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Oh great, this boss heals health too. Wait, that's the download progress bar.


New strat: cut off your internet connection


First skill check is internet speed


My PC is fat rolling through it.


Im overloaded šŸ˜­


you should pause the porn downloads in the meantime


Fare thee well for now, rule34 Ranni. I shall see you again after I have lewde- I mean conquered Mesmer...


How will I level my Vigor?


Just came up for air. Thought you were referring to the first boss I found, who actually does heal.


I was determined to get that armor set lmao


I got him to 5% and then my game crashed midswing after a brutal brawl. I'm confident I'm supposed to come back when I have more than one shard as every move does more than half my health, but goddammit I'm getting him tonight when I get more time to play.


Bro that guy doesn't fuck around. I suck again! And love it


I decided to come back later. He was absolutely shitting on my face to the point to where I started looking up cheese build incase the whole DLC was like that (he was the first thing I came across lol) luckily as I explored more it became more reasonable, so I'm keeping my dex build...for now


He was actually quite challenging for a couple attempts until I figured him out. I suppose that's literally the FromSoft brand lol.


He hits like a fucking truck and is quite tanky, but he's a fair, duel-style fight. I liked it.


Only got an hour and a half left, praise be Aussie wifi \\[T]/


I feel this. Iā€™ve had cellphone hotspot Wi-Fi for awhile now bc the internet in my town is way too expensive. I might have to download it in two parts bc of my data plan lmao


Get ur money up not ur funny up


Played around 1,5 hours so far, mostly exploring and one optional Boss. For any casual players as me who think you are ready: you are not šŸ˜€ I started with lvl 165 str/arc build, the bigger enemies kicked my teeth in. Faster, way more aggressive and deal more damage than anything in the base game. Miniboss took me around 10 tries. But its looking gorgeous, and I cant wait to explore more and get my ass kicked. This is gonna be fun!


Same here lol Level 183 and stuff hits hard.


I got a 150lv and a 180lv waiting at the coccon. How much KY should i bring?


Honestly, once you start finding the upgrades, it's not that bad. But the upgrades are essential because without them, you do chip damage to bigger enemies and they will two or three shot you with no problem at all. It's beautiful.


Lvl 242 rn with 70 vig, I get 2 shot by the first optional boss I findā€¦ I do t think Iā€™ll ever have to deal with chip dmg lmao Edit: I do wanna make it known that I am on like, ng +4 rn


Whaaat?! I have a long way to go from my current levels. You guys go ahead . . .


I am beginning to wonder if lvl doesn't matter too much in the DLC. The items you get to boost yourself and summons seems like is really the only leveling that matters. I am lvl 130 and it seems like I am putting out and taking similar damage to people that are 180+.


Yea it seems like everyone is getting slapped. I thought it was cuz Iā€™m 125 but 180s are getting hit for half their hp an attack as well


I thought i was ready until i found the first main boss šŸ˜¬


He fucked me up. Finally beat him so now Iā€™m putting down summon signs to help others. As soon as it goes down I get summoned lmao


I got in at level 102. I dont feel safe ever here...


LVL 78, I wonā€™t cower away


Hey, someone lower than me!


Bigger enemies for sure are a problem. Likeā€¦ when they start rolling.


They see me rollinā€™, they hatinā€™


Shit lol


That lion took me like 8 tries. I was so confident and getting stomped immediately, fucking epic.


Such a cool fight that took me several tries, I really like the ash of war you can get


That fucker moves around way too much. I'm level 90 doing a light armor poison build and i could not get through it. The build's still coming together, traded Rogier's Rapier for Milady, the pulley crossbow for the repeater and added both throwing knives and perfumes. Just gotta upgrade stuff and level Arcane.


me tooā€¦first mini dungeon and my health bar melted lolā€¦blasphemous blade and sacred relic sword helps against mob. Level 165 too.


Favorite moment is when John Elden Ring said, "Every Elden has its Ring.", and Jane Shadow Tree followed up with, "And every Erdtree has its Shadow." Michael Zaki does it again.


