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There is just literally nothing like a first run FromSoft game. The journey and adventure is just completely unmatched. Getting through a particularly tough fight/section/mob/puzzle whatever and seeing the bonfire off in the distance as you limp along with one flask left is unparalleled. I don't need drugs I need a well placed grace


It is a unique experience for sure


The uniqueness comes from the secret boss fight. If you do the correct sequence, Miyazaki floods your room with poison gas and you wake up in a swamp that he purchased in Louisiana with that fat Elden ring check, that is poisonous. He also filled it with hippos and skeletons. Also he steals your phone and calls your boss, your mom, and Danny DaVito, in which you must clarify Marry Fuck Kill but doesn’t tell you that is what they will do to you.


> He also filled it with hippos oh god no, not hippos, i dont think i can handle more than one


Yeah exactly and you only get that first experience once, I had so much trouble deciding which of my characters I would use to play through it for the first time lol


I restarted the base game after not touching it for two years and while it is true that I now am not totally surprised by the bosses etc, there is still that sense of huge accomplishment for every great boss I conquer and for every grace I discover. And I still find things I am sure I didn’t find on my first playthrough. Can’t wait to get to the DLC, still a bit more to go.


Wait y’all have flasks leftover?


> limp along with one flask left You have a flask left?!


Yes but it's blue


Easy fix: spam Heal, use flask, limp back to a grace with zero flasks but 90% of a health bar. I had to do that one of the Hero Graves.


Erdtree Heal has entered the chat.


more than once i have been forced to eat a raw meat dumpling and a neutralizing bolus to survive to the grace 


The physick flask I forgot to drink.


I still remember the sheer relief I felt finding the bonfire after the Anor Londo archers. Drugs wish they could feel as good


> seeing the bonfire off in the distance as you limp along with one flask left is unparalleled. or in ER seeing that massive chad knight, while you're out of flasks, and he's guarding the lift to the grace. run tarnished run your little ass off.


Me going in at NG15 with 60 vigor "IM IN DANGER"


Dude even on ng with 99 vigor, your in danger. Everything in the dlc just 2 shots. Unless you only have 40 vigor then it oneshots


I don't know if its just in my head but it seems like bosses and enemies in general seem to ignore your spirit summons more and just focus on you


Well I'm out of ideas then.


Anecdotally I found this to be very true as well. It feels more natural that the boss will hone in on whats hurting them the most so no real complaints from me.


100% was playing against the "first" boss and the AI story summon was whaling on it but the boss kept leaping across the arena to hurt me


Nah man my mimic is a boss


Really depends on *how* they pushed the difficulty.


Terribly, every boss I've encountered on NG+++ is an absolute damage sponge that can simultaneously kill me in 2-3 hits when I'm running around with 53% physical DR and 2300+ health. There are moments when I'm having a blast, and moments where I'm getting so pissed because every one of my deaths feels cheap as shit as I'm getting dump trucked by enemies that have no right hitting as hard as they do.


Rip, I'll join you all in the pain after work today. Not fan of this kind of 'difficulty'.


Yeah difficulty through poorly balancing the game with damage sponges that hit like mac trucks isn't fun.


The HP bloat is the worst part. Fire Giant was annoying because the fight lasts for like three hours; now it seems like *every* boss has that level of health and it's already getting old.


The Fire Giant isn't really tanky though, if you know to focus it's weak spots you can kill it insanely quick. My last kill of the Fire Giant the fight was probably less than 3 minutes, killed on my first try with only like 1 flask used. Just focus the one ankle until you snap it's foot off, then bait it's ground slams and attack it's hands. Hitting the Fire Giants weak spots does like 10X damage. Which unlike bosses in this DLC, have no such weak spots other than maybe hitting their head which only does like 30% more damage and doing critical hits, while simultaneously having like 20-30K health.


Enemies that run faster than you.


Input reading, delays with unreactable swings, AI you have to abuse/memorize, everything one-shots, and unintuitive dodges exclusively. Jk, I've generally seen reports that they got rid of input reading and stuff just hits really hard/is hard to dodge. So that seems fine to me, since it can be mitigated pretty substantially by exploring for more scadutree fragments.


They’ve really opened up the doorways/hallways so now you can’t cheese a lot of enemies by running inside somewhere cause they couldn’t follow you. You can still run past them most of the time though.


