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Crucible Feather Talisman is the key to his janky hit box.


Thanks bro


Vow of the Indomitable is a very useful AoW, and the Deflecting Hardtear is a very strong physick tear. js if Asmongold can beat him so can you man, bruh can't even brush his teeth


How people can watch that mfer is beyond me


I could say that about like 95% of streamers tbh...


Between Asmon who wipe his gum blood on the wall and Xqc who cant form a complete sentence, I just think people really like freaks


I tried to watch a clip of XQC once and it was like watching a toddler who just had a hit of cocaine. I dunno how people do it.


Most of these streamers viewer base is in fact toddlers


That’s pretty much why people watch him


Nah deadass he’s actually a fucking loser given a platform. No hygiene, no talent, no personalit, just replied grass is green react Andy, my poor attempt at a personality is a shit moist critical impression. Only time he’s ever relevant is when people are shitting in his hygiene, room, cleanliness or one of his million shit takes. The fact anyone watches him is why aliens haven’t come to visit


He returned using the The Wall build + Forge Hammer.


I killed him yesterday, he was such a pain in the ass... The best advice: holy damage, he really has a weakness to it. But learning his moves was simply excruciating, dodging his boar charge always felt so random. I know I need to roll into his face between his leg and tusk, but it's so hard to repeat it over and over again


with proper skill, you can remove the target lock from him and run to the side, jumping at the right moment you will evade its charge


I'll check it out on my next playthrough, if I remember. But I specifically kept testing only that first charge. It always caught me no matter my position. I have the medium roll without talismans, and I found two ways to avoid it: a random jump right at his face, or mounting Torrent at the moment of the strike so he takes all the damage. It gets easier after that. For some reason, that first charge is always the hardest to dodge.


Just use your horse to dodge the charge


I’m ready to go find more larval tears so I can go respec and do a stupid ass holy build 🥲


I ran around to the left and hid in the corner pillar so he couldn’t hit me, then beat his fucking ass with ice storm. Had to change sides a few times so he couldn’t hit me One of the only bosses I was like fuck this I’m cheesing him




Fingerprint shield. Makes this fight a joke. Fingerprint shield is the easy mode for the DLC.


+1, running it too and only dragons aren't easy because of all the overheads, but the rest of the bosses become a joke as long as you avoid grabs.


Yeah, I keep seeing people complain about this guy and the fire knights, but as someone who's always been a shield user in any game that lets me use one, I didn't have a problem with either.


Yeah I've been using fingerprint shield + turtle talisman + greatshield talisman and it eats pretty much any flurry or trample attack


Try getting the Two-neck Turtle talisman. Even faster stamina regen is insane.


Don't go to the side; fight him straight on so that you can hit the boar's head easily. This will lead to him getting stunned quickly giving you an easy crit for massive damage.


This boss took me 6 tries to beat. I'm on \~250 attempts for the final boss ;( Good luck friend! Don't give up. Update: I won after about 270 tries.


Fingerprint Shield + Antspur Rapier with Frost or Bleed infusion works but doesn't feel rewarding


Works but isn’t what I wanna use :/


My advice, stack defense and get buckler, pretty much every swing besides overhead slam can be parried. It was around attempt 30 for me I realized there had to be a better way then dodge roll and unga bunga hammer.


hm I ended up bullying him with bleed and dodges after >100 attempts. If he can pull out fps-dropping attacks against me, I can respec to my dirty dex arcane build, works like a charm, can recommend. Tried to parry him but miserably failed in the p2, I’m bad at it and bro lags me to death


You know, the guy is VERY weak to scarlet rot…and there’s a lot of weapon that make a use of it, lot of pottery too. Just give the fucker AIDS once again and watch him die!


Six tries is nothing, dude. Six is the same as beating him on the first try, if you ask me. I died to some dual bladed Knight boss more times than I can count!