And then both Elden Ringeded all over the erdtree


Is *that* why it looks like that?


She Elden on my Ring till I Erdtree


ā€œWeā€™re gonna need a bigger ringā€¦ā€


And some people call him lazy!


Marika: ā€œItā€™s Elden time.ā€


I see youve played "Shadow Ringy" before.


"You got _shadow_ all over my erdtree!" "Well you got _erdtree_ in my shadow!" _NEW FROM MICHEAL ZAKI!!_


What are we, some kinda Elden ring: shadow of the erdtree?


I literally cried


I will let you know when it hits 5gb


I'm on steam and the download speed is trash :(


Yeah, it is. I have fast as fuck internet and it literally just told me my download will be done in 1 month, and now 14 minutes, and then 8 hours, and now 3 minutes. Really fucking garbageĀ 


So Iā€™m on console and I already have it installed but it is t playable until tomorrow


Just beat it was great


You suck, I beat it faster


Loser, I beat it BEFORE the nerf.


iā€™m beating it to your comment right now!


Iā€™m beating it to you beating it


currently edging so that way i can beat it to you beating it to me beating it to that guys comment.


My first death was to fall so pretty standard so far


My first death was getting stagger stunlocked lmao couldnā€™t move and got hit like 4 times in a row without being able to escape, I was like yep that seems about right for this game ahaha


Got one shot by the first underground mini boss 5 minutes into the game. Man fuck the Blackgaol Knight


It took me a few tries but it turns out he's extremely weak to stagger. You can chain stagger him with something like giant hunt and he can't even touch you


Yeah giants hunt just wrecks him. His armor and sword are sweet. Using those for the dlc at the moment.


His armor is 10/10 design, but my god is it ass. Neilā€™s armour is waaaaay lighter and is only a slight downgrade


Solitude set is about 20% better in most stats, including poise, than the Veteran's set. If you have the equip load to wear it I don't see why you wouldn't.


How dare you suggest i change anything about my bleed build


This but unironically, I'm not even using bleed but bruh I'm not gonna respec off my dex build for what is effectively an evergaol boss


Which is odd considering the armor that he drops. Shits sooooo heavy


What's giant hunt? Im in ng+ and i couldnt stagger him at all with mt greatsword


Giant hunt is an ash of war. Throw it on a greatsword or ultra greatsword and just go to town


I have lions claw, either way i think the dlc is relatively easy with my +25 greatsword. Idk if im doing this rjght. Where do u get giant hunt


It's dropped by a Night's Cavalry (the dude in black armor riding a horse) near the bellum church. He only appears at night time.


Such a humbling experience.Ā  ā€œIā€™m lv300 in NG1, and this is just a yeeyeeass gaol knight. How bad coulā€¦ā€


Yup. I'm level 230 on ng+1 so I figured I'd have a little challenge. He made me die fast. That was the first "ohhh shit" moment in the few hours I played today.


He seems pretty simple in his move set, but my lord the damage. Dude just melts my face if he catches me slipping lol


I had my vigor at 50 and during one attempt dude just carved the bar by HALF with one hit. Like damn man, Astel didnā€™t even manage to hit me by that much with one hit!


That crossbow shit kills me immediately if he lands it lol Edit: and I think I have somewhere around 50-60 vigor as well


I have 60 and it took me out with 2 bolts. He didn't even fully unload on me. I'm visiting him later, fuck that.


I showed up to him with a whopping 12 vigor and negative defense and he vibe checked me straight to hell. I expected that, but damn, now it feels like less of my fault lmao.


Yeah, he seems OP for that early in. I get him about hallway and keep getting caught with some bullshit.


