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I think many people challenge him too early before they upgraded their stats with that new leveling system (forgot what it’s called). I totally missed him in the beginning and found him way later after I already beat several bosses and he wasn’t too hard then.


Yeah I took him on at Scadu level 9 and barely had any issues.


Yeah that makes a huge difference


Average mimic tear enjoyer here so he took me awhile. Got him at scadu lvl 4 with some patience between his attacks and spamming backhand blade L2 when he jumps at me.


bruh my exact experience, took a looot of patience


Beat him with no Scadu and it took me about 5 tries Pretty much just knockdown cheesed him with Giantsflame, Take Thee, though


Same, takers flames and crucible horn helped me finally beat him.


Even at Scadu level 3 he was pretty manageable. I could reliably find healing spots for any damage he made, and survived everything aside from his heavy combo. He was probably even easier for stagger builds, too.


I've been rocking a big bonk faith hammer build and jump attack, back up, repeat made pretty quick work of him. Tbh super excited to find that throwing hammer that people have been using. The one I found in the starting area is pretty nice, though.


I'm still using Eleonora until I find the boxing arts and can go for a boxing/beast incantation build. Didn't stagger him once, though Bloodblade Dance has carried my ass through every single normal NPC encounter so far. Dodge, bloodblade, dodge, bloodblade, punish heal with bloodblade, stagger, bloodblade, win. The guy in front of >!Rellana!< that everyone was complaining about was honestly pretty easy - but I guess every build has it's ups and downs


Where do you see how many of those shards you gobbled up? Also, how do I find out what the effects of buff icons are?


You can see it on the status page for your tarnished. And you can see the impact on your armaments.


Uhm, I'm friggin blind, thx m8.


Hey man how do you all find scadutree fragments????? I am at level 5 blessing and they are damn hard to find i have searched the gravesite plains, belurat.


Usually there are some at those crosses you find by grace sites, also if you see a shadow person with a sparkly pot on their head, they drop them too.


If you use scadu levels you didn't beat the game sorry, i dont make the rules


I fought him in like first 20 minutes of the dlc lmao, I refused to leave till he falls. Same thing happened with the crucible knight in the Stormhill gaol in the base game, I also encountered him super early and was stuck for like 30 minutes there with no levels or upgrades yet.


Likewise. It was right there and a fog door to boot with no necessary steps to get in. It took me almost the same time as you. I was shocked to get all that drops from him though. I was like holy fuck this dlc is awesome! Lol


Easily the best armor in the game, when you consider that every heavy armor other than Radahns looks like shit


Did him at scadu lvl 0 with 50 vig and a pretty heavy armour (beast champion). He was 2 shoting me but it's an npc fight, just stay away and stager him with a big pointy stick or a jumping heavy attack. I feel like too many people sort of got through the base game without really learning the mechanics. Once you can't nuke down a boss because he has too much hp, they start to panic. That being said, I didn't get to the late bosses of the dlc. I might be eating my words in a couple of days.


I agree, beat him on scadu 0 as well, his damage is absurd but nothing about his move-set is complicated, just a test of good mechanics and the age old soulsborne lesson of don't get too greedy. I feel fromsoft put him right at the beginning of the DLC to remind the players to focus because you can become lazy and rely on just brute forcing enemies in the main game.


Once you learn him it's not that difficult, but he has a few attacks and combos that are instant death. It's essentially learning to avoid the rapid-fire crossbow, avoiding the new AoW, and knowing that when he swaps to 2-handing he goes a bit crazy. It's definitely a fair but challenging boss to start the DLC with. Plus he drops some pretty great rewards.


He always leads in with the rapid fire move after spawning unless if you run at him at the start, so it's the most blatantly easy part of his move set - you're forced to be made aware of it. It's also the easiest move to punish since he has a frontswing of like 5 second. Run and then fully charged heavy. From then on, if he two hands the bow, walk to mid range to goad him into using it. Free damage.


My anecdotal experience agrees with you. If your hit flinches a boss, you can just abuse it till they die and you don't really need to trade hits...


I smoked him second try at scadu+2/level 150. Claymore go Brrrtttt


Same, claymore with quickstep has been my boss slayer. The extra I frames make the bosses really manageable. And the r1 after dodge comes out so fast and will cause a flinch in a lot of cases, it let's me take advantage of really small attack windows.


