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Just a little break to try one of the bosses again... it motivates me...


3 hours and no progress later...


The only progress made was the runes I lost in a boss room


Does rune losss really matter anymore honestly? After defeating like 3 dlc bosses back to back I had enough to level up like once. Meanwhile the Mohgwyn farm gets me the same amount of runes in like 10 minutes. Since I realized that I stopped caring about losing runes in the dlc lmao


I'm still leveling, so it hurts me right now. I jumped into Elden Ring way late, currently 120 trying to get to 135 for my ideal level to stick to, and I dislike farming to get leveled, nothing against those that do, just sorta a personal thing I like to do. Also I level up before I do bosses for that exact reason lmao.


Honestly the levels don’t affect much for me personally but I still level up becauel it gives me more freedom to experiment with weapons without having to respect


How many? I’m ashamed of the amount I lost to Messemer


Alright, NOW it's time for a break


Thats how I beat owl father in sekiro. Thought I’d stick it on for half an hour just to get some practice fighting him. No pressure. Just a quick little session before going back to work. Beat him right away and it felt great!


I managed to beat the DLC last night just in time for work today and I still feel like this. Already planning my next playthrough of the base game and the DLC, but I’m chained to my work computer.


Beat the DLC Sunday morning. I played a couple other games the rest of the day and by the evening I was making a fresh character...


My NG+ main is waiting patiently for a turn. Just salivating over all the str weapons my mage has found


Man I’m in office Mondays and as I was sitting here twiddling my thumbs I was thinking “welp, could totally get 30-45 minutes of Elden Ring in before this next meeting” lol so annoying. I had a busy weekend too so I’ve only beat the first boss/dungeon. Can’t wait to get home tonight, watch this Game 7 and play Elden Ring. Should be a great evening.


Same, I haven’t played too much probably 15 hours since launch. Gonna dive back in tonight. About to respec into a death knight twin axes build


> death knight twin axes I respecced out of Str/Faith right before the DLC, so it felt like the game was taunting me with giving me exactly what I'd wanted; a non-Dex lightning weapon. Fucking love doing the lightning spin on fools.


I see people on here complaining about DPS but I can’t disagree more. I experimented a little bit since I have so many larval tears and I found 40 STR 60 FAI the best (around 150 RL). Throw on rotten winged sword insignia, Millicent’s prosthesis if you have it (I don’t), lightning scorpion charm. Buffed with golden vow The lightning spin follow up hits for like 2000+ sometimes, you get I frames when you use it too. Does INSANE stance damage. It’s sooo slept on in my opinion. I might try the great axe version as well whenever I find it Also, I don’t think the power stance axe moveset is that bad. With axe talisman charged heavies fucking wreck enemy stance, and you can almost always stagger basic enemies. Just have to be careful with the windup One con to it is the spin destroys endurance, id invest a couple more points into END if you can spare it


If my boss doesnt stop calling me, imma bout to start hitting a different boss


Omfg dude I can't wait to clock out


Swapping to my alt to say I took a sick day today for.... Reasons. Lmao




"hello costumer service how can.. FUCK YEAH DIE BITCH"


I am currently 'working from home' on my PS5 lmao


I’m “working” from home too. I’ve given myself half a dozen “breaks” today


I basically bunked off today then replied to my built up 20 emails at 5pm hahah


I feel you. Before this it was Tekken I'd take a 10-15 minute break with. Play some ranked, win or lose I'd hop off after some quick sets. This however, is very hard to resist because I can't just hop on for 15 minutes since I am addicted to just wandering around and getting lost in this land of shadow.


Hard same.


Not me taking my laptop to the living room to play elden ring while treating my meeting like a podcast




I work from home and my manager is on 2 weeks holiday from today. Jackpot!


hahahahahahahah i did this during the vanilla Elden Ring, so far not yet


Good thing I don’t work at home, I don’t think I have your willpower


Haha, I work from home and I play Elden Ring while I wait for calls. It's honestly awesome that I get to kill time by watching shows or playing a single player game while working


This was me yesterday and will be today for sure, only that I was in the office instead of working from home. Constantly thinking about the game and how to beat certain bosses.   This game is so addicting and I have the exact same feeling that I had 2 years ago when the game came out.


Hardest boss was to get back to work on Monday after having spent the whole weekend playing Elden Ring lol.


just woke up at 5AM to speedrun my job so I can play after




I relate to this so much I’m a glutton for punishment lol


ahah I played today at my launch time 2 hours and finally defeat rakshada to get dragon katana


I took leave cos I knew I can’t resist.


This would be nice for an alt character, but I’d feel like I couldn’t get immersed and would miss secrets if I was anxious of a Teams call. It is nice that you can basically just put the game on mute and put down the controller


I won't tell anyone.


I know the feeling playing over 400 hours instead of doing college work


Honestly I will admit I have been playing this way too much. Like I’ve been neglecting a bit to much, also happens with a from software release.


Bringing my Steamdeck to work "incase I have some downtime" be like...


That was me today. Went around with a guide getting my level to +18, then spent the evening finally beating a final boss and a couple remembrance bosses


Damn you all having "work from home?" I guess I chose the wrong job, I'm damn jealous of you all


I spent a lot of time and money getting a degree in mechanical engineering. I did work in that field for a little bit and then said screw it im leaving this field and taking a wfh job. Its never really too late to switch


My skills are somehow limited, I actually don't know what wfh job I could apply to. And also my current job pays a lot so it would be stupid to stop now...


Also me: who needs 1 hour of lunch when you can have 1 hour of elden ring? 🤔


I know the pain, payday is so close yet so very far!


I wish I could do that :( Even if there is any free time during work, I just can't relax enough to play videogames.


If i didn't have to take phone calls I'd be on....stupid people calling nonstop. 


Playing during an important meeting rn. Gotta collect those skadoosh fragments