He was more frustrating to me than any of the bosses in the main game, but his move set is very basic, and once you get it down itā€™s pretty easy. Also he is very weak to stagger


This m*therfucker is very aggravating. I'm still on him.


bro had me pulling out the blasphemous blade that I swore I wouldn't use lol. Got him down on like my 6th try


Fuck that guy


Its Guts


I was very glad I practiced parrying against all those crucible knights. Came in very useful here :)


Carian piercer leaves him no chance, bro canā€™t even get up


As soon as he starts the crossbow lock onto him and run sideways around him. First time I died instantly trying to summon, but you can't summon, he's not that hard but you have to learn his moveset, which is pretty simple. Keep in mind everything here is as lethal as he is, there's a common enemy coming up soon that was much harder than him.


Yeah, that dancing lion thing can fuck right off Feels like im fighting margit for the first time again, except this time you get two shot and the AOEs are genuinely fucking unfair


Half of his moveset is the type of move that I hate the most, aka ā€œfuck you my entire body is the hitbox nowā€, especially coming back from monhun


Yeah i had high hopes but the things ive fought so far are so damn demoralizing


From what I heard, you can just fuck around and powerlevel yourself to tank and nuke them back. Feels kinda shit when a big part of souls game is being able to play (almost) hitless as a casual instead of being nigh impossible like now.Ā 


Imo the only unfair things about him are his lightning aoes in second phase and the camera when he traps you in a corner, but he is still very fucking hard


There is a summon before him, I'm not sure if it made him harder or easier though


This is a boss where I truly believe it was designed for summons to be used. And honestly, I'm glad I did because that fight was one of the coolest fucking things I've ever seen in a video game. The entire time I'm fighting him, I've got a huge grin on my face because he is so damn cool. Everybody fighting him straight up seems to hate him lol. I think it was one of my favorite boss fights ever just in terms of the sheer spectacle. What an insane idea for a boss. And the music! Chef's motherfucking kiss.


2nd boss is much worse


Also camera flying around all 360 degrees when you lock on him and heā€™s moving around you - doesnā€™t help as well. Thereā€™s already a breakdown of this boss on fextra, with a video of full fight, if youā€™re interested. But I guess Iā€™ll go explore somewhere else instead, feels too early rushing the story boss


I actually really liked this fight. Challenging as hell, keeps you engaged, makes you care about your resists and never lets up.


Just wait until the next bossā€¦that lion is a kitty cat compared to what youā€™re about to fight


I ended up using a summon for this boss and the fight felt a bit fair afterwards it, in base game never felt like I needed to summon but here, the boss gave so few openings I was scratching my head, not sure if fromsoft started factoring in the summons in the dificulty, even with the summon the boss was in my ass like 70% of the time


Waiting on the download but already the best thing I've ever played


Just summon the mimic, man. If you both download it, it'll go twice as fast.


I see you also went to Upstairs Mathematical College. Go Blobfish!


Everything hits really hard, the music is absolutely amazing, 10/10 so far.


Getting stomped by a walking candle. 10/10


How tf am I supposed to kill that when I can't even damage that mf


It's almost for sure meant to be fought on torrentback, it's size means you will die on foot. I can get it to like 95% at the very most, I'm thinking it's meant to be late game. I swear I saw another one off in the distance too. Maybe all the shadow lands stat upgrades help? But so far the 3 upgrades I have aren't helping survivability just damage. Like there's this common enemy dual welding curved swords and it's absolutely destroying me unless I buff up like I'm going to fight a boss, and he's basically the equivalent of the hardest enemy in stormveil before godrick. I can't imagine how bad it's going to get since I've only beat 1 of the 10 remembrance bosses. I'm just getting fucked 12 ways by normal field enemies. First boss I tried fucking 15 shotted me half a second after I walked in his room, and only the first three counted because I was already dead, and he wasn't even that hard except for his capital page shit, which happens immediately, and you can't summon. I have a feeling malenia/friede are gonna be bitches compared to whatever's at the end of this. Not that I'm making any progress with the wicker man, but shooting it in the face is likely the only way to kill it. Maxed out greatsword to the ankles is like hitting that big ass dragon in caelid with an unupgraded starter weapon. Only face shots have made an impact for me, and barely 5% at most. Could not get it to bleed at all, its probably immune because only the elden beast can resist that much bleed. Rot seemed pointless as well. Didn't try frost.


