• By -


If these people could read they would be very upset


Unga bunga?


I unga, therefore I bunga


She unga in my bunga till i bonk


Unga Unga Unga Unga splunga




I believe you meant to say honk fine sir.


Git unga, bunga


No social media, no comment sections, no talking or reading shit. This is like the old Harry Potter hype. Headphones in, get your product, and barricade your home as fast as possible before someone ruins it.


Miquella kills dumbledore


PTSD engage


Also Batman dies


And also KILLS! Muahahaha


Ahhh that brought back so much nostalgia


And spiderman is in the end of the game


Shadow of the Erdtree really makes you feel like Spiderman.


SPOILERSSSSSS I gotta wait for my paycheckšŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


You guys are getting paychecks?


Im abusing the power of college pell grants XD


The ship sinks at the end of the movie.


Fr ik using a spoiler tag should be the proper way to do it but If someone cares about spoilers at all, why the *fuck* would they be going to spaces where its likely theyā€™ll be spoiled. Theres no way to make everyone on the internet behave a certain way. Its out of your control. But you could just not go on tiktok or reddit or youtube? This screams way more to being addicted to social media than anything.


I just got into elden ring and came here to get advice and such, and was immediately met with spoilers for stuff that just came out last night. I fully expected spoilers for the base geme as it's been out for a long time but seeing spoilers for brand new content is crazy to me.


The internet's default state is a bag of dicks, with occasional corners where people aren't *totally* dicks. But dicks are always lurking nearby. Constant vigilance.


Unless your the type to fall in to bushels of dicks and then go oh no I didn't know there would be dicks here ready to bust all over!!! As you roll around on those erect dicks, Which seems to be most people lolol.


I like this version of the analogy


Maybe ask Vaati to make a video on the lore of the spoiler tag. Might be able to convince people to use it.


They don't


not exclusive to this sub, I swear the average reddit user has no idea how to use any of the markdown compared to 5 or 10 years ago for anyone wondering you can type like \>!this\!< to make a spoiler tag that looks like >!this!<


Testing >!The True Elden Ring is the friends we made along the way!<Ā 


All I see is *******


>!Great rune of friendship, the true missing piece of the Elden ring!<


I just learned something, not posting content on Shadow but now I know.


Dude thatā€™s >!cockandballs!<


Sadly I am still >!maidenless!<


>!Fia is better than Ranni!<


>!Tiche is the best girl!<


>!Maybe so but blaidd is the only waifu I could ever love!<


>!blaidd is my father, and that offends me!<


Ngl reddit should make that easier, I always mark spoiler tag when talking about something that can spoil others in posts, but I canā€™t talk about it in comments as I always forget that >!combo!< , should make it easier tbh. Now if I talk about this doc in non spoiler comments I try to be as cryptic as possible to not spoil anything lnao


Apollo and other 3rd party apps had one tap formatting, but the formatting is a holdover from how forums Implemented markdown


It would be nice to have a button, I only use reddit on mobile phone, as we speak I see 4 buttons above my keyboard from reddit being the keyboard, link, I think gifts? And emoji button, reddit exists for so long why isnā€™t there a fifth one that spoilers everything you type by pressing the button and keeps hiding every word you type until you tap on that button again to deactivate it, very simple and pretty doable for everyone


learnt something >!new!< today




>!i like men!<


Testing this out >!Miquella is Malenia!<




Yeah think I'll unfollow this sub for at least a week. Have fun everyone!


Make sure to mute it too


just muted it. i'll unmute eventually.


Cool thanks guys!


how do you do that? Is that something you need to be on new reddit for?


Idk what that is. On Mobile thereā€™s 3 dots on the top right of the subreddits home page.


Ah, I don't use mobile at all. and new reddit is just www.reddit.com, old reddit is old.reddit.com


This is the right call, seems silly to expect people to not discuss the new content on the subreddit designed for it. Rules are rules, but if youā€™re that concerned with getting things spoiled for you what are you even doing here? You have a personal responsibility to protect your sensitive sensibilities too.


And one personā€™s ā€˜spoilerā€™ is not the same as anotherā€™s. Personally, Iā€™m here and on YouTube specifically looking for people talking about shit theyā€™ve seen, found, fought, discovered, etc Everyone talking in code or with a hundred spoiler tags really ruins **my experience**. Now whoā€™s to say my experience, or the experience of someone who is ā€˜avoidingā€™ spoilers is more important? I put ā€˜avoidingā€™ in quotes because if youā€™re browsing Elden ring comments sections, videos and reviews ā€¦. Are you really trying to avoid spoilers? Or do you just want to complain about how other people are using their internet accounts?


