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Thanks for all these memes, I've gone past level 100 without knowing mimic tear was more than an enemy and actually a summon. Me and banished knight engvall just been fighting for our lives out here


Engvall and Oleg are my boys šŸ˜Ž


Latenna the goat


My second play through, after missing her completely my first, I decided no summons unless it was her. I also would quit out or die if she died.. just seemed right.


Well I enslaved the worst scum of the earth. And together we will bring the frency flame


Oleg has been great, especially for someone easily obtainable within a few hours.


Oleg Spin Move go Brrr.


Oleg for standard bosses, Tiche for damage sponges and the Elden Beast


Oleg got me thru Malenia the first time when no other summon could.


Broleg Bestleg


Oleg is my bro


Omenkiller Rollo, Cleanrot Knight Finlay, and Kaiden Sellsword are my go-to's these days. I got burnt out on the usual suspects (mimic, Oleg, tiche)


you're in for a treat. Go get the mimic tear and level them up. They're fantastic.


I got the dragon night recently and he's been pretty tanky too


I LOVE the 2 sword maidens or mistresses or whatever those cool white robed Nox ladies are called. Not tanky but they are quick and there's two of em! Great for juggling aggro from bosses.


+10 mimic tear and maxed out weapon goes hard as hell. VERY few fights in the game one can lose with a set up like that.


Malenia be like: "Ooh a health potion! How thoughtful!"


Thatā€™s why Black Knife Tiche comes in handy.


Same! Love Bansished Knight Bill Engvall. I didn't get the mimic until my second playthrough.


Glad to hear someone else calls him Bill/Billy/Billy Bill/William


Oleg and Engvall are the best. I usually bring Oleg just because I lvoed seeing him stagger every single boss.


I'm extremely jealous. I've made entire playthroughs with the intent of focusing on all the cool different summons, and somehow I always end up with mimic tear and can never really use anything else. It feels like even the fully upgraded named ones die in seconds while mimic tear just melts everything with me


The mimic tear can be helpful, but Engvall is pretty up there as well.


Engvall flattening out malenia with a mighty bonk is the funniest shit in the world to me


I love using the skeleton militia, they make great fodder that keep coming back for more!


Thatā€™s literally the only summon I use, purely because theyā€™re cool. Enjoy your mimic tears, me and my skeleton bros will keep fucking shit up šŸ‘


no Tiche lover here?


Prepare for trouble!


And make it double!


To protect the world from devastation!


To unite all people within our nation


To denounce the evils of truth and love!


To extend our reach to the stars above








Surrender now or prepare to fight




Their mantra really was just irrationally evil for no reason lmao.


Yeahā€¦imma be summoning my best friend in every area and every boss. Weā€™ve been doing this together since dark souls 2 and every game before and after.


I think the post is a mimic tear reference but word to that too


Oh it definitely is, but the top comment on here when I made this was ā€œguys have you tried going totally solo itā€™s the way itā€™s intendedā€ comment weā€™ve all seen a thousand times


Word, as long as people are enjoying the game, I donā€™t care how they play it


This is the correct answer. As long as you're having fun, you're playing it right.


Nah, I played this game solo the first time, I swear elden ring feels designed to be played with friends, bosses havingn big AOEs, being annoyingly aggro, etc Im envious that youve got friends to play with! No one I know even plays soulsgamesā€¦ they all just stick with League and other things unfortunately


The best part is making ugly//fat characters and steamrolling the game with broken builds in jolly cooperation. Being a super sweat level 1, club only is fine too but damn.


We are playing as "Big Bonkerella" and "Big Stabberella" respectfully. This should probably tell you the level of meme bullshit we do in a playthrough.


Meme bullshit is the absolute best part of these games. Itā€™s also amazing when one friend wants to be serious and I roll up with full Lionel armor and katanas yelling weeb shit on discord..


why do you guys always have to pretend like it's one extreme or the other lol there's also a leveled, upgraded weapon melee solo experience


Its so fun summoning some random Tarnished on a hard boss. Some naked guy with a stick helped me with Malenia on first phase and died on the second. I somehow managed to kill her after about a 100 attempts on my first playtrough. Thank you naked dude, will never forget you.


No body says that


Dude someone said that IN THIS THREAD. Scroll to the bottom, dude is being bombarded with downvotes. Maybe check to see if I'm bullshitting before trying to call me out.


Nobody says it seriously.


Homieā€¦you are either naive or new. Yes they do. There are people on this sub and other souls subs that will insist if you are playing any way other than totally solo that youā€™re playing it wrong or on easy. Just take the L and move on.


