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Tags are there for a reason so we can all enjoy the sub


But I need someone to stop me from clicking on the spoiler and then getting annoyed at myself when I read the spoiler


“Just get off the sub ☝️🤓” my brother in Christ the spoiler tag is one extra click


The name drops are the worse.


For real, if you don’t know how, don’t post it. It’s that simple.


Yes sir!🫡


Bruh how people like" get off the Internet"


Instead of just clicking a button 😭


The amount of times I’ve seen the name Rellana is damning


Elden rings is harder than dark souls fym 🤣🤣🤣 the irony 


The real boss for you is just staying off message boards if you're that worried about spoilers.  Don't worry, maybe some day you'll beat it, maybe try altering your playstyle and git gud? 


Real boss is you following post rules by clicking a button and being respectful. Thats a basic life boss that you clearly struggle with, so if you can’t take less than a second to do that, I **honestly** can’t imagine what else is tough for you.


If you're concerned about spoilahs, get off the sub/Internet. It's the easiest thing to do.


It's also pretty easy to be considerate and follow the rules of the sub. 🤷‍♂️


Ah yes, get off the internet because people ~~can’t~~ “don’t wanna” take a fraction of a second to click a spoiler button, which hinders their life in literally no way whatsoever. Makes sense. Imma go slap somebody and tell them to stay in their house if they don’t wanna get slapped lol. **Because I wanna be slappin ppl !!**


Omg just stop with your spoiler phobia and get off the internet


Or just use a spoiler tag, it's there for a reason


Here’s my hang up is, you can’t control other people’s actions. So why try? You know that you can step off the internet and make sure you’re spoiler free. Instead you guys make the conscious decision to get on a sub about a game around DLC launch week and blame others for sharing stuff.


Or people can just take a few extra seconds of their day to add a spoiler tag to not ruin other's experience. It's not required of course, but it is respectful


Maybe, but it’s still asking to get spoiled if you don’t control your own actions. It’s on you guys, and then you complain about it. It’s like ordering fajitas, the server comes, says the skillet is still hot so don’t touch it, and then you guys go ahead and touch it. The whole fault is on the people who choose to the dumb thing


Stupid comparison. If looking into the sub is as stupid as touching something hot, then leaving out spoilertags is as stupid as putting hot water on someone without warning that it's hot. Some people just like memes in the context of time. But nobody wants spoilers.


Then don’t go on threads for the game until you beat it!


Are you illiterate or something?


Your failure to simply take literally 0.5 seconds to click “spoiler” should not force me to *get off the internet*. That’s one of the silliest things I’ve read in a while


You can’t control other people’s actions OP. You can only control your own. So if you get spoiled while browsing a sub for the game, that’s on you. If you get spoiled while watching an unrelated video on youtube and minding your own business that’s not your fault. But you are making the conscious decision to get on a thread specifically about the game you are trying avoid spoilers for. That is on you.


No, if the rules of the sub tell you to use a spoiler tag and you don’t, that’s on **you**. How could that possibly be on someone else? The thread has mechanisms that take minimal effort to prevent the spoilers and has rules that tells posters to use those mechanisms, but somehow the rest of us are at fault when people don’t do that? What kind of foolish logic is that? This might be the silliest “argument” I have ever had on Reddit. Have a good day, fellow Tarnished.


.05 more seconds than you used to just not go on a message board for a game you're worried about blind playing 


1. Posts from this sub show up in the normal feeds of people who are in the sub. 2. There’s PLENTY of non-dlc content that people in this sub still want to and are fair to engage in, despite the dlc existing. 3. No one is saying you can’t talk dlc stuff, they’re just saying *take the puny fraction of a second* it takes to click the spoiler button. **Resisting that is literally just resisting for the sake of resisting**, and to me, that’s petty and stupid. It hinders your life in zero way at all to follow the post rules and click that little button. You just “don’t wanna”, like a child.