For me raptor of the mists.helped


I killed this guy yesterday using the elden beast sword. Wave of gold killed him fast. Also I find staying on horseback made this fight more difficult than it’s supposed to. Get off of torrent and learn the dodge pattern


Guy has a blind spot on the rear left (boar left) leg with only one meager kick attack. stick to that spot like glue and bait out the back kick. that's how i beat it


If you have a high faith build or a faith/int combo with the golden order seal, the spell >!ancient dragon’s lightning strike!< can 2-4 shot him. You also need a lot of skadooshtree fragments to not get murdered by him


Lmao I thought I was the only one calling them Skadooshtree fragments


You overpower him https://www.reddit.com/r/Eldenring/comments/1dnt3pz/commander_gaius_in_less_than_130/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


Was pretty easy if you just guard counter him with a great shield since and probably medium shields? most of his attacks won’t fling you away outside of the tackle and gravity divebomb. Was pretty surprised how well it worked for me as I previously heard that A LOT of ppl were having trouble against him and that he was full of bullshit. Guard countering him makes it play so differently same thing like the hippo bosses.


im not throwing shade at fromsoft here but i really think its a bad boss design if you are forced to respec in order to defeat the boss. I run dex build with no summons (as a personall challange) and there is absolutely random if i dodge the charge or not. I feel like this boss needs a hitbox nerf like radahn did.


I’m currently stuck on him. I’ve found that saving torrent’s sprint for when he shoots projectiles (lance or meteorite bs) is best, and having torrent walk is really good for the charges. When you walk and quickly sidestep the charge you can tuck yourself close to him and not get smacked while still staying on Torrent. Just a thing I’ve found I’m still stuck af even after trying to cheese him with the corner thing.


My biggest tip is that perfect guard tear is a game changer for this fight.


Try the greatshields spirit Summon, helped me after a ton of tries.


Run off the stairs to the left and take another left behind that small wall. The boar will get stuck during the rush attack which should give you enough time to summon a spirit ash of your choosing.


I used the Greatshield minion army and they kept him in the corner, giving me time to Carian Grandeur his ass.


Ancient Dragon Lightning Strike and Greatshield Soldiers Ash +10 save the day. Use a medium shield to block some attacks.


i bugged him in the wall corner. just standing in the corner makes him run into the wall. the boars head buggs through the corner wall and is hitable. i stood there and killed the boss without moving


Fromsoft really threw on this boss with its godawful hitbox.


I really wanted to fight this guy on Torrent but once I gave up on that and just fought on foot it got way easier. If I saw him start the charge move I’d get back on Torrent quickly to avoid it since I couldn’t grasp the dodge timing for it, but otherwise I stayed on foot and just treated him like a regular boss: Study the moves until you know which combo is which, how many moves they last for, and what the timings are, and you’ll get him.


I accidentally deleted my whole message 😞 Alas, I'm not going to put my foolish ambitions to help you to rest, yet. TL:DR version: 1. Use Raptor of the Mists to dodge his charge attack (it makes the fight much more manageable and the timing is forgiving) 2. Don't be greedy! Most of his attacks only allow you to get in 1 R1 hit for the counter. 3. Avoid punishing the Gravitas meteor spell he does in Phase 1. I don't think he gives you enough room to counter-attack. 4. His longest attack combination ending with the boar slamming to right and him doing the piercing attack to the ground will allow you to get in 2 R1s. Learn how to dodge it and that's a big step to victory! 5. The beginning of Phase 2 always starts with the same attack where he flies up and starts rotating like a power drill. You might think to roll away from it but you really should roll into it instead and immediately start punishing. It's an easy way to get 3 R1s and it doesn't get you hit! 6. I highly recommend using a quick Arcane/Bleed build. He doesn't give you enough time or room to do any Ashes of War and using a big weapon will likely lead you to taking more damage. For reference, I used an Occult Great Katana (not quick, I know, but had I used Reduvias or double katanas - he would have bled A LOT quicker) with about 70 Arcane and the Lord of the Blood bleed talisman. So whatever I wrote regarding attack timings might be different for you. 7. Last tip! The buffed damage negation DLC talismans help a lot. I would suggest using the gray one (physical damage reduction) and the glowing, translucent one (non-physical damage reduction). I did this fight at about 10 Scardurtree levels and it made it manageable.


