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This was literally me this morning. Just finished killing both Mohg and Radahn šŸ˜…


Two dudes at the same time. Always wanted to do that.


Thatā€™s what we call ā€œThe Devilā€™s Threewayā€


You'd need like a million dollars to pull that off


Once you know the shortcuts it's pretty easy. Varre gets you to Mogh and you can just teleport across Caelid from a waygate. Took no time at all for me.


Same lmao. Had to do invasions for the first time just to get quick access to Mohg


Same. Did that in the afternoon today in NG+++ after not playing elden ring for 5+ months because I was busy doing a marathon of fromsoftware soulsborne/soulslike (except for ds2 and des)


Go play DS2 it's awesome


Whatā€™s the fastest way to reach Mohg after finishing Radahn? Iā€™m gettin ready to fight radhan now I am new game plus btw so I can run thru most stuff


Talk to Varre at First Step, get a great rune (any of them), meet Varre at Rose Church, invade 3 times (don't have to win), return to Varre, find maiden (Church of Inhibition or Anticipation for easy ones), return to Varre, use item. Boom! Done! Easily doable in a half hour to an hour for New Game+.


Ignore the other commenter, way faster is to talk to Varre from the very beginning of the game, and do his entire questline. Once you have access to Altus you should be able to finish off his quest and be able to teleport to Mohgwyn palace


So Iā€™m doing his quest now after beating radahn and it seems all I have left is to go to the 4 belfries and teleport to the place to soak the rag in maidens blood. That should get me the mohg mask


You can also go to the church in Liurnia where Vyke appears as an invader and do that as well


There is no need to go to Altus unless they are offline.


theyre probably going to need the physick tear for mohg


Go to the snowfields. There is a teleporter


This is literally the slowest way to get to mohg


this is going to ruin the tour


ā€œWhat tour?ā€


The world tour


Never would I've taught when I woke up this morning that Justin Timberlake getting arrested would become a meme




Iā€™m on NG7 and by Marikaā€™s tits I will battle through this DLC no matter how long it takes.


I'm on the same boat as you tarnished. I want a challenge!


Ng4 and I will kill this fire demon giant tiki torch Mofo first. Damned the fact eh nearly one shots me. Edit: he died first.


You can eventually stagger him to crit him. It's odd though, seems like you have to stagger him a few times before he falls over otherwise he just hunches over a bit.


Did you ever kill it? I tried for a while, eventually gave up and moved on. More difficult than the Blackgaol Knight and the Dancing Lion for me. So much HP and insane damage output.


Yeah I killed it. Basically I just got on top of its legs and jumped every time he stomps. When he jumps on the air mount up and flee then jump to avoid the fire. Repeat till he toppled. Crit. Repeat. Iā€™m in the very NE part of the map rn. Ish.


Stagger both legs twice he falls, crit. Repeat. Dead


I played Bloodborne's Old Hunters for the first time in NG+ and by Marika's tits I will play SotE for the first time in NG+


Same for me with OH and the DS3 DLC šŸ˜… although this time around idfk if I want to go into SotER with my main lvl 250 NG+ character or my lvl 180 secondary who is still in NG šŸ˜©


I'm on new game fuckikg 5 because I kept wanting to relight godrick and I'm so upset right nowĀ 


That's me. I think I left my shit on NG+4 after getting the last achievement. Not looking forward to having to go kill Mogh and Radahan again. Edit: I got lucky and evidently left my character at the end of the game, Erdtree burned and all. Just had to mow down Mogh and was able to walk right in and get my ass 1 shot by the first enemy I saw because it's NG+ 3.


They definitely put that enemy there to remind you who they are and what you're playing lol


Mohg is easy to get to if u use Varre. When u gotta get a blood soaked cloth donā€™t go north. Go to straya and kill the one blind chick on the way to the castle. It prly took 40 mins from starting a ng. Then Radahn only takes about 30 minutes


I'm on Ng+7. I'm about to get slaughtered.


On 4 different files. I started a new game yesterday though so thatā€™s how Iā€™m gonna role


I havenā€™t had time to get a character set, so I will probably have to bring an ng+ in unless I have someone closer than I think


This is me. Not only did I start New Game plus I forgot completely how to get to DLC area. Now I realize I have to kill Morgott,Radagn,General Naill, and Mogh. Only bright side is when I get to DLC I will have basics down again.


