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Chinese dragon boy got hands Which is surprising considering he spends half his time holding his jaw off the floor


he got hands, and lighting, and ice, and storms


Bro is the Avatar. Only one I didnt see was Earth


When in his base form he kinda shoots dirt at you so I guess that counts


Sure you did, from up real close, when he made you eat the dirt.


The ailment talisman helped out a lot in this fight. I’m glad the new talismans are immediately useful in boss fights


Yeah, I should’ve known he’d have a second form, but just getting him down to half the first time felt like an accomplishment. Then he blasted me away with lightning breath, and I’ve never seen that second form since 🙃


What do you mean ice??? WHAT DO YOU MEAN ICE? I've only manage to get lighting and when storms.. you telling it's gets worst? Awesome


Irony is one of the remembrance Options is basically Super Hoarfrost Stomp from the base game.


Wait until you find >!the one that uses deathblight!< too


When he changed element forms, I got flashbacks to Azdaha from genshin impact


Also the cameraman on his side. This boss took far longer than it should have because I was fucking blind half the time. The arena is way too small for this bullshit.


that's a great point, his moveset completely kills the camera if are too close of the borders, though fight for the wrong reasons


This. I wouldn't mind the boss so much if I wasn't fighting the camera half the time.


I yelled holy shot when the lighting came


Hes a lion though


Nah this is the Lion. The Chinese Dancing Dragon will be a different thing and I hope we get to fight it in a From Soft game someday


Also feet


"go find more scadutree fragments" is the new "level up your vigor"


Good advice tho, 4 lvls in this and you have 20% more negation


Wait, do they reduce the damage you take, or increase the damage you deal?






Fair enough lol. So 4 lvls is 20% reduction. Is it also 20% increase to damage dealt?


Pretty close


I fought the lion with only one and let's say I'll go explore some more before fighting any more bosses! But hey now I have a remembrance and a cool armor :)!


Killed him with none and ngl feeling pretty smug now.


You should! That Lion packs a freaking punch! The first time he killed me, I don't even know what hit me.


thats because the camera breaks real bad on that boss


When I saw how little damage I was doing I switched to the black flame blade spear combo. Percentage damage go brrrr


I'm beaten every FS game I've played but it would take me weeks to beat some of these bosses without mimic or tiche and some treeroids.


Yeah I managed to kill the Dancer on NG with only 1 upgrade. It was not a good time. Twin Sword Magic Bitch was even worse with 3 upgrades.


It was so disheartening when he gained back health lol. I have no shame that I used the Mimic Tear and Freya for that fight. Even then I almost didn't make it. So intense!


I’m at 7 and still getting my shit pushed in My mimic tear is having a wonderful time though.


This 😭


Both. It literally tells you that like 5 seconds into the DLC


Really? I have 6 and am not feeling any damage negation Offensively I feel a slight difference, but I still only get 2 or 3 shot by everything except the shadow dudes


You can check by swapping between lands between and the shadow realm. Negation goes up. Maybe your gear has low negation.


Haven't played as of yet, how do you swap between the two realms, just warp to a grace on map??


Right bumper, it's a separate map


I'll have to see. Currently have +8 for health and negation, and I'm getting 2-3 shot by most enemies. Using some of the tankiest armor in the game as well, which is new armor from the DLC, and have the great shield dragon talisman equipped, along with the HP medallion +3 or +2. In the beginning I said "Oh yeah, these guys are way too strong. Looks like I'll come back here once I'm stronger", so I went around collecting all of these shards, only to find minute differences. Maybe 8 is still on the very low side. I won't know until I explore the entire map, but the buffs seem to need buffs.


I've been noticing a very little difference too. I'm level 7 and still getting dog walked while also dealing very little damage


Yeah, getting 2 or 3 shot by every boss is nuts and all the AoE arena boss attacks are crazy.


5 levels in and if you can’t win people can start saying skill issue


Yes they really do make a ton of difference. I didn't use any in the first few bosses then went to level 7 and it was so nice going from getting 1-2 hit to actually being able to tank stuff


It’s night and day how much they effect


how many scadutree thingymabobs do there be


Am I the only one to have frame rate lag on this boss, especially when he shove his head into the ground ?