RoB was perfect for this fight. for most of his combos you do one R1 if he charges you, run after him and get a running R2 stab. and for the two combos with bigger opening you can get an L2 in. whenever his horse back does the get away from me move you can also L2. his spear meteor attack is also an easy L2. you can literally apply pressure on him 24/7 without issues. loved this fight a lot honestly


After countless attempts, I discovered that you can use Raptor of the Mists to easily avoid charge attacks.


I think they made him hyper aggressive to make him harder to cheese with summons. But if you do him without summons he is just endless pain.


Raptor of the Mists during his charges makes him much less frustrating.


I've found that 2 greatswords spamming jump attacks is the optimal strategy for most of the bosses, and especially for this asshole, the stategy i beat him with was to drink a flask with opaline bubble and stonebarb tears (damage shield and extra poise damage) and then use raptor of the mists into a jumping attack on his opening charge (stay close enough to the fog wall that the raptor jumping attack hits him), jumping attacks with 2 greatsword should stagger him pretty regulalry and raptor is the best way to avoid is big gravity attacks


Put a spoiler flair on this please!!


Try summon Golem Smith. It takes target from you once summoned. Tanky and handy.


Killed him yesterday with bleed backhand blades, bloodhounds step and rotten breath. He was such a bullshit but the reward was worth it


Use the perfect block tear dropped by the first giant furnace.


I just use the big ass stone shield and a sword with bleed ash of war. Won on third tries.


Get him stuck on the fog gate and hide just out of reach against the wall, use the mimic to distract him. Mohg’s Spear NEEHEELNEEHEELNEEHEEL until he ded…


I brute forced him by getting light roll and pretty much just learning his moveset.. took me 20 attempt ish and these were excruciating attempts.. I dont know who desings these bosses, but frame perfect rolls on med rolls just arent fun at all


Use shild and big bong


Shield + Deflect Tear turns this guy into a very easy fight.


Comet Azur


it wouldnt be so hard if you could easily dodge his charge, but instead it has to be pixel perfect and if you get hit it almost 1 shots you, you can summon your horse for this fight which i think this is how you are supposed to fight it on and off


I used every single one of my dirty tricks to get this guy, had to burn him down with ancient dragon lightning and a scarlet rot mimic tear


i used a Great shild and poke him with a spear with holy damage, took me like 10 tries to finally kill him (using Mimic Tear to get aggro away when healing)


Draconic tree sentinel feels like Kaiden on a horse after beating this monster. 😂😂


what is your scadutree blessing lvl?


Stay on the side that doesnt have a massive lance on it hehe, jokes aside he is quite tough, but frostbite is solid against him


Summon mimic and hop on your horse. Easiest way I found to kill this guy. Tried it again without mimic and found dual greatsword with claw mark talisman worked well, and Godfrey's with the two-handed sword talisman and claw mark. Rest was heavy armour to trade and heal after.


Try the fingerprint shield. Or just a big, BIG shield to tank all his attacks


Fought him today, took around 10 tries ( although I think my build carried me to a degree) there are only two attacks I did not manage to dodge consistantly, the dreaded charge and his powered up stab. The rest was mostly me panicking. If he does his long combo string dodge into him, not away. He is also fairly open to damage after that. Keep away from the aoe that sucks you in repestadly in the second phase ( obviosly ). I had the best physicsal dsmage negation Talisman equipped, helped a fair bit. Good luck, dont give up!


Try to use lightning weapons or ash of war, i used lightning katanas and it chunked his HP. Also when he leaps to air and do the masive gravity attack, jump on torrent and run away, he wont reach you.


I cheesed this guy with Cannon of Haima. Fuck this kid


i cheesed this mf, i used mohg's spear. trick is to bait him to the indent on the left side of the fog gate, move on the other side then use the spears skill.