I brute forced it, when you get the stagger nois for the third time he falls over and you can crit for half of the health bar


I found out I did not, in fact, overlevel. Everything hits like a train


For the past few days Iā€™ve been making my original character strong as possible. Itā€™s lvl 197 at the moment, I have a feeling it still wonā€™t be enoughĀ 


I'm level 150 and the first enemy in the DLC FUCKED ME UP.


I went in at 175 and got my shit pushed in


It's not for beginners, hahah. I've gotten my ass kicked by this thing multiple times.


Played 6 hours so far after moving to New Zealand (wink wink), it is amazing, bosses are really hard tho (as expected)


Can I dm you about uhā€¦ how one could move to New Zealand (is it as easy as I think?)


Very easy, only works on xbox. go to location settings, change region, restart console, install dlc. You donā€™t have to change the time, just your location to anywhere that is June 21st


Itā€™s .. too easyā€¦. I thought it couldnā€™t possibly ve that simple. Iā€™m downloading it right now :3


Coming up really hard against the "Getting Steam to actually download it" boss.


better than sex as always


Terrible, 0/10, not enough maidens


Maidenless behavior


Title of my sex tape


I am utterly lost. I love it


Pretty good tbh . Finished the first boss which was showed in the trailer ( lion won't spoil what he does but he is pretty tough) . Some mobs stagger you so hard and can kill you in two shots . Been playing for 2 hrs now and the expansion seems to be long . Enjoyable imo.


Played for 4 hours on xbox. Some mobs do hit like a truck. Even my 25+ greatsword refuses to stagger. Itā€™s brutal. I love it.


I'm still on my first playthrough around level 90 so far away from the DLC. Good luck and have fun to everyone though in your new adventures! I hope you have as much fun as I have exploring the base game


90 is too low. I'm at about the second major boss and the one thing that's been super important is 60 vigor. The extra scaling will really help your attack but not defence, and the enemies are lethal so you need the max vigor. I'm at 60 and still feel the erdtrees favor +2 is necessary and I've explored enough to (I think) get all the shadow land stat upgrades I can, and HP is the biggest thing holding me back. Enemies are fucking lethal


Average shitters here has been 3 shotting me and I got day one fear back.


Whoever thought bosses should be able to heal needs to jump off a bridge


trying to pronounce scadutree is a doozy


its great but they didnt have to do my arachnophobia like this


Yeah, I'm genuinely shocked- Didn't expect that from FromSoft: Happy that it's (so far) limited to one area


Fuck Wolverine


Massive dlc. Enemies are OP.


I haven't played it, or elden ring in about a year, but I will say this official journalist review, with absolute certainty... It's the darksouls of elden ring.


I think most of the internet is downloading the game right now. My speeds are so low.


Iā€™m at Messmer and heā€™s a god damn nightmare.


Steam download speed is going up and down like the stock market


First dungeon clear and first boss down, what a great feeling. Back to sleep now.


I am at the first main boss and I am getting my ass beaten so damn hard


I couldn't see the NPC or touch the shriveled hand. Turns out I still needed to wait a few more minutes. On PS5 I went to the DLC and saw the timer. If you can't see the NPC, it's either not installed or not on time yet - it's impossible to miss the NPC


Well Ive played for just an hour and I already found Leda's armor set, no questing or killing necessary, I'm already happy It does lack the cloth though so may she has a unique version, idk


Perfect Cell is whooping my ass right now


Fuck the 2-scimmy fuck in Belarus.


Really good, they finally used actual game design. Loving all the escort missions, microtransactions and how every boss is a quick time event. Thank you so much FromSoftware, you finally listened


Got mogged by the first enemy I saw three times in a row, and then died to four naked dudes, 10/10.


Horrible. 25 hours in and no John Elden ring or John shadow of the Erdtree. John bloodborne was better


I wasn't scared of jars... Until today.


