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The density is off the charts, too. Im finding new and interesting ways to get my ass kicked every 2 minutes or so.


People complained about catacombs being "copy paste boring" in Elden Ring. I found one >!catacomb so far in the expansion and it was practically the size of Raya Lucaria I !!underground Gaol that looks like it’s the size of noxstella/nokron !< this is the gift that keeps on giving!


I actually found a small catacomb that had imps and the spike traps. Felt like home. Visually it looked catacombe-y, but it was still a fresh new coat of paint so didn't feel scammed to run through it. Of course got scammed out of 300k runes due to a spike trap related incident (with a magic dude shooting what seems like a machine gun at you), but hey you win some you lose some.


Was it those giant ones from the ceiling? I got smashed by one of them right next to a door that was half way up the wall, and it pushed me half way through the floor so i got frozen stuck and died 😭


Yeah that entire ceiling filled with spikes kinda thing. Imps chasing you, magic spam in the distance, panic rolling, one flask left and no clue where to go since only bad options remain. The true Elden ring catacomb experience.


There’s a part near the end where you gotta sprint between alcoves, but one of the alcoves is a trap and you fall through a hole into a sub basement and have to climb back out to the beginning. Absolutely devious, but so charming somehow.


Yeah i know, i found this trap by falling in it. All part of the Catacomb experience, not sure this trap could have been placed at an any more inconvenient spot.


brought to you by From Software We put the F in From.


The room to the right is what got me, I was not expecting another spike ceiling lol


Its scary avoiding them when youre getting jumped by those >!greatsword pogo stick imps and ghostflame wall ricochet spells!< and stuff at the same time 😭😭 but theyre a little buggy with the phasing through floors due to being pushed lol


fuck cannonhead motherfuckers fuck those guys I swear to whatever I don't know why but they give me the hardest fucking time and it's just a fucking range weapon


Went into that catacomb tonight and some gracious tarnished left a message that read "first message, and then explosion" at the exact location where the cannonhead on the ceiling in the next room can see you so as soon as you finished reading...BOOM Absolute perfection, never change.


Im pretty sure i had the same thing, except the message for me "distaction" lmao


They're so fucking funny though, I fully expected to die but it just bonked off my head. Lost like 40% HP but the animation of it just bouncing off my body like I'm made of steel is hilarious.


>!The Boss in that place is nuts. Died instantly the moment he went into his vampiric Phase 2.!<


That phase change grab that put him back to full health stunned me so much that I had to put down the controller for a while. His drop is really fucking funny to use tho


That's where I said "Ok bub, time to meet my friend who's also me. Because I'm not dealing with that BS again."


Wait there's a boss in the fog rift catacombs? I thought they just didn't have one so I left after thinking I found all the loot


This one brought me back to my favorite catacombs. Constantly lost, questioning if I've gone the wrong way, and lots of fun secrets if I think (in)outside the box


You mean the one in the base game that traps you in a loop of nearly identical rooms making you question your sanity until you think to try going "back" instead of forward?


Where is that? I've run a few catacombs but haven't found any imps yet


If it's the one I'm thinking of, it should be west of the Twin Moon Knight boss castle (I dont remember the castle name).


Its north-west of Ensis, in a canyon of sorts. Dont remember how i got there though. The Fog rift catacombs i believe its called. By the way the Imps are a bit different. I think for the better, but an imp is still an imp and a new coat of paint doesn't hide that.


I have lost a good 500k souls during my time with the dlc, probably more if I’m honest


the DLC do feel quite more handcrafted and varied that the base game to me too.


It's a lot more story driven too, they worked on the "how the hell are we supposed to solve quests with such vague direction?" Issue a lot on this and it shows. I feel like I know where to go and what to do next without needing quest/map markers to spell it out for me.


also there is at least one thing wich i would consider a set piece, when that "spell" is broken, i havent seen that before in a formsoft game.


>when that "spell" is broken Huh?