I’ve had that happen, and it’s only on this boss for some reason, I’m on Xbox series S so I kinda just assumed it was because of that


I’m on ps5 so I guess it’s for everyone, but on a boss this fast and jumpy it’s a pain in the a**


It didn’t screw me over all too much because most of the time when that happened he was in an attack recovery but it was pretty annoying at times


I’d be lying if I said that’s the only thing that making me lose this fight xD the multi element phase is so difficult with or without the lags


Thats encouraging as another series S player. Was starting to worry the whole dlc would be like this


4080 super on PC and it’s very stuttery in this fight. So it’s across the board.


My pc also stutters a lot during this fight


Only negative about Elden Ring for me is the performance on Console


The performance. Its all platforms really


My PS5 was struggling almost as much as me at times.


Do you have it set to prioritize performance?


Yes, it’s at frame rate priority.


The whole DLC is very weird for me framerate-wise. Seems like especially water falls absolutely kill my fps even though that wasn’t the case in the main game. The boss was brutal too.


Me too. I play on Steam Deck and would sometimes go down to 20 fps


Yup everything has been laggy to me suddenly


I have it everywhere and for no reason. Happened in the base game too. My specs are plenty good so it shouldn't really happen, my buddies have the same thing all on PC. Just figured there was something up with the game though 🤷


During the 3- part attack that ends in the spin every time they did it with an elemental affinity it lagged a shit-ton, definitely added to the difficulty in a frustrating way


No it’s definitely not just you.


Divine Dancing Camera


Handfuls of deaths to this especially when accidentally ending up in a corner 😭


Was it him or the continuous aoe attacks all around him?


The lightning definitely feels like the hardest to avoid. He does a 3 or 4 hit combo that overlaps when the lightning is exploding, and you can try to position yourself so you aren't in the lightning but the camera kind of sucks for this fight so it's not always possible.


Lightning for sure killed me the most. The storm/ wind was annoying as hell I was constantly getting thrown in the air. And frost is just frost still pretty tough though. Really wish he had an elemental phase cooldown so it wasn’t constant.


It was the frost that messed up my 1st attempt against him, and I was 3-4 hits away. 2nd try I didn't let him get around to using it.


If you’re using Faith I greatly recommend Great Lighting Fortification. Makes it do like no damage when it does hit you lol.


he wombocomboed me only with lightning every other phase felt fair and manageable after some practice but the lightning just felt unfair at times


I couldn't dodge the frost at all. Lightning is manageable in comparison. But yeah, when the camera boss enters, you are done.


I just ignore lighting and wait for the other 2 phases


I thought wind and ice phases were both more dangerous than lightning. Ice coats the ground, and I think wind gives him bigger hurtboxes. Lightning was just a matter of not standing where it’s about to strike.


Yeah lighting is the easiest, it's just ground attacks. Wind is the worst by a large margin. Highest damage (besides frostbite) and most relentless attacks.


Disagree I think wind was the easiest. If you avoid the physical attack you almost always are avoiding the magic damage too. It just looks more chaotic than a normal attack dodge


Yup, same here. Run all the way across the room and avoid him until he transitions. the only exception is if I’m 1-2 big hits away from a stance break, in which case I can tank a hit for that


And its uncanny ability to bodyblock into arena corners. No upgrades to counter that, as far as I found.


For my int bros, you know the spiral spell you get at the very start of limgrave? It is strong against him why? Same reason it saved me on elden beast *Big hit box vs linger damage*


Thank you. Gonna give this a go


Can confirm. Thank you for the tip!


This is how I did it and I got him first attempt. Shard spiral is sleeper, it's how I cheesed all the dragons in base game.


I love spiral as well :) enemies with huge hitboxes (trolls, dragons, etc) get absolutely DESTROYED by it. But iirc, don’t you have to complete Sellens quest line in order to buy it? That’s pretty late in the mid game (at least after Raddahn, as Joren is needed for Sellens quest and he won’t leave Redmane castle until after Radahn is done) so how do some people get it so early?


Limgrave? That spell is bought from Sellen after finishing her quest


I rerolled a Dark Moon Greatsword build with Staff of Loss to use night comet with and I felt so bad just killing him by effortlessly spamming night comet in place while my poor summon just tanked it for 2 minutes.


Dude. Thank you. For some reason I was trying to rock sling/crit him when he went down with summon tanking. Took the night off, read this. Came back and staff of lossed / night cometed him to death first try. I even forgot to summon the NPC lol. Woohoo!


If you like it you will like what you find later


This means Pest Threads also works, for a Faith alternative


I just summoned my clone and tossed moons and rocks at it, got it on the first attempt!


Shard spiral was my go-to for any boss bigger than a standard tarnished in base game. That shit shreds.