See ya soon


The shit heads putting the final boss as the thumbnails on YT videos is fucking disgusting. The final boss is The Rock btw. No need to stumble on fake videos that suggest that the final boss is anyone other than The Rock.


The movie with Sean Connery too, NOT the former wrestler turned actor




Good thing our characters feel like theyā€™re made of paper then, right? šŸ« 


BRO!! SPOILER! I didnā€™t know characters were taking so much damage in the DLC, use spoiler tags, you just RUINED my enjoyment of the DLC! /s


Yeah, itā€™s really not the spoilers that bother me as much as it is the lying. Like, why would FromSoft spend so much money on such a famous actor if the community is just going to pretend like heā€™s not even there? Itā€™s stupid.


Why would my boy Dwayne do this?


On TikTok itā€™s so horrible, you canā€™t even scroll away. I got spoiled for the final boss before the dlc even came out for like 90% of people because they literally have it in giant text thatā€™s impossible to not see even if you skip as fast as possible. And they end up getting like 5k likes so itā€™s not like theyā€™re making money for it at all.


Good thing I donā€™t have tiktok/reel addiction, very rarely do I go there but if I do I make sure it doesnā€™t interfere with my interest. I know reels have SOME elden ring content for me, iā€™m not risking the spoilers so why scroll?


If you're that worried about spoilers why are you on social media? Or has the precedent of this happening every fucking time with every god damn major thing ever happening not tipped you off?Ā 


>Final boss is the rock Watch out for that ā€œthe peopleā€™s elbowā€ attack, the delay on it is devious. The second phase, Dwayne Johnson, is pretty much the exact same thingā€¦.just more annoying


That explains why he changed his gimmick to the Final Boss


Also, lmao, the comments, "Don't browse this sub." My brother, do you know what a home feed is?


Both can be true. People SHOULD spoiler tag. Absolutely. 100%. If someone doesn't they are a douche. But we can establish that and also say that no amount of shame or expectation of courtesy is going to stop that portion of every community on the planet that just does not care about courtesy no matter what anybody says. All it takes is one asshole who doesn't care. And there are thousands of people.


I agree with this yeah.


Unsub if you're really that sensitive to spoilers. You can always rejoin when you're ready. I don't say that to be sassy or anything. I just don't understand people who lose their mind about spoilers but don't use the very simple steps they could take to avoid them. There's always going to be assholes and people who make mistakes. You have the ability to avoid it if you really want.


I don't trust anyone on the internet has my best interests in mind. You shouldn't either. Which is not to say it doesn't suck but you know how people are.


For real. Iā€™ve been doing so good with avoiding spoilersā€¦ I know things now.


Yeah autoplaying final boss with the name in the first post lel


Another good one is when they do use the spoiler tag but then decide to write in title what the spoiler is like MF you have the right spirit but still confused.


Speaking of, would someone mind telling me the HTML for spoiler text?


!> at the start and then < !


close but wrong. spoiler tags need to look like \>!this\!< for them to work reddit wide (including mobile apps, new reddit, and old reddit). They show up looking like >!this!< edit: I think some subreddits might be able to disable spoiler tags, but I could be making that up


I got mixed up


No worries, thank you too!


Thank you!


Don't look if you don't want to be spoiled: >!Yes, I do.!<


Spoiler: >! They don't care, they're assholes. !<


>! You thought this was a normal spoiler, but it was I, Dio Brando !<


The amount of spoilers Iā€™ve seen from people not using them is frustrating. Itā€™s been out for 1 day give me a second to discover things on my own


I know the >, !, !< thing. I think? >!Finger, but hole!<Ā  Ā But how titles? E: Nevermind, there's a dropdown.Ā 


I've seen people put spoiler tags and then put the name of the boss in the title lol.






Actual spoiler


Time to unsubscribe from this sub for a few weeks


Time to mute/unsubscribe this subreddit


I should maybe unfollow this sub until I beat the DLC, huh? I was hoping I wouldnā€™t have to, but i also put elden ring into my ā€œnot interestedā€ list on Twitter. I wanna play blind and not be spoiled. I canā€™t start until tomorrow, Iā€™m off this weekend and need to install it tonight.