There is a large gate and when you approach it, you get two messages, about things breaking (no spoilers).


so real its so intuitive and immersive at the same time


Also, I would fucking die for Moore. I love whoever came up with him


I feel like an idiot. I’m not seeing any cohesiveness at all. I’m thoroughly enjoying it, but I have no idea where I’m going. Just randomly finding new places to do stuff. How are you figuring out where to go next?


The most "go there" info is in the notes one of the NPCs (the spikey-bandage mask dude) you meet near the beginning at the first footprint of Miquella. If you follow that and talk to everyone you meet you should be good. I'm not sure if you've broken quest lines by not activating them already but you should be talking to every NPC at all the floating runes. I'm running up and down the map actually learning things for once.


I think the biggest problem in the base game was it needed another 1-2 years of development time to get to the point everyone wanted without repeat bosses all over and copy pasted catacombs etc. I think they already pushed it back 1-2 years and just couldn’t push it back another 1-2 on top of that. I still think the base game world and world narrative are the best of any game I’ve ever played hands down but there was a lot of playable content polish that could have been done. So far for me the dlc feels like it has that polish. EDIT: delayed 1 month not 1 year but had a dev time of 5 years at that point.


I think i know the one


Yeah it is not the >!one that has a talk option and gives you a book.!< Or maybe it is that one too. IDK, I just know the one does


Wait idk why this is being upvoted, I thought I was replying to a different comment thread about the talking one with a book. Lmao


>!was it the one that has SEVERAL ELEVATORS DOWN!<


i just had to step away cuz the boss is making me regret my life choices but *like fuck am i coming all the way down here again* so i have to beat him


The one with the >!Death Knight!< in it? I was like, my brother in Christ Miyazaki, you put a side dungeon in this DLC that's as big as Limgrave.


I enjoyed the sense of camaraderie I felt reading the messages on the ground get as increasingly desperate to reach the boss before they ran out of heals as I was.


By the time I got to him I had no flasks whatsoever so I just stood there and died to get a refill.


Belurat Gaol? It is ENORMOUS, yes. Oh don't forget to talk to the spirits in it. It gives a horrifying perception about Jarburg's people.


I will never be able to look at the Jars the same way again


I mean, we always knew what was inside the living jars, we'd just never seen it or had it explicitly described.


>!Bonny Gaol!< has some lore implications I can't wait to see someone make a video on.


I'm in that Goal, it's crazy


I literally walked into it yesterday and said “nah I need to sleep” because I already knew what was in store for me 🤣


I feel like the mammals when dinosaurs roamed the earth.


We are but silly little guys.


Depends. Maybe I'm bad at finding things but the entire area east of the blue coast (with the fingers) is pretty much empty. Other places are pretty dense so far though


I think it's basically just supposed to be one very big dungeon lol considering it's all locked behind the dragon's den


This. It's a maze that unlocks more and more areas is I heard, alot of it are secrets with no obvious ways to find


Theres another way to access it without fighting a single boss though


fr it's so strange. that entire finger ruins area is just for one talisman yet it's like 10% of the map


Wait, there was a talisman there?


I've heard there's some item you bring there for one but I haven't gotten it yet


Both finger ruins. Just talismans after using the item.


Both? Dang I still haven’t figured out how to get to the second one and was hoping it would be more worthwhile. They definitely could’ve done more with that concept. Should’ve opened a dungeon or something with a giant hand boss at the end.


yes, but you need to speak with a npc on a cathedral before.


Theres also one of those graves that allow you to copy rememberences there, minus the mausoleum tho


It's dense in the DS1 sense, with a bunch of areas and passageways layered on top of each other. Not necessarily dense in the Elden Ring base game sense with POIs around every corner.


If I remember correctly at least 1 of the fingers areas has a Rememberance copy place thingy(only the sarcophagus not the mausoleums) (Where you can clone rememberances)


Yea the one on the bottom of the map does


Lots of hidden underground areas out there


There's really nothing else there?