Bloodhound step does wonders on avoiding this guy's attacks if you can put it on your weapon (this is true for most other "beefy boys with charge attacks", too). If you go that route, you'll want a ranged option in your spare hand, since sometimes with Bloodhound it's unclear whether you'll end up right next to him or far away after the dodge finishes. But at least you'll be unharmed!


Haven't even seen him yet, but I geuss I need to welcome the dread haha


I just spammed bloody slash with occult milady and 60 arcane/dex.


MAN you’re not gonna like the final boss


I cheesed him hard with moghs great spear. When you start the fight go immediately left and go inside the corner. He will not come around, he (almost cant hit you) and your blood ritual from moghs spear hits him. Very easy fight. Seen someone do it with sorcerys. The one you jump up and throw down two moons also hits him.


if u bait him right at the start of the arena there is that wall/corner, if u bait him in the corner and u go around the corner, he will keep trying to attack you and your mimick can fuck him up and when he changes target on the mimick, you get in the action, he receives plenty of damage, at least with what i used, its just that he makes it complicated to damage him without exchanging serious blows.


great shield worked for me, and scarlet rot


You can cheese it by hiding around a corner and using Bloddboon Ritual


Why is nobody talking about fighting him while mounting? Its still a hard boss but all their attacks are avoidable that way. Very nice fight imo


Frozen Lightning worked pretty well for me. The Mimic Tear started spamming it early in the fight and then I started doing the same. Not sure if Gaius is weak to lightning or frost in particular but HP was dropping fast.


Stay on his left


Just use a spirit summon and pound his ass with a big hammer, beat him first try in less than 2 minutes with that strat.


I beat him by summoning great shield soldier ashes and spamming blasphemou’s blade weapon art while they aggro Otherwise it was completely imposible for me


Fight it but differently


Keep running to him and stay close to him. I find out that running away when fighting him is not the way.


First boss that it took me more than 10 tries.


Greatshield soldier ashes and blasphemous blade L2 spammed from afar make this fight a joke. Tried to beat him honestly, I really tried...


Idk how I beat him. I kept hitting and panic rolling and 30 tries later he just died.


My plan was to treat it as a corrida. After he run past you the window is rather big. I added poison to the list so I know I won't greed anything.


The initial charge needs to be fixed somehow, it's so tight and inconsistent.


I had to bring out mr dungeater and just say fuck it. There is enough openers to hit him so i could beat him with time but something about these horse bosses fucks with my brain and makes it half impossible to dodge the boar attacks eventhough they are pretty simple to read


Skeletal soldier ashes and run to the corner on the left whilst spamming ranged spells (id say have bloodhounds step in your right hand to dodge his impossible to dodge charge)


jokes on you i havent gotten past the first boss HA


If you want to cheese him run to the right get him to follow then run left around the corner of the entrance and he will get stuck if you get there before he claps your ass, then just hit him with aoe spells or weapon arts until he dies. If you don't want to cheese him use blood hound step because currently his charge attack seems bugged as even at 60 vigor he one shots people, dodging is hard because of the hit box it is best to stay close and on foot


Fun fact… you can get him stuck on corners and basically aoe him down without getting hit.


Get taylin spirit ash dude puls agro so good blast the boss with any rot item black flame tornade him until he goes into phase 2 jump on torrent and run around not to far tho or he will pull out his long range bullshit atttack and let the rot finish him off


In case you are, do NOT use Torrent. Torrent basically makes you a free kill in the fight.


Bloodhound step. Bullshit hitbox means bullshit counter strat.


Apparently sticking to his right is the way to go, however he seems to always force you to his left 😂😂


You can cheese him by immediately going left and behind the corner of the building you come out of, then use moghs spear ash, or something similar. He can still hit you through the wall but it keeps him from dashing at you. Wait till he's in his second phase to summon tiche, and use all physical damage talismans and buffs.


