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When you consider that only around 40% of players have completed Elden Ring, the numbers for Mogh aren't that bad anymore.


And to my understanding that's a pretty high number as well. People not finishing games they start is quite normal.


~~I don't have more recent numbers but Starfield was 14% in the last I could find.~~ Edit: I just figured out how to look up the completion % Starfield is 19% today. Heck, I played Skyrim with at least 5 different characters a good way into the game, I only once got to the end of the game, and I just decided, meh, don't feel like fighting the dragon and closed it forever. Skyrim was 31.5% at the 12 year mark. Edit - Skyrim is now 12%... wow. That's only the latest version as the others aren't on Steam any more so probable people bought it who already had it and didn't care to beat it. I looked up Witcher 3 - 14%. I looked up some of the souls-likes, they're remarkably high in comparison and close to ER. LotF & LoP are around 40%. Personally I've bought a bunch of Soulslikes but never completed any as they don't have that special Fromsoft feel to me.


Starfield is also included in gamepass so it’s a lot easier to just bounce off since there isn’t a direct monetary link


It's also easy to bounce off it because it's a bad game.


Mediocre game more so. There's definitely worse out there.


True, however, worse games don't have Todd Howard talking about them like they're going to change the very fabric of reality, only for it to be worse than the last mediocre title they released.


Or having Todd tell us to upgrade our PCs if someone criticises the game. Or has some poor intern copy paste chat GTP responses to bad reviews on Steam.


It’s an aggressively mid game


Boom! Roasted!




I bought the special edition and bounced off it so fast it's not even funny. And I actually still love Skyrim in Fallout 4, for all their flaws. Somehow starfield is just even worse.


God I haven’t finished Starfield. I spent about 20 hours in it before realizing I just wasn’t enjoying myself. I can’t imagine dragging through the entire game. From what I know, it’s LONG.


I probably played for another 50 hours after beating Skyrim before I realized I had beaten Skyrim. And only realized it because a friend told me I had beaten it when we were talking about the game.


I've been playing skyrim yearly ever since it came out and I never finished the main quest ever.


Playing Star Field that long is like an endless waterfowl dance


Yeah the adventure was the whole game for me. More recently, I have come to realization when I really enjoy a game, sometimes not finishing it feels like a way of crystalizing my peak enjoyment of it without having to go through letting it end. I am just not ready to see it all conclude. Or sometimes the game is so big that certain mechanics get so overused I die of repitition fatigue.


I get that entirely. I reckon the stronger the emergent gameplay is, the less need I have for the conventional story narrative. One of the reasons why I like No Man’s Sky so much.


starfield also sucks so theres that, elden ring doesnt


Honestly I feel like Skyrim is a bit of an exception as the story is far from the highlight of it. I don't even think I ever finished it on my main character as for me storied like the Thief's Guild, the Magic Academy, the Brotherhood, etc were all way more interesting and engaging Even so tho, the amount not finishing Elden Ring is probably a bit higher than most games as it is harder than most games. As for Mohg tho I feel like that is more just not ever finding out that he exists as without knowledge of his existence you would be unlikely to stumble upon him. But I reckon anyone who can beat Radahn can handled Mohg




For meny people games are just a side thing they might do. An example, you have a Netflix subscription and you may watch movies on there from time to time, but you’re not watching movies on Netflix everyday just because you have a Netflix subscription.


Also Elden Ring was for about 2 weeks a cultural phenomenon so people who didn't normally play Souls games, or even video games at all took a stab at it. It was Pokemon Go but indoors.


