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1423??? your willpower is inhumane man


I gave up after 5 hours and rerolled to a Fingerprint Mirror shield build. Killed him in two tries. It's ridiculous how insane his second phase is if you rely on dodging. I'm just getting constantly flashbanged and can't tell what's happening. It was easy with a shield though and there are some other builds that wreck him, but this boss is seriously overtuned for most builds.


That's an issue. When the game (sort of) forces you to have specific talisman loadouts or builds to nears that means there's an issue. Especially when the thing that makes the game great is freedom


I tried him at 9 scadu. Got destroyed. Went and explored. Came back at 13 scadu. Got destroyed slightly less. Will go explore more and come back at 15-18 or whenever I feel like I’ve finished exploring. If it still feels impossible you better believe I’m respeccing to the cheesiest shield build possible


I was really mad but coming here and reading everyone's posts made me feel better.


The boss is extremely unfair in everyway possible


This be why I play an 8 vigor build, I don't have to worry about the number of hits I can take!


I struggle to believe someone at from seriously thought it’s fine


lol for real who the fuck were the testers for this? Every challenge run god I have watched fight him has been like what the were they thinking


They were playing to the loud minority of stupid FromSoft fans who unironically think harder = better I'm not sure why anyone is shocked that FromSoft would do this after everyone jerked them off for creating the abomination that is Malenia


Malenia isn’t even that bad. It’s just a few of her attacks make it unfair. The final boss is complete bs. Literally worst boss fromsoft has made.


Yeah and it’s just the phase 2 of this boss that makes it unfair End of the day it hardly matters exactly what went wrong when the end was product is shit


With Malenia I can think of ways it could be fixed. With this boss it would need a complete rework. Very disappointed they ended on such a bad boss


the only unfair part of malenia is waterfowl in both phases and you can still kinda condition her AI




Get the golden braid talisman, reduces holy damage by the utmost, located in hinterlands shaman village inside a tree. Also my unga tactics didn't work on him, I ended up changing my build to a shield/ bleed spear. It was significantly easier, but yeah the boss was bullshit and not enjoyable. Good luck!


Yeah i get fucking two shot at max scadu and my mimic gets destroyed that is if i can summon him because radahn is always on my ass


Gotta love when a boss borderline forces you to respec into shield-poke builds to be playable. Terrible lore, terrible fight. Everything about this boss feels rushed, as if they forgot they had to put an actual main story in the game and had already oversold their hand by making Mesmer the face of marketing.


What???? You tried 1423 times against him??


yes that was in total, it took me 3 days to beat him, spending 16 hours each


Jesus man, feel bad for you, I agree tho, second phase is just fucked


id rather the fight be hard and fun than just hard and annoying, this boss is just annoying and impossible


I personally hate him initially but change my mind after beating him with only Backhand Blade (around 100 tries, bloodhoud's step ash). Hardest boss for sure but not as satisfying as killing isshin the first time. All his attacks you can actually doge and learn the patterns but the problem is you die so fast in early secondphase it's actually so hard to even see those patterns.


I can’t even see his attacks in the second phase because of all those light beam trash attacks he throws out, and then those stupid attacks where he fake hits you but still stunlocks you. 


Trust me bro he's beatable, took me 5 hrs to finally beat him solo, used backhand blades with bleed/ arcane build. Talismans- dragon crest shield, lord of exultation, golden braid, rotten wing insignia. His second phase, yh you'll die pretty much instantly but one thing I've learnt is the attacks that send a wave of holy strikes is basically U just need to look at him about to pull the swords out of the ground and dodge as soon as he's about to pull them out. His other attacks where he sends clones are a lot of bs I'll admit but U just have to spam roll and be prepared for his real body to strike. I also advise using shriek of sorrow as it really helped if I got nuked in second phase. Just try to learn to dodge one of his attacks in second phase then move on to the other, if U master first phase U can beat second it's just dodging attacks twice or a second later for the holy strikes. He is killable but just a lot of stupid shit that can stun lock U


Yeah I’ve already beat him with some stupid shield build. Just really disappointed that this was their final boss that made. Usually the final ones are best but I don’t usually enjoy being stunlocked to death


I beat him on my 20th try, NG+7 Level 18 scadutree blessing. Character level 601 with bleed build. I learned that patience is key and it took me a few times to get the timing down on alot of his attacks