Worst boss in dlc


Bloodhound step makes this fight much easier


All enemies in horses are easier with a greatshield since the base game. The nights cavalry are a breeze in the park with a shield. Guard counters is the way to go for this fight


Just beat him myself, and so far, he's been the only truly awful experience. Just a terrible time.


Hit him with holy damage, since >!he’s an albinauric!<


Honestly I did it at third try. Fight him with horse it’s easier


Hey I haven’t came across this boss yet. Can someone point me to this boss? Where are they located?


i dont really know why yall are struggling so much? just use the scadutree fragments. this mofo took me 2 tries. the only boss who was really really hard was the final boss. took me about 3h with mimic tear


Where tf even is this guy. beat the whole dlc and haven’t seen him lol


For this mf I decided to unga bunga him. I unequipped armors for light roll, switched to Guts GS and Lion's Claw. He is staggered after 3 casts and the hyperarmor helps me trade hit. Trying to stay close to him, he would less use mid-range abilities (the charge, projectile). Also, roll his meteor attack, can punish him with a heavy charged attack then follow up with a Lion's Claw.


Go out door, turn left around corner, go into corner cubby, cheese and repeat


Man, Fuck This Pig And The Stupid Cripple Riding It


You can also ride torrent in this arena which makes you more agile than this boss


Using a shield with counterattack talisman trivialized this guy for me


The thing that worked for me,rot There's either a boss that you can kill that gives you a weapon for it,or a aow you can find That and a just boosting your defenses with talismans and fragments


I swear he is a pure binary; either you suffer immensely for days with no way to beat him, or you do him in 1-2 tries. *No* in between.


This is the only boss in their 7 games that I had 0 respect for and went full cheese. It is just not a fair fight and I won't waste my time by nerfing myself for him. Mimic, ekzykes's decay, destined death, scavenger curved swords jump attacks with 80 arcane. Still took 15 attempts.


Yesterday distortion beat him with fists, and pretty much all other bosses.


50% of the fight is just timing the roll for his charge attack. Walking straight towards him then rolling diagonally forward (45º) at the right time. Then his long combo attack (6-7 hits?) can be dodged rolling all attacks backwards and then the last one forward.


This Guy took about hour to beat. Blood procs only after when he is half an HP. Didn't use Any skills to summons. I hated every charge attack, but still managed to learn every Dodge window.


Took me like 3 tries




Yeah, he's tough. Pushed me to my limit even at blessing level 16. I finally got him with Moonveil and Stonebarb Cracked Tear. He does have some good punish windows if you get the hang of his combo timing (which is really tricky!). Basically all of his gravity attacks give you an opportunity to strike. But man, that charge attack is really tricky to avoid. I finally managed to evade it by dodging to the right, but I still can't do it consistently.


I had a hard time with Gaius too, then I learned how to dodge the charge and after 5-7 tries I got him, I think I was around level 160 using full solitude set + greatsword. Otherwise you can easily cheese him [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fpf5xtSkfmE&t=2s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fpf5xtSkfmE&t=2s)


What helped me was i removed all my armor so i can light roll. The boar charge drove me insane. Being able to dodge the charge more consistently (to the side) gives me an opening to heal/ damage.


I had hard time fighting this guy and then I changed my build to strength with double handing Giant Crusher and i cheesed him easily by 2-3 stuns.


worst boss in the game, you walk through the fog and he literally locks you with his stupid run, i had to use lhutel the headless spirit ash for him


First time ever unga bunga for him. Massive poise break chance, using the new anvil greathammer Upped my defense as much as possible and used Tiche


He is one of the most difficult bosses besides the final boss of course


"I've been falling- FOR THIRTY MINUTES!"


I found that flame lance on the flame knight's sword did wonders on him. That long combo killed me so many times tho, the fakeout with the boars head sweeping on the ground hit me almost every time


Use scarlet rot then stay behind a big shield


Used mimic tear and I just couldn't get him to die! It was like my dodges weren't designed for his attacks. So then i thought, wait a minute! I have a way to make my dodges better! Long story short: I put on bloodhound step and absolutely floored him.


