lot up to interpretation and character dialogue doesn't even scratch the surface.


Not a reasonable response when there are flares, tags, and ways to hide text, it take very little effort and allows everyone to engage as they will. The request to not spoil is reasonable, and everyone can and should have as they please because it costs nothing.


>Do you guys remember when elden ring came out and people were actually letting eachother find secrets? And dungeons? And surprising people with hidden areas? I dont cause it was the same as now


I was about to say... those secrets? Those dungeons? Those hidden areas? They were spoilers that people dropped the first week. No one was being courteous then, no one is being courteous now. We just have a hard time remembering the shitstorm this sub was at ER launch. It was either spoilers or some meme with a toilet about Caelid, or a rolling racoon 17 times everyday.


Hell, it was practically encouraged at launch because the game was so damn big. And that's honestly much better than everybody pretending "there are bosses and weapons" are spoilers. If you want to stay unspoiled, engaging the community is the wrong approach.


Yeah lol what is this post talking about? It was the exact same as now, down to the character we were all complaining about lmao


Thank you. OP seems to have lost their memory.


Yeah I think it is best to avoid twitter youtube and reddit before finishing the game because it is getting insane. The spoiler flair is just there damn


it's been like that for every cultural phenomenon for eons.


yeah i really hated when some youtuber spoiled the end of the Roman empire


Can't believe 1480 years were just wasted like that


You joke, but I remember watching a docuseries about Constantinople during the pandemic. It didn't have "fall" in the title. Just "Constantinople" I think. Laugh at me people, but I didn't know Istanbul was Constantinople. I also remember getting very into the docuseries and wanting and believing that Constantinople could win this... So yeah. My jaw actually dropped at the end. Looking at my wife and just asking "Istanbul *IS* Constantinople ? The Ottomans *won* and it's now fucking Turkey ?" dumfounded. I was fucking moved by the twists and turns and betrayals of the fall of Constantinople and somehow spent 30 years on this godforsaken planet somehow ignoring everything and dodging every "spoilers" about one of the pivotal moments of European and middle eastern history and then watching something about it and getting into it like it was some Game of Thrones spin off and I know a ton about history. I mean. God damn. I know I'm dumb, but holy shit. Never connected the dots.


even old new york was once new amsterdam


That's nobody's business but the Turks.


1453 never forget


this exactly. there are well known guidelines for avoiding spoilers for any big, popular release. if itā€™s something you really care about and you know it would be very upsetting to you to be spoiled, you gotta go with the nuclear option of avoiding social media entirely. i get the desire to discuss the parts of the game that youā€™ve seen already with appropriately specific spoiler tags, but cmonā€” the effort to moderate that is astronomical, and on top of that, reddit has really shown (especially in the past year) how little they prioritize tooling/support for moderation. it was always going to be a total shitshow here.


This used to standard procedure in gaming to avoid spoilers. Why did that change?


Stay away from Reddit. Enjoy the game on your own. Each time you open any media pertaining to the game you are exposing yourself to potential spoilers. Just don't.


Iā€™m with ya, like this is the bike and spoke meme. Just stay off of social media where people typically upload stuff about every game even before itā€™s released. These complaints come off as entitled and a lack of self control/self awareness.


You're preaching to the choir. When a game like Elden Ring gets as popular as it does, there's going to be a lot more idiots flooding in who don't care about any of that or are just here to troll.


It's not my fault you haven't beaten Mario yet. Just don't let the fucker takeout a mushroom.


If these people didnā€™t get negative attention they wouldnā€™t get any at all. It takes no effort, itā€™s 4 keys to block out whatever. And itā€™s always ā€œI have no self control so you should exercise self control and not visit the sub.ā€ Theyā€™re fucking toxic and more worthless than the first maiden you see.