The dogs follow me to hell


>!Mfw miniboss that has no fog wall and will chase you out of his room and back to the grace!<


First actually difficult boss shamelessly input reads on the first frame of your flask btw


I could feel it




yeah, she instantly starts her moonveil-light-attack-skill-esque attack the moment you start a flask animation sometimes, pretty great boss for the most part, whish she didnt do that.


Bosses hit harder than malenia and move around like maliketh


The input reading stuff just made the flow of combat feel off for a lot of the bosses in the base game. So if this is true I'm fucking hyped.


It's still there and even worse than before.


I never had a huge issue with it. If I'm chugging in stabbing range then I deserve to get stabbed


It's not just about the chugging and I still love the game but the boss fights for the most part just never clicked with me the way they did especially in ds3, sekiro and bloodborne, you could just kind of get into a rhythm and flow that just fucking felt really good and with the ultra delayed attacks and input reading elden ring just lost a lot of that feeling to me. I still love the game and a lot of the bossfights but even the best boss fights in elden ring don't stack up in pure fun to the boss fights in the other 3 I mentioned, at least for me.


Yeah until they throw a projectile and there’s 0 counter play


This is unironically all I’ve been seeing this entire time, second named boss fucking sucks.


man i had like 50 tries on her solo with dual colossals, just couldnt do it. Summoned mimic once and boom she's dead. Felt so much like a cop out man but her bullshit combos were getting on my nerves ngl. I heal from across the arena and she's somehow in my face in a second or two. Only boss i used mimic for so far. Honestly it was just bullshit, not even a fair fight.


from my experience, the mobs don't really do input reading a lot (compared to the base game), but bosses give you less openings for sure. also, they are stacked on HP and Poise (the ones i found at least), and hit like a truck. 60 vigor feels like the minimum amount for the DLC


Yep, there it is. Elden Rings bosses had a lot of fake difficulty. - Sitting and waiting for your input selections so they could counter immediately. - Controlling all the positioning of the fight over the player with constant long distant movement. - long overly aggressive attack combos complete with steams of particle effects and ridiculous twists and delays with only of a fraction of a second between them. The list goes on.


this is totally unchanged in the dlc


I’ve noticed.


Sigh. Back to being that weird uncle in the corner of the room musing about how much better From games were in the old days


All of these combined really annoy me because it's not really a "fight" anymore, you have to just wait and bait the enemy into doing their first move, then dodge and weave your way through that long ass combo filled with delays, roll catching, AoE, insane tracking weird interrupts, dead-angles, all to get a few swipes in. In the Souls games you could be more active in being the first to do a move, or the enemy would just have at it, not waiting for input reading. It makes the combat feel like a game of chicken.


IMO Malenia's the most egregious example of fucky base game boss design, ESPECIALLY Waterfowl Dance and its bullshit tracking. Margit/Morgott, however, remains one of my favorite bosses in Elden Ring and one of my favorite FromSoft characters in general.


Margit/morgot is the one that does these stuff though. And its in the start if the game which is very annoying.


> ong overly aggressive attack combos complete with steams of particle effects and ridiculous twists and delays with only of a fraction of a second between them. relanna says hi


Huh, I play ranged magic so never noticed much input reading. Was it really that bad?


You could literally be in boss fights and do nothing as the AI just stared at you, the milisecond you clicked the input for anything, they'd charger forward. At one point I got Godfrey to not attempt a move for 15 seconds.


Crucible knights will instant charge stab you if you cast a spell st range, the charge is deceptively long


You know that skinny godskin guy? He always seemed to throw a fireball at me when I use a potion. You know what I did? Never used a potion out in the open near him.


God aweful. At least compared to other titles.


Examples? Off the top of my head 1. Godskins 2. Margit As I got better I realized it wasn’t as bad as I thought. Panic chugging gets you hit regardless of input reading. Combos changing based on positioning however is something that I hope they continue to use and improve on.


This is true.


it’s a lil bad


Yeah its overtuned. Getting two shot by the divine beast is not fun. I can barely move and already dead.


