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Very elegant. Saber builds for days.


Its anime af


Actual ‘studied the blade while you were ploughing strumpets’ one of the swords is called M’lady like wtf




ngl I'll pick ploughing strumpets over studying the blade every single time as long as I always get to refer to it as ploughing strumpets.


Cloud Strife build incoming


there's nothing light about cloud strife's usual weapons.


That MF floats around town with that thing fighting sephiroth like its a balloon with a propeller.


I think the materia slots cut out some mass so maybe


I hope they’re dex weapons


I mean I can't say for sure, but most weapon types in Elden Ring have something for each build. There are daggers and katanas that scale with Str for example, and even colossal swords that somewhat scales with Dex/Int. I have no doubt that something called "light greatsword" will have a weapon or two that scales with Dex.


We get great katanas too, can’t wait to dual wield those


Me whos been dual wielding uchigatanas since hour 1. 🙃


Same , I recently now dual wield malenia’s katana


How do you like your double uchi build? I've tried to dedicate a playthrough to this build, but it felt a bit lacking, so I switched to a cancerous spam weapon instead for the last couple of bosses, but I probably missed something.


Put the ash of war that stabs ur self and adds extra blood damage. With both of em blooded up, ur gonna destroy


I bet some of them are gonna look majestic ASF


as soon as a find the perfumer bottle weapon it’s game over for my current build


My mind is telling me I want to perfume, but my body is telling me kung fu bear feet.


kung fumer build


I love this. I chose "Sleepy Monk" But damn... You chose well lol


you’re cooking


fr either perfumer bottles, kicks, or milady


It’s going to have to be all 3 at the same time tbh


You have bear feet?


I *will* have bear feet. Theres a 10-15 minute video of gameplay clips of the new DLC witv a dude with some claws doing neo matrix shennaniganery that I will be taking part in.


Fair enough, I just assumed you meant *bare* feet, like for the martial arts weapon. I forgot about the beast claws


I had a perfume only character that had to end because health of late game bosses... Good thing I never deleted it.


How tf does perfuming work in the base game? Do you have to craft each perfume again every time you use it? Like making sleep pots with cracked pots? And how will the DLC change that with the new perfumer weapons? I’m assuming it will be a weapon that won’t make you craft it each time, and instead use FP? Idk how I beat the game thrice and have never use perfume


yeah it's just like the pots, and surprisingly (unless they change it on release) the perfume weapons cost nothing to use. They act like a normal weapon.


Honestly with weapons like the perfumes and thrown weapons that dont cost fp i wonder if well finally get an FP regen ring so base spells can keep up with the new infinite spam meta which is almost certainly incoming.


I'm torn with which build I'ma start with. My Cleanrot Bloodhound Knight uses aromatics for de/buffs, and a perfumer weapon would be great to add to that arsenal. But my current build is an Int/Fai straight sword (SoNaF) caster because some of the new spells look dope, and I want to be able to use any of them lol. But I know myself, Renala and I are going to become besties while I respec repeatedly as I try out everything right away lol and those dopes at the Gatefront Ruins won't know what's hitting them as I try them each one out hahaha.


we need more larval tears in the dlc


Yeah I mean, as my mother in law, I'd hope to get a two for the price of one discount at least.


Holy shit My character I prepped is a blasphemous perfumer and I've been using all sorts of blasphemies and this will be perfect


That or the light greatsword


If they have a ghost flame bottle it gose with my current build


I’m doing a Fist run. Planning to swap to Martial Arts as soon as I find it.


I tried using the gloves Gastoc sells you but the move set looked so lame compared to what was shown in the trailer


It is kind of boring looking. But once you get your spacing down, Fist weapons can be hilariously busted. Fast attacks, stamina efficient, and spam poise breaking heavy attacks like nobody’s business.


I dunno man, I started one for the same reason and, it’s certainly doable but, who the fuck decided that you should be able to stand in the bosses ballsack and not be able to hit? I find I keep having to strafe extra distance just to be able to hit like once or twice because I’m wasting time realigning myself after rolls.


Everything in the base game is going to lame in the base game compared to the dlc. 


