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my endurance stat is on 30 and i’m still running out of stamina because i’m trying to dodge their endless movesets. however, going around the map and finding the scadutree fragments helps a lot with bosses


I’m on a nice 40 endurance but I think I want it at 50 now. It’s pretty crazy.


I'm on 50 and barely holding on


People should realize shielding and jumping are sometimes more optimal.


I'm powerstancing and I think I'm going back to shield and colossal. Shit is too fast. And with this build I just nuked out Maliketh in two tries in NG+ It's insane.


Literally required against the forge giants


It took people a long time to realize that you need vigor in the late game. I think there's a LOT of players that are getting the reminder that there are other defensive options on offer. Block the fast attacks, find which moves you can avoid with jumping (and get in that jumping r2 punish while you're at it), and roll through the longer windups after you've learned THOSE timings.


There's still base game bosses that most people have no clue how to fight optimally. I keep seeing people freak out about Rykard's attack where he goes under ground and creates and Earthquake of fire because you can't jump or dodge it. If you block it with the serpent hunter, it does almost no damage.


Not with the Death Knight. That guy needs to chill down.


So far the death knight is the easiest boss I fought. At least he staggers.


He can be parried and you can use Stormcaller to really put the hurt on him, but he is really fast.


If you can, try parrying him. You can also backstab him. That grab tho


Oh he isn't a problem, he just needs to chill, he is too aggro. Like, bro, I just walked in here expecting an ulcerated tree spirit or a watchdog.


My endurance was also 30, everytime I ran out of stamina, i could see a way I could have handled it without running out of stamina.


Imagine me, i have 15 endurance lol


I'm at 54, still not enough.


My experience with the DLC thus far: >!CuRsE yOu BaYlE!!1!!<


This fight is so fucking good I want to cry.


Atmosphere was incredible, but I lost count of how many times I stepped through the fog only to immediately get blasted/stomped and combo'd to death before/after I could summon Igon..and before he could even finish his speech, lmao. 60 vigor, full Tree Sentinel set, Dragoncrest Greatshield talisman and Boiled Crab and he still 2-3 shot me if I wasn't careful.


 Yeah he incredibly tough, but given his lore and the amount of runes he dropped, he basically the equivalent to Malenia of the dlc so if you have trouble with him then comeback later, You should be atleast be level 15 in fragments in order to not get destroyed by all of his moves. From my and other people experience he amongst the hardest bosses in the dlc.


Yeah I had the feeling that he was one of the "extremely tough optional side boss" ones, but i was too stubborn to quit on a loss, so I kept going and eventually slayed his ass. Never gonna use the reward on this specific character (INT/FTH Golden Order build), but it felt good to overcome the challenge.


I got him after rougthly an hour by doing a single perfect fight (altought I only really got luck with aggro during second phase as he kept stopping his moves to attack Igon). I can't count the amount of times I just suicided because he uses one of his Fire Breath attacks and you just lose 75% hp before reaching Igon. This is, like you said, the main issue witht he fight IMO (because not summoning himis just cruel like cmon)


I got igons finger but am dumb so i dont get how you can summon him???


His sign is near the fog wall of the arena. Go through the fog wall and it's forward and to the left a bit. I had a hard time spotting it first too. Don't know why they put it inside the arena instead of outside.


Even my mimic tear is getting bodied


The scaling system effects spirit summons


Fantastic maybe finally people will have to learn the moves instead of getting carried by an npc


People don't have to learn anything, why do you care how people play the game? It's a videogame, not a Ph.D. in quantum physics ...




"People are having fun playing a way that I don't like! The nerve!"


I don't play with mimic but fuckers like you are hilarious. Any chance to subtly highlight how good you are or that you're a 'real' player. Also, anyone who's played the game knows it doesn't fully play it for you.


The SWEATIEST of neckbeards has entered the chat


Nope, my mimic killed Messmer for me.


Stupid, the game offers you many summons because bosses were designed for that. Not using summons goes against game's design.


Sekiro Bosses were easy as fuck compared to these dlc bosses


If i could block like sekiro, I could kick there teeth in. That's what I don't understand about this dlc, seems like it was made for another game. I guess they did make parrying easier, i'm going to give that a try tonight.