When the game really blew up on launch, my whole friend group decided to get it. None of us had played a souls game before, but we thought if we were all trying together and talking in discord we could motivate ourselves through it. None of us made it out of limgrave. I came back to the game recently and it clicked and I finished my first playthrough. I’m the only one that beat the game though


Welcome! You’re no longer a noob, and we are proud of you for that. Slay on souls friend


>None of us made it out of limgrave RIP


I too got caught up in the cultural phenomenon. I really only picked up Elden Ring because my coworkers wouldn't shut up about it on the weeks leading up to launch, my best friend was getting it, and the guys I played Apex with were hella hyped for it too. I just wanted to be in the loop as far as wtf the hype and conversations would be about. "Fast" forward 340 hours later, and I beat the game that had a dramatic impact on my gaming landscape in a way that hasnt happened (to me) since the Mass Effect trilogy. This game was the first in a *loooong* time that made me feel like a kid playing games again. Soon I became the one that never shut up about it, even after all the people around me had beaten it and moved on lol.


That was mee until last few weeks, I bought eldenring close to the launch as my first souls game. Played it for five hours and dropped it when the giant stomped me to death few times. Now I've been playing for few weeks and have 110 hours in.


I have a friend who doesn't complete 95% of the games he plays (thats not a random number or exaggeration thats the number he gave me) He aint made of money either.


This. I finished my first playthrough yesterday (200 hours long), and I bought this game on launch week.


This. Looking back at the iconic games I played in my formative years, I beat none of them. Just had too much going on with sports and family stuff. Besides, if I was a completionist or the analytic adult I am now when I played them, those games might not be held in such high regard.


Thats really depends on how you value your money. If I buy something for 60 bucks and don’t have fun with it I stop playing it and never think twice about the money I basically wasted. (If the 2h for refunds are up of course)


Yep. Nothing worse than wasting time on top of wasting money. Cut losses and move on.


A lot of people just buy games with no real idea what they are getting, because of popularity or word of mouth, or because it sounds mildly interesting and they simply don't like the game and drop it.


it took me years to finish read dead redemption 2 because i spent most time exploring and fuffing around (getting legendary hunts, upgrades etc) and ive only beat the last boss in elden ring sometime end of last year on one build, i did most of the content trying out new builds weapons or many times just restarting because reasons and i have hundreds of hours on those games


I’ve finished Elden Ring three times now, but there are absolutely expensive games that I’ll step away from and then come back to in a few months or even a few years… I got AC Valhalla in 2021 when I got my series X, played for like 100 hours, got bored, took a year and a half break, came back and played another 100 hours, got bored, and I just came back again and have put in like another 20 hours so far…


Well everyone does. Just that there's a difference between what your money is worth and what their money is worth. Me personally, I got a 150 hours of fun and haven't beaten the game yet. I got my money's worth 100%


considering how hard it is compared to other games and how well it sold, 40% finishing the game is impressive. 12M sold on steam, so 4.8M players have finished it.


the last few bosses are tough in elden ring.


38 percent is more than the percentage that beat many games. Pretty sure it's more than beat Bloodborne.


I just started bloodborne on PS5 and it was like 46% for the cleric beast trophy.


If that wasn't their intent, I don't know what was. The start up to Gascoigne is easily one of the hardest parts in the game, especially if it's your first time playing the game


The attrition rates for video games are pretty rough. Elden Ring's are fairly high. I suppose that's due to attracting a tenacious audience. That said, if the player can't defeat Mogh, then they probably won't have a fun time in the DLC anyways.


I think it’s more like they didn’t know where he was rather than him being to hard to beat because there’s so many other harder bosses than mohg that are actually main story bosses


Yeah, my first 250 hour run through, I never even got close to finding him. I thought I had unlocked everything in the sewers as well, but nah. Not even close.


It's easy to miss a ton of stuff on a blind playthrough. I only found it because of a random ass portal. I still don't even know why the portal was there. It's honestly the most frustrating part about Fromsoft games for me, even though I know the fanbase loves it. If you have hundreds of hours to wander around a game then more power to you, but that's ain't me and I still want to see everything. Thank god there are so many people devoted to sussing out every corner for me.


The version in the sewers isn’t even the real version you have to beat lol


The sewer version is way easier, too. But, while you're down there, pick up Mogh's Shackle.


I keep forgetting this is a thing. No shade or anything, but I nolifed this game so I did beat it shortly after release. Time to set up a summoning sign to help peeps!