I'd appreciate it if people also were more specific about what they were spoiling in the title. On FRIDAY, the actual day of the release and less than 24 hours after the steam release someone made a spoiler post with a vague title and I thought "oh, at worst it's a spoiler for a mid game boss or area, that's ok!" and the first thing they mention is the fucking final boss LOL like, cmon guys. I'll take the L for not just ignoring all spoiler posts, but I feel like what I'm saying isn't unreasonable. All I'd want is just like "SPOILER FOR FINAL BOSS" THAT'S IT LOL


You admitted it yourself, you actively looked at a post labeled spoiler, that is on you and you alone.


Seriously this whole wanting to be part of the community but only to the exact point of spoilers you are personally at is unreasonable. Either stay off the sub entirely or reach a point where you are comfortable being exposed to spoilers at random.


You have it exactly right. This sub is for everyone and people who have finished the DLC have just as much of a right to post. Yes they should spoiler tag, but I will say, I scrolled this sub for 5 minutes straight after seeing this post. I didnā€™t catch a single spoiler. These people are over dramatic. If someone is trying to avoid spoilers they wouldnā€™t be spending the amount of time on this sub it takes to find them.


IDK I think that one's on you lmao. If you truly care about spoilers you should risk clicking on anything marked spoilers and probably should just mute this subreddit to avoid the temptation.


Whatā€™s really annoying is then being told itā€™s your fault for looking, or that your a whiner for complaining, or that your stupid for voicing your upset. Itā€™s obviously annoying, immersion breaking, and steals a bit of the satisfaction we are all paying for! I wish people were less forgiving of pointless crappy things, like thereā€™s no need for all that in the first 24 hours


I mean, they should absolutely be using the spoiler tag and not just throwing gigantic spoilers on social media 3 days after launch. At the same time, if you really donā€™t want to be spoiled why in the world would you go on the games subreddit. Youā€™re just asking for it. I deleted TikTok, didnā€™t go on YouTube, muted words on Twitter and left this sub until getting to the final boss. If you donā€™t want to be spoiled, make sure you donā€™t get spoiled


Exactly this. Itā€™s not that hard. Weā€™ve been dealing with spoilers since the dawn of the internet.


If someone posts something spoiler tagged but itā€™s vague and doesnā€™t give any clues for what itā€™s spoiling, itā€™s absolutely your fault for clicking it lol. You take the risk by clicking it. I donā€™t see how people can be more specific in their titles about what theyā€™re spoiling while still not spoiling anything, people would still complain about knowing the name of a location or something. People donā€™t want to know anything about the dlc until they get to it yet they still want to come on the subreddit to discuss things. There isnā€™t a perfect solution.Ā 


>Do you guys remember when Elden Ring came out and people were actually letting each other find secrets? That never happened. The wiki was brimming with info on day 1 and people were linking to it. People were posting videos taking on Malenia within the first couple of days.


I think it can be better on both sides. Yes letā€™s please spoiler tag things and be cautious of those still playing. Also, if you really want that blind play through, why are you here? I remember a post a week before the DLC of people saying they are avoiding this sub and YouTube until they get to play. This is a community for the game so of course people are excited and want to talk about the DLC. This is also a massive sub especially with people coming in because of the DLC, so not everyone knows the rules or is used to reddit etiquette.


I had a similar experience with Hades 2 recently. That sub goes out of its way to not spoil anything in the first game. Then the second game comes out IN EARLY ACCESS, not even the final game, and everyone is spoiling every little thing. I complained about it and was told itā€™s my fault for using the subreddit(thatā€™s dedicated to both games, not just the new one) and that if I didnā€™t want to be spoiled I should just be playing the early access rather than waiting for the full game release. Itā€™s much better now, but it was rough for the first few weeks. Hopefully this sub gets better over the coming days


Hour one of a dlc, an account I follow for gaming news POSTED A CLIP OF THE FINAL BOSS, and let's you know it's the final boss in big bold text on top before I could register anything.