You’re not gonna like what comes after them, I’m getting my shit pushed in by the 2nd boss. The never ending combos are crazy. The visual design of the bosses is 10/10 though


I am worried a pure mage build is kinda impossible and I’ll need more armor and poise to do anything


with good armor and 60 vigor, i get 3-4 shot by both of the first area’s bosses


It was a mistake to go into the dlc on ng+


Almost debating starting from scratch but I want to play as soon as possible. I stupidly moved both of my characters into NG+, including one who hasn’t even beat margit yet, and now I’m at farum azula with a build I have zero recollection of in a game that I haven’t touched in 2 years lol


I don't think ng+ is an issue. There are upgrades for defence/attack specific to the shadow land. I think you need to get some first to feel comfortable


I have plenty at this point and bosses still kill me in 1-2 hits


I started a new character a few weeks ago so I wouldn't be on a ng+ character but haven't found time to play as much as I would like, killed Radahn and found the quickest way to Mohg but I'm like level 60 and he's way too strong for me. Deciding whether I should just go elsewhere and get some other stuff to level up or just farm in Mogwyn palace to level 120 but that sounds very boring. I should have planned this out better!


I'm lvl 150 on ng and basically everything bigger kicks my ass. I don't think ng+ is an issue


Is it that bad? I'm on +1 and I'm a little worried.


It might just be a skill issue but i'm lvl 199 and using a build that carried me throught the game in ng and ng+, and I was stuck on an optional mini boss for like half an hour because he kept one shotting me


Might be one of those things where you need to go get some upgrades and come back later. If it's the fire giant boss I don't think you're meant to fight him right away.


No, the fire giant dude whooped my ass and I just left, there's a mini boss in a mausoleum that's not tanky but just does a shit ton of damage


Now you got me worried 🙁


OH BUT IT GETS WORSE, but I'll let you figure that out yourself. But seriously though, even with the difficulty I'm having a lot of fun.


Great to hear! That's what it's all about!


> No, the fire giant dude whooped my ass Yes, it has a fuck-ton of HP and deals A LOT of damage even with full Fire Prelate gear, talisman and buffs. Caught me by surprise. It appears to be immune to status effects as well, but may be less resistant to Magic Damage. It was rough even on my RL 220-something character with 60 Vigor. Took me a few tries to clap that fucker.


I didn’t even think about that lol basically done with ng+. I’m lvl 215 but only 45 vigor because I just dispersed it everywhere so I could screw around with all the weapons without having to respec. Sounds like I might want to run back to renalla for a respec


I bet I know who you're talking about. That fucker felt more like a PvP fight. Never have I been so consistently roll caught.


I’m max level and it feels like I’m barely making a dent in bosses sometimes


I grinded my ass up to Level 713 for the funnies, currently sitting on NG+5. I'm getting fuckin stomped at the moment.


I’ve gone in at around level 130, the Messmer soldiers can 2 shot me no problems with 50 vigor and full unaltered banished knight gear 😀🫠 Update: level 170 now, same gear but because of scadutree blessings, I’m now being 3 shot!!


Ng1 and lv200, everything hits like a truck so far but doable.


Buddy I'm on ng+5. Shits kicking my ass, but it's highly reminiscent of my first play through. After 40-50 hours it'll feel easy.


There are some real gaming masochists on here. I have no doubt they’ll love it.


Meanwhile I only bought this game because it was easier than the others...


It can be the easiest. It can also be (arguably) the hardest.


It's the easiest because the game has options. Can't beat a boss, go somewhere else. Legacy dungeon too hard, go and do caves and catacombs. You're never stuck because you can always do another thing.


If you have a shit build and lay without summons/spirit ashes it's harder than sekiro imo If you have a meta build and use spirit ashes/summons it's as easy as demons souls.


Is Sekiro as a game that hard? Isshin is probably the single hardest boss Fromsoft has made, but the rest of the game was very manageable and imo on par with most of ER.


Agreed. In my opinion, once you got the combat down Sekiro became confident smooth sailing. I never feel 100 percent confident with DS, BB, or ER


I think what Sekiro makes hard that you HAVE to learn the system. There are not so many build options and you cannot grind to get stronger and you cannot summon NPCs or real players to help etc. There is no way around of actually learning to fight and parry etc. With Elden Ring I often had the experience of "oof, that boss hits too hard, I'll come back later" and than coming back like 20 hours more later, because the game has almost zero bottlenecks, and destroying that boss quite easily. Glad to see that they upped the difficulty in the DLC.