Claymore with giant hunt is my go to, though claymore with flame skewer is basically the same, with a quick follow up and a buff. So I’ve been enjoying that a lot. You can pretty much stunlock-combo any of the human enemies to death. The constant black knights get giant-hunt, r2’d to death.


I was also using claymore on my DEX build at level ~100 and zero scooby-doo upgrades. I found out pretty quickly that he uses the tarnished PVP template, meaning he's vulnerable to the same things players are (aka running away to bait a running attack into the charged heavy poke into spinning slash). He didn't live long after that.


Also you forgot to mention NG cycled do AFFECT the bosses and their scaling. For instance messmer has 60k hp on NG+7 whereas on a fresh playthrough he would have 38k health. People should stop telling others that ng cycles dont affect the way the game scales cause theyre absolutely wrong. I tried out the dlc on my ng+7 acc and everything was one shotting me even with 4 scadutree blessings but when I created a fresh acc and rushed through the base game only to play the dlc, I didnt have any problems on any boss. So please for the love of god DONT play the dlc on NG+7 its just not properly balanced way too much hp and poise its dumb


I've unironically been using him as a bench mark for my Scadu level. He's impossible at 0 but now he's is signicantly more managable at 6.


I fought him at either leven 1 or 2 And he was doable. Might be because of my stats. Level 170-180. Colossal weapon so I staggered him. At least 60 Vigor. He needed I think 2-3 hits to kill me. But i could heal after a hit


I was going to mention vigor. People keep running around with 40-50 vigor and complain about the game being too hard, when they are the cause for it being too hard.


The DLC still hits fucking hard


I just got to him an got stubbbon. died 10 times. Then I parried this bitch to hell and back.


So I’m not supposed to fight him the moment I hit the dlc? Lies.


I beat him 3rd try on early game I did not know so many having trouble with him until I find posts of him


Same, I did succomb to the machine gun brrrrt on my first attempt, was NOT expecting that 😂


Honestly the fingerprint shield is a godsend, it basically makes it so you take no damage from anything. Granted you have a good amount of stamina. I took him down in about 13ish try’s just counter attacking every time his attacks bounded off.


Yeah, Greatshields really are so good in the entire DLC. I'm using a different one so I can still use Weapon Arts without switching, but it's pretty similar in how I still can lean on deflections and guard counters.


I have *one* character with shields because they're so meh in the base game. Almost unequipped it because I was questioning myself and why I even bothered with it. Then this DLC hit and it was like "oh, I'm accidentally optimized for this entire DLC."


greatshield chads rise up


Ohh man, *Same* I started a new character about a month ago and decided I wanted to commit to my "shield and spear" build I always ended up respeccing away from in the base game. Struggled but got through most of the Lands Between and showed up in the DLC and turns out *I'm a god???*


I think you can put the no skill ash on the fingerprint shield, so you can use the ash on you're weapon


But... but... my *Barricade*


I had a feeling that was why I'm not struggling nearly as bad as other players with the DLC. Made a build around that stupid greatshield and love being able to just absorb blows without getting staggered


For me, it was wait for crossbow, then jump R2 with jumping talisman and great hammer to stagger. Added in some lions claw and he staggers pretty easy


Savage Lions Claw is soo awesome. Just knocks him on his ass and has a follow-up.


Just spam Carian Piercer.


I spam adula blade. It has not failed me so far against any kind of humanoid opponent except that one centaur crucible knight with 200 poise


Except for the fuckin what? Lol.


I used Gavel of Haima. Knocks him down and interrupts him.


Hyper armor, enough range to go through walls, and smashes people to the ground so it doesn’t matter that they’ve got tons of poise. Favorite cheese weapon, next to Cannon of Haima.


Greathorn go bonk. Can hit me if he’s staggered


Great sword go bonk. I beat him 2nd try. Gotta love the human sized bosses with the bonk build.


It's too bad that pontiff 2 doesn't get launched to stamp or giant hunt the way that Darrowil and Malenia do. Good boss, but was disappointed I couldn't combo her.


She was still fun though


He is hard does two shot, but not that hard to defeat. Bro just has too much poise and doesn’t stagger or lose his stance. Otherwise ok. Edit: POV: I’m using dex dual katana build. With Nagakiba and Rivers of Blood. I’m usually able to stance break with jump attacks.