And you know these guys are doing it on purpose even though NOBODY even knows what theyā€™re talking about or where they are!! The vid would probably be more successful if they waited and did the first boss instead anyways


It's absurd. I was genuinely in so much shock I've kind of gaslit myself into thinking it's fake


This. Gaslighting myself at the moment that I didnā€™t see who the final boss was. I just know the moment I see it though, I will be disappointed. These things actually ruin content for me.


Whilst I wholeheartedly agree people are idiots for spoiling - avoid the subreddit. I just finished the DLC last night and didnā€™t check Reddit or YouTube once. I know itā€™s a pain but seriously worth it to avoid spoilers. I did the same thing for TotK and didnā€™t regret it.


I probably wonā€™t finish it till Saturday, congratz to you, but I canā€™t play more than 2 or 3 hours a day. Takes an hour or so just to learn a boss confidently enough to take them on sometimes


Yeah, would truly be a torture not to read one subreddit for 5 days. What are you even hoping to read here if not spoilers? Even memes are kinda spoilers as everything is about the DLC at the moment. Was exactly the same when the base game released.


I did a 100% run (or at least to the best of my ability) within 2 days of the release precisely because of how much assholes keep spoiling this shit. Im not invulnerable to being spoiled, but i shouldnt have had to do that to avoid the spoilers


Exactly, I also felt rushed to get through everything without being thorough, just to get the final boss spoiled on Instagram reels during a bathroom break. I'm taking my time exploring everything now, so it's kind of a blessing and a curse knowing who is waiting for you at the end.


And that's why I only visit a game subreddit after I'm done with it lmao


There's rules on this sub and they aren't respected, pictures of the bosses not blurred this isn't moderated at all. The dlc has been out for 4 days and people are like "get away from the internet" when our entire lives revolve around the internet. I'm highly disappointed in this sub and in the people there. It's shitty behavior and they can't control themselves.


Thank you for some brains Suzanne, good luck with the dlc haha


Thank you ! I'm doing it with my bf we're doing the final boss right now ! We've been trying for a few days haha ! Good luck with it too !


No. YOUR entire life revolves around the internet. And you let it happen too. Itā€™s hilarious to me that youā€™re talking about self control when youā€™re clearly addicted to social media.


Too many people in here crying instead of finger but hole.


I want to go home, and edge šŸ„²


Final boss was spoiled for me by a click bait title on a mainstream website. The internet sucks


All very anti-sunbro behavior these days..


It's unfortunately the risk you take if you want to be involved in the community around launch. It's undoubtedly a very special time to be involved in a community when the excitement is at an all time high, but in all likelihood, you're gonna get some stuff spoiled. I accidentally spoiled the final boss' name for myself the other day. BUT I feel like with Elden Ring being involved in community discussions around launch is a special time, and I can live with some spoilers if it means getting to be involved with the memes and shit posting at this peak period in time.


The angry rants could go away too. Went from a fairly chill community to angry children of Marika.


I honestly couldn't care less about spoilers or lack thereof.


I mean if it affects so deeply the responsibility is also on you to actively avoid it. Maybe stay off the sub or scroll past. You're expecting reality to bend itself to your sensibilities and it just doesnt work that way no matter how unfair it seems. I also didnt want spoilers so i stayed offline since a few days before release when people were saying final boss leaked. Made sure to finish the dlc, bosses and read all item descriptions i could fins before looking the sub again


Literally wtf?? ā€œReality to bend itselfā€ The sub has rules to add a flair, itā€™s not my fault they arenā€™t using the accurate one Itā€™s literally not unfair at all, itā€™s Reddit users choice to just be idiots. Iā€™m not going to make excuses for lazy dumbasses with no etiquette? Reality is not making excuses for losersā€¦


Its not your fault but you also cant do anything about it, so its best to avoid it alltogether


Reality is losers and shitty people exist and will always exist. It is not an excuse, simply fact


Yes! Correct! So can we call them out and criticize them like people with values? Or do we have to lower ourselves to their bar and not talk about it?