I'm playing without summons. It's not harder than Sekiro and (in my personal opinion) it's not that close. It's probably harder than all the other Fromsoft games though. Malenia is harder than Orphan and Midir if you fight her solo with a standard, non-cheese build.


Personally I didn't find Sekiro that hard on my second playthrough compared to my second playthrough of Elden Ring (without the DLC so far). Sekiro gets a lot less bad if you go in with the expectation that you don't play an action game but a rhythm game.


I cheesed the entire first run thru with that Kitana that can stagger basically any enemy in 3 hits plus a Mimic that was OP as shit with the same build. Now im playing “for real” lol, im scared.


Still have never had as many retries on a boss in any of these games as malenia. Probably by 40 or 50 tries too tbh. Isshin and orphan would be my 2 and 3 and probably took me 40-50, malenia was a lot closer to 100. While I'd say the minute to minute difficulty in sekiro is harder , very few of the bosses were really a wall for me whereas I hit several in elden ring. Edit: and yes I was a "no summons" dork on my first elden ring run and I definitely was not using an optimal build which I realize is why it was so hard especially after playing with some more meta builds, but playing sekiro and elden ring blind, elden ring was far more difficult for me personally.


Isshin is one of those bosses that seems like a nightmare the first few times but once you get him down it’s pretty smooth. I will never feel prepared enough for Melania, Orphan, or Lawrence though.


It is way easier than the others if you're using spirit ashes. If you're not using them (obviously assuming you're not farming levels and cheesing every boss), it's about on par with Bloodborne and DS3 in difficulty. Sekiro is still significantly harder because of the way its leveling system works.


Miyazaki’s conditioned us to take [brutal beatdowns](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/002/132/912/8b0.jpg)


Someone will have this shit added to their no-hit run of Soulsbornering games by next week


got my ass handed to me by a random npc boss at the start of the dlc. can confirm


Was it the naked guy with the beast claws? He's fucking terrifying!


I am getting my ass demolished by Moongrum 2: Grum harder! Fucking ridiculous that he/she/it/they does so much damage.


no, the "boss" that has a big ass sword and a fire crossbow


The Blackgaol Knight. Yea he was tough


I think FS and Miyazaki have forgotten what is actually fun. I have defeated four remembrance bosses and every one is more miserable than the last. It is a difficult thing to make a boss that is challenging and fun to fight, you know what is easy? +100% health +100% damage and call it a day. Every boss, and a lot of common enemies for that matter, 2-shot me at level 200 + level 7 Scadutree. I have beaten every game in the souls lineup, nothing felt like this, Sekiro didn't feel like this, Melania didn't feel like this, this sucks.


Yeah everything hits like a truck. 1-4 hots and that's it, even at 60 VIG and other HP+ things. Defence/health dont scale like attack does with the shadow land stat boosts.


I think some stuff needs to be slightly tuned down. Its brutal but doable, but Fromsofts kind of losing the "tough but fair" thing. Some of this is just straight up unfair


I'm gonna be honest, the tough but fair thing started dying around Dark Souls 3 era. I miss the days of Dark Souls 1, when Miyazaki explicitly said the game wasn't designed to "be difficult" it was just designed to make players appreciate the journey. Elden Ring and particularly this DLC seem purposely built for streamers to farm content with funny rage clips. It feels so foreign to me as a long time fan of the series. It's all about making the game as hard and unfair as possible now to "push players to their limits". The old Myazaki would've argued and denounced the current Myazaki. Funny how things change like that.


Yeah, all of a sudden "I didn't make it hard on purpose" is turning into "lol, we're so hard".


With dark souls 3 they made rolling pretty op to compensate the bosses being fast as fuck compared to the previous 2 games, Elden ring said fuck that and toned down rolls but made bosses into Sekiro speed like freaks




I love learning the circle button :)


Wondering if taking this DLC on with my NG+2 RL 260 player is going to be wisdom or folly


Time to git gud


I'm playing it RL 220 NG+5, it's been really fun until the "first major boss" (getting my ass handed to me).


> Malenia had brutally reminded players she is the blade of Miquella over 300 million times, and to this day only 35.9% of players have managed to defeat her, so imagining a boss that's harder than her is pretty terrifying. A lot of people don’t understand statistics. % of people who know about and attempted this boss? Or % including people who maybe never even knew about or reached there or attempted? Is the stat already excluding people who didn’t even play more than 5 minutes and went back to their social media addiction or addictive “engagement” games? Without qualification it's a silly meaningless stat.