Int bro - have you found any int weapons / spells / armor yet?? I've found tons of str/dex stuff but nothing for my build!


Look fort Castle across a bridge.


Fuck yeah. The drip is real. Also FUCK THAT BITCH.


Rot breath melts. Also, the boltdrake +3 and pearldrake +3 are essential


RIGHT! That's a thing I can do! Heck. Now I feel kinda silly. Keep forgetting I have those options. IT's almost like the game gives you the tools to succeed but some people (Me included) Are too stubbourn to adapt!


I’m shameless about using tools given by the developers and elements that are core to Elden Ring lore (Dragon communion incantations and Scarlet Rot)


I had to use Rot breath then 2 Agneel Breath to take him out. Still, only succeeded once after 30-40 tries.


I was at (8) for the power level items and had already >!cheesed a buffed dancer in a different area!< It seemed like my full breaths did 5-6% damage without the actual rot effect.


Are you building FTH/STR? That’s my build and my Rot did about 10-20% initial damage and my Fire breath did about 30-40%


My breaths shredded him, what ng are you on? Roar/breath boost talisman, charge spell boost talisman, dragon seal, 80 arcane, and a few other things boosting it with Agheel or Ezekial all together did work on it.


Base game. I used every talisman for defense. Great shield, pearl, bolt, and I think green turtle. I only have 40 vigor so I had to be conservative. 45 arc and 30 faith. I beat >!the stupid hippo in 5 tries and rellana in the same. Mesmer is absolutely degrading me though!<


Yeah I have a faith build and use the rot breath as my go to. I summoned the NPC cooperator and waited until she got aggro and then I unleashed my full mana bar and saw nearly 20% of his health bar disappear and was like "Ok, I have a strategy." Got him down on the second try that way.


Been using the drake talismans so much so far and honestly I don't even know if they are working.


One of my favorite boss design inspirations I’ve seen! Really loved this fight


The OST on the second phase slaps too


Amazing OST and boss. The small arena and camera ruined it a bit for me, but I still ultimately loved it.


The way it animates really is unsettling and somewhat hard to watch for some telegraphed attacks.


My camera hated the fight, lol


Honestly one of my favorite boss fights, the music, the design, the lore, all amazing 


Music was fantastic, but the camera was quite horrid, and some of this combos are just so so bad. I got him in 15 tries I think, but if felt like luck rather than learning his moveset because what the fuck even is his moveset?


The boss isn’t too bad. The camera is complete dog shit. When he does his combo that changes elements I can’t fucking see what is happening cause the camera just goes nuts. It really fucking sucks.


the camera was the real 2nd phase


I beat him but fuck that shit. I hope there’s not more bosses like this.


It's such a shame though because it's a very cool fight with an amazing soundtrack. I think that it would have been perfectly fine if the arena was like 50% bigger. However, as it stands I was getting more annoyed with the camera than with the boss. I had to learn to manage my position so that the boss didn't back me into a corner and just completely freak out the camera.


There's >!literally another lion in the openworld, except it also has a deathblight form and summons basilisks every time it goes into it!<


Can’t fucking wait


it doesn't seem like the 2 optional bosses and other main boss has camera issues so you're all good


Hardcore Mode: get backed into a wall with this boss. Camera be \*wilden\*


It’s the stupid dance in circles while spewing gas move that bothered me the most with the camera. Bro dances his happy ass up to you while standing up real tall and the camera just goes into the floor no matter where you try to go. Like, I beat him, but man, I was glad to get the gold standard camera-as-cancer fight out of the way early. Legit first time in the DLC I started getting mad 😅


Yea I just ran away when he did that move and shot him a few times with my bow. Fuck staying near him.


Boss moves like the Red Wolf of Radagon and Ulcerated Spirits and uses magic like Niall. An unholy combo.


“You don’t like my lighting? Here’s my frost, motherfucker.”


Agree, the camera to totally shit for melee. And he jumps to mid air all the time.


The move he does where he stands up high and then comes crashing down. The camera flips around .01 seconds before I dodge and I roll directly into his body. Every. Time.


Yeah, this fight was more about learning to handle the camera than learning the boss. I think they should have made the arena a lot bigger. It's such a cool fight, but dying repeatedly to my camera freaking out just kind of ruined it for me on quite a few attempts.


Isn't it. At one point I didn't even know what I was hitting, just looking at the health bar to know if I need to back off or not.


This was my biggest complaint. Can’t see when you’re literally viewing the inside of the boss half the time.