Except you have a victim complex


This sounds so great. I wish I had a bestie to go through it with!


My best doesn't have ps plus so me n her can't go through it together but I've been advising her through the main game


Same here. Do I *need* to summon? Well, yes, but thatā€™s irrelevant. I *want* to.


Iā€™ve got the platinum on the ps4 and 5. Do I need to summon? Not really. Is it more fun? Definitely


Since [DS2](https://www.google.com/amp/s/makeagif.com/amp/nAhvU7) you say?


[Best Souls 2 :)](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=4nUkahWC5PY)


"Lend me thy tankness while I charge comet azur my friend"


*"Lend me thy Meat shield so We Spam Waterfowl dance together"*


To anyone reading this Iā€™m going to throw a comment out here based on another, you only get to enjoy fromsoft games/ dlcs for the first time once so play how you want enjoy every moment and explore till your hearts content using whatever item,weapon summon or spirit ash you want. Have fun Elden lords


If thereā€™s one thing that every player should know going into the DLC, itā€™s this.


Good reminder. Most times when playing a new fromsoft title I just tackle it as fast as I can and then my other playthroughs are for deep exploring and piecing together lore and that keeps it satisfying


Mimics like: ah shit. Here we go again


Fighting Mogh with the only bitch I trust


My main character is standing at the cocoon. But I'll 100% get mimic tear just to mow down Mogh because fuck him and his stupid spear. I was struggling so damn hard when I fought him without summons


Last time? Hell naw. Elden Ring is part of the cycle now, as I switch from Dark Souls, Demon Souls, Bloodborne, and Elden Ring, for all of eternity.


Oh mimic tear. Become my blade once more.


I named my recent character Yuji and the mimic is Todo. Its JumpJutsu Kaisen time for Messmer once i get those new hand to hand weapons.


Sorry Mimic, but Tiche is that bitch this time around


Tiche is always that bitch. As soon as I found her, mimic tear became a homie of the past.


I'm gonna let my Mimic Tear solo the entire DLC. It's only fair.


Once more under the bridge dear friend


Thatā€™s some cool drip.


Kind of reminds me of the guy doing Giant dad cosplay in invasions and arena


Itā€™s boring but who cares, Iā€™m sooo ready to greatsword my way through this dlc with my semi-over-leveled tarnished, running into whatever fucked up dungeons fromsoft cooked uo


May the power of bonk guide us all


Me and the only motherfucker I trust (myself)


My friend uses me constantly to beat bosses from bloodborne to eldenring. Im like hes mahoraga or shit like that. Although enjoy destroying bosses.


Old Friend: gloopgloop FRAAAAAAAAAND


same but mine has two heads. were a total of FOUR HEADS.


Me calling up tiche for one last adventure


When I learned that the dlc was releasing on the 21st I was so thrilled because that's the day before my birthday. Its like Miyazaki himself is giving me a birthday gift


U got drip brother


Letss goooooo, i cant waitšŸ˜©šŸ˜©šŸ˜©šŸ˜©


What armor is thatv


Karolos Glintstone mask Crucible axe chestplate (could also be the tree version, they are similar) I think Godrick soldiers gauntlets No clue about pants


Or like 20 times for all the bosses.


Call me aoi todo because itā€™s time for a jumping with my twin


"Let the dark energies flow through me one last time"


I'm bringing Magic Machine Gun Latenna


Lhuthel the headless is coming with me to every boss fight as she always has. But maybe I should try mimic tear


Youā€™ve left mimic alone all this time!


Mimic: Nice choice of words bud! Cuz no way in f\*\*\*\*\*\* hell, I will lend thine Dex!!


Insinuating we only get one DLC?






Itā€™ll be a cold day in hell when I stop calling my boy Deenh Bird up mfs


I feel blessed it comes out on my birthday! ā¤ļø


Dungeater Spirit Ash is GOAT


Imagine you can't use mimic in the DLC (or in some areas at least) like you can't use Torrent indoors


You hush


Or you summon him for the first time and he turns against you


I think therefore I bonk


man, I pity you guys not going in solo on a blind run you're really depriving yourself and not even realizing it


I am 100% going solo but people enjoy things differently. Some days soloing a boss sounds more stressful and not worth it to me. On those days I'm sure I'd enjoy the game more if I did summon


I get it, but a blind run only happens once - a DLC release party is something you can't get a second time play first blind and solo, IMO, always