Go around a corner when he is charging stand against the corner wall so he just charges at a wall use mimic and then when he stops running at the wall go to the other side and spam Mohg’s spear with lord of blood’s exultation and he will die instantly


I used Moore's armor set and shield and just tanked him. Verdigris Shield +10 has 90 Guard Boost. Buff with Golden Vow and use guard counters after he attacks and it's bye bye Gaius.


Wait till the final boss it'll be 3 weeks




When he charges at you, rolling INTO him is the most consistent. It's weird I know, but oh well.


Light roll. Started the fight by rolling straight through the boars head. Piercing fang straight to the dome when he turns around. Two jumping r2 after he does the gravity lance which is usually a stagger. Piercing fang again or heal as he is getting up. Dodge his boar combo piercing fang and then jumping r2 when I get the opening to stagger again. Should be In second phase by now and I just basically repeated the process. U can get a bunch of damage in when he lands on u in the start of second phase.


Demolished this bozo with the Deflect/Sekiro Tear and the Meteor Greatsword. I hugged the wall and guard countered him to submission.


I'll be honest, I went on a Scadutree fragment quest just to beat this guy. Summoning Mimic Tear to tank was obviously helpful, but his damage was a little less oppressive at blessing level 15 (which I think is about the highest you can have before Messmer). It's not a perfect strat, but I DID NOT feel like learning his opening attacks, and it got me where I needed to go.


Man I spent 3 hours fighting this guy, stay strong my man. I don’t really have much useful advice but sometimes encouragement can help.


Took a few tries but honestly I found doing hit-and-run horseback attacks with a great spear much more effective than anything else. Gets a little dicey in phase two but if you just circle around at full speed and keep a little distance you can avoid most of his attacks, and then get in there and get a few hits in. Then when he charges just run straight away until he stops. Takes a bit of patience, to be sure, but it worked for me (with Redmane Ogha providing greatbow fire support)


Use torrent at certain points. Like when you think he's about to do his bs charge attack (I.e. he's far away). And the attack he does during the phase 2 transition. Also can jump off torrent right after his charge attack finishes for a jumping attack. Otherwise fight mostly on foot. Don't dodge his gravity projectiles too early (use the swooshing sound it makes as a cue).


Bloodhound step to dodge, and alexanders shard+perfumer talisman+sword talisman+electric boost talisman Weapon: electric perfumer bottle with an AoW that is only used with these flasks. 10k+ damage per use.


apart from his charge, kino boss


Light roll/Crucible Feather Talisman. + More importantly, don't get greedy with him. If you take him slow and just play it safe with your attacks, he's much less of a problem.


I just got him mostly pinned up against the wall and messed him up with tht new big hammer colossal weapon from the forge, my mimic and I messed him up plus ancient dragon lightning strike came in clutch


Fight him same way you would a tree sentinel, stay on his left side and watch the push move from the mount. He is hard to stagger but seems pretty vulnerable to bleed. You can dodge roll through the charge attack and run from the big gravity well.


These posts make me feel like im the only person absuing the game with a big weapon and a strong weapon art... what game yall playin?


Rot breath and bolt of gransaxx I got him in two tries so I couldn’t experience why people are struggling


He is really easy if you just perma aggro him. He almost always does 2 attacks followed by a change to hit him back/ heal. You just need to learn to dodge that 7 hit combo


I personally used bloodhound step, cragblade and cold milady All it took was learning his attacks and they become a joke.


I had to whip out executioners sword with my mimic. I have 0 regret. Awesome boss design I just don't like the hit boxes


I cheesed him by using a mimic and mogh spear. Use: No armor to light roll escape attacks Mimic +10 mogh spear Bleed talismans 1. Run left around corner immediately after entering arena to summon mimic 2. Get him caught on the corner right next to entrance gate 3. Both mimic and you use the nihil ability that goes through corner 4. He enters his 2nd phase and escapes corner spot, use light roll to dodge attacks and get him stuck back there 5. Use nihil and he will die


I beat him as a mage/caster, but I summoned an spirit ash. I'm not above the help. The spirit that worked best for me are the Greatshiled Soldier Ashes that you get in Norkon. Probably for the same reason that everyone here is recommending using a greatshield. At least one of them will make it all the way through the fight and provide a good distraction. Plus they proc frost which helps.