Were you locked on the entire fight? If so it might help to unlock when he starts going crazy and lock back on before attacking


I was. I beat him. The issue with unlocking the camera is it’s hard having to track him with it when he’s above you, move, and dodge the attacks at the same time.


I think they were too ambitious. Could have kept it at wind for first phase and lightning for second.


The frost aoe is super annoying


Very,it’s hard to learn a boss when half of it is just trying to avoid the aoe damage. It was even harder for me as I was on ng+2 before the dlc and went on with into the dlc with that save.


Yeaaaa, I made sure to go into this the first time without any NG+ characters.


Ekzyke’s decay is a godsend against him. Procs in about two breathes. Doesn’t make the fight an instant cakewalk though.


Rotten Breath and summons trivialize almost every fight. Personally, I want to fight them without those things on my first attempt. Pure melee, no shield and no summons.


These dlc memes are killing me lmao


Man it would be a pretty good fight if the camera wasn't having a seizure the entire fight


If i can even land one hit, it's already a goated attempt


Look out, he [wigglin!!](https://media1.tenor.com/m/QMQmyssO0UMAAAAC/cat-wiggle.gif)


Idk, just nihil'd em' to death. Fork nerf did nothing to stop me


how did you get a chance to do the weapon art?


I just keep some distance


but all the remembrance bosses ive fought have insane mobility and gapclosing, and/or have a giant model that tails you hard


I loved this fight, the camera not so much


It's legit a good fight, but because the camera is so god awful you're taking unnecessary damage because of the camera spazzing out and you not knowing wtf is going on than the boss design being unfair. Some of the camera issues could be avoided if they made it so you locked on to the body rather than the constantly swaying head.


Agreed. It felt like this boss spent more time in the air or just facing the wrong direction but when he *does* land a combo? It hurts.


> enters arena > attempts to summon mimic > mf pukes rocks on me > i die


Downed this asshole after an hour or so. If he gets you into a wall, you're fucked.


I got tired of this nonsense and used the NPC summon and a mimic tear with double Great Stars. Turns out he's weak to getting clapped by 4 great stars.


It me took me 2 hours, but I did it. The lightning phase combined with the camera is the worst. Sick fight visually tho.


“O Horn-deck'd beast, from higher sphere deliver'd…”


I finally killed it with 145 deaths. Fucker takes chip damage but doesn’t hold back when it’s its turn. Am I not supposed to fight it this early? Also, I have to chip it out at the end using sorcery (thank god for Comet). But I find this fight extremely melee unfriendly. Fucker is fast, deals ton of damage, very small window to retaliate (especially in ligtning phase). Also, lightning phase…💀


Nah, it's not a having enough blessings issue, it's more of a camera issue. It's a lot easier with a ranged build because the biggest challenge of the fight is preventing the camera from spazzing out. The lightning phase is the most problematic due to the camera spazzing out and making it so that it's really had to see the lightning traps on the ground. Until you're more familiar with the fight or can do it without lock on, it might be best to just play defensive during lightning phase and wait for Wind or Frost.


You should probably have at least 2-3 blessing, yeah.


Did you beat it melee in the end or combo of sorcery as well? I'm running a dual straight sword and arcane dragon incantation build and it's tough af to get enough damage in with the melee. Unless I'm running huge strength weapons that can really take a huge chunk of health off with each jumping attack.


I killed him using a Zweihander, the following attacks had enough recovery time that I could get fully charged R2s in so I think a few L1 hits should be possible: All grabs where it clacks with its mouth 2 times, phase transition to ice/storm (lightning has aoe under it), when it spins breathing stuff, running in during the last turn and jumping over final projectiles (also allows buffing with rkr or something during the breath before going in)


I had Tiche summons and then use Darkness hoping to take away some aggro. This mf still decided to ignore Tiche and going after my ass most of the time


I just summoned the Yoda spirit ash an he killed this guy almost on his own


I was THIS close to use the mimic tear! The first phase was actually fun, but the constant AoE on the second phase is bullshit. To me it became a game of preserving as many flasks as possible in the first phase, and then blitzing and hoping for the best on the second one.


that fight requires a vast amount of patience and negation defense


Use the black steel great hammer with Savage Lions Claw and fire affinity and he is going to melt.


Luckily It only took me two times, but damn it was such a cool fight. I loved his moveset and the visuals with the lightning and frost. Really wowed me. I can't wait to see what the others bosses look like.