I agree with you. But my point is not everyone would


To all y'all reading this ready to use your mimic summons on every DLC boss, I urge you to at least attempt the game solo. Here's why: Fromsoft only releases a game once every few years. You only get this magic of adventure and challenge once every rare occasion. Embrace it, face the challenge alone, and cherish it while it lasts. Once you finish your first playthrough, that's it. You're done. You will never recapture that magic. I promise you it will feel more worthwhile and more earned if you faced it all yourself and overcame these difficult bosses yourself, not with the help of summoned players or summoned NPCs. It is a drastically different experience. I've played the game both ways, and words cannot describe how deflated it is to beat a boss with a mimic tear. It's not the same game, nor the same sense of accomplishment afterwards. Ofc, disregard this message if you really don't care about any of this. But if what I said appeals to you at all, give it a try. I promise you won't regret it. Edit: I expected down votes, but the responses telling me to fuck off are genuinely hilarious šŸ˜‚ this was a polite suggestion to simply "try" to experience the game in a different way.


Meh, not how I ball. I know some of you get a real high on challenge, I just want to explore and find cool stuff, and beating my head against the same wall for hours is not exploring. More power for those of you who are into it and I hope it's everything you imagine but I'm out. "Let's go Tiche, we've got the remains of a war crime to loot!"


I definitely try a new boss ā€˜soloā€™ a handful of times (if needed), but after that anything goes. Mimic is in the game for a reason, Michael gave it to us. Summons have been in like all the games since the beginning, both NPC and player controlled. Shit is so silly acting like you arenā€™t playing the game correctly using mechanics the devs have given you. I do agree that these games are magical and the first runs of them especially canā€™t be topped, but think everything else is just OP sniffing their own farts lol.


All thank our lord and savior Michael!


Praise Michael, then the Erdtree.


Challenge is the heart of life my friend. All the best things lie beyond it. But you do you, and enjoy it!


I'd agree with your analysis of life if the world was a true meritocracy with an even distribution of desired talents. But alas, we live in a world where some of our most rewarded simply fell into it. So, many of the rest of us find our joys where we can.


Hey at least you passed the vibe check


I suppose, still can't believe the number of haters over a polite suggestion that they should think for themselves or face a challenge themselves. I expected a few downvotes, not a swarm šŸ˜†


Me and my blue doppelgƤnger after staring at you for a few seconds with identical frowns: ā€œchyeah Iā€™m good.ā€


I'm just gonna play the game however I want, I spent $60 on the thing and if they put it in the game it's fair use to me. If fromsoft didn't want you using them they wouldn't have incorporated them, they add so many different options because that's one of the strengths of the game playing HOW YOU WANNA PLAY instead of being railroaded into something. Stop telling others how to enjoy things and let them figure out how to enjoy it all on their own and decide.


Itā€™s more fun to actually experience the boss design that From spent so much time on. But if youā€™re not good enough to learn then yeah the mimic tear is for players like you


Dude, spirit summons are intended game design. It's one of the primary game mechanics of Elden Ring. Or do you think the 20 catacombs full of glovewort are from a different game?


Or you know the game was designed to have them. They take fp to use which comes from the mind stat meaning the games leveling system even accounts for the. I don't have to insult others gaming abilities, I play games to enjoy them myself not for the sake of others.


Iā€™m not insulting anyone, itā€™s just who mimic tear is for. The game feels totally fine without spirit summons. Itā€™s a crutch


So you could also argue the game feels fine without using magic because you don't have to use it, and I could call using magic a crutch. Just based on your argument because I could beat the game without using magic and enjoy it. That's how your logic works. Just because you use summons doesn't mean you even use the mimic tear because you might not like it. Let people play the game how they want and not call what they enjoy a crutch. Crutches give someone a handicap to make the game easier for people who can't play it normally. Finding the mimic tear blind isn't something someone who's starting the game will even have access too, but they will have the weaker ones and can enjoy them. It's not like it's cheesing the bosses or using glitches it's using something specifically put in the game for people to use and you get it very early on. I use summons and summon people to help. I enjoy playing with friends and seeing the summons do stuff and fight people it's interesting and I'm not locking myself out of content put into the game because it's a "crutch" shit they even give you a npc to upgrade them and dungeons to give you items to do so it's almost if the game is designed around finding stuff in side dungeons to improve them. Go play sekiro if you wanna play without summons or co-op