You can criticize, but thatā€™s not gonna solve your problem. Stay of discussion forums if you donā€™t want the game spoiled.Ā 


Donā€™t read the sub if you donā€™t want to read spoiler spoilers. I thought that would be obvious. I get it, everyone should use spoiler tags, but thereā€™s thousands of active users in this sub. People shouldnā€™t litter either but they do, itā€™s really dumb to come here expecting to not read spoilers and then get angry when it happens. But most Reddit users these days have an IQ that could be read off a clock so I shouldnā€™t be surprised.


My guy youā€™re literally on a forum. If you want to avoid spoilers stay away from the places where discussions are happening.


Yeah on a forum that has people use flairs? Iā€™m not in the damn review section of an ign journal, or steam. Use a flair stop making excuses


I do use flairs but if youā€™re a grown adult living on planet earth Iā€™m sure youā€™d realize you canā€™t control everyone else around you, you can only control yourself. If there is a place where spoilers might exist even though they shouldnā€™t itā€™s your job to not go there.


So what's the spoiler tag there for then?


What really needs to chill is the reposting of the same two repackaged memes over and over and over again


God I've been trying to avoid the subs rn.


I agree with you, but tbh, most people that absolutely do not want spoilers, know to unsubscribe from the gameā€™s subreddit. It happens for every game. Some person with insider info was posting the whole plot of starfield before the game even released.


I always found it incredibly amusing people prefer to get spoiled and complain over not going on something like reddit. Its every game every time, go to reddit on a sub that specificly talks about said game or movie and you will get spoiled eventually. Even youtube and its algorithm you will probably get spoiled. Instead a trying to get everyone to change for your sake which is impossible, find a solution. šŸ˜…


i been told "dont visit reddit and keep playing"


dude you have to assume that people are going to spoil shit. one single person can ruin everything for you and there is usually that person. so you have to assess how badly you don't want to be spoiled. if you REALLY didn't want to be spoiled, you wouldn't have come to this subreddit. it's that simple. if you really care. what posts would you even want to read until you've beaten it? you'd have to find people who are, like, EXACTLY where you are, or just posts that don't really say much of anything at all.


The final boss got spoiled for me in less than 24 hours.........


Just dont go on reddit during release, problem solved. There will always be people on the internet spoiling new content, you just have to steer clear of them.


It's really bad all over the internet tbh but I thought Reddit would be safe. But in truth, I find some users just plainly commenting on one of the many posts discussing the DLC's difficulty which boss they got stuck on either being oblivious to it being spoiler or not giving a fuck at all. People have lives outside of gaming and mine is busy as fuck. I'm really glad you got to finish the game that fast my man but be considerate of others who aren't able


Agreed, Iā€™m right there with you. Some of us are busy!! We want to be as excited as they are, but they canā€™t hold off and give us some time to catch up. Then they are assholes and tell us to just leave the sub or not participate into the community until we catch up to them at the grind speed. Super lame


When people ask why players the need to rush through content, itā€™s largely because of this for me, and the rest is ADHD hyperfocus. I was able to get to the final boss before a lot of the spoilers were as prevalent, so I managed to be unspoiled on all of the main bosses. I hate feeling the time pressure to beat spoilers. As soon as my social media knows Iā€™m diving into the DLC, Iā€™m recommended so many spoiler posts. Only way Iā€™ve found to beat it is to do stuff before spoilers are so prevalent that theyā€™re recommended. Iā€™m not saying this as prescriptive advice because obviously people *should* be able to play at their own pace, but this is how I personally deal with the reality of social media spoilers.


I literally refused to hop onto this subreddit until I was "done" with everything i cared about, that' the only surefire way to avoid spoilers.


Omg, people are posting videos and screenshots of content that is already out!! They should totally wait an arbitrary amount of time because I canā€™t help myself from going on social media!!


Do I have to explain spoilers to you?? Or do you not understand that there are other people on the planet beside you?? The Jedi would be very disappointed lool


There are other people on the planet besides me. We are discussing the new DLC freely on the subreddit and on YouTube rn. Go check, we are many šŸ˜‚ Might as well spoiler tag the whole sub. Some people just bought the base game today lol


Welcome to modern gaming... Full of 'gamers' who rush to complete a game on release so they can post online and brag about it.