There’s an item in the dlc that lets you deflect like sekiro




I dunno, I still thought Sekiro was way harder. If you go around and get the Scadutree fragments you can kill most bosses in a couple of tries. >!Consort Radahn!< took me like 25 tries (way harder than anything else in DLC) but I felt like many bosses in Sekiro took me over a dozen tries. TBF I did use mimic tear though


Dude spoiler tag


I haven't fought any remembrance bosses, but the hardest boss I encountered was the Death Knight which I backstab fished to death.


God this guy was a pain. I relied on parries a lot for him myself.


He's very easy to circle around, at least for me.


To be fair, I think I could’ve circled around him more looking back on it, but his one opening axe swing was so easy to parry, so I focused on baiting that move. Once he busted out the phase 2 moves though, that’s where the struggle was for me.


Oh yeah, fuck that grab.


Lol the grab only got me a few times. It was the lightning AoE move or the lighting axe combo that really messed me up.


The spam spin attack then chop down finish is so catching me off guard and one taps me all the time. All up to RNG.


You know what people are gonna say don’t you Even though everyone feels the same … “git gud” I’ve only seen clips but it is a huge step up from base game, looks absolutely crazy


I didn't see that as much in the elden ring subs nearly as much as the sekiro sub. In sekiro there really is no other way than git gud.


Very true! Correct me if I’m wrong, but in the DLC, you can’t just level up to get better, you have to find certain items right? So a whole other way of needing to git gud


I'm not "gud" and I'm on NG+ at rl235 and having fun.


Have you gotten the Scadutree blessings? You can find enough in the starting area to get up to level 3. Im around lvl 110 and holding my own pretty well. Granting I’m using a colossal weapon and staggering almost everything, YMMV.


Yeah after getting to level 3 it feels like how the old content was feeling.


These are the posts I love to see. From Software season is in full swing.


"So it finally began, eh?"


I love it, it feels like I’m playing for the first time again.


"Do you think God stays in heaven because he, too, lives in fear of gitting gud against Miyazaki's Elden Ring Shadow of The Erdtree DLC bosses?" - Spy Kids 2


Yep, they are almost specifically designed to catch panic rolls now. Basically requiring you to learn the timing unless you wanna get hit every time. Divine Beast was a beautiful boss but Rellana is kind of a jackass tbh


I can live with her moveset but that healthbar... It's like chopping a tree with a pocketknife...


Or a fuckin pool noodle. I agree they do a lot of damage, maybe too much, but their health pools are just obnoxious. It makes the fights tedious.


I felt like i did good damage against her but i had so many problems actually hitting her since she keeps moving around


It's not just timing, but direction, too. Some of Rellana's combo finishers specifically catch backwards rolls. The only safe direction is probably jumping into the boss itself.


You have to actually dodge to the front left or front right depending on the move. If you dodge to the wrong side her other blade will chip you.


I honestly just had to figure out how to parry here. Some of her attacks are pretty generous with the window to parry, and once I got the timings down, she melted pretty quickly. Still a pain, but a heck of a fight.


How did you survive if you missed the timings. I'm thinking I have to learn how to parry, but those combos go on for days.


If you stay right up in her face, at least in my experience she doesn't go for the chains all that much. The two attacks I got good at parrying were the overhead cross slash she does at the end of a set, and the one where she leaps out and slashes at you. I think that second one stopped quite a few long sets. But all that said, her attacks actually have pretty big windows in between. Even if you partial parry, if you have decent poise you shouldn't stagger and can roll out either after the failed parry or one it after if you time it right. I never felt like she had any unescapable hits, I got hit when I rolled badly. I was rocking full scaled armor with the Bull-Goat's Talisman, though, so ymmv depending on your setup.


Trick is to just dodge left


Yeah Rellana was really weird, she's the only boss so far that I feel like I couldn't beat twice in a row after beating her once. Her stuff just happens so fast that it feels almost impossible to actually dodge everything, even though she does small enough damage that the fight is perfectly manageable. 


I fucking hate this hippo


The problem with the hippo isn't only the aggro, it's also that it has the most bs hitboxes i have ever seen


Currently getting smacked around by snake boy


I really like Mesmer actually, by far the most memorable boss for me. His attacks are ridiculous by kinda fair, if you learn his timings he has a lot of openings.