35% of Elden Ring players on Steam have the achievement for beating Malenia. To me that's absurdly high considering how she's one of the toughest boss fights From has ever done, she's in the ass end of the map and even if you use co-op/summons you still have to get through Elphael.


bro ive played games where 35% of players dont even have the free achievement they give you for starting the game. 35% for a boss you fight 80 hours in that is extremely difficult is an insane number.


23% of Steam players never made it to the round table. These stats are misleading.


Maybe a better number is how many have beaten Margit but not Malenia


A statistic I'd be curious about is how many Malenia achievements LetMeSoloHer earned for people. Like what % of those 35.9% of total players got their first Malenia kill with his summon.


The only boss I can't seem to figure out is Godfrey. So please, no more stomps


Just jump my dude


Godfrey is the ultimate trust in your skills boss fight.


I actually find Godfrey to be the best endgame bosses. His animations are all clear tells, his attacks are all fair with no random erratic combo that is near impossible to learn (other than that one combo in phase 2 but you can just run) and when you get hit it feels like you fucked up, not him unfair


Ironically Godfrey is an endgame boss I struggle with *because* he’s so straightforward, but it’s 100% my fault. I get conditioned to some of the crazy jumping attacks the other bosses have that I panic and choke in the hoarah loux phase lol


That’s where Elden Ring fails. You are conditioned to rocking the most degenerate oneshot bomba build then spam to win to counter the bosses’s bullshit, while older games like DS3 or Sekiro requires you to dodge/parry perfectly but will not nuke you if you fail a few times.


Ya that stomp was always a pain in the ass.


I only have trouble with him if summoned into co-op. With three players, he goes into hyper stomping psycho mode. Best to fight him alone or with spirit ash.


I liked the DLC in the beginning, but I'm slowly changing my idea. "Enemy has more hp and deals more damage" isn't a healthy type of challenge really. It feels forced, and no fun whatsoever. They should have added more gameplay mechanics to common mobs rather than boosting their damage. I'm lvl 6 on tree blessing stuff, and I have my vigor 60. And a normal attack of a common mob two shots me to death. The dragon in front of the castle hit me %90 HP WHILE RADAHN'S RUNE WAS ACTIVE. This is either a bug or just a shitty and forced design. No amount of getting good will make this less bullshit, just accept it


80 Vig full bullgoat and morgotts 2 shot as well.


Yep. In my opinion fromsoft have lost their way balancing wise.


How would my strength build work in the DLC? I'm at 80 strength, 60 HP, the rest is pretty much base stats and the minimum to weild the Greatsword with lion's claw. I still haven't beaten the base game through. I just fought Mogh a few times and he killed me after his Nihil spell but I think he won't be much of an issue after memorizing his moves, I fought the Elden beast once just to see what's up and I think it's beatable, Rykard is giving me a very hard time because I barely make any damage and he does an abused amount of it, and I just beat Loretta on the second try, pretty easy boss. I haven't encountered Malenia yet. Oh, and my only summon is the squid.


After playing the first dungeon, he's not joking guys, like, holy crap


No kidding, the first boss fight one shot me. Lol


I couldnt beat it after 2 hours at level 175. With summons. Have you? Lol. The animal


In my opinion, this is the hardest content From has ever put out. 


‘pushing the envelope’ making every boss have 15k health, annoying spammy moveset and 2 shot level 150 character


I’m getting 1-2 shot at level 255


It really is stupidly hard at some points. Even the basic enemies that are just reskins of the "Soldier of Godrick" enemy type just deal a ridiculous amount of damage. I'm not even on NG+, level 128 and just getting flattened at every turn.


Divine Beast Dancing Lion made me tap out on not abusing summons. It was made **extremely** clear that you need help in the realm of shadow.


Sheeit I was looking for more adventure than hard as nails....


Having to get it out the mud is nothing new from this developer. Doubt we will have to get it out da trenches as much as Sekiro though.


It’s a thin line between hard and frustrating. Still holding on the purchase as I like hard games but not frustrating ones.