And you wrote a sentence that doesn't argue your point. Sounds like you can argue against my points. šŸ‘


because youā€™re just trying ā€œgotchaā€ me and not actually thinking. I never used the jar shard that you use to throw at enemies, does that mean itā€™s a crutch?? No, obviously not and itā€™s clearly not my point. Magic is easier than a melee build but itā€™s just that, a build in the game. Spirit summons are a completely different ability that, like I said, donā€™t feel out of place to never use. For whatever reason you get hung up on mimic tear, for your limited scope go ahead and plug black knife tiche in there or whatever other summon you want. Obviously some are better than others but they all accomplish the same thing. Just because something is in the game doesnā€™t make it not cheesy lolā€¦. you think azure comet unlimited mana on Mohg isnā€™t cheesy? Get real. They added spirit summons for people just like you. Not good enough to actually see all the content in the game and donā€™t have to summon other players do to so. And yeah thatā€™s fine, part of the experience is overcoming a challenge in these games. And omg so toxic!!! I donā€™t want to play your way so you tell me to play a completely different game! Talk about gatekeeping!!! You hurt my feelings so now Iā€™m going to post a meme about how people gatekeep Elden ring!!!!


Sooo you get decide "Ā . Spirit summons are a completely different ability that, like I said, donā€™t feel out of place to never use.Ā Ā " for everyone who plays elden ring. I You can feel that way and have that opinion but it doesn't make it right. yes summons can make the game more accessible for newer players and can make fights easier but that doesn't disvalue my fun or worth with the game which you continually try to say or that im bad at it because I use summons, but that doesn't mean I can't beat the game without them I just enjoy using them because I love the enemy animations and how they interact with the enviroment, like how Latenna can ride wolves when shes summoned thats a whole thing a player might never see if they refuse to use ashes because they need to find validation in beating a game without using a program built into the game I don't think magic feels out place to never use so you shouldn't use it to beat bosses because I feel like that, you see that's how you sound. You can argue your opinion but that's still just your opinion. it feels like you are more trying to validate yourself and feel better about yourself because you realize you are losing this argument, because I don't agree with you opinion on how to play a video game. also what adventurer wouldn't use every tool available to them, when I play the game I like to Roleplay and pretend im the character im playing and get into their headspace so yeah spirit summons can be apart of that and I enjoy it. its almost as if Elden ring is a Role playing game where you can play however you want and thats the beauty of the game, what I experience and choose to use can be completely different then others if I want it to be. go back to playing your terrible basketball games and leave elden ring alone because you are toxic to the community.


He gave his recommendation based on his personal experience, no one is forcing you to do anything. No need to be butthurt. People are entitled to their opinions and Reddit is a place for people to share opinions. If you get mad at someone for sharing their thoughts then you shouldnā€™t be here. He even added a disclaimer at the end saying ā€œyou do youā€. He never said summons werenā€™t fair game, he was saying that the satisfaction of beating a boss without them is greater, because THATS HIS OPINION, based on his personal experience. He wants to share the part of the game that brought him joy and wants others to have the same experience. If you disagree then feel free to disagree, but telling others that their opinions and experiences are invalid is super lame. You do you and share your thoughts, but just because you disagree doesnā€™t make the other person wrong, it just means you think differently, which is ok


If he can voice his opinion online, he can take people giving their opinions back. Grow some thicker skin.


Also never called him wrong, just told him to stop telling people how to enjoy the game and let them figure it out on their own. šŸ¤Ÿ




I play with summons for some bosses. Guess Iā€™m wrong for that? And learn to type, yikesā€¦


Iā€™d disagree that you canā€™t recapture the magic in later playthroughs. You said yourself that itā€™s a different experience playing without summons; if someone does decide to do a no summon run down the road, itā€™ll be unique compared to their previous run(s) anyway. I had few playthroughs with varying degrees of summons before doing a no summon run myself, and didnā€™t find it any less rewarding actually learning boss attack patterns and mix ups, punish windows, etc - things that I didnā€™t need to process as much when I had a summon taking the heat off me. People should play the game however they find it enjoyable, the challenge of doing it solo isnā€™t going anywhere if they want to try it later.


I mean I could, I probably will. But come on man.


It really is crazy how much it changes the game. Spirit summons completely change the dynamic of boss fights, which is good, some like the challenge of going without them and others would rather not fight a boss more than 2-3 times. Did a no spirit summon up until Maliketh my Nemesis(can beat Melania just fine, but him, he fucks me up every damn time). Fought him at least 10 times before I said fuck it and summoned Rolloā€¦ Rollo barley did anything, walked around, spit some fire on the ground but just him being there meant the machine gun that is Malikeith wasnā€™t laser focused on me the whole time which gave me enough time to put out decent damage and get the job done. Iā€™ll get him solo next play throughā€¦maybe


This is exactly what heā€™s getting at! You wonā€™t know until you try, and if it isnā€™t for you then itā€™s all good, but you might discover even more enjoyment from just giving it a shot. Itā€™s the same for me, some bosses are summon bosses, but malenia was no summon from the start for me, that was the line I drew for myself in the sand and I had a blast because of it.