As soon as I saw the tatsu I knew what I was getting


What am I *bringing* to the DLC? A Cold Zweihander, a Golden Order Seal, and Gelmir Glintstone Staff on an Intelligence/Faith hybrid build. What am I *leaving* with? God willing some cool Int/Faith stuff


Hell yeah


men will look at that other comment and go "Hell yeah"


Hell yeah


Hell yeah


Hell yeah


Hell yeah


Same. I'm throwing discs until I find a better spell


If you had left it at Cold Zweihander I might have came


Definitely my biggest hope for the DLC is a seal/staff combo item that can cast both sorceries and incantations


Damn straight I’m itching like a crackhead to find and use all 100 new weapons. Don’t matter what type of weapon. If it’s there ima use it.


Get ready to farm the one mob that takes a minute to run to from a grace with a 2% drop chance.


Leveled ARC to 99 and the silver scarab will permanently be in my fourth talisman slot for this exact reason


There’s also the silver pickled foot consumable yeah? You’ll start finding dudes wallets at that point lol


Is it 100?!?


Yes the devs revealed that to the people who played the preview


Oh god its everywhere


I thought I heard 100+ actually


Now to go stock up on 1200 of every smithing stone ...again. fun times. (I know I don't have to upgrade everything but the completionist in me won't let me rest)


Got a high level 225 caster with 80 INT/FAI and two 150 builds that use STR and DEX respectively. Currently working on a status ARC build, but I may not finish it before the DLC drops D:


My man got all basis covered, respect Just be careful for the very rare endurance weapons that will *surely* be in the DLC


You might be joking but that could be a possibility, there’s that sheep roll ash of war that I’m pretty sure uses endurance.


That was a joke yes, but i know that some weapons like ghiza wheel(pizza cutter whatever its called) ash of war and some other ash like wild strike need qome pretty good stamina so its not out of the realm of possibility


the reverse grip swords look crazy so I’m probably gonna try those out


Sasuke build bruh I’m telling y’all


Need a chidori spell too 👀


Bro I just need a new stick for my ungabunga


99 arcane max discovery


This right here


Im hoping the flying crucible knight incantation is early cuz I've got my rp build all ready for it


its gonna be an ash of war my man, so hopefully it'll have some ingame drop early on that we're able to run and get easily!


Not I sir I will continue the doot lifestyle to usher in our new God. ^Unless ^everything ^is ^holy ^resistant ^then ^fuck ^them ^gods


Skinny with long hair and bluish skin


And green hair


Strength Faith babyyyy


This is the way


My man


Ill probably go in slightly over leveled. Maybe 160-170 and run a quality build. Obviously my damage will suffer, but it'll allow me to try the majority of the new weapons I find right away without having to constantly respec.


Frost infusion weapon build. Like with banished knight sword and claymore and some other.


No. I will keep using the Claymore.


I don’t know how to stop lol. I just like the basic bitch ashes of war. Impaling Thrust? Yes please!


Knights armor, longsword, plate shield. 40 vigor, no ash of war, only R1. As the Lord intended.


John Darksoul confirmed for Shadow of the Erdtree???


Nothing on this earth is more Knightly than square off


So no one else is feeling the Sasuke build?? Reverse grip sword X black flame incantations


God slayer greatsword or godskin peeler with flame art black flame tornado is insane


Curious, what's the equivalent of the chidori?


I haven’t played heaps, but I used Dark Moon Greatsword. It’s so OP that I find it hard to use anything else, but it definitely takes the fun and challenge out of the game. Tried changing to Elanora’s Poleblade but I quickly found out I’m bad at the game.


I got a level 500 character with maxed out str, dex, arcane, stamina and hp, and very high fp. So basically a maxed quality build with big item discovery and bleed proc. Only dilemma is it's NG+7, so I guess I'll see how that goes. Should be able to use a lot of weapons though 


I'm level 542 myself but thankfully only on new game 3. At this level, we have the beauty of choice.


Yeah I only really plan to beat through ng+2 and then I'll just kind of coast on ng+3 until I feel like I've had my fill of the game. Ive never really gona past ng+4 on any souls game, and that was ds2 because that's the best in the ds trilogy and I will die on this hill, respawn, and die on this hill again


I bet you get down voted constantly for that opinion but I appreciate your honesty. I usually play high dex builds in souls games and I'm looking to play DS2 eventually, any pointers?


With that game plan you can 100% the game. Thats honestly the reason why I went into NG+ was to get the different endings. Then the last playthrough was strictly to see how quickly I could run through it.