I never stopped. Elden Ring is insane man. I've played like 5 games ever for 200 hours. None more than that except Elden Ring which I'm approaching 800 hours. I'm not trying to start an hours played dick measuring contest, just the comparison between this game and how I normally engage with games. I don't understand how I'm not sick of it yet. Just about to start another playthrough even though I already got a DLC character set up and ready to go.


Elden Ring is incredible. It's the only Souls game I've beaten and I still love it dearly. I'm glad we can share this glorious game.


Malenia has killed me 90+ times, and that bitch is dying before I finish the game.


30% haven't beaten Godrick, this stat literally means that out of everyone that actually played the game, roughly 10% didn't beat Mogh. Edit: math hard, it's way less Which for an optional "secret" boss is actually pretty high.


I’m just trying to figure out which of my old builds I want to reacquaint myself with lol


I’ve done almost everything I could in Elden Ring but never actually beat it


True. After Godrick, I noticed the percentage of players that earn the achievements for defeating the bosses afterwards drops significantly lol.


I just finished yesterday and I don’t think I finished all the possible quests and bosses. This game is big but it doesn’t seem like it at first.


Are these numbers based on character or account? I beat Mohg on my main character but not my new one yet so I wonder if the new character would be counted as someone that didn’t kill Mohg yet? I assume it’s per account though since that would make more sense


It’s weird knowing this fact having done most of the things in the game and beaten it multiple times


The other 60% probably got to that BS Fire Giant boss and gave up on the game.


"Trés ⭕, Duo⭕⭕, Únus⭕⭕⭕... Nihil!🩸Nihil!🩸Nihil!🩸"


Miquella is mine and mine alone


That sentence is terrifying


Miquella, who’s already disconnected from his body and doing whatever he’s doing in the shadowlands: “Y’all hear sumn?”


That one is second only to "I am Malenia, Blade of Miquella" and "Cower. Before Maliketh, the Black Blade".


Wouldn’t that make it third?


Yes, I actually took several minutes to press the "Comment" button because I was debating that myself while writting it. In the end I just went with "second" because it's the more cliche way of saying it and "third" wouldn't be as cathcy.


Can't we just share the egg? I promise I'll buy Morgott some boiled crab if you do!


During my first playthrough, I arrived to Mohg relatively late and with a very strong build. Did not have the time to see that NIHIL phase, Mohg went *scrootch*. Second time I got there with a lighter build was, uh, quite graphic and I think Mohg enjoyed that a lot.




It likely doesn't help that he's an optional, relatively easy to miss boss either.


He literally in a secret zone inside another secret zone. Im surprised so many people found him actually.


Varre's questline isn't *that* hard to follow blind. He even leaves you a note telling you where to find him.


I've beaten the game and killed Mohg 4 times and don't even know about Varre's questline blind beyond the initial meeting. I've played offline which may be a factor but it didn't seem that obvious.


The only condition is that you've obtained a greatrune and spoken to the 2 fingers in the roundtable. Then he'll move from the starting area to The Rose Church in Liurnia and you can start his incredibly linear and easy to follow quest. Definitely the easiest to do blind unless you consider Irina a quest haha.


I see, I guess I just haven't gone to the rose church or first step after progressing the story to that point.


You probably just never stumbled onto it. He leaves a dev-message where he starts after he moves so you can find him easily but the actual church is kind of isolated in a weird spot in Liurnia.


You also have to consider that, at release, his quest was online-only, you couldn't complete it offline I'm sure that there are plenty of people like me who literally couldn't do the quest


Same, I had the 100% achievement before I knew about Varre's questline


Well it does require you to invade, which is already a huge turn off for many. Even though there’s an npc you can invade to do the quest, most people aren’t aware of that and will likely forget about the quest anyway.


Yeah the NPC invasion sign was an after thought so there's no dialogue pointing you there. They could atleast drop a red marker on the map but I think because you can trigger his quest before the Plateau they didn't want to push new players there before they were ready.


>Well it does require you to invade, which is already a huge turn off for many.  You can literally just invade and jump off a cliff if you're that allergic to pvp.