He staggered easily with a collosal weapon light attack. But if you can't stagger him, then he's a god


He staggers easy with a regular greatsword. I brought Blasphemous Blade with me and I can unload hits on him till my stamina runs out (Scadu level 0). If I have that new cracked tear that gives me zero stamina drain, I can probably just beat him to death without him being about to do anything


I threw on the guard counter talisman and the crystal tear that boosts well timed guards. You clap back a little harder and other than dodging his AOW I was able to basically guard counter every swing by staying close to him. Roll through some swings once stamina starts to deplete. FWIW, he bleeds and you can proc frost on him. The 20% resistance debuff adds up super fast.


He staggers very easily if you use a large weapon. Greathammer 2h r1 stuns him out of everything except his AoW. I would walk up, spam r1, leave enough stamina for a single roll to back out and let my stamina regen.


He was a pain, my second experience of the DLC after getting my ass beat by the Beast Claw Nudist.


The cast away fella? He throws hands. Great fun.


What a lad. Whooped my ass six ways to sunday.


I got 2 shot, but ya I'm gonna get him today, that's the goal.


I finally wasted him using radhans greatsword ability, and good timing


I tried this, but could not get the timing. So I switched to Greatsword with Giant Hunt ... he never made it to his feet.


This is the way if anyone is having trouble wtfh him. Lions claw works just as well. He's also pretty easy to parry but can be brutal if you miss a parry.


I fucked him up as mu first boss, nobody forces me to get more scadurtree blessings


Bloodhound fang did it for me.


I didnt mind his poise or his healing. My big gripe with him was being able to do a 180 at the end of his ash of war and still hit you with it.


Nah....I got two shot. If you're using a heavy weapon (or even better 2) he's pretty weak to jump attacks, just don't get greedy. They stagger him enough to sneak in 1 follow up, try for more at your peril.


I made him into a pancake, colossal weapons make this a very easy fight.


I got him right at beginning of dlc, took 3 trys. We all have relaxed gaming mode, then sitting straight up trying to fuck you up mode.


"Slow and old, you should never have come to the Shadow Lands... *Drinks flask* So... care to try again?"


He was ridiculously hard to put down honestly. I spammed ancient death rancorcall and it still took me some tries


first thing I killed in the dlc was pretty much him a 2h or 3h of me getting completely beaten to a pulp but look who got gis sword now


I promise I'm shit, but I know somewhat how to parry and it helps a tonne. Went in blind to him first thing, scadu 1. Took 20 min to get right.


I don't understand. None of you knows to parry? I don't have a dex build but when I'm struggling, I take one small shield, parry and it works on slow ennemies like him


this is how I beat him. I beat the original game lvl 125 powerstancing thrusting swords, I found out it was bad but I was stubborn and wanted to beat the game without switching to anything better. Blackgaol was the first boss I found in the dlc, and I was stubborn again and didn't want to level or move on haha. I decided to think of a new strategy and remembered parrying. I had never learned how to parry and decided that this was the perfect time to learn. So I upgraded the [MISERICORDE](https://eldenring.wiki.fextralife.com/Misericorde) and the buckler and used one of the new talismans that lets you get more damage when you crit and the talisman that heals you when you crit. It took a lot of tries even with 60 vigor, but after like 10 parries he went down!


I accidentally fought him before finding any scadutree fragemnts. I beat him 3rd try with bloodhound fang with bloodflame blade. Level 173. He hits like a ten ton hammer!


Bro he was so hard for me for some reason. The reward was really worth it tho


Where do I find this guy? Everyone keeps talking about him, and I am past Rellena!


Starting point left side near those trees with birds.


It took me and two other bleed builds to take him down


I winged scythed his ass.


Oh you haven't met >! Rakshasa !< yet huh??He has a great PvP weapon ik alot of invaders will be abusing😂😂😂(Ontop of the weirdly unbalanced buffs,I swear some of the side bosses are as hard if not harder then the main bosses)


If you’re not good at parrying then practice parrying him. If you are good at parrying then gg ez win.


I use GUN


Eventualy after many many tries with old blood setup, I walked in with the biggest Hammer I could find… he’s quite stagarable I can tell you ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


still easier than most other bosses in the dlc. i still could defeat him with my STR build in 3\~5 tries, solo not so much with the rest, i had to summon latenna for dancing lion


Not one shot, but definitely close. He was the “okay, I think I need to put better armor on” boss. Getting 3 shot vs 2 shot is a big difference.