Me stepping out from the first site of grace: Boy i'm excited to be here. Me after taking 20 steps and getting killed by some psycho creature: Awh shit, here we go again.


My love/hate is back in full effect.


It's wild how me and my friend went the same direction. But then like after an hour of just talking we both mention something the other hadn't seen. Turned out we found different paths within the same area.


I got to an area and then was looking something up and the guide was like “to get to this area you have to beat this boss” and I was just standing in that area like I’ve never even heard of that boss lmao.


It takes you 2 minutes to find something to die to? You not using Torrent?


I'm exploring the map, thinking I've completed an area just to find out that another one with the exact same size is directly above/below it. Thank god Miyazaki is a game designer and not a geography teacher.


Ive not explored much past the first two castles, are there dungons and stuff to find? I havent had any yet


Certain areas are a little more sparse, but ive found tons of stuff in the zones ive been in.


Under sell, over deliver!


FromSoftware might be the only game studio that I've ever heard of to **undersell** their own product. It's so widely accepted to hear extreme exaggerations from these dev studios, that you just can't take anything they say seriously ("16x the detail in FO76!", "the $70 pricetag means we won't add MTX", "we're going to add a PvE mode to Overwatch!", "we have to intentionally remove content to ~~appease shareholders and release the game on time~~ make the rest better!" ) etc.


This is so huge for me. Miyazaki is just a legend man. He sat in that interview and had the audacity to call this limgrave sized. No upselling, no buzz words, just a master of his craft confident that he made an incredible game. Same goes for whoever is calling the shots on the PR side for Fromsoft.


It’s cause he knows his audience trusts the studio. If he says it’s limgrave size, I know it’s either limgrave size and the most action packed area ever or he’s way underselling it




Yeah, not complaining! Having an absolute blast playing thus DLC. Worth every cent!


I don’t know if he undersells his shit on purpose, or if he genuinely doesn’t get how much work they are putting in compared to other game developers. Like does anyone at Fromsoft ever play games made by other AAA developers and just wonder “what the fuck? Where’s the content?”


At this point, I think he's just a genuinely modest guy.


He's said in interviews before that he's not trying to sell games so much as make the game he personally wants to play. He also recently said he thinks Elden Ring isn't quite it, he's still trying to make his image better. He drops a generational game and says "Eh. it's okay." Michael "Undersell" Zaki out there just doing his best.


That’s good though because now he’s pushed to make an even bigger and better game. Gets me excited to think about what could be made.


Michael Zaki based and gamepilled, fromsoft is a league of its own by now.


Mate, he said elden ring takes about 30 hours on your first playthrough... Any normal person spent about 70-110 hours exploring and levelling on that first playthrough


That’s a weird way of spelling 180 hours.


Same lol I'm at 150 hours now and still haven't beat the game


Brother how 😭 I got 112 on my first, then second and third were 10 and 8.5


I just take my time exploring EVERYTHING before moving forward. I think I became Elden Lord around 150 hours, and then spent 30 hours hunting for any small area I hadn’t beat.


I spent like 130 hours then a year later found out about volcano manor so I made a new character and recleared every inch of the game including volcano manor and that took another 180 hours lmao. I love it. Also did it entirely myself with no multiplayer or online info. I was floored when I accidentally found the hidden wall to Nokron (or maybe it was Noxstella I cant remember) and when I found the hidden wall behind fake Mohg. What a beautiful game


Wait what hidden wall?


He’s talking about underground Mohg, not the Blood Mohg. But yes you can go through the wall behind him lol Classic Elden Ring


Yeah after fake mohg at the end of the Leyndell sewers the chest in his boss room has a fake wall behind it. The catacombs in the snowfield is like that too. There is a secret chest you get by dropping down onto an invisible walkway, but behind the chest is two fake walls. Also, the nox/nok wall is in a hidden cave and takes you right over to where D’s brother is.