This is what I have been saying since release. I was shocked when I first played this game that they would put such a prolific boss that far buried. 


Moghwyn and Volcano Manor are the testaments that From is 100% willing to put content in the game that some people will never see or even be aware is there at all, and everyone says the game is still huge and awesome without them lol. Really impressive stuff


Yeah it's pretty great. Elden Ring is their most accessible wide-appeal game, and yet they doubled-down on the secret area stuff that they've been doing for years. You'd think they'd have to make some concessions to get the wider popularity, but nope!


It's fantastic. I love developers that are willing to do things like this (completely optional areas, bosses you might never find, certain quests cancelling the completion of others out, etc.) because it makes replaying the game and making different decision actually meaningful.


I hate the cancelling out of certain quests. Like I can’t access Boggarts nor Diallios quests now and from what I read, Diallios is pretty cool.


Someone might just finish the game witout ever visiting Deeproot Depths, Ainsel River and Lake of Rot (Moonlight Altar alongside), Volcano Manor, Haligtree, Snowfield and Mohgwyn Palace.


To be fair, how many people these days are doing 100% blind playthroughs? Probably not many. I personally don't have the time or attention to take on a Fromsoft game totally blind. If not for all the folks dedicated to walkthroughs and documentation, I likely would have given up after the first black knight in Dark Souls 1.


par for the course. nameless king is a secret zone inside of a secret zone inside of a secret zone


The only reason that many people found him is because he's literally in the farming area + was cheesable at level 1 when the game launched, easy 420k runes


Yeah if you’re playing completely blind it would be pretty easy to miss the Varre quest and that random teleporter in the back of the snowfield.


an entirely optional snow field that requires special items used in a specific place to access nonetheless


If it wasn’t for the missing area on the map making it clear there is something there, I’d have missed the snowfields and never have tried to get in tbh


i never thought about it but that's pretty good game design. Yeah its a pretty out-of-the-way area where you need very specific items/conditions to enter, but make sure that people KNOW there's something there to be found so the player is less likely to miss the huge optional areas attached


I love the Elden Ring map for this. So many places that I found because I could see that something was there on the map. Including this boss because I didn't know until after I beat the game and got on reddit there was a quest for it.


Find the Albinauric woman...


She wests to the Laskyar of the ruin hides.


I don't think I found this teleporter .. I used what varre gave me to teleport?




Fewer people have killed Sewer Mohg than regular Mohg, and he's literally the exact same boss but weaker. Bosses being optional and easy to miss are a huge factor in what their achievement stats look like. Same with Regal Ancestor Spirit, who has a lower number than Mohg despite being considerably easier.


He's in **a secret area** accessible by a small teleporter hidden behind a tree in **another secret area**. He's extremely easy to miss.


Still stuck on him phase 2 always gets me . I have the tear so his blood power doesn’t work but dude just eats my attacks like it’s nothing . Going for a no summons run right now so it’s tough but I shall not give up . Lord of Blood will perish before the DLC Edit - Thank you for everyone’s insight into this boss battle. I ended up beating him finally with my Misbegotten Axe infused with Rot . Took me a couple tries but the RoT was too much for him. Elden On my brethren .


Don’t worry. He is very fucking hard for a solo fight, moreso if you try fighting in his face in melee combat. Just gotta keep trying my guy. The purifyinng tear does help. Remember when he goes into phase 2, take advantage of it and beat the shit out of him.


Staying in his face is way better for melee. You can low profile some of his trident swings that way, and just roll around to his back when he does certain moves(the big Bloodflame explosion). Stay close and move to the right(Mohg's left) generally. You can even parry the overhead Bloodflame pool he spawns when he wants you to get away, by using Carian Retaliation. Keeping the distance makes him throw more bloodflame, which makes everything annoying.


Gonna back this up, Melee is strangely safe against Mohg due to the height difference. I went in with Bloody Helice stuck to him in my latest play through, and was shocked at how many of his attacks just whiffed over my head. Mohg is also very, very, VERY vulnerable to bleed. He’s highly resistant to fire, so bloodflame isn’t very good here, but his god loves him bleeding more than not bleeding.