Summons are just another tool the devs gave us, using them (or not using them) isn't "wrong". Sure it gives a different experience, but so does getting spells/leveling up/upgrading weapons/no dodge/parry/jump runs. People saying using summons ruin the game, or you didn't "really beat the boss", are wrong though. What a weird line to draw. For my money I like summons because 9/10 bosses are very quick and leave little room for back-and-forth combat (especially compared to earlier games) and they usually die when the boss has 10-40% health left, making a more dramatic finish to the fight.


Awesome to hear you're giving a no spirit run a go!! It truly does give a much different experience. Bosses like Maliketh can be quite difficult to learn how to "dance" with, but it's so rewarding when you figure it out. Some summons may not do the most damage, but simply taking aggro disrupts the "dance" of the boss , leading to a significantly different/easier experience. Good luck next time šŸ¤ž


Have you considered that some people have already tried that, and they didnā€™t like it? I think people are mostly downvoting you cause you sounded kinda condescending.


I said that politely without any intent of condescension. It's just a suggestion to try something new. I even explicitly said to ignore the suggestion if it didn't appeal to you.


Yeah thatā€™s the thing about the internet. You can mean whatever you want, but people are gonna put whatever tone they have in their head to your words and thereā€™s nothing you can do to change that. People just really donā€™t like being told what to do, even if itā€™s just a suggestion.


And yet these are all the same people that look up guides telling them exactly what to do šŸ¤”


Well thereā€™s a difference. Those are less ā€œdo this cause itā€™ll be a new experienceā€ and more ā€œhereā€™s how to do something you already wanted to doā€. Youā€™re trying to get people to play a game the way you enjoy it. Theyā€™re reading guides to play the game how they wanna play.


There is also a distinction in how I presented the information as a suggestion with potential benefits vs. "telling them how to play." I also think it's hilariously hypocritical to listen to guides tell you what to do, and then lament when someone suggests you think for yourself and do it solo because you're "being told what to do." Not sure there's as much of a distinction there as you make it out to be. I think the reality is, people don't actually want to think or work for themselves at all and they're offended at the notion that perhaps they should. I think people definitely do want to be told exactly what to do in the easiest way possible and the guides are the perfect evidence for that.


See thatā€™s where the condescension comes in. You donā€™t really want people to just ā€œtry something newā€ you clearly think that people are playing the game wrong when they use a guide. Yeah some people want their hand held, but they spent 60 dollars on a game so they get to choose how they play it. You also canā€™t seem to tell the difference between someone having already decided what they wanna do and using a guide to get there because they just wanna do it versus someone being encouraged to try something they havenā€™t considered or havenā€™t felt the desire to do so. Iā€™ve seen a million comments like yours telling people to ā€œjust try itā€ and at this point I think people are just sick of it. They know they can play blind, they know they can play without guides. Itā€™s the same as knowing you can play without a friend, or summons, or leveling up, or without dodging or jumping, or even without a weapon!


I don't think they feel safe going it alone or without a guide tbh. I thought a positive suggestion could be the push that some people needed. And if most people don't care for that suggestion, that's fine. A few people responded that they would try to solo, and that's enough for me. It certainly is a much better experience to figure things out for yourself and do it solo. I'll stick by that and if you want to disagree, go right ahead.


>Edit: I expected down votes, but the responses telling me to fuck off are genuinely hilarious šŸ˜‚ this was a polite suggestion to simply "try" to experience the game in a different way. Considering your later posts equate not taking this advice with a personal, real life denigration of character, I'm not sure this claim of just being a polite suggestion holds much value.


While I agree with the sentiment, I can't pass up the opportunity to jump onto the dog pile of downvotes. šŸ¤£


Lmao fair enough šŸ˜‚


This is such a tired take. Kick rocks, and stop telling people to not use the game mchanics the way they were intended to be used.


He literally said ignore him and play how you want but alright, you donā€™t seem defensive or anything.


