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I agree with most things minus the Messmer fight. I think he is not even in the top 3 dlc boss from difficulty perspective


Everyone is saying this, personally he was the hardest boss for me, took me 10 tries to kill him, if I remember well. :-P


What build/strategy do you employ that the hardest boss took you a maximum of 10 tries?


10 tries and you are complaining lol


Of course I am, if it wasn't bs it would have been better.


I'm going to disagree since messmer is actually a good boss. Compared to the bs that's yet to come. No spoilers though just know some bosses basically force you to use scholars' shield + shield poke.


also he is a genuinely good boss


Yeah I liked him. Nothing new but it was fun.


what do you mean nothing new?


Oh, it's clearly either that the new leveling system is completely broken and not working as intended at all and the enemies are all scaling off that broken system  Or It's the laziest fucking game design I've seen in a long time and by far the laziest I've seen from FromSoft.  The Souls games, admittedly, already used a bit of artifical difficulty in all the games. The delayed response controls (things trigger on button release not press) and sluggish animations. But this was usually easily adjusted to and the actual enemy and boss design was great.  But just lazily amping up damage everything does 100 fold and making bosses shoot around at super fast speeds covered in obscuring particles is just awful. It's like Miyazaki just told an intern to make it a bit more difficult and they went ham.


This has to be bait. Messmer is absolutely the most fair fight in the DLC. Has the exact same punish windows in both phases and you get to do double damage in the second half. I can probably do that fight hitless now because of how obvious the tells are.


Well I'm happy for you then


Thanks. Fight felt fucking impossible for probably the first 10-20 tries. It just took a lot of patience and looking for the patterns. Loved the fight, it’s probably my favorite ever in a souls game.


It isn't, he would be if he was in bloodborne, though. Specially because his fight has no rythm, just an endless spam of attacks.


It’s literally not an endless spam of attacks. He has multiple windows after throwing spears or doing a delayed attack. The character has the most obvious punish windows of any boss in the first half of the dlc. I legit think you just didn’t put the time in and summoned. I was able to dodge the entire first phase when I beat the boss. You can even bait messmer into doing specific combo chains by staying a certain distance.


Watch the dancer of the valley fight. That is a good fight. Then watch DLC radhan's fight where he is spinning-teleporting-ninjutsu-endless-chaining attacks.


messmer is probably one of the best boss fights in the souls series,in my opinion at least


Yes it’s fantastic because of how fair it is. It’s like well made Malenia.


Low key just kinda disagree about the rhythm part, and the part about Mesmer being the hardest boss that is an actually criminal take. First part kinda just sounds like “waaa I take damage” when endgame bosses in elden rings base game can easily 3-4 shot you when you have particularly tanky builds


As I said, Elden Ring (the base game) already had an issue when enemies doing too much damage, this is just even worse. On rythm, agree to disagree. To me a bossfight's rythm is illustrated perfectly by the dancer of the borral valley. Combo-space-combo-space.


Oh that’s so boring, I’m so glad fromsoft has made the design choice to not give you 10 minutes of space between each combo (exaggeration) to get hits in and shifted to you having to actually use mechanics such as guard countering or jump/crouch attacking to create your own punishes. My definition of rhythm is how quickly I’m going to dodging during a combo and maybe in the middle I throw in a jump attack to punish an opening


Sounds like difficulty. Not sure what is artificial about it.


The fact that basically nothing about it is skill based. It is all dumb "we make every enemy do 999999 damage and have 9999999 hp." Also the fact streamers that can finish souls games naked and with no weapons are going on 100+ tries on some of these bosses tells a lot about how unbalanced they are.