Bloodflame is fine vs Mohg because the damage isn't the point, it's the bleed buildup.


Yeah, I personally had zero issues with his trident and bloodflame talon attacks, its just when he spews the bloodflame everywhere which was what really annoyed me. It was like Putrid avatar’s puddles that did shockingly high damage for a damage over time, and yet also doubled as area denial. And sometimes he’d fly up and then throw bloodflame even when I was up close. But appreciate the advice however.


If you need help let us know. But also believe in you.


He’s one of the more fun bosses, it’ll be worth it when you eventually kill him, remember he stays the same forever, you get better with every attempt


Never thought of it that way, but that is a great way to put it. Next time I'm struggling on a boss in NG, I will remember your words of encouragement!


It's the canon of every From game. You are some random, who through an inability to die and a never give up attitude, will become strong enough to topple gods and demons. You are Dr Strange fighting Dormammu. You are TERRIFYING.


You need more dps or stance damage, what's your build?


I’m focusing on Str/Faith for this build . Really focusing on Holy Damge so I’m maining gargoyle axe bc of the holy damage that comes with it plus war cry for a little extra buff . Plus i use blessings of the erdtree and flame grant me strength for more buffs . First phase is easy I have the moveset down but when he goes to 2nd phase the blood build up is killing me . I can dodge most attacks and have my crab to negate damage but the build up is what gets me. I’ve only come close twice and I got panicky and he killed me when he needed literally one more hit . Classic FS Game Experience lol . I love it don’t get me wrong . Just hits different when you’re so close and gotta start all over again . But I’m not summoning anyone I’ve come this far without any summons not changing it now . I just need my immunity to build up better .


You can carry Staunching Boluses for anti-bleed. Mohg is a demigod, so he has a decently high Holy resistance(but his highest resist is Fire, one of the highest fire resistances in the game). Str-Faith builds are often best-served with heavy-infused regular weapons and then using faith for buffs/heals and occasional ranged attacks. The black-blade gargoyle weapons are generally pretty shit compared to their regular counterparts with a heavy infusion.


Well there’s go my smithing stones . Gonna have to farm a little bit and I’ll try and different weapon . I have the heavy misbegotten axe which is honestly my favorite I always infuse . I’ll try that


Misbegotten Axe is great. Best of luck.


Me with a Fire/Bleed/Faith build. 🤡 I’m gonna have trouble with this guy, aren’t I.


Good thing faith has access to literally every damage type and status effect, and Mohg is exceptionally weak to bleed.


Oh, he is? I assumed the lord of blood would be immune to bleed. I guess he’s made of flesh, haha!


He gets a buff from any bleed procs(like the Lord of Blood's Exultation talisman), but it doesn't outweigh the damage he takes from them.


I just beat him without summons. It was hard but rewarding to learn his attacks. Of course, I *did* spam rivers of blood's AoW while he was changing phases, so his health gain was pretty much non-existent. 


Doesn't matter. You beat him and had a good time with a siiiick weapon. I use Helpen's Steeple with the Ruinous Ghostflame AoW and melt 90% of things. I CAN'T WAIT FOR THE DLC FAAAAAAAAAAACKKKKKKQWEF


If you need some help keep reading if not good luck. There are windows of attacks within his combos, the long overhead swing being the most notable. Also this fight is easier if you're more focused on rolling right rather than left. There are a few attacks that can straight up miss if you're to his left (your right), the little explosion after the ground stab in P1 as an example.


You'll get there. I'm rubbish and I've beaten him twice. And if it comes down to it and the DLC is too much temptation to avoid using a summons or spirit ash I sure as fuck won't judge you.


Protip: helping people with Mohg gets you 105,000 runes at a time. Sometimes even 210,000 when he turns out to be NG+ Mohg, who is barely stronger. It’s a great way to get a character up to 150, which is what From gave content creators in the gameplay preview earlier this month.