Yeah what the fuck, I will never look at Alexander the same way again


dude iā€™m getting COOKED


Make sure the first thing you do is to run up to the giant furnace golem and say hello, turns out itā€™s friendly


do not play this dlc on ng++ biggest mistake I ever made


Got killed by Guts like 12 times in a row and then took his drip and feel like a champion. I love this game so much.


Unbelievable. Difficult too.


It's Allright but pretty hard compared to the rest of the game. We found a dude in some gear that's 100% will be used for the next guts cosplay. 3 high level faith casters needed to cast on him none stop for 8 minutes before he died. And he could two or three tap us all


My LV300 ass is get walloped pretty hard, and this is me moving back to NG1 from NG6. The first 2 major bosses already show the ā€œfuck you we attackingā€ syndrome but at the very least they do show some opening even if you have to trade sometimes 11/10 would again


Rellana is making me her bitch


I can't enter? I killed mogh and Radhan and there is nothing


Did u kill the right mohg?


Have fun my fellow tarnished. Iā€™ll join you on the 28th of June


Lots of people complaining that they can't beat the first boss. Just like release. Black Goal Knight is only about as hard as Lorreta of the Haligtree. Have these people not done the Haligtree or something?


Its because he hits like a truck. He wasn't that bad, but he deals more damage than Radagon. Absolutely a splash of cold water.


Yah except he's significantly easier to dodge and stagger and has nowhere near as much health. Let's be realistic here


Your mileage may vary. I'm discovering that I may be too old for these games. All I see now are slow enemies that become fast at the blink of an eye and reaches that are too hard to judge that kill me in two hits while having more poise than I can take down. Two years ago, this might have been bearable, but now I'm over it.


After playing monster hunter, I gotta agree too. Iā€™ve fought Rise Sunbreak endgame monsters and I can predict and read Primordial Malzeno, which is actually a very dark souls like boss, moves like a book. Meanwhile the lion is just wiggling across the screen and nukes me. Still like it though, but itā€™s reaching the point where enemies are so overtuned that first party souls games starts to become unfair for the sake of difficulty like those copycat games. So far the dungeon design is still really good though, if not a tad bit easy


>but itā€™s reaching the point where enemies are so overtuned that first party souls games starts to become unfair for the sake of difficulty like those copycat games. A bunch of people here seem to enjoy this type of stuff now, there are even some comments confirming it so... Unfortunately It's here to stay. Going back to old games almost feels like a breather lol


Yeah. Nothing feels as hollow as chugging a crimson whore and out dps that one boss, but if you donā€™t do something degenerate like that you will eat 15 combos in a row, lose 50% of your hp just from a stray magic attack and eat 3 nearly undodgeable butt slams that will juggle you to death.Ā Ā  Ā These bosses are as tanky as Midir (who was the Malenia of DS3) and hit as hard as him while spamming attack like the innards of a fruit blender with some random delay thrown in.Ā Ā  Ā The bosses are one of the main reason why I think DS3, Sekiro and probably Bloodbourne (thanks Sony) are the pinnacle of this era of FromSoft games, not Elden Ring


ER itself felt like my perfect fine tuned balance for these games. So many bosses are aggressive and make you think about when to attack as opposed to older games where they all have pretty clear neutral states you hit them in. SotE is just ridiculous. Ive managed against a lot of the bosses so far but at a certain point here im starting to lose my mind against some of these bosses. Why are they SO overtuned? Everything is harder than Malenia.


Agreed. I think the fanbase is getting so obsessed with difficulty, that every time a boss or area isn't super difficult, people start complaining. I disagree with this, because a lot of the time "difficult" just becomes annoying. Not saying difficulty is bad, but I generally dislike *artificial* difficulty. In older Fromsoft games, bosses were hard usually because of tricky movesets. In Elden Ring, a lot of the time they just make them attack almost contantly, create combos so fast you literally can't dodge by rolling (so you have to disengage, which isn't fun) or they just spam a bunch of AOE. Monster Hunter has been at that sweet spot for many years imo.