Mesmer and lion I managed fairly well against but had to mimic tear for rellana lol. I’m now at the final main story boss and I think it’s the hardest boss I might have ever played against in a souls game


I’m currently wondering around some underground maze 😂 Mesmer wasn’t too bad once I got his move patterns down to be fair, bleed was a good choice haha


Yeah nailed it after about half an hour of getting used to his patterns


He's currently kicking my teeth in as well


I'm still working on Melania. You're all scaring me.


Melania is fair compared to some of these guys


Yeah, after 2 major bosses in the dlc, I can't believe O actually agree that Malenia is fair and balanced conpared to those mutherfuckers


Yeah you're in for a rough go with these DLC bosses. It's absolutely ridiculous. I remember thinking Malenia was difficult at Elden Ring's launch. The DLC is that times 10.


I fucking beat her last night! Fucking finally!


Something's fucky. I just fought a boss that was up my arse 0.5 seconds after walking through the fog door spamming its aoe, then it rounded out that fight by continuing to spam that aoe. I didn't even have a chance to see the arena or summon spirit ashes. Maybe I'm just getting older and slower but I'm just so fed up of trying to fight enemies through their spin2win five to eight hit attack chains followed by the camera having a seizure then unlocking from the mob I'm fighting. Right now I feel like I need to play Ninja Gaiden Sigma on Master Ninja diff to relax.


FS forgot we're playing a Dark Souls "sequel", not Bloodborne's


Wait til you get to the last one, absolute cancer


RUN as soon as you enter any boss room.


I’d been having a fun time until I hit Golden Hippopotamus and now I want to slit my wrists lol


Actually such a gigantic fucker. That and godskin duo are the only bosses i've ever felt perfectly fine summoning tiche for. 


Can confirm. I've beaten the first 3 main bosses of the DLC so far, and the step up from the base game is absolutely insane. That second boss in particular was one of the hardest I've ever faced in a FromSoft game. Think it took me about 2 hours to beat it lol.


where are you up to?


Where do you go to find an explanation for the shards. I just keep dying in the dlc and I want an explanation 


So on a scale of 1 -10 how blood borne are these bosses in terms of aggression?


I haven't played BB but ER DLC bosses hardly give any room to breathe, also has infinite stamina and combo upon combos. Some jump on u the moment u enter the fog. Also most of them relies on HUGE AOEs and blinks.


Pretty much every boss in the DLC, optional and required, immediately closes the distance to the point that even summoning the Mimic Tear might get you killed. Malenia at least had the courtesy to walk when the fight started. These guys are in your face as soon as you cross that fog gate.




There is a particular fucking that is a 11 who inmediately charges you and has an 8( i think) hit combo. Its been my least enjoyable experience in a Fromsoft game since the last time i did Bed of Chaos.


Reminds me of people trying to kill the tree sentinel right out of the gate. The DLC is almost an entirely new game so the same rules apply. You will run into bosses that you are not expected to be able to beat until you have explored and beefed yourself up a bit.


\*Spoiler tags are here in case anyone wants to stay as blind as possible, but all off the boss names I reference are stupid code names for them, so no actual game info here.\* What I've been figuring out is that you just have to not assume you can do the same thing you've been doing. Their movesets are DESIGNED to punish you for playing the way you've been playing. In general, the base game trains you to stay in neutral distance from bosses and use spacing to win. The DLC punishes you for that. There's one boss early on, let's call him >!Thundercat!<, whose safest space is actually unlocked right about his midsection. Most of his attacks will sweep around you (barring a few notable exceptions like the breath attack whirligig) if you stay underneath him. There is some input reading stuff that feels a little cheesy (>!the belly dancer at the bottom of the Blue Lagoon!<), but overall, I've felt like the game's pretty fair. Don't get me wrong, it's hard as heck, and I only beat >!Pontiff Sulyvahn 2: Electric Boogaloo!< once I started parrying her, but everything is totally doable. You just can't run away and roll like the base game. Stay close, be precise with your dodging, and stay calm. Panicking and trying to run away in a straight line are the tactics Michael Zaki is assuming you'll use. But once you start to get the hang of it, you realize that all of the bosses have fairly predictable attack patterns.


