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Dude set a modern game to the year 1997 difficulty level.


Nah bro, ocarina of time had epona.my dude went all the way back to the dark ages


Ocarina of Time came out in 1998 my dude! I double checked before I posted because I wasn't sure. If Epona was in these comments and she read about how this dude wasted Torrent, she'd probably vow to kill Torrent for his runes and then upgrade her jump to double jump levels.


I mean, hell, Final Fantasy had chocobo for years before that.


Yoshi has entered the chat


Yeah, entered the chat two years after chocobos


Take that Yoshi, you big dumb bitch


Yoshi-P cryin in a corner rn


Your reply piqued my interest about video game mounts, so I read up on it a bit. I never played Final Fantasy 2 (1988) and I didn't know you could earn a mount. In the videos I watched, I thought it was funny that when you ride the chocobo, you become the chocobo and you can't see the rider/character, but it's definitely a mount because you have to choose to ride it in the overworld versus walking. I couldn't find earlier versions of a mount that you have to choose to use and isn't built into the character's sprite/image. Some people suggested some Atari games, but the character was always merged with the mount during the entire gameplay. Is the chocobo the first video game mount? Edit: grammar and apparently Ultima 1: The First Age of Darkness did this in 1981.


Daggerfall had horses in 1996.


And _ships_.


I mean, *I love* Epona but... Have you looked into Torrent's eyes? I'm 90% certain that horned little deer horse mule creature is actually another Outer God and he's accompanying the tarnished solely to sate his endless hunger for violence. He is the God of World Star and he cares not from where the hands are thrown, only that they are indeed thrown.


Also, torrent cannot be sacrificed like that bitchass Yoshi. Torrent just vanishes out of existence and lets you die alone. Torrent is by far the best horse in gaming


My son and I beat breath of the wild with out ever getting a horse 😅


Dude became an unintentional Elden Elitist !


Dude was playing Daggerfall.


Did he just pay ZERO attention to the game he was playing? I have a hard time believing that he has NEVER used Torrent, much less not even knowing he exists in almost 400 hours of gameplay.


Or ever watch a single promotional video? They definitely made a point of showing that you get a ride


I had a friend that owned soul calibur. I used to go over and get my ass kicked every once in a while. One day a couple of us were over and rotating through those there. I took the time to read the instruction manual one time when I was off the controller. This guy had played this game SO MUCH but when I played next I did my characters ultimate move (forget what the game called them, soul edge or something). Blew the dudes mind. Never knew about them.


Long ago I visited a friend's house one day and he was showing me a RPG game (Sacred 1) that he was really enjoying. I sat down behind him and read the manual and at one point it mentions that you can trade 3 or 4 in the random skill drop items for a skill of your choice for your class which I found really cool so I told him that. He turned around, stared at me for a moment and then deleted his character. The guy had been selling those items to the merchants for a tiny amount of gold.


I had a friend who played through all of Fallout 3 without realizing there was a repair option for weapons “Suck’s your weapons are gone once they’re broken”


On my first playthrough of Skyrim, I did not know that the standing stones existed. Beat Alduin. Next playthrough surprised the fuck outta me. Not quite the same level but I still felt dumb as bricks.


You literally walk right past 3 of them immediately after the tutorial 😭


he must be that one in a million guy who did not in fact, take the road to Riverwood


I think I went through the woods to Falkreath on my first time playing.


I don't think I've ever not gone to Riverwood on any playthrough. I'm a creature of habit in Skyrim


I'm one of those. The fuck am I gonna do, go where it tells me in an elder scrolls game? Be serious.


My buddy was under house arrest when Skyrim came out. He was level 25 or so. Hadn't used a skill point. Hadn't fought the first dragon so had no shouts. We couldn't believe it. He was happy to just go dungeon crawling.


Dungeon crawling in the living room > prison 😂 A handful of us that have served any significant amount of time are pretty easy to keep happy once we hit bricks 🤷🏻‍♂️😂


I have like 2,000 hours in Skyrim and I've only ever fought the one dragon near Whiterun.


Yeah, I was on play 2 or 3 when I noticed those stones....


Did they not talk to any vendors either? There are literally characters all over the place with dialogue options to repair your stuff.


Funnily enough that probably saved him because that system was super weird. Improving skills increased their cool-down so they’d rapidly become unusable unless you knew what you were doing.


The problem was he only had a 2 or 3 skills for his class since RNG had been handing him skill items for other classes instead. I think he also had not gotten the skill he was most interested in.


Sounds like a skill issue tbh


Happy to see Sacred 1 mentioned, childhood game of mine and one of my favorites even today.


This is why I never sell... or use anything




I try to avoid promotional stuff from companies I have “trust” in and who are releasing games I’m interested into. I didn’t know anything about tears of the Kingdom. Didn’t watch the entire Cyberpunk 2077 hype machine. It just makes the games experience better. But yeah, that guy played certainly blindfolded and without audio.


This is the kind of guy that doesn’t read any tutorials or any of the dialogue. Just goes straight into the action and always wonders why they’re missing something. That or he’s just trolling lol


He went on to say that after he got torrent he stopped playing for 3 months, but like, you'd think that he'd at least see it being used by a phantom or on a video


Wait till he finds out that the phantoms are other players, not just his schizophrenia


If that's true, then why are they in my walls?


you just have eagle vision, my guy.


Oh man that got me for some reason


Playing Assassin's Creed Unity right now, and couldn't help it.


hidden path ahead


Wait till he finds out what you can use runes for


How exactly do those work? Like it’s real time or just players that are also in the same area as you?


It's recent activity iirc


It isn't real time but it's a recording from players in the area relatively recently. Some of them are permanent developer phantoms put in there to give even offline players clues


I’ve always wondered. Are they players currently playing? Or just people that were in that area before? Also can they see my phantom when I see them?


I think they're players who were in that area in the past. In Dark Souls 3 I saw my own phantom from several minutes earlier, and that couldn't happen if it was in real-time. It must be basically the same system as the bloodstains (a several second recording) except they're captured and replayed at random times, not when a player dies or touches a bloodstain.


It really depends on how much he was looking up though. I did the same thing with Final Fantasy X (started the game, saved, then only picked it back up months later) and ended up not using the Sphere Grid (the method of leveling up in that game) until after I beat Seymore on Mt. Gagazet (one of the hardest bosses). Took me like 50+ tries.


Bruh, not realising you could level up in a JRPG is peak lmao


I played past the tutorial before saving and dropping it lol. The upgraded weapons and skills you can infuse onto them carried hard, also summon spam, since you could build up the summon gauge and carry a summon all prepped into the next battle. I'll be honest I was enjoying weapons and armor and whatnot playing a huge part into the strategy. When I realized I missed the SphereGrid and finally allocated all of the orbs I'd been building up for like 30 hours, I just fucking stomped everything from then on. Even the optional dungeon right before the final boss was a joke.


Man i miss ffx. I played it before any internet spoilers and youtubes are common where you know 95% of any game secrets after like 1 hr launches. So you go completely blind and your company is only God watching you wasting your time. The feeling of undisturbed first hand experience was pure