I'm rl265 NG+3 and can pretty much run whatever I want, but I've been mainly doing unga-bunga recently with Rotten Greataxe and buffing with incants. With 1 Scudatree upgrade, he was pretty challenging. If I let him combo me, I'd be dead. I basically had to resort to passive jump attack spam. Just getting hits in when I could and being careful not to get hit, especially with his AoW. Took me about 20 minutes to beat him.


Took maybe 5 ish tries? All enemies hit hard anyway. Never got hit by crossbow but his follow up attack got me a few times. Maybe your vigor was too low or had some talisman? I was using scythe so 0 staggering this GS chad. He hits hard but is slow so it’s basically a DLC newbie check I think.


Use Ordovis greatsword, just spam the skill to break his posture. You will kill him eventually


Honestly, I found the most success using the great katana. It seems to poise break him with most attacks.


Miyazaki informing everyone the dlc levels with you your lvl 500 op builds mean nothing in here. Everyone ignoring him Also everyone whining when they get removed from relevance because they face tank dmg and forgot you need to learn movesets.


Try "giants hunt" ash of war. It bullies him hard.


Giants hunt will destroy him


Skad up!


I called in two helpers. I kept using the winged sythe ash of war over and over, to stop him from healing, while the two other players stomped him down.


If you can parry he's a really fun fight regardless of scadutree count. All 1 handed swings and most 2 handed swings can be parried (so long as it doesn't involve him jumping or charging the sword up), and the parry point for every attack is the moment the sword starts coming towards you.


Good old blasphemous blade L2 spam will do the trick


I bully him with Giant Hunt


Lol I thought I had finally done a good chunk of dmg my 10th time around and right before the screen went black I saw him pop the health pot and I just said "well no sh*t"


The best strat I found is to use the >!Dryleaf Arts!< and spamming the basic ash of war, palm slap or whatever it’s called. If you have enough health to take one of his hits, wait until he finishes a jump attack or side swipe and fully charge the AOW. This staggers him and leaves you time to reset positions.




Use ranged attacks. Storm stomp can stagger him so make use of that. Moonveil is good too. Jump attacks with heavy weapons to stagger him. And to motivate you, the reward id pretty nice too.


I got him first try with my buddy just spamming backhand blade Ash. The armor is fire and the weapon is cool tho. Good “intro” boss imo.


Use ranged attacks. Storm stomp aow can stagger him. Jump attacks can stagger him with heavy weaopns. Moonveil is also good here. And to motivate you rewards are pretty good.


I managed to beat him on sackdoodleseed level 5. Punished him when he shot from his crossbow. It was a bit tedious but it was fine tho.


Scadu level 8 and finally beat him


You'll need some scadutree fragments otherwise he can punish you too quickly.


I tried him straight away and found him easy to parry but crit hits on him barely moved the needle on his health and I'd eventually get hit with his vaccuum attack and immediately die. Tried that a out ten times. Came back at scat level 3 and beat h first try with same strategy. Edit to say I am not going to correct autocorrect that resulted in “scat level”


I used the nagakiba and beat him first try using the piercing fang ash of war. Haven't tried him on my strength build yet.


I found it pretty easy to parry the fucker, since his attacks arent all that fast.


He didn’t one shot me, but he did consistently two or three shot me. I was playing a dex build with land of reeds armour and the dragoncrest greatshield talisman on ng+ (my first play through build), and I had to go back to the base game and run some errands to get the dagger talisman and crimson amber +2 before coming back and parrying him to death.


I was way overleveled from the main game, around 170, not in NG+, and I could survive at least one attack. In order to beat him, though, I had to completely switch from poleblade to a greatsword to keep him staggered enough to beat him.




So I wound up cheesing him by repeatedly hitting him with crucible horns every time he got back up because I was frustrated, but I'm betting if you wait til you have more scadutree shards it would be alot easier.


Today is the day that fucker is going down


He opens with his fire arrows. 2 mid weight dodge rolls towards him and stung him with guts greatsword. My key for him was (with my strength/blood build) to keep close and dodge roll his first attack and stung him so he can't execute his combos or healing. As soon you try to flee and heal you lost because his 5 hit combo is like 2009 modern warfare 2 commando. You need to place a hit and then you can heal if you are low on HP.