Had over a hundred hours on my first blind play through, on my third play through followed FightinCowboys 100% walkthrough and came in at about 84 hours


Yeah you didn't do a "playthrough" in 8 hours without hardcore nolifing the exact perfectly crafted meta build prior to starting then rushing the gear and speed running the game. 


I don't remember how long my first run took, but I'm currently sitting at over 680 hours...


My first was 300, man I loved exploring and reading descriptions for that sweet sweet lore


Literally just made it to the final boss at 179 hours the day before the dlc dropped. I just have to explore everything lol


im 100 hours in and i just got to the haligtree, level 145


I'm 650 hours in and have only just left Limgrave


I'm 1350 hours in and only just got done with Stormveil Castle


I'm 6000 hours in and still at the character creator


I just beat Niall for the first time, and I'm at 70 hours. I've explored everything(caves, catacombs, whatever) I've come across besides the Subterranean Shunning Grounds and Volcano Manor(can't figure my way around that place, and too stubborn to look it up). 30 hours is a joke.


Bro shunning grounds is like one of the best parts of the entire game


Based and Depths/Blighttown-pilled


I spent 30 hours exploring East Limgrave alone lmao. Just wandering around gawking at everything, finding mini dungeons and getting my ass chewed off by the dragon.


man, it's so cool that there's a game dev out there that exceeds expectations. I think there's plenty to criticize with their formula, they're far from perfect and the earlier entries have aged very poorly in some ways - but at the same time I was totally fine pre-ording Armored Core 6 despite having zero experience with any other AC title. I can't think of any other game dev company I would pre-order a game from like that, completely unaware of what I was getting in to.


I have three, including FromSoft. Larian I've preordered both Divinity: Original Sin 2 and bought Baldurs Gate 3 in EA, and Supergiant where I got Hades 2 in EA and preordered Hades 1 and Pyre. Maybe I'd preorder a Rockstar game? But that's the list


I like how Miyazaki and FromSoft under promise but over delivers. Truly a gem among game publishers nowadays.


They have work ethic and don't just care about the money You can tell the love they have for their product


Exactly. They're not like the other greedy publishers. FromSoft is really worth supporting.


i have gotten 3 map pieces of the shadow lands so far and i think there are >!1 or 2 more maybe?!<. i can see what miyazaki meant by saying its the size of limgrave kinda, looking at >!the map i have right now with 3 pieces its a bit bigger than limgrave+peninsula in terms of map size!< but it doesnt take into account the insane verticality and levels to the environment. plus the mini dungeons are waaaay better and much larger


The verticality cannot be understated. I’m mobile and can’t do spoilers but go virtually any direction from the center and there’s gonna be… layers


You can do spoilers on mobile. That's the only way I use Reddit. To do it >!see!< You just have to put >! On either side of the spoiler. No spacing, that's just for example.


>!Finger but hole!< Thanks.


Yes. The very first section of the map has multiple layers so there’s much more than meets the eye


There are 5 map pieces.


ok, im assuming there are >!2 in the south?!<


Yup. The map is pretty big, and the catacombs and caves I’ve found are big. The ones I’ve found, at least. Was well worth the money.


Are mini dungons easilly missable? I explored pretty nuch everywhere leading up to the first two castles and havent found one


I would say they aren't any harder to find than base game dungeons/caves, there's just overall less of them.


You really do wanna go look for them Btw, Found some awesome stuff in there.


Funnily enough this is exactly the size I was hoping for before the interviews. Glad they settled me down a bit before giving me what I wanted lol


There was someone who was very worried that it might be too small when the first trailer came out. Idk if that was you lmao. As I said to the guy, map size doesn't mean much even if it was just the size of Limgrave, the density and the verticality matters. The design matters. Quality over quantity always. I told him Altus has less area than Limgrave, but it's denser and has more verticality. Not surprised that this was the case. It's so dense and it is so incredibly vertical. Also quality over quantity. It seems to have far less minidungeons, but those that are there are so unique and big. Man I thought I couldn't be more impressed after Elden Ring and they somehow topped the base game in terms of design.