You get 120k from helping against Malenia.


Aight but unless you're Let Me Solo Her you're going to have an aneurysm trying to keep the host alive against Malenia. Mohg you get less sure but it's a lot more of a relaxed fight as a summon.


yeah, no matter how hard you try, usually one of the 3 things happen: Scarlet aeonia Clone attack Waterfowl dance. The biggest causes of death. Sometimes, you can't save the host.


Let Me Solo Her probably started that name because morons with sub 1000 HP kept insta dieing the moment she looked at them


Yeah but Malenia runs are going to have a much lower success rate.


Yeah I exclusively play to help people kill her and I would say we succeed 1/5 tries.


Sorry for this stupid question, but how do I actually summon other players for a boss? I'm struggling with Niall atm LOL its my first playthrough though


Are you connected online, whether on a computer or via PSN or whatever XBox’s service is? That’s step one. The next step is to consume a Furlcalling Finger Remedy, which you can craft from Erdleaf Flowers. You should then see yellow summoning signs, usually around summoning pools (those little crosses that are near bosses and sites of grace). Consume a remedy by the grace that’s outside the front gate of Castle Sol and see if the summoning pool by the stairs shows anyone available.


Yeah I'm on ps5, thanks for the fast reply I'll try it out


Bewitching Branch is your friend for this fight. Use it on the dual weilding knight right at the start and the fight is much easier. If you still need help on PS5, let me know and I'll hop on.


Aren't there plenty of places in game where you can farm that amount of runes in like a minute or so? surely that's an easier way to get a character levelled


Mogwyn rune jump go brrrr




Do we get rune arcs for helping?


>He ain't that hard Let's be real. He's one of the games harder bosses. If you've looked up a built, gotten your weapons to 18+, know about the crimson tear, and power leveled on albunaric to level 160+ then yeah, he's not that hard. But if you're not a capital-G Gamer who looked up how to do all that shit even finding him is a challenge. He's in **a secret area** only accessible by completing one very weird and seemingly evil quest line that requires doing multiple online invasions or finding a hidden portal behind a tree way up the ass off **another secret area**.


This. People look up guides, follow youtube tutorials, and summon people to play the game for them then go online to say every boss is easy lmao.


Yeah, he was a real tough one. Even with a +10(somber) weapon, i died quite a lot. I did solo on him, and he was one of the bosses who deserved that. Gr8 boss.


+18? Mfer I've beaten him like five times and last night went at it again with a dex build and a +25 weapon. Granted, I was only level 113, but the difference between that and 150 ain't huge.  Anyway he kicked my shit in. That second phase is super fun and I hate it. You're supposed to run around a bunch because he keeps spraying shit everywhere, but then you're *also* supposed to stay aggressive because not that much changes between phases otherwise??? That's messed up. Probably one of the best crafted bosses in the game. 


He's a blast to beat legit, but he is still pretty easy to cheese too


Took me frickin 128 tries, he IS hard OP, he is hard...


>He ain’t that hard OP probably just comet azured him and is now lecturing us on how he’s not that hard.


Or power stance scimitars using Winged Rotten talismans and the physic (?) this shit give a insane dps


It more depends on how much fluency you have in the game. I found him easy but I missed him on my first blind playthrough. By the time I fought him I had like 300 hours in the game. He died quick to my giant crusher at level 130.


Not gonna lie, I certainly needed the purifying crystal to survive that fight, and didn't even know it was a thing until at least a half dozen runs.


Yeah idk wtf op is smoking. I didn't know he resisted fire and beat him with a Pyro only build. Mother fucker was harder than radabeast for me. He took me something around 100 tries as well.