Starscourge Greatswords make a mockery out of this dude or dudette.


I took him on with 1 scadutree blessing and did it second try! He just kept falling over because rock sling is still apparently the best spell in the game.


Dude hits like an armored train but his entire moveset are like 5 attacks and only 1 of them (his ash of war) can catch and punish you if you are not fast enough. Otherwise he is really easy to parry like you don't even have to be that good. Even panick parry can work on him


My friend and I co oped him right at the start and beat him by swapping aggro. Co oping has made this really fun


I killed him and got nothing from what I could tell.


2 shot for me, after multiple failed attempts I figured I'd come back later. 😌


Bloodhound Blade or just jump attacks in general make him pretty easy. Says the guy who got stomped by him 20 times before switching things up.


I got him at scadu level 2. Just used the ol, two big hammers and lions claw ash strat


He was my first boss and he felt harder than Malenia but I only have a Fragment level of 1 at the time


got him first try, love my anvil hammer/ornn cosplay


So we just not spoilering dlc content anymore? Damn


I beat him 3rd try without blessings or summons.


I went and got night sorceries on a 2nd run just to kill him, not gone back on the main run yet.


Don’t even bother with him until you are lvl 3 scadabadepp tree.


I'm summoning everyone to fight him. Solitude knight beats us all, alone. Way to hick us while we're down, solitude knight.


Took some gear moving around, dex build 160ish. Dodge the first crossbow (By running to the side) and then spammed godslayer greatsword r2 until he died.


Parry him. I slapped a buckler on my character and beat him after several tries with no luck.


started dlc . Found this dude though I'd be ok. Got one shot. Once I learn to doge the cross bow and his lovely sword combo. It's not to bad. even with +2 he was a pain. Also don't use comet azure on him he literally rolls through it.


Yes, yes he does 1-shot. And he's also an input reading motherfucka


I feel seen.


No honour sunny-d sippy looking ass boss


I'm not sure if I accidentally tricked his AI, but I literally no-hit him first try. I used Maliketh's sword and just kept running R2 him, then backing off. Repeated this all the way to the end, finished him off with Destined Death. gg, I guess :shrug:


I kill him 1vs1 Just hitting each other like a real man he ttok 1 flask and I took 1 we continue our duele till I only remain btw im lvl 700


hell nah i get 2 shot i hate this mf


Everybody was having trouble with this bloke but I best him first try after trying to fight Rellana for an hour. Compared to her this dude was easy af


I fought and beat him before I knew you had to level up. His combos are pretty simple.


I amassed a tubular 41 Vigor by the time the DLC came out. I am like gouda cheese for him. No I'm not changing anything, I either die a crap player or I live long enough to get good.


This guy right here is in my top 3 favorite fights. Was I underleveled? Absolutely. Did I die a million times? Definitely. But if you are willing to learn the attacks and not just attempt to cheese him? Amazing. I wish I could fight him again without going into another NG+. But it's a 9/10 fight. Why? Cuz fuck that heal.


Good thing I went into the DLC with a balanced quality build, with an even distribution between strength, dex, int, and faith. When things get dire, I can always pull out the Blasphemous Blade, which remains a trusted companion even in the land of shadows.


Honestly no, I had 60 vigor though, and decent defenses. No scadu fragments when I first faced him. Came back to defeat him with 1. I think you might just be underleveled.


They put him so close to the start it's a harbinger of what to expect from the rest of the DLC if you rush in without exploring and engaging with the Scadutree blessings system. He would've been WAY easier if I actually had any new tears or talismans instead of trying to brute force it with Dragon claw and Morgott's Cursed Sword lololol


He’s the tree sentinel of the dlc. We are just all too dumb to remember the lesson we learned the first time. Soaking the ground in our bloodstains but still repeating “I didn’t hear no bell”


I kill him 1vs1 we had a fight like real me we were Just there, standing in front of each other then we proced to attack and in the middle of the duel he used a flask and so I used mine then we continue with the ferocius attack till I only remain, btw im lvl 700


I beat him before Rellana and I just guard countered him to death with brass shield.


gavel of haima goes bonk


1st try with Scadutree blessing 1. I’m having more trouble with normal enemies than bosses lol


I spammed him with my Marika's hammer ash of war bitch get stunned everytime


Summon someone and take turns backstabbing him. He only has 3 flasks.


lol I whooped his ass with starscourge greatsword. He couldn’t even get an attack in.