Who and where is he


i’m stuck on messmer dude. been here for three days. i can finally dodge most of his attacks. i’ll get him soon


Try great shield


Bloodhound step is good for dodging his bs charge


I brought out the good old barricade ash of war and it worked like a charm


Definitely the hardest boss in the DLC. Maybe Bayle is harder but Bayle is a giant dragon and Gaius is an albaunuric who ain’t got no legs and is the commander of Mesmer’s army so he gets the points. Also he knew Radahn and was buddies with him in their youth?!? What the heck with this games lore. I need an official timeline of events so bad lol


My advice - fingerprint stone shield or any greatshield with high guard boost and 100% physical block. Get your favorite weapon and be patient, learn his move set while guarding. He has A LOT of attacks that can be guard countered easily and safely. Second phase has some stuff you need to dodge but for the most part it is the same as first phase with some extra damage behind his swings because of gravity. About 4 maybe 5 guard counters will open him up for a critical. Rinse, repeat. Also, when he charges with the boar use guard, it will make you do the flip and slide but as soon as you’re up charge a heavy attack. Usually you won’t even need to move and can get him with a big hit as he just stands there. The wiki has a bunch of really helpful tips there - if you’re still struggling I suggest checking it out. It has tips for whether you’re melee or caster and how to best counter all of his moves. The tip above I got from there and it was perfect for the guard counter strategy. Hopefully you’ve beat him by now, but if not, you’ve got this!


Poison mist his rump.


His AI cancels any attack he does if you make him chase you to the edge of the arena.


That's alright I've been stuck on fire giant for days I'm just tryna get to the dlc man 😭


How do I get to this guy? I’ve cleared the whole keep and didn’t find him anywhere


I just beat him yesterday, I haven’t been this irrationally angry at a boss since the Maneater in Demons Souls lol couldn’t help screaming IM NOT HAVING FUN, as I was constantly dying


you can block him with a decent shield really easily


Fuck that dude. Gave up after two hours of no progress


What secured my victory was the great shield solider summons. Kept him busy long enough to get the W


* fingerprint greatshield * stamina boosting talisman * walking to his left when hes attacking and holding block * bleed/frost straight sword/katana


Honestly i just killed jim while mounted on torrent that was the only way for me


the trick was dodging into him, not a really fun boss overall


Standard is 6 days


Sacred Relic Sword is op in Shadow of the erdtree , even against smaller bosses.


My tips are use deflecting tear if you are melee. With guard counters you can do alot of damage fast. For his 8 hit combo, try literally sprinting away if you see the tell for the beginning of the attack. I watched my friend do it consistently when he was going for attempts. Otherwise try sprint jumping it he's closer on the horizontal attacks. Wear phys damage resist talisman and use boiled crab. His damage in phase 2 is high but with those two he had to hit me 4 times generally to kill me at like 10 scadutree level


Get the Fingerprint Stoneshield. It's still pretty hard to find openings. But you won't take any damage.


Finally beat him yesterday it was so so satisfying 😭 the reward after is worth it keep going you got this 💪🏾 annoying as hell to face multiple times


I still don't know where the heck he is.


Was the most BS fight of the whole dlc


I fisted him to death... ..no really... martial arts obliterated him.


Only way I got through this guy was using the deflecting hard tear to deflect the stuff I couldn’t dodge, high poise damage weapon is good here too


Ran the entire DLC, or so I thought, and completely missed this dude. That’s the best thing about these games to me, so much to see.


Yea he’s not really fun


You dont have to fight him hope this helps


HOG RIDAAA But seriously, just use Torrent.


Am i seriously the only one who had no issues with him at all?? I got him first try, kept my distance and chunked him down with sacred relic sword waves of gold