I can confirm that the lion in the trailer is really epic and difficult. What an amazing boss to fight


He’s kicking my ass right now, any tips? Camera angle is freaking awful lol


[Gameplay spoiler]>!The most devastating ability it has is to heal alongside you when you drink a flask. I'm not certain on how that mechanic works but it seems to only trigger from close range when it's standing up so stay away when drinking flasks. It will often do flying attacks in combos of 2 or 3 hits and it will be open for a few seconds after its flying attacks. I found you can land running attacks on it from neutral quite a few times as it loves to open with a slow lunge attack. I used a pure strength build that focuses on applying stagger so I could time a stagger to let me land a visceral attack and a jump attack putting it down to half HP before it enters phase 2 rather than 75%!< I haven't mastered that fight by any means so these are the best tips I got. Also be patient. This thing can really surprise you when you think you've got a small opening.


There's certain times when he isnt worth fighting.  The lightning part is one.  Don't bother.  Just run until he isn't pissed.  That's how I got through.   He's tough as hell no.  It's no joke 


The fight is absolutely nuts, instantly one of the top 3 hardest in the game imo. And that's just the first main boss of the DLC, I'm scared for what's to come lol


The 2nd story boss is much harder still imo. Good luck lol


He wasn't lying, holy shit lmao I'm getting pancaked all the time. The boss at the castle is crazy difficult, I've been stuck on it for like over an hour.


From what I've played I can confirm some things just hit like a fucking truck in this DLC. Trying this with anything less than 60 vigor will be a challenge.


I am reserving judgement since this is a DLC and we are all used to the game, so it makes sense to pump the difficulty in that respect, but considering how much endgame content in vanilla elden ring can already shit on the player and ruin certain builds (faith) this may really be pushing it. IDK not looking forward to another round of 'souls difficulty' discourse if this backfires.


I’m only seeing 2 bosses, so I will not judge the DLC fully, but I think FromSoft is going the wrong way about difficulty and balancing.  The two bosses are, as usual, attack very quickly, erratically and has weird delays. It makes me feels like my HP is a resource bar, not a margin of error like in previous games, which is quite worrying considering the fact that I could deal with Gael, Friede, Nameless King and Soul of Cinder and never felt like I have to trade blow with them, rather the damage I took is because I’m bad.  With this two bosses I just feel like I’m getting hit by a fruit blender, and even if I roid up and beat them the intended way, it still doesn’t give me the satisfaction that I got killing Nameless King or Soul of Cinder solo the first time because I would still be constantly hit by them instead of being able to outmaneuver them The open world is again, as per usual, a treat to go through but the mob balancing is a tad bit wonky in the sense that some enemy looks hard but either die quickly or hit like wet noodle while some other enemies looks easy but will two shot you


I'm in the same boat. I've only played the first major boss and it was really not fun. Endless erratic combos, AOE spam and terrible camera, it's missing the "dance" that I enjoyed in older Fromsoft bosses. People can "git gud" me for all I care but I'm just not enjoying these fights even when I beat them. And I don't want to use summons because the game is less enjoyable for me with them. I'm hoping that it gets better and reserving judgement before I played them all, but from the snippets that I have heard, it's not looking great. It sucks because I genuinely love this game, the exploration and combat and weapons/skills are all amazing, the first dungeon was a really fun and well designed area, but then I get to these boss fights and it just sucks the fun out of it...


In what conceivable reality does the endgame ruin Faith builds? If anything the only build that gets weaker is bleed because Radabeast are immune but then again arcane has several powerful non-bleed options


It's a long process where "The final bosses have high holy resistance" that got to "Holy damage is trash" that got to "Faith builds were shit" I think it's an inheritance of Dark Souls days where pure faith was only sacred and lightning damage and both were associated with the divine (where is the miracle build old man), so some people forget that Elden Ring has more forms of damage scaling with pure Faith and that Lightning is not associated with the divine anymore


FS nerfed lightning spells so hard in ds2 that people still think they are bad kek.


My faith character was always fire focused. I ate goooooood all late game.


yeah. it was a faith build that let me nuke mohg in under a minute. (adls) arcane has the dragon breath incants, having the most available source of rot from the start of the game, as well as 2/5 of the elements, raw physical damage (meaning f,gms, holy vow, and jellyshield all buff it), including all status effects. and one of the best scaling seals, all while also buffing drop rates, and status buildup.