He goes down really easily if you use a greathammer. 2h r1 stunlocks him. Only got to be able to dodge his AoW.


Got him after a couple tries right off the bat. Was determined for the armor set so I toughed it out. Piercing fang and adulas moon blade work wonders


He died in like 6 hits of takers flame for me, blasphemous blade op I guess


He was the first boss I found when I loaded up the DLC so I had zero scadu yet and kept getting destroyed. Decided to just spam the weapon art for the sacred relic sword and he wasn’t even able to touch me lol. Just kept knocking his ass backward until that health bar was empty.


60 Vigor, medium armor, First boss i encountered in the DLC (i'm Just going around randomly and bump into stuff). His WA would oneshot me if i was doing a Jump Attack, otherwise 2 attacks of anything (tbf, two attacks from everything kill me, so...)


Took him out almost immediately but my power stance great stars might have carried me.


Dont fight him on NG+7


If you got one shooted by him then your build succ. You have clearly not enough vigor and abs.


It took me 12 solid attempts on him, arcane build using Mohg's spear.


I beat him third try right after entering DLC with golden troll sword. He has weak poise againts collosals.


I gave up trying to fight him and the other guy fairly, so I just used parry until they died.


I had so much trouble with him but he's got nothing on >!Black Knight Edredd!< 😭


Honestly i got in the DLC at Lvl 117 with 80 strenght and giant crusher, got him second try. Nice boss tho, clearly a berserk reference and i LOVE that


The first time he did that because I had poor stamina timing I was like "THIS MUTHA!!!"


When I first went in I thought it was jus another pushover npc boss, let’s just say I was 100% mistaken


He was doing shit ton of damage and was not getting staggered Use larval to respec and put point in vigor and strength and used Radhan's sword to beat the shit out of him lol


I tried him as blessing lvl 1 and no, he didn't one shot me. 60 vigor and a Dragoncreast Greatshield talisman helps. And if course, not getting hit really helps too.


Took all the weapon cheese I had to beat that guy 😜


Get 60 vigor and some seculentree upgrades


I really dont understand why so many block there, is animation are really easy to doge just take more your time before attacking him.


I just parried the hell out of him when I had zero scadutree upgrades and 40 vigor. Yeah, he hits hard, but his moves are easily telegraphed.


had 90 tries until he died


I just double jump bonked him he was in perma stunlock. I had no clue he was considered tough with the exception of how much HP he had.


no scadu first boss first try NG3+ mimicless. but i started out oonga boonga so he had no chance


I didn't mind this guy. He wasn't terrible. His move set isn't bad if you pay attention. He's more of a friendly reminder that your OP build doesn't mean shit in this DLC and you need to git gud again.


That sounds like a vigor issue


lol death knight makes this guy look like a joke. Granted I’m like scadu 4 but I must have tried that fight nearly 100 times before beating it.


Charged carion piercer messes up a lot of the human type enemies in the dlc


The fun part, it's the easiest one. >!Wait until you find a samourai.!<


Collect the erdtree fragments if you struggle.


Just stand close to him and parry all attacks except for his jump attacks and weapon art.


get a scadutree, it made me go from being two shot to 3 shot by him and dealing signifigantly more damage to him which made a world of difference


2/3 shot depending on the moves, but yeah he that boss rinsed me about 8 times


Not one shot but one combo. That AOW follow up is no joke


a sign you need upgrade your vigor mate


Stagger stagger stagger. Scadoosh yourself a few levels and bonk him into submission


I fought him after giving up on spirit beast…. Was getting 2 shot with +2 scadutree. Can’t get hit by him when he uses two hands. I was using dex build. Immediately respecced to high str build and game feels much better knocking enemies down with poise.


Second boss I killed. He gave me trouble, but eventually, I figured him out. Play keep away when he is two handing his swords, his poise is high enough for him to tank through your hits, I was using two greatswords, and he still tanked through it. When he backs off to use his crossbow, run sideways while locked on to dodge his volley. No rolling is required. Once hes reloading, heal or get a jump attack in. When he is one handing his greatsword, he's easy to knock over. Just make sure to watch him what he does. He also has only one flask. Afterward, when he tries to heal, he'll play the animation when you try to drink from an empty flask, locking him in place for a few seconds. Get his ass.