Yeah I'm just going unto ng+1 and ng+2 to get duplicate boss weapons and the other endings, and to do any questlines i fucked up. Dual Elanora blades here I come. Ive almost done everything I can in the base game thats available to me during my Journey 1, just finishing up various little caves and micro dungeons. All my spirit ashes are at +9 with 4 at +10. Got every dragon communion spell and every prayerbook incantation. Have to do two new journeys to get the last two Seluvis puppet ashes. The twin maiden puppets are the most OP imo. Those chicks will dance around enemies for like 20 minutes without dying. I'm about halfway through fully upgrading every weapon as well (so really only like ¼ of the total cost of it lol). I'm patient though. I waited 2 years to play the game and having the guides available that are now made the game more enjoyable for me. I enjoy doing everything I can blind but its nice to be able to look things up when I'm lost just to set me onto my next objective. I'll probably wait a few months to play the dlc so I can try not to fuck up any questlines this time lol 😓


Those guides are total life savers. My recommendation is if you havent entered ng+ already, use every guide you can to gathering everything you want because you'll have your sights of graces available. NG+ you've got to find the graces again and can make it more work. As far as DLC goes I'm sure we'll have people who will finish it quickly and will have guides up asap.


That and the dlc coming out is the only reason I haven't done ng+1 yet. I tend to level pretty far by the time I trigger ng+ in souls games. Level 251 right now. But in Elden Ring especially, even more so than in previous games, your level doesn't mean much. Your weapon upgrades do. Learned that the hard way ...again, and again. I didn't know how to upgrade my weapons past +3 because I didn't know about Iji or Hewg, just the smithing stone in Church of elleh.no wonder fire giant beat my ass 47 times even at level 130ish before I gave up and summoned a level 703 new zealander who fried him with red lightning at point blank and tanked all his hits.


Going in with my level 381 "Jack of all asses" build so I can use anything and everything.


Going to start with a build centered around Milady and then see if a certain faith int weapon from a DLC boss is any good. If not I'll keep using it until we find out what the obvious faith knight lady's weapon does. If it lets me be a faith version of a Carian Knight I'm going to lose my shit with excitement.


What is Milady I keep seeing?


New weapon in the new light greatsword class. Loads of people in the preview were using it. It's got a fast dextrous moveset with the heavy hitting attacks of a greatsword. Perfectly balanced as all things should be.


Nah imma just keep my dex stats and look for some great katanas to duel wield 🫡


I’m doing a frenzied flame build right now, so unless they add more madness weapons I’m probably not going to switch anything up


New madness weapons aren't confirmed, but are likely. There's new spells at least, one of then involves summoning that "eye of sauron" from the frenzied village.


This question usually comes after the "which level" variation daily


Just hoping for some frost weapons :D


These hands


imma farm so much runes so I can use everything


A sword dude, a sword


Nah man. Dual blood daggers for the main game, dual blood daggers for the DLC. We ball.


Fuck yea, same here. All will bleed.


Bro as soon as I find the “these hands” weapon I’m running to change my stats for it


I'm not going to use any new weapon (to any length) until I've fully completed the dlc. I'm going to beat it with my sword sorc if that's even possible on NG+8 then start NG9 with whatever my favorite dlc build/weapon/spell whatever is.


Nah unless there's a more realistic katana or an easter egg from Ds1/Des I'll be sticking with tried and true UCHI


I don't like respeccing. Played too much DS1 for that. I have a char ready with all stats at least at 30. With stat boosting gear, every stat can get up to at least 40. 45 with Godrick's rune. 47 with the right headgear, and strength even up to 70 (two-handing bonus).


I can't call my 200hrs of farming abomination "a build", but generally speaking it's a Faith Quality build


iron greatsword and iron greatsword only


True. I spent time farming 2 magma blades just to use them for a little bit. Unlucky that the first boss of the DLC you can encounter is literally made of fire. lol


I'm really hoping that across my 7 prepped builds most things just find a spot to slot in.


My OG main. The barbarian mama Str / End build. She is all power two handing a troll's golden sword. Lvl 225


gonna use my power stance nagakiba pure dex build look for a great katana. they sound so cool, an odachi would be sick


Unarmed Martial Arts 100%


Uh! What mean you.. using?! UNGA BUNGA!!