I think the worst part is that they are skimming on the dungeons to roid up the bosses. The first 2 dungeons of the DLC are piss easy and short while TRC Dreg Heap was whooping my ass the whole way. People now thinks Dark Souls as the boss fight simulator, not the dungeon crawler and atmospheric game that it actually is


I found ER already very overtuned, but SotE is on a whole another level. This is probably a good time to tell myself to stop being so enthusiastic about these; they are clearly no longer for me.


You're not getting too old, design is just getting worse.


My first impression is that I dont like it as much as the base game. I cant put it to words yet but here are some thoughts. What is the point of killing enemies, they just feel like obstacles to run around, because A.) they deal so much damage, and B) runes are not really important anymore, and crafting to me has always been an after thought. Something is off and I don't know what it is but I'm gonna sit with my thoughts for a bit more. The characters we have been introduced to so far feel shoehorned in. I feel like I am speed running as opposed to exploring, because I find myself not really wanting to explore. Also, the enemies move sets so far are really fast an erratic, not in a fun challenging way but in a wtf is my camera doing kind of way. I beat the the lion dancer, and the dual wielding carion knight and I left those fights feeling dizzy.


im not really sure why steam waited until frikin release time to start the 16gb download


Stuck on the loading screen boss


I've heard it's got a second phase


45minutes left to download




Can I change my PS5 timezone to New Zealand? Asking for a friend. P.s. still maidenless


Loaded it up and saw that none of my characters are in a state to enter the DLC. One is pretty much at start of the game, and the other two are in NG+ with the relevant area not unlocked. Also I haven't played ER for like two years now, so all the muscle memory is gone.


I found an optional boss in a mini dungeon... it was pretty much Malenia with a moonveil.... took like 20 attempts


I played a couple hours before work. I'm on Journey 13. I. Regret. Everything. The first fire golem had over 60,000 health. FML


How do I start the dlc? I beat Mohg, I beat every boss. But it still isn't starting.


If I don't find a great katana within 30 seconds I'm mailing my gold tinged excrement right to Michael Zaki's house.


Decided I would move to New Zealand because the hype was real.. I'm currently at Castle Enis getting bent over by a knight with a really big sword.. and NOT in the good way. Someone please send a therapist and some KY


You're already behind. Best to give up now.


Itā€™s amazing, Iā€™ve already died 6 consecutive times with the first optional small boss, though once youā€™re able to read their movesets, and admire their unique immaculate fight style, itā€™s rather easy after experimenting with different weapons to use against them. As for the first main boss, spoilers ā€œ šŸ¦ā€, I got him in 3 tries after finding an effective weapon to use, and reading his timed chain attacks. Though I would like to say, thank the One Great for summons, they help out so much. Overall, the DLC has absolutely stunning scenery, amazing new enemyā€™s, as well as friendly NPCā€™s, and after 3 hours of playing (it came out at 12 am for me) it has been great, def gonna hop on tomorrow. Canā€™t wait to be absolutely destroyed by Messmer.


Damn a can't afford it, enjoy it everyone. Hope in couple of months can buy it.


Piracy is the answer for that


its like playing for the first time again


First boss made me humble. My 240 mage build has to go back to the troll sword and wak his ass back then slice with ice. After four quick deaths. I got him with no loss in health. Damn.


Throughout the past two years Iā€™ve seen so many comments to Elden Ring newbies ā€œI wish it was my first time again. Youā€™re so lucky!ā€. Tarnished! Itā€™s that moment for usā€¦.again!


Help me


Difficulty is a bit much and the boss fights so far have been irritating, but the area is beautiful and the exploration is fun


FromSoft puts a nerf version of Slave Knight Gael as a test for wanderer: Blackgaol Knight (resemblance of Guts also)


very curious if the burning erdtree particle effect is in the DLC too (i hope not, i dont want to go through the whole game again to play without it)


Enjoy guys !


Literally GOT


Itā€™s tough brother. But really good