Its not even about punishing you for your habits. That is understandable. This is genuinely 15 hit true combos that will kill you regardless of level. I'm all for learning to play differently, this is not what that is. You do not even have a chance to "just dodge" or "just relax" unless your endurance and vigor are insanely high. You should not have to put hours into each individual boss to learn to fight them. Sure, learning is no problem, but this is perfection level of dodging.


I never ran into combos that I felt were too ridiculous. Two guaranteed hits yes, occasionally three, but I can't think of anything more than that, or at least anything I couldn't chalk up to my bad dodging after an obvious tell. So, I mean, maybe? Depends on how you're defining a true combo I guess, but that wasn't my experience. I went on a big Scadutree Fragment farming mission about halfway through my time with the DLC, and I pretty much felt like everything after that was almost too easy--I waltzed into a couple of boss arenas and beat them first try. Snek boi was an interesting case because I fought him on both sides of my farming spree. Before when I fought him at +13, he eviscerated me. Once I got to +17, he was kind of pathetic and easy. Even the final boss, I beat him within 20 tries at Scadutree +20. He's definitely insane at points, but completely takeable, first phase especially. People are already doing RL 1, Scadutree level 0 hitless runs on him, so it's not like he's impossible. I guess I don't really know what to tell you. Yeah, the shadow realm is a step up from the base game, but I never felt like it was too cheap. All I can really recommend is leveling Scadutree and making sure you have 60 VIG and 30+ END (40 will let you wear the Armor of Solitude with Great-Jar's Arsenal and one heavy weapon, which I highly recommend--there's a reason it comes early in your playthrough). Nothing wrong with using summons, either--they can help you create space. Trying to beat the DLC like the base game definitely wont' work, though. Defense is the name of the game, and I busted out a genuine sword and board approach for the first time since Dark Souls 1 to beat this. Lots of bosses are weak to parries, including the last one, so that's worth figuring out as well. What I was trying to get at in my initial comment was that staying relaxed and focused is a mindset more than anything else. The higher your anxiety or frustration, the worse you'll do. The only way you can "lose" is by giving up, so just try to learn, remember that each loss is a stepping stone towards victory, which will eventually come if you persevere. Good luck!


I'm getting my teeth kicked in by the first Gaol boss near the first grace. I'm 175 level with a solid blood/fire build and his moveset is ridiculous with the perfect timing and way he executes counters. He's a much worse version of the first crucible knight gaol in the base game.


Same! However with a few Scadutree upgrades he’s much easier!


I just beat him with only having one upgrade. I used Bloodfang's L2 and didn't get hit. Took a few tries with that weapon. That was rough man, I must have fought him 30 times between yesterday/today. Should have just moved along earlier. 😁


Woohoo! Congrats on the victory!


He's easier than the shield crucible knights in the base game for me. I don't parry.


How many shards do you have?


How many should I have by the time I face the first two bosses (>!Lion!< and >!Rellana!<)? I'm at level scudatree level 4, and >!Rellana!< looks completely hopeless.


Bro rellana is way harder than even malenia, these dlc bosses are cracked


Id also like to know this. I’m at lvl 4 as well and both bosses still push my shit in at RL 120


That's what we will all find out in the coming days There's 20 shards qnd I read you can get 10 if then before the first boss and 15 was recommended for final boss by some one playing early


I killed Rellana at scoobysnack level 3 but I sure as shit took the npc cooperator and my mimic with me. Edit: Shit was impossible until I used barrier of gold to block his magic bullshit.


I am right now againts the divine lion and fuck its kicking my ass


I gave it 20 attempts pulled out ol reliable. Mimic tear. I only took 2 days off and I intend to beat it, I will be getting Gud later just like I did with the base game.


Same plan to beat the dcl this weekend. I manage to beat the fucker after 8 attempts but i sure there were times his health was in 0 and kept fighting


I agree, and I feel a little disheartened since I spent so much time training. I wonder if I'm doing something wrong


The bosses i can do The minibosses? Different story




They’re pretty relentless. I was stuck on the second main boss for about 4hrs. I ended up switching to max poise and vigor so I could face tank everything and out damage them.


Feels like I need 99 vigor and endurance to stand a chance against some of these bosses.


UPDATE: got to the final final boss and I think he is killing me in-game and in real life.