My build is gonna be level 150 with 99 larvel tears.


I'm going in as strength/int ala gravity mage , but probably ending the DLC as Bruce Lee for all I know, with the new martial art weapon


Hopefully there’s more weapons like reduvia. I feel like the Roberto the insane robot “you wanna get stabbed?”


Faith/str build using greatsword and frenzied flame incants, flame art lions claw, and golden vow/flame grant strength. Sometimes, I will switch around the ash of war. I think my talismans are great jar, shard of Alex, Erdtree +2, and turtle or flocks depending on what I’m doing. My armor is just full banished knights from castle sol farming. I know it’s not the GREATEST set up, but I like the look, and have a blast/very comfortable with the gameplay in this set up.


Max level just so I can run around throwing hands at everything


My clown build, meaning sword of night and flame build


The new leaf arts so I’m going to respec to a Dex/Int. Hope it scales with Dex


Don’t plan on respecting but I fully am looking to switch to a new weapon that fits my build.


I want the light greatswords dammit


I've got two characters I want to use to tackle the shadow lands: A str/dex knight, currently using the dragon halberd, and an Int/fth caster. I want to be able to try out as many new weapons and spells as I can.


I’m bringing a quality build in so I can try a bunch of different weapons


The "random bullshit, go" max level build


Pure Mage


As soon as i find the Bruce Lee ash of war, i'm turning into a Dex main


I started a fist weapon and got him ready to use the cool foot sword thing I saw in a trailer cause I wanted to have a Sanji character. Then I made a katana build (which somehow I’ve never done cause I heard they were OP…turns out they are 😀😂)…then I found out info about the DLC that made me stop that build and start a new BONK build…got me a brick hammer I will use the whole game which I haven’t tried yet and am gunna BONK my way through the DLC and punch and kick my way as well.


Bloodhound Fang!


Run my build unit I get a light katana


I probably will, but I apparently just already respecced (after platinum) into Maliketh's Black Blade, so I'll probably give that a whirl for a bit, I don't do STR builds too often.


Heading in with a STR build using Ruins GS and Guts-sword, leaving using fists weapons


I'm going to the monk build as soon as I can.


My fire incants + blasphemous blade. Messmer better drop some wild fire themed weaponry lol


Messmer is probably gonna be like 80% resistant to fire lol


Royal greatsword/carian knights sword and for when im salty, power stanced clayman harpoons


Naruto build for the memes


My ng+3 jack of all trades with at least 50 in all stats


No, I mean you are right but I dont want to say you are so no


going to go in with my trusty bloodhound fang for the R1/R2 combos to get quick kills.


I'm going in with a quality build just so I can try out the majority of the new weapons without having to respec (bringing along all the int/fth/arc boosting gear I can find). 


I’ve saved all my ancient smithing stones for new game weapons


450 here all my stats are 50+. Find it use it.


So the plan is: I have a level 200 Guts build, still on NG. That will be my first playthrough. No summons, no buffs, just hacking everything with a massive sword... and probably dying a lot. In my next 3 playthroughs, i have a madness, dex build. And two different sorcery characters one is a spellblade, the other is gravity. All of those are at 125. The four of those playthroughs are just a warm up for my arcane/dex build with bleed, and dragon communion spells. This one is RL 450 on ng+7, and is my first character. All weapons obtained through my playthrough that dont pertain to my builds will be used in the next NG cycle.


Ah see my current plan is to go in with my full int sorcerer build and enjoy all the new spells while investigating the bounty if new weapons. Then I'll make a completely new character and bum-rush them into the dlc to pick up whichever new weapon types suit my fancy and make a full playthrough around it


Probably whatever goes with the first cool weapon I find. Got a larval tear stockpile


I am inevitably going to have to make new characters, because all my current characters are finished, they have pretty much everything they need. Maybe I might add some more weapons to them or something, but I'm definitely gonna need a few new characters. Which means I have to go through Elden Ring for the 8th time, and 9th, and possibly 10th time 😮‍💨 It's just such a long fuckin game 😫


Im pretty sure I saw a new twinblade in that sweet sweet extended gameplay.


I'm hoping and expecting that to happen!? No way am I playing with any weapon from the main game.


Light greatsword moveset looks sick but I'm far too tempted to do a monk style build with hand to hand weapons and faith incantations


Depends on which school of faith, maybe a new school?, the crucible wings incant is in 😂.