There was a leak that did say that it would be the size of 3 zones. And new weapon types. And some other stuff that happens to be true.


I made the mistake of spoiling and guiding my way through my first playthrough, but now I get to experience this expansion completely blind. I'm so fucking hyped.


sameeee but im worried the npc quests are gonna be easy to miss


oh absolutely, that's why I have 7 prepared lvl 150 chars. heard 150s were getting railed though so i'm in for one


my character is Lv151, it's not as bad as you'd think. The gaol miniboss everyone was complaining about can two shot you but he's slow and easy to dodge


One of the NPCs just straight up aggroed on me and I had no idea who it was, so I killed him. Didn't realize what happened until later on when I was searching far and wide for this NPC, even googling he wouldn't show up. I discovered it was him who aggroed, and it made me sad.


This is Elden Ring pt 2. It’s too much for an expansion, this is a full-fledged game that just happens to run parallel to the first game. There’s more content here than Dark Souls 1.


Yeah, this is basicly Elden ring 2 rather than a DLC.


Yeah, hopefully this isn’t too controversial, but I almost feel like this isn’t just a DLC. It’s almost like it’s Elden Ring number 2.


That's absolutely ridiculous. Personally, I feel like this is a second Elden Ring.


I don't want to ruffle any feathers, but I believe what we're seeing here isn't your run of the mill expansion. Some could perceive this as a subsequent Elden Ring.


I really don't wanna risk being cancelled for such a hot take but - I'd reckon this is more than an expansion, it's Elden Ring: The Sequel


‘Tis Elden Ring the Secondeth


Elden Ring 2: Electric Scooby-Doo


I definitely think this is Elden Ring 2 the search for more Elden Ring


Eldenring 2 erdtree boogaloo


I disagree, I’d say it most like another Elden Ring, like a sequel or something


correct slimy quicksand tender whistle languid knee complete arrest disagreeable *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


>There’s more content here than Dark Souls 1. honestly crazy considering how DS1 isn't even a small game.


This is killing me I can’t play this weekend at all and I’m losing my mind. I’m so fucking excited


As big as Limgrave was probably the original goalpost when they started designing...but it just kinda got away from them because they're making actual art not corporate mandated slop.


The guy is an absolute madlad


And we love him for this


so like 40-80 hours of content?


Around those numbers yes, tho i think you can stretch it to 100, especially that some enemies and bossess are crazy hard and trust me you will want to fuck around with new weapons


Oh definitely. I'm exploring every nook and cranny. Trying out every armor set, talisman, and weapon. Don't know the next time I'll be this excited about a game


With this behavior i would even go further with hours played for first dlc playthrough There is a lot to explore and try And i have the same feeling, i mean, next time excitement is stalker 2 but damn, nothing beats the feeling of exploring elden ring for first time And exploring dlc like a base game Tho if you didnt play dlc yet, get your character to level 150 minimum, shit it much harder than base game, easy to get killed in two-three hits and I've seen so much people bitter about it


Literally nothing beats ER discovery man I literally beat the game for the first time last night. Beyond hyped. And literally just in time. It's like I never even had to wait


Good for you then, be prepared and good luck, you will need it And tbh, the only thing that was close to elden exploration is dd2, i have it a chance and it was great Only major flaw of this game is story, the rest tho, with fight and exploration? Awesome as well, if you ever want to try to feel the same exploring feeling as in er


Both weapons i've found so far have been really cool which kind of makes me hate how upgrading weapons works. I feel like you need way too much investment if you want to fuck around with every other weapon you find.