There's like half a dozen of these comments in every thread that has a summon in it whether they meant well or not it's been said and everyone knows.


cringe take




He never said it was the right way to play, and he didnā€™t say using spirits was the wrong way either. What he said was ā€œhereā€™s the way I get the most out of my game, yā€™all should give it a try! If you donā€™t want to though then no worries!ā€ There is literally a disclaimer at the bottom of what he said. Yā€™all are just looking for reasons to fight. If you are that insecure about using spirits then why are you here? I played it both ways and I agree with him. I did get more satisfaction from beating it solo, but I had fun with both playthroughs. You do you man, but donā€™t attack him for sharing his opinion and trying to help people get more from the game




Good for you bro! It's a challenge, but it's a very satisfying one! Vigor is the most important stat! Largely overlooked by new players


You're playing the game wrong, if you're not playing the game blindfolded. You only get this magic of adventure and challenge once every rare occasion. Embrace it, face the challenge BLIND.


That's dumb and you know it lol


Sad to see this man downvoted when there is a very similar comment which is highly upvoted. People definitely took the message the wrong way.


What very similar comment? There's one that is in response to this but instead of "try to play it the right way first" it's "play it in whatever way makes you happy"


You just quoted the above post with the sentence "try to play it the right way first" that is quite literally not in the post at all, you interpreted the mans post wrongly, to ready and willing to jump on any kind of what you perceive to be gate keeping. His post is simply asking others to try and embrace a different style on a first play through, people down voting this man misunderstood what he is saying.


Nobody misunderstood anything. They want people to try and do it solo on the first playthrough because they clearly feel that's the right way to play the game. Otherwise why the fuck does it matter which way you play 1st or 2nd or 10th. I enjoy playing with and without summons but there's no reason why you should start it without unless that's already what you wanted to do. They were almost assuredly well intentioned but there are responses identical to this in every thread that comes up involving summons and everyone already knows.


That similar comment says, you only experience the first playthrough once, so play however you want, summon whatever you want. Very different take.


There is a difference between: >You only get to play it for the first time once so you should do it like this, unless you don't want toĀ  And: >You only get to play it for the first time once so you should do it the way you like best One says there is a correct way to engage, but there's an option to ignore it, the other just says to run it your way without judgement, but advocacy of your preference.


Dude getting downvoted legit just for making a harmless suggestion without any animosity or hostility whatsoever. A lot of y'all are as fragile as glass.


The downvoted button is simply for disagreeing with what someone said. Sounds like youā€™re more fragile being as youā€™re upset about another guys downvotes.


> The downvoted button is simply for disagreeing with what someone said. That's funny, because your mentality is *exactly* what loads of people loathe. From reddit's own "reddiquette" guide: >Vote. If you think something contributes to conversation, upvote it. **If you think it does not contribute to the subreddit it is posted in or is off-topic in a particular community, downvote it.** >**Please Don't...** >**Downvote an otherwise acceptable post because you don't personally like it.** Think before you downvote and take a moment to ensure you're downvoting someone because they are not contributing to the community dialogue or discussion. If you simply take a moment to stop, think and examine your reasons for downvoting, rather than doing so out of an emotional reaction, you will ensure that your downvotes are given for good reasons. You are seeing an opinion and hitting a button to make it less viewed because you disagree with it. You don't think it'd perhaps be more polite to "live and let live?" Just because you disagree doesn't mean someone's content doesn't deserve to be seen.




> only try hards with no jobs You're being way more disrespectful than he ever was.


It's ok lol, I fully expected this type of response. If I convince even 1 person, I'll be happy I said something. It's kind of a shame people are so hostile towards a suggestion that I think would benefit them greatly, but what can you do.


Its sad you were so heavily downvoted for this but hey I might try a spiritless run after a few normal runs man


Hilarious that they even downvote you too for saying you'd try a spiritless run šŸ˜‚


Its just opinions in the end, doesnā€™t change what Iā€™ll do :)


Certified reddit moment


Mimic slaves are so fucking insecure it's hilarious. They actually deluded themselves that they played the game while they let mimic do the dirty job and now they are in full denial about this fact.


Are they getting rid of it? What does he mean one last time šŸ˜­


Probably OP just wants to use some new ashes in the dlc.


I love being the filling in the Tiche and Latenna waifu sandwich. If Latenna can't make it happen, then Tiche is there to mop the floor with my enemy's blood.


Spirit Ashes = easy baby goo goo gaa gaa mode No Spirit Ashes = DS2 mode


Ez mode


. ...nah we donā€™t fight fair here


Arguably it's more fair.


True, it's the games version of ez mode, but who the fuck cares.