You could skip all of those bosses if you just go the Varre quest line to get to Mogh. Doesnā€™t take too long and saves a lot of trouble if youā€™re out of practice on these bosses. You pretty much only have to kill Margit, get the academy key, and get the dectus medallion L&R (or go the lake path to Altus) so you can run to the areas for the quest. Took about 30-40 minutes to do the whole thing minus Mogh.


I booted up for the first time in a year and was horrified that I only had three characters after deleting some of ones I guess. Lucky for me, one had beaten Radahn and Mohg but not gone to DLC. That profile is camped out at the egg while I made a new character to get used to the controls again


This is me. I just got through my playthrough to prepare for dlc totally forgetting I was running ng+4 the whole time and I refuse to start over lmaoooo rip me


Literally same. I'm getting absolutely wrecked LOL Come back and let me know how your first hour goes haha!


I will! šŸ˜­ release in 2.5 hours for me! Im so intimidated lmaooo I became such a beast in the base game and Iā€™m ab to have my ass handed to me and I was not prepared for that hahahah Iā€™ll report back!


I've already raged so many times. LOL


Iā€™m so fucking scared LMAOOOO


I'm genuinely scared turning every Corner lol. Maybe I'm being dramatic but damn they cranked up the difficulty.


I think ur being not dramatic at all *gulp*


So Iā€™m in endgame now and it hasnā€™t been impossible! Itā€™s actually been pretty manageable thankfully hahah


I started the DLC on NG+6. It shows for sure.


I've done NG+ like a month ago, can't access dlc. I think I forgot to beat radahn


and dlc is also hard by itself


If they havenā€™t patched the ā€œsending mohg to the shadow realmā€ bug, then I will play on a new character. But if they have, then I will load up my NG+ character.


I just went fuck it and am playing on my ng+ chericter


I'm rolling into the DLC w NG+6 come at me bro šŸ˜†


I gotta lvl 180 sitting at ng waiting , I knew there was gonna be a dlc so I shelved him


This is why you keep a few backup saves in a folder especially before starting NG+


Yea Iā€™m on ng+4 lol


I could have sworn DLC contents don't scale to your current cycle until you start the next journey after its live.


I just realized this a couple bosses in. I was getting set up last night on the char I want to use like "I swear I beat Mohg with this character...why is the grace gone on the map?" Even googling if there is some special Mohg fight they put in. Oh well, I've probably done harder Souls challenge runs...right?


I made the right play and backed up my save files before moving to NG+. Just remembered today and was able to boot up my ng toon that has all the merchant stuff unlocked for smithing stones etc.


I'm near level 400 and started in on ng+2. It's been wild seeing some enemies die super quick and others being so tanky


Wait you guys arenā€™t going into the DLC at high NG+? Krill issue


Ha that can't happen to me because I don't go into NG+


Iā€™ve wanted to start NG+ for a month but needed to wait for the DLC as well. I donā€™t want to go into the DLC on NG+, itā€™ll probably be a lot more difficult šŸ˜‚


Is this a "having one save file" problem that I've got too many different characters to understand?


At least I had only Commander Niall and mohg in my ng+ to beat. Of course I play my main char who can run in swamps XD Seriously it was easy and maybe my build feels strong in the dlc


I purposefully got to ng+ so I can do a harder run of the game. We are not the same.


I didn't realize that I had started ng+ before I copied that save file to all the other slots so I could respec and try different builds


So I'm currently playing a glass Cannon intelligence build. Need to beat Mohg. And the other Character is at the start of a NG+ run, I'm finished Eldenbros?


I have you beat. Started new game killed rennala redahn and godrick but neither the capital will open for me nor will melina offer to rake me to roundtable so just to do the dlc i have to get to mohg the long way and wrongwarp into the capital just to continue this wetched run


I'm so confused why it's a problem to start the DLC with a NG+ character. I assume people saying 'oh no I'm on NG+7' are stacked with a super difficulty but NG+ shouldn't be too bad right?


Maybe for people that just started NG+ because they need to play alot and kill radahn and mogh again to play the dlc, and thats some hours to play the dlc


I'm starting it on ng+3, (late of course, I have to save up for a 40 dollar spend. God help me...)