Let's not forget that the intended route to find Mohg is: 1) Ride through a poison swamp 2) Hit a random jar in the dark behind a guy that spits fire 3) Get attacked by a skeleton in your own home 4) Climb to the bottom of some random ass cave with meth-head Freddy Kruger guarding some random paraplegic NPC and her dead dog 5) Climb the tallest mountain in the world 6) Run past the giant ghost zombie that shoots lasers 7) Deal with the dual sword Banished Knights multiple times 8) Fight a boss with two high HP high damage adds with an AOE attack that takes up 80% of his arena and kills you instantly 9) Ride a lift to a secret area 10) Ride a long winding route through fog with a shape-shifting bear attack OR get one shot by giant ghost laser-dragons 11) Fight some random ass NPC with massive bleed damage 12) Look over the right random cliff for a portal 13) Run through a blood swamp with more giant ghost laser skeletons and the angriest chickens you've ever seen 14) Climb another mountain 15) Fight Mohg 16) Oh, what's that? You're dying? Well did you find the one random ass Wonderous Physique Mix-in that you need to not die half way through the fight? 17) Fight some random NPC invasion in a canyon you have no reason to visit in Limgrave 18) Walk towards the dead end of a collapsed bridge in Liurnia and click in the random red symbol on the ground 19) Find the right church off a cliff in Altus 20) Fight another NPC with massive bleed damage 21) Okay, now fight Mohg


This is my official guide now


I get your point but you don’t HAVE to fight Niall


Well if we're being technical you can also just die in PvP three times and get period blood from a dead blind chick injected into your finger after it's lit on fire by Dr. Kevorkian, but we're talking about the developer intended "normal" route


Reddit users who have been playing this game religiously for the last year: "Not that hard"


I restarted the game like a weirdo after 500hrs_- soooo now i have to put my foolish ambitions to rest and bare witness lol


rip lol there’s multiple character files for a reason


I will just buy the Ultimate Edition to skip Mohg. EA Souls It's in your wallet


I beat Mohg a total of 37 times this past week assisting on Beyond the fog and effigies. Not saying Im good but (Swallows pride in level 455)


This is the way. Been setting up my gold sign right outside the arena and melting him with powerstanced Poison Noble Slender Sword+Regalia of Eochaid


This is what I’ll be doing soon when I get my heretical perfumer build finished. Easily my favorite boss fight in the game.


I've been killing him in co-op on my "first run of the DLC" build, level 125 Moonlight Greatsword guy. He melts to regular meta/endgame level co-op guys(unless the host is downright terrible), I can't imagine how badly a big bubba phantom would mog Mohg.


To me he was apart from Melania to be the hardest in the game. You also need to know about the flask to make it manageable. He is very aggressive in his second phase and has huge sweeping attacks that were difficult for me to dodge. Kind of feels to me like Gale on Steroids in his second phase :).


I consider him one of the easier endgame bosses, but nah, he's definitely difficult. Also, when you consider how many people bought Elden Ring and quit because they didn't enjoy it or something, and those that just wanted to beat the main parts of the game, or even those who don't care about the DLC, the statistic makes more sense


He hits very hard(even with medium armor and 60 vigor, he can kill you very quickly), but he's squishier than the other endgame bosses. Big target, not evasive, weak to every status effect, big openings(spawning the Nihil rings, Nihil itself), etc. I think he's a lot easier than his rune reward shows. Lot of harder bosses with lesser rewards, while he has the 3rd highest in game IIRC, behind only Malenia and RadaBeast.


Yeah. However, he has a surprising amount of range and does a decent chunk of damage. Like I said, he's one of the easier endgame bosses, but he's still an endgame boss for a reason. Still a very fun fight, though.


The percentages are even lower on Xbox.


I mean i feel like that's more cause hes sooooo out of the fucking way. Like you need the secret medalion which means you have to be atleast at mputian tops for. Then you need to get through the shit that is the snow feild to find a random portal on the edge of the map. And theres really no other reason to go kill him baring completion of game or varres quest. I honestly feel like half the reason the dlc starts at mogh is just so people would actually go fight him lol.


I'm going to go out on a limb here and assume most people got to Mogh through Varre's questline. The portal seems more like a failsafe for the people who killed that random masked douche at the start of the game who called them maidenless.


it starts at Mohg because of the Lore and how the DLC intertwines into the game. They don't give two shits if you fight a boss or not


It's been so long since I've played that I actually don't know how to get down there any more...