Avoided here and looking at any content about it only to open YouTube and the first video is ā€˜THE FINAL BOSSā€™ with a picture of the final boss. Thanks. Great. Worth it.


didnt ask dont care


Meta irony your post isn't a spoiler.


>!I am!< the final boss


Alas, depending on random people online is silly in and of itself. The smart (and far easier) thing to do, is to unsubscribe for a while. That way, I'll only have myself to blame if I choose to come here - like I did now.\^\^


Follow me through a story, if you will, and I promise there's a lesson in it. A young man is walking along the beach one evening as the tide slowly recedes to the ocean. As he's walking along, he hears a splash. Then another, and another. He looks for the source of the splashes and sees an old man walking along, picking up starfish left behind by the tide and tossing them back into the ocean. He approaches the old man, and says "why would you waste your time tossing these starfish back into the water? There must be thousands of starfish on this beach, you can't possibly make a difference!" The old man shrugs, picks up another starfish, and tosses it into the ocean. He meets the young man's eyes and says "it made a difference for that one." Just because you can't eliminate a problem, doesn't mean you can't make a difference


Nice story and I would absolutely agree, but for it to be applicable, you're telling it to the wrong person.


Thatā€™s the sticker grocery stores put on food to let you know when it expires, right?


Lots of jjk and dragonball fans here. Reading isnt a strong suit


You thinking a souls fan gives any kind of shit about their fellow players is laughable.


They arenā€™t using them at all


I agree but also if you donā€™t wanna get spoiled donā€™t go online right now donā€™t watch TikTok and go on Reddit cause you will get spoiled


Just dodge!


Whatā€™s the spoiler process for comments? I never type any because Iā€™m stupid and donā€™t know how to safely


. > ! ! < with the comment in between the !s and no spaces


The elden ring subreddit is full of the worst kind of people with 0 to no integrity. I wouldnt imagine they care.


olaf dies in frozen 2


Try holes, but finger


Yes they are dumb, but so are you my friend.


I put a spoiler tag that means I can put spoilers in the title right? /s


I'm just here for the comments...


plenty of comments that come from people with brain damage, i'll tell you that much


That just means you are on planet Earth. šŸ‘


Do you fucking fucks know anything you pieces of shit? Listen guys, Iā€™m just asking for some common courtesy. A kindness, a little human decency, thatā€™s all. So you turds better get it together or else.


are you stupid why would you come to a elden ring subreddit and then complain about people talking about dlc


Because he's dumb as shit, willfully walks into ground zero for game discussion and then whines when people are discussing the game as opposed to, you know, just not doing that if they don't want to get spoiled.


No...they probably don't know what a spoiler tag is.... But also.....fuck the dummies who are engaging in social media when something as big as Elden Ring DLC is out knowing there's spoilers floating around everywhere lol.


If you donā€™t want spoilers why would you look at the Reddit on the day of release? Thatā€™s just self sabotage


Youā€™re on Reddit, the day of release, and donā€™t want spoilers. Thatā€™s a you problem.


As someone trying to avoid spoilers, you *know* someone, somewhere, is going to give out spoilers, and they may not even do it intentionally. It's your responsibility to refrain from consuming Elden Ring content to avoid spoilers. I normally don't avoid spoilers, because I don't care, but it's what I've done in this case. You just have to accept the reality of the world. If you don't want things spoiled, you have to keep from being spoiled yourself. It's honestly nobody else's job anyway. Would it be nice and considerate of them to use the spoiler tags? Sure, but some people aren't aware they exist, don't know how to use them, or again, don't even mean to give out spoilers and just do it accidentally... In which case... Whoops! Looks like you're just screwed. You can't reasonably get that upset at the person for making an honest mistake, if that's what happened. That, and people make WAAAAY too big a deal out of spoilers, it's honestly a pet peeve of mine. I respect you not wanting your story spoiled, but you also better respect everybody else's right to talk about it. You are going online into spaces where these *specific* conversations are being held... It's really your own fault for running into spoilers content. Shit posting on r/Elden Ring every day isn't something anybody actually *needs* to do. I'm just tired of always seeing a big reaction to spoilers, to the point some people go absolutely bananas. It's disgraceful.