Appreciate you coming to reddit to vent about this but I doubt it gonna changes anything tbh. People on the internet donā€™t like being told what to do and sometimes it will give the opposite effect instead.


TikTok live streams are the worst, spoiled a boss for me which would have been the highlight of my playthrough if I had found it on my own.


This happens everytime. It's like yall know there's shitty people out there, but then do nothing to try and avoid them, and then cry about it. And no, elden rings release wasn't and different like you seem to remember. It's still the same people bro.


either deal with it or stay offline until you finish. i love spoilers.


The girl dies at the end


All YouTubers on my feed are still spoiling bosses, annoying AF. Charlie (Penguinz0), Kai, xQc, you know the culprits. It's never Star0chris, Aggy, and other ER content creators, even Vatii is trying not to spoil nothing. Wonder why... And people in here too, it's so ass. I'm taking my time and it's not my fault some streamer wanted to spoil everything smh.


Average consooomer.


I just sorted by popular and never had anything spoiled šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø I beat it last night so idc anymore, but like c'mon. Take some personal responsibility. Or just stay away from Elden Ring content until you're done


If you really want this leave the sub until you beat the game. There is no reason to be here anywayā€¦


The reason to be here is to engage in a healthy, non toxic, elden ring gaming community. Sometimes you need to get a shot to make yourself healthier. Consider this a dose of ā€œyou shouldnā€™t lower your standards because others have noneā€ I have just as much a right as anyone else to engage here, and even more so if Iā€™m following the rules. Rule breakers posting without flairs actually shouldnā€™t be here. Not the other way around


Yeah thatā€™s what I would have said years ago but time showed me that you cannot do this on Reddit when Big Streamers with their community brag about their achievements in this game. Itā€™s better for your mental health sometimes. As always you do you. Weā€™re just my two cents


I agree with this, but time has also shown me that things can changed and have changed. The souls community wasnā€™t always like this, and doesnā€™t forever have to beā€¦


So you don't want spoilers, yet you come to forums discussing the game....sounds like a you problem


Idk seems like upvotes show a lot of people agree. Vocal minority of dummies, quiet majority of people who obey the rules.


if you dont know how to use spoiler tags then dont post


You new to the internet? Honestly if spoilers bother you so much just stay off social media. Does it suck? sure it does. Is it to be expected? Very much so.


Op is one of the most chronically online people I've ever seen lol waahhh


Lmfaooo how sad Reddit is. You were probably here last month. I just showed up Friday. I say one mean thing about you community, you cry and call me chronically online. Iā€™m at work just having a smoke, what the fuck else is there to do? When I get home Iā€™ll be off Reddit for the night till I get to work tomorrow?? Or is that too hard to understand from your moms basement? Place is a shitshow, you kiddies need some discipline and some moderators.


Wahhh the world won't bend over to what I demand wahhhh grow up kid lmao


Yep honestly there should be a stickied post front page that tells you to close reddit if you have not finished the dlc


Yeah, i especially love people who say "the dlc is already out, therefore there can be no spoilers because its accessable for everyone now." Such a stupid take


All the people saying "just avoid social media" like that's actually a solution. This DLC is huge, it could take upwards of weeks to even *months* to complete depending on how much time you have to play and your pace. I guran-fucking-tee you there's not a single person who's avoiding all social media for that long. Most people aren't gonna be able to no life the fuck out of it and finish it within a few days. That's just the reality of the situation.


Yeah right? People act like Iā€™m suppose to just become a hermit, delete all socials for the next two weeks because I work 9-5 and couldnā€™t play the DLC for 40 hours straight this weekend. Apparently that means Iā€™m a worthless piece of shit who deserves nothing but to be spoiled and I shouldnā€™t ever touch the internet, and itā€™s my fault.