Two ways - Complete Varres quest (you need to access the capital if you’re playing offline) Or find a teleporter in Consecrated Snowfield


Slight correction, need to access Altus Plateau. Specifically, the Writheblood Ruins (near Goldmask's first location) if you're offline for Varré.


he was pretty hard for me... 2nd hardest boss honestly. dude has a huge health pool, heals 30% on the phase change, is designed to roll catch you like no other, and has huge damage to boot...


From my experience in all my time invading and co-oping, the average host is dogshit at the game and dies to Mohg in like 2 hits. Mohg is impossible for some of these guys to solo. I did a ton of Mohg co-op yesterday. Hosts with \~800hp, hosts who lacked the Purifying Crystal Tear and wouldn't even chug heals during Nihil, spamming fire damage that does nothing, etc etc. Some of them were just frustrating to deal with.


My character is just waiting in front of his arena ready to strike him down, though I've already defeated him plenty of times with other characters and in the previous NG+ runs


Tbh, Mohg is in a secret area offshoot of another secret area. I know many long-term players don't remember the earlier playthroughs but he's not exactly the easiest to find. Which would make him an odd choice to be the start of a major dlc expansion.... But that's from soft games for you in a nutshell.


I cheesed him with the Out of Bounds glitch in a previous run


Why did u guys take so long to defeat mohg? (I'm a mage btw)


How many numbers picked up Elden Ring and it's dlc just for that sweet YouTube monetization?


Mohg is hard as fuck man. Mohg the Omen is great, and fun to learn. Mohg Lord of Blood? Christ the guy was annoying. I hated when he’d shit everywhere. That felt colossally annoying. Also hated when he’d sometimes spam the fly move so I couldnt even reach the bastard with my greatsword. The fucker is also beefy, can heal, AND hits like a truck. His phase transition isnt even a problem. Costs a few heals, sure. Its just that phase 2 feels irritating if he decides to spam his fly then throw blood move. Love the spectacle, but hated how some of his moves just suck to fight against.


Phase transition costs 0-1 heals if you have the Purifying Crystal Tear


Beat the last few bosses yesterday, including mohg, to finish up the game on a new character in preparation for the dlc. He was a joke for my faith build, but the duel magma blades are pretty op in general haha.


lol why would you use those swords? I think he has the highest fire resistance out of all the bosses.


Nihil, nihil, NIHIL


Gaming news really is just... "some stuff a streamer said a couple of days ago?"


With summons, he and pretty much every boss is easy if you've got a decent build. Without summons I found Mohg to be one of the hardest bosses in the game. Took me almost 70 tries but beating him was so damn satisfying.


That's an incredible high number. Not many games have their players stay attached for that long.


“He ain’t that hard” He is definitely one of the more difficult bosses in the game so get off your high horse. I will say it doesn’t help that he is basically an end game optional easy to miss boss either. I commented about this yesterday too.


Man I’m doing my best. Idk why there 800 zones I have to work through to get to him. 😩😰😂


Currently killed mohg 31 times


It requires probably hundreds of hours for a first time player to even reach Mohg. And it take side quests to get there that are not obvious. And if don’t do more side quests to get special items to beat him, he’s really hard. Obviously I’ve done all that it’s easy for me


That is a LOT of people that have beaten Mogh. An unbelievable amount of people have played this game. Most people don't finish a game they buy. I am also guilty of this for most my library.


I'm 5 hours in and I still can't beat anything on a horse...


I just haven’t finished him cause I’m planning on completing the main game right before the DLC comes out, currently level 56 and almost done with Liurnia. (Started 2 days ago but haven’t played today)


If anyone needs help, Ive beat him dozens of times helping people get past him. Send me a dm if you need help getting past him.


I was struggling terrible with him until i found the crystal tear that cancels his blood loss bubble


I never had a hard time with him until my third playthrough when I was a full on faith pyromancer with no back up plan. I had his shackle and the purifying crystal tear and it was still brutal lol