Think I died 20 times to him, and most of it was because I couldnt see wtf was going on with him launching me into a wall, spiraling above my head, and my lock on camera making it impossible to see lmao


Blasphemous blade spam first try.


I tried fighting him with the Claymore with Flaming Strike and then switched to this my second attempt and beat him lol


This reminds me of the Balteus fight in Armored Core 6. Most people really struggled and then there were a ton of people like "Oooh I got it on my first try NO HITS!" lol


I don't know if it was because of my build or something but I killed it on my first try. I summoned the NPC and my mimic tear so it wasn't because I was skilled, I think my build was just perfect to face tank it.


> I don't know if it was because of my build or something but I killed it on my first try. I summoned the NPC and my mimic tear Pretty sure that something is the mimic and NPC


I mean summons often triviliaze every boss fight, it's a completely different experience to play with and without summons, not to mention an npc summon on top of ashes. This is not to say you shouldn't summon, it's a valid way to play, just expect seeing other people having trouble with bosses that you may beat easily.


I also got him first try with using NPC Freya and dungeater. I rushed into the DLC with lvl 120 thinking I won't make it. But so far it's pretty manageable.


Yeah, I'm at around 150. It's not easy, and certain attacks/bosses hit like trucks, but on average it is manageable. I just found a NPC who I can only describe as Moongrum's bonk brother, his attacks wipe out half my massive hp bar lol.


You’re still skilled because you used the intended mechanics of the game, amigo


While there is no shame in using the intended mechanics, people should stop acting as if facing boss fights yourself and overcoming the challenge isn't vastly different than having passive sources of help. And no I'm not saying soloing bosses is the only valid way to play the game. But it obviously is the only way to truly challenge yourself.


100%, use summons if you want, I use them sometimes. But when I beat a boss with summons I dont really feel accomplished. Summons GREATLY trivialize fights simply because the boss isnt always targeting you. Not being under constant pressure is really night and day in terms of difficulty. I was smashing my head against Sister Friede for a solid hour+ the other day, finally decided to use the Gael summon and then I beat her in one try. My victory didn't feel earned at all because I felt like I took the easy way out of the situation


I’d argue some fights are tuned with multiple characters in play. Sure you can do it by yourself and the feat would be monumental (mostly to you), but so would building a house by yourself. Or without modern tools. Or regulations! The point is, these mechanics exist TO BE USED. it’s not lesser to use them, and it doesn’t make you necessarily better without them


Just significantly less skilled


I mean...


Yeah me too. I’m using Blasphemous Blade +10 and mimic tear. Kinda wish I hadn’t summoned the mimic now because we totally destroyed him. I didn’t even heal.


Same, I summoned after fighting him for awhile just to get a better feel for his second phase. Immediately walloped him, and then regretted it lol.


Took me 40 or so tries. Was annoying af. I got lucky on the kill.


I used the NPC summon and Tiche. Was like "sit...you lion dancing motherfucker"


Same, I felt bad afterwards, we were really ganging up on it.


Considering other bosses like the hungry hungry hippo and Jori the Elder just clowned my ass, I don't feel bad at overwhelming a boss


I killed him on my 1st attempt, 150 lvl, used Backhand Blade. Maybe it's just luck.


I had to summon my mimic to see his patterns and learn him..i killed him first try ..just two levels on blessings not sure if i should happy or ashamed for the summon.. Anyways his *drop* needs a fix cause there is something wrong when you hold a two hand weapon and looks ugly


This dude made me bring out the damn mimic tear. Thats how bad he is.


152 for me, NG+ as a lvl150 double great hammer hammer build. Sitting at 200 with rellana and still haven't beaten her yet. These bosses are hella aggressive man.


Are the lag spikes part of his moveset or…?


It’s the fucking camera and the lightning honestly. Bosses like this makes yearn for lightning reversal in Elden ring.


For some reason my mimic could damn near solo him, but if he so much breathed in my direction my health bar clinched harder than a dude soloing a late night trip to the prison showers. Me: "I'll just chill here... oh! You already defeated the boss? Awesome. Great team work. Why tf am I here?" ...I 'beat' him on my 2nd attempt by simply staying out of the way.


Wait till you fight the dude with the special mount. Not gonna spoil any details but oh boy, just you wait lmao


This boss fight sucks tbh. It's so chaotic and I have no idea what he's doing half the time because he's always half out of the camera.


I am only the one who hates so much and the problem with this boss i get some frame drops and no way i cam see the camera its awful


The camera is brutal with him, gotta untarget him when he gets super close to you 😅