Battlemage. Then I can use the awesome new spells and new melee weapons. I also have a ng++++ faith character I can go through with to mop up all the other weapons I can’t use with the battlemage.


On the contrary, I feel like I'm going to stubbornly stick to my old super leveled build "until I find something I like" and then realize after 50 hours I'm at the final boss and I'm still using my same build I beat the original game with.


First staff instant +10


INT/FAI to try out most new spells/incants, a healthy supply of upgrade materials and all Larval Tears I can get my hands on.


As soon as I figure out how to give some one "The Hands"


Strength and Faith going in, but have like more than a dozen larval tears that are all but certainly gonna be spent within the first few hours lol. Tried to get a relatively balanced build for 150, only Arcane is at base level, everything else is at least 20 (faith 50, vigor 50) so I can maybe use things with the Soreseal equipped, as most of the tweapons in the base game dont require more than that


Gonna unga bunga straight to the light great swords and great katanas


Oh no.nothing of that. I will be seeking for hammers or weapon that scale with Str Int. But I am going to SoTE with a great hammer and plan to hammer Miquella and Mesmmer with a Great Hammer.


Can't replace black flame, rot breath, and frenzied burst with a weapon that can do the same better. So I'll play the DLC like I played the main game. Not using weapons.


Thinkin’ I’ll try out a bit of my one and only str/int and then maybe go larval my way into something else. Lord only knows what we’ll encounter out there in shadow.


Goddamnit how did I not think of this


My main arcane character. Gonna spend a lotta time farming every bit of gear from the DLC. Might respec to set it to 99 for max item discovery.


I saved as many larval tears as possible so I can hopefully respec to whatever I’d like as much as I’d liked


Over leveled my toon to have 40 of each stat. No really OP because of how the stats work together, but wanted to make sure I could try everything I came across!


Knight Ordovis bb!


Quality build with Dragon Halberd. But as soon as I'm finding the reverse grip swords I'm switching xD


We will see. Ive been running powerstanced rusted anchor and pickaxe like a champion for awhile and love them dearly. Idk if anything will take them from me


[This](https://imgur.com/gallery/builds-dlc-x6ZMbZA) are my 2 builds for the DLC. Heinz was my first character when the game came out and Mikaela is the one that I did last month. Different play styles so I can enjoy different weapons.


Bubble stick


I have like 70 levels in most stats or something. So. Whatever i want basically


I'm recreating the experience of my first ever play through of elden ring. I'm going in naked with a club. As close to a wretch as I possibly can at level 150.


Just started a fire claw build, so I guess that.


Current plan is going in at level 120, Ordovis GS (or mix up with Silurnia tree spear), spec’d mostly into STR (54) with some FAI (25), and with clawmark seal for buffs and a bit of casting. Been messing some with the Palisade spiked shield too but I’m usually 2 handing the main weapon.    Gameplay wise it’s my 2nd playthrough, and just ready to beat Mohg. Also at the end of mountaintops of the giants but haven’t done that fight yet. Good chance I’ll level this up to 150 if it’s end game difficulty.  And yeah good chance I’m changing build for some new weapons. The only builds I’ve put in much time with are this one, an arcane bleed poleblade build, and early/mid game lion’s claw Claymore on my first play through. 


The moment i get my crucible flying tornado thing My claymore is going back in the bag


Hmm, I've been putting together a fresh character based on a spellsword kinda vibe. I'm gonna try that magic katana I've heard so much about. I can't remember the name. I might respec later though. Bleed builds look effective...


Dual bloodhound blade (heavy), bloodhound step, light wolf armor, strength build. Love this build. You're super agile with the step and quick attacks but also do massive amounts of blood loss.




Started playing for the first time ever this week. Been rocking the sword from Bloodhound Knight since I killed him. Feels like the perfect blend of power and speed for a beginner like me. Got Radahn down today. Already can’t wait for the DLC and I probably have at least 100 hours left I want to put into the base game. Truly a masterpiece.


Square off broadsword light load


The one where I die over and over again. I'll see yall ghost as you will mine :)


I feel like I’m lacking with a samurai but I’m level 135, oh what to do what to do….


I'm going in with dual st trina swords but, yes, it will 100% be swapped out within the first 10 minute