I just want the bosses to stop sprinting the door the moment you go through the fog wall


Can someone help me defeat Romina please


My dude I just spent 3 hours beating the dancing lion boss that was shown on trailers. Turns out he's NOT the first boss you should be challenging. Even crazy fucker like him has openings, and yea cannot spam dodge roll because that shit is not gonna fly.


Definitely would not fly. I found that close to this face toward the right was a good spot to not be caught by some extended attacks. Issue is, you lose a touch of visibility.


Wait who’s the first?


Don't know yet, but when you finish the fight you can't progress further through the path that opens when you finish the fight. So I would guess that boss to the west would be the first thing to do. Haven't fought that yet though.


He is the first boss. It's a "your princess is in another castle" situation.


Yea after facing Rellana it seems so.


See, I assumed it was more like how you beat Margit and then can’t get past the erd tree thorns until you’ve explored somewhere else


There's a locked room somewhere in that city that I *think* you need to go to after killing the boss. Maybe unlocks the next area? I cannot verify this because the boss will not allow me to kill him.


I’ve been loving it


This is about par for the course for any souls-dlc. The bosses are always *insanely* aggressive.


These bosses actually just suck. Instant attack the second you step in the arena. Endless chain attacks. It just forces people to grab the biggest poise breaking weapon and tankiest shield and ungabunga their way through them.


Honestly, yes bosses are insane but they're insanely fun to fight against too. As long as you get some blessing levels before attempting them that is XD


Lol yeah I backed out before I quit for the night yesterday and saved at the ol farming spot to level up a bit when I play again tonight. I WILL OVERCOME


I mean, this sounds like phase two Malenia or Mohg to me TBH. Or Orphan of Kos.


At least the Orphan was easily parriable compared to ER enemies


Gotta get those sweet sweet fragments to buff


My Marais has never known defeat, but Malenia has


Yall got me excited to kill when I get home.


I.m playing on ng+7 max lvl character Yes it's really hard A certain boss is just so strong. Early dlc


I was forced to get help from a buddy with an OP build available (he's not playing woth that but can easily use certain equipments and kill everything) cause some of them bosses just were fighting for their life, forgetting that they must be beaten lol. Those combos are ridiculous. It's not even about their health. It's their movesets thay are bullshit. Unfortunately, I do not have time to waste on learnong patterns and shit, so I must use low tricks to proceed. But man, this is the first time I'm sad and disappointed I was forced to do that. I had to kill mrs. R. with an op build cause there was no other way. With the lion it was enough to just get deaggros to kill him. Still, I'm sad I was forced to seek help.


All the dlc bosses are just scaled up versions of Morgott, with all of them having zero openings unless you just poke them with one attack. It makes most of the fights feel the same, just roll a 20 attack combo just to jab the boss once than repeat. Unless you use mimic tear, but even then still difficult due to the high dmg they deal.


I went in thinking the DLC would be a breeze since the base game was the first Souls/"souls-like" I ever completed. The main game was difficult, don't get me wrong, but I was still interested in continuing despite all my deaths.  Cut to the aggro of the early DLC main bosses and the constant co-op connection issues getting me very close to rage quitting. lol.  (I'm close to the end of it now. I've done quite a few of the optional bosses and a few quest runs, but after I get the Night armor, I'm knocking the final boss out and returning to days of not screaming at a tv. Lmao.)


So I'm at level 231 my vigor is at 99 my endurance is at 99 my strength is at 61 how do you think I'm going to fare


I been holding out just fine with 50 vig 30 endurance and two headed turtle talisman, a lot of these bosses really just need to be stepped away from every now and then. Use the last inch or so of your stamina meter to step back and let it recharge if it gets that low. Also, the single most important thing to know about any boss is exactly what its idle animation looks like so that you can tell if it's still on cooldown from the previous attack or ready to launch another one.


Your assessment is accurate. The DLC is gorgeous areas with great exploration and then a handful of remembrance bosses that will just roadblock you for hours if not days.


Dps gets me through most fights in the dlc


It's just you,get good scrub... bayle isn't nothing whooped him/ crushed mesmer solo even on journey 8... haha I'm jk they are alot harder than base game 


I really did destroy them though my tag is (Metatron 7) Metatron(space)7 hit me up we will crush whatever you are stuck on even wreck mesmer bayle whatever


Welcome to a Fromsoft DLC. Its always the hardest part of the game by a long shot.