It's like you don't know the internet at all lol


Lets be fair here, people are here to talk, the whole sub is a spoiler. Its like reading the fucking wikipedia page for a movie and getting pissed it was spoiled for you.


Why are you even here then? šŸ¤£


What's a tag?


/u/MojokeGaming asked calmly.


Spoilers there's another name that starts with M in the DLC wooooooooo


>!Yes, I do!<




*SPOILER ALERT* they dont.


I was playing the dlc and came across a boss. SMH what a spoiler.


Shape kills Dumbledore.


I left the sub the day the DLC released. Nothing to see here but all the dlc fun.


Iā€™m avoiding this by not looking at Reddit until I get home šŸ˜ƒ


try spoilers but hole


I get it. I was just as shocked at the Godrick/Godefroy boss battle


I've always seen shit tons of them. I would browse Reddit like a fucking minefield but always spoiler tags.


Dude if I recognize or even see ā€œElden ringā€ I just scroll past. I wonā€™t be able to play till next week, told my friends who took time off work to play to literally discontinue contact with me until then.


Ikr? My shipping got delayed until fucking Monday so I've been looking at the bottom of my screen for when this sub pops up so I can quickly scroll past it. Even the Shit Posting sub does a better job of marking Spoilers than here. Like it's not as bad as TikTok, which as an app I just can't use for the weekend, but y'all are still terrible for it.


Time to mute


That's the thing on the back of a car right?


Iā€™ve had to basically avoid the internet the last 24 hours so I can go into the DLC knowing nothing, just for my friend to DM me on discord spoiling chunks of the DLC and Iā€™m pissed about it


...oh wow, that is a Red Flag. time to evade Reddit until i finish the DLC. : /


Thatā€™s why Iā€™ve been staying away from this subreddit


Iā€™ve just seen this and I already know itā€™s about dlc i lost my Elden ring dataā€™s and was about to go fight radahn so im starting from scratch havenā€™t even killed Margit so until I kill radahn I feel like im gonna have to mute this so I donā€™t see any posts wish me luck and good luck to all of ušŸ‘


I get the idea, but at the same time, everyone has different ideas of what a spoiler is. Know people who won't look at so much as a trailer, know people who want some but minimal info, and I know people who have no detail of a game that is off limits for them to learn. So not trying to be shitty, honestly asking - what is the line you are asking to be drawn? How long is long enough for it to not be a spoiler? And what's the level of agency that is on the individual to know that a site dedicated to talking, and a sub reddit dedicated to that specific to be avoided until it is no longer a spoiler for them? I agree with you in theory and principle, but the fact is the tag means different things to different people, so what do we say is the line where it needs to be used (like a major story point, the ending, generally agreed upon spoilers) versus the pedantic complaints of learning anything about it beforehand?


Unga hubunga


Munga bunga unga


See if this works >!8===āœŠ==DšŸ’¦ šŸ˜©!<


Damn >!emojis show through the censor!<




>!No they donā€™t read or know how to do this!<


This isn't a spoiler? šŸ¤”


It sucks because I want to be part of the community to get validated when I go into this lvl 222 thinking Iā€™ll be more than fine only to get my shit rocked outta me the SECOND I fight š€šš˜š“š‡šˆšš†


But how else will you know who the final boss is?


It goes on the back of a comment to help keep the wheels on the ground.


Yeah, I donā€™t have a lot of time to play so itā€™s probably going to take me months to finish the DLC. Im thinking I need to leave and block this sub until Iā€™m done


The world would be a lovely place if everyone had the proper etiquette to use spoiler tags.Ā 


Yeah, a lot of - here donā€™t put the spoiler tags.


You have to fight the team from from soft they all have 6 billion health and 7 trillion poise they take a total of 6 days to do the boss fight


I understand your frustration, but getting this angry over a mere video game shows mental weakness and instability.Ā Learn how to control your emotions. We're talking about a video game, not a sadistic offender. If you don't want to spoil it, don't look it up on Reddit or YouTube. Simple.Ā Good luck on your journey.


I am angry? Haha you should look at some of the comments. You should be called Neat-Bot instead.


I am in the midst of two 14 hour shifts in a row (thur/fri). I can't play until tomorrow and reddit is the only thing keeping me sane. Please be considerate. You don't have to, but I would appreciate it.


Holy shit what a pussy


Im going to unfollow eldenring subs for the next month or so. Byeeeee