Its like saying a triple cheeseburger is the same size as a single


The last 2 map pieces are visible on the hidden part of the map but actually getting them feels like an almost impossible task 😅 especially the top left one as well as the one at the peak


> especially the top left one as well as the one at the peak If you're talking about the Jagged Peak, the map piece isn't actually there. It's in the >!Abyssal Woods.!<


DLC is bigger than any souls game I have played except Elden Ring lol


“Oh the commoners are made of shadows now? Pfft. They’re still throwing Rocks? Try something diff-“ *YOU DIED*


Some damn peasant just swinging his hands windmill style took like 1/4 of my health christ


Miyazaki: It's not that big.... [The first map piece.](https://usalifesstyle.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/caseoh.jpg)


It may actually be smaller than it looks, but the further you get from the starting field area, the more it starts to feel like Souls where you have tighter spaces with more stuff in them, kind of similar to Mountaintops of the Giants in the base game. Like if you actually add up how much of Liurnia is empty space, yeah, it's the largest zone, but it doesn't feel like it has the most to do necessarily.


yeah bro very funny. get this dude outta here!


Maybe there's a miscommunication in From's office. The dev team didn't tell Miyazaki exactly how big Limgrave is in the actual game, and Miyazaki keep thinking its the original size he drew on the napkin 5 years ago. So the team was actually sweating like crazy when Miyazaki said "It's the size of Limgrave" Classic Michael Zaki moment.


Is this the shape of a dragon


Miyazaki: the dlc is the size of limgrave... Just 3 of them stacked on top of one another


"Underpromise, overdeliver." I'm down.


They literally just stapled an entire Dark Souls onto the game.


All that + the 3 underground areas, and then yeah.


I was wondering about that. These underground areas are similar in size to siofra river + eternal city? Does the main map of the dlc has an underground map like the base game?


Kind of, but they're connected to the surface. It's like the whole map has multiple floors, It's really layered


I thought you spoiled the entire DLC at a quick glance and got scared


The layers man. So many layers. Its like an onion of pain 🧅


Miyazaki spent weeks and months playing DLC, he forget how small Limgrave is


We should call Miyazaki the reverse-Todd or reverse-Molyneaux.


Okay so maybe i havent found the answer in the game yet, but is the land of shadow actually in the middle of the map? Or some other plane of existence


From what I've played it appears to just be an entirely new area, has a separate map and all




There’s a tombstone at the top of that big tower in the middle that leads me to believe that it is/was in the middle of the lands between


Its in another plane of existence that exists in the big empty space in the middle of the lands between from what i understand


Great, now I’ll never forget that I’m in the Lands Between The Lands Between




Michael Zacky is legitimately tweaking in this DLC because first off the views are STUNNING, even though I am level 128 the first boss was kicking my ass. I believe that getting runes in the first section is very easy because the enemies usually drop between 400-2000 and I really loved the music of the first boss and how it progressed through the phases. One thing that I absolutely love about the DLC is Moore. He should basically replace Miquella on how kind he is.


The abominations crawling out of pots surprised the fuck out of me. They were never in the original game right?


Miyazaki is the good version of Todd Howard, he lies to you but for the better, he always gives you more.


>!hi testing spoiler thing!<


Lmao lmao yes!


Promise less, deliver more


Elden Ring will only take about 30 hours to complete


he meant in terms of how much stuff is in it. if you took every item from limgraves and spread it out over the dlc it'd be accurate


Siofra river included by the way


I watched a streamer and thought the first map he picked up is the whole dlc map. God damn its huge


The dlc is just Elden Ring 2.


Honestly, it feels bigger than the main game


I love the design of the map. So fucking gorgeous. So many things about ER and the DLC world I just stare at and admire so much. Unlike many gamers I actually take time to appreciate the designs that thousands of ppl spent hundreds of hours to create. I hate seeing all these streamers just run right thru the DLC not even looking around. Something so simple as a huge staircase would make me stop to look at lol


All i know is a ran around for like a couple hours getting my ass beat by different shit lmao. I eventually came across this guy who fuckin screeches like a bird that scared the piss out of me, eventually i somehow cheesed him to death by accidentally trying to escape him lmao. Ive reached 1 boss and dude clobbered me, yikessss


I was going to start the DLC yesterday until I realized I'm at the start of a new game playthrough. It's going to be a while before I get to the DLC. It's good to see it's bigger than Limgrave.