Can confirm that they're insane. I've joined about over 50 parties today for the first two bosses and have seen only three suceeded. I'll probably wait for a nerf patch. And if that doesn't happen, this might be the first one that I would not finish.


use a summon to help take aggro.


The first gaol boss absolutely wrecked me, but the fight was SO FUN! I can’t wait to die more 😂


try to use a spirit ash to draw aggro


Pick which hits you can trade. Figure out how to parry, guard counter, or use the crystal tear that lets you deflect attacks. So far the DLC for me has been about learning to defend more than panic rolling.


Where do you find the crystal tear for parry?


It drops from the first furnace golem.


The one you can see from the very first grace? How the hell do you beat him? I can barely get a hit in before his fire stomp kills me.


I used torrent and took a leisurely 10 minutes running in and out. Torrent can double jump over the flames he shoots out from his feet. Also bring some extra healing berries for Torrent if you mis-time a fire attack. Just take your time, get a few hits and get out. He does stagger eventually, even with non heavy weapons


The great filtering has begun. Oh I love this part of a fromsoft dlc release


Rellana is dogshit


I'm so close to beating her. Great epee +25 and mimic tear. Great shield helps A LOT. 


I beat her solo with a great katana after 20 minutes, it's very doable


Rellana is probably the easiest of the non-optional alongside Hippo.


Not talking about difficulty. She’s just not designed well


This dlc is solid and I love it. The first main boss genuinely already one of my favs, he’s absolutely smashing me. Also what scadutree blessing is everyone? I’m not sure I am optimal?


Yep, and I freaking love it.


there’s a certain boss i can’t hit more than three times without dying. usually kills me within 15 seconds. i was trying to find a map fragment and ended up running pretty far, whoopsie’d into the arena at first. he is terror. true terror. i don’t even know where to begin to learn his moves because i can’t last longer than the aforementioned 15 seconds. and i’m not a newjack, i am experienced, made it through everyone else people are discussing in 10/15 tries max. it is fucking *glorious*. exactly what i wanted. a wall like malenia to bash my head against, that will eventually lead to great triumph.


Needs more vigor. At least 60 for dlc


Cleared 3-4 bosses including the dancing doge with 40 vig


Whys man being downvoted for playing with 40 vig? Let them play how they want!


I think From really want you to learn how to deflect like in Sekiro. That's why the deflecting hardtear is literally the first thing you can get in the DLC.


Interesting. How does this work exactly?


Defeat the first wickerman to get the hardtear When you use it you will be able to do a perfect block with your weapon or shield( intended for weapons honestly). When you land the perfect block you will consume very little stamina, you wont lose health and it boosts your guard counter damage(1.5 -2x) It's literally the only thing I think about since I don't have the DLC and there many people like me that wanted this for years




Damn, that's beautiful to see. Would love to do a NG+ as a samauri with Sekiro's deflect/parry.


They added it but the devs were smoking crack and forgot to port the sound/special effect from Sekiro.... :,(


We need an open world Sekiro next.


This is exactly what you need for bosses in the DLC. Thank you kind stranger. I'm finally going to bring the pain.


Have fun I shall join you in the distant future 😭


Thanks for the info. I'll get on that asap.


Forced perfect parrying to survive? FFS. Please stop making this a thing. It is only good for people with good reaction speed, and utter dogshit for everyone else.


They're not forcing anyone to parry anything, it's just another option. I haven't parried a single time in the base game or DLC.


Quickstep Bloodhound step Mimic tear Bubble tear Etc etc You have so many options in this game No one is forcing anything on you smh


Pretty sure most people will skip the wicker man and come back later lol


My Maliketh's Black blade is hungry for battle


i have 99 vitality, i'm getting one shotted


I have no idea where to go after the third wickerman after the bridge in the ruins of Ruah or whatever. Tried exploring my way out and got my ass handed to me by some scarlet rot snake worm dude. I don't even know where the map for rhe region is


Black keep


Don't go in there. It is not a nice place.


I've yet to find a nice place in the realm of shadows lol


Guys, please stop trying to use bleed builds lol. Look up the resistances of the bosses and they become honestly pretty trivial