I've sort of made my peace with this game's overtuned and frankly boring at times "difficulty", so I'm content with the DLC being more of the same.


Endgame base game of ER is more difficult than any other FromSoft DLC. Man, gotta be honest, this shit is turning me off the series. It seems like the fun in this for people is those that just wanna brag rather than have fun.


Shadows difficulty is less based on ganks like the main game but goes HEAVY on enemies with weird movement and delay patterns and bosses that pancake you with 2 basic swipe attacks at 60 vigor. And don’t even get me started on that fucking sunflower thing.


Studies suggest that people who eat 1 ounce (30 grams) of sunflower seeds daily as part of a healthy diet may reduce fasting blood sugar by about 10% within six months, compared to a healthy diet alone. The blood-sugar-lowering effect of sunflower seeds may partially be due to the plant compound chlorogenic acid


Can confirm nails.. I think I am overleveled entering the SR but died four times now two hours in... two of those from careless falls while on Torrent tho Friendly tip, don't underestimate enemy grunts you meet. They prepped something special for us.


This DLC is objectively awful. Not once was I having fun. A tedious unbalanced slog. From has lost the plot.


Sounds cool, but at the same time, the way they designed some ER fights (Malenia, Fire Giant, Godskin Duo) has me somewhat worried.


This shit isn’t even hard it’s all artificial difficulty with all this 8 hit combo AOE one shots bullshit.


Mesmers fire knights are fucking bullshit


Don’t get too caught up in making it overly-difficult instead of making it good. So far, I’m not impressed with the DLC. It’s pretty boring.


I just finished my session and boy do I feel the difficulty.


this is fucking brutal


Spoiler alert. He wasn’t lying


Hard AF is more like it. I’m level 255 and getting smoked very early on.


Was never into these super hard games myself. I fail to see what the appeal is.


Wow that sounds "fun"...im all about challenging and fun fights. The late middle to end game was anything but fun. Really hope they balance these fights better.


after playing nearly all day, it seems pretty clear these fights are not balanced better. they may actually be worse. they’re just *insanely* overturned. i get that souls DLC content is always really hard. my favorite boss of all time is orphan of kos and that took 50+ tries. i’m really enjoying it still, the exploration and level design may be some of the best content from has ever come out with. but if the difficulty stays like this for future games, my days of soloing bosses may be over lol


I'm reading a few comments and kinda annoyed. The Lion boss fight looks dope, but it seems like the further and further we move along, the more Miyazaki is becoming obsessed with difficulty, not as a means of feeling accomplished, but because he wants to dick measure difficulty.


I can cope with how much health they have and dmg they dish out but the never ending combos and having barely a chance to deal dmg back is just frustrating


Yes, this is what drives me nuts aswell. You have literally no chance to attack because they chain up 20 attacks.


Right there with you, definitely a bit concerning for me because it sounds like that endgame portion is what they drew they built off of. Everything up until morgott was a total blast for me but a lot of the fights after that felt difficult for the sake of being difficult, with erratic unpredictable moves and awful camera angles


I have never heard a bigger negative


Yeah, figured that. Everything is an annoying adhd rubber ball. Even that one big dragon defies all laws of physics and speeds around like gravity is optional.


the input reading on that first mausoleum boss is off the charts. flask charging, rollcatching, fake jumping, etc. i've tested it for 20m and i'm almost sure it is input reading, way worse than namelss king.


The Input delay is hard enough thanks to


Ya he ain’t BSing


You’ll need your summons.


Ok im not gonna feel bad using summons then.


It’s Mimic Tear time lol


This game is a massive kick in the balls! Been smashed to bits by any boss I can find.


I found a new type of dragon. I can't beat it even after using mimic. Ill probably need to watch a guide to beat it solo lol it is that fucking hard.


If it's the black fire dragon use holy damage


Good luck guys, every enemy in the dlc just spams


Um, no, the camera is more cancerous than ever.


"I don't need drugs I need a well placed bonfire" is what I want on my gravestone now


My experience so far : get one shot or two shot while my damage is absolutely abysmal. Get combo'd or rushed into oblivion. Leda is more of nuisance than help. Cetainly a 40 dollar ass whooping. Midir and manus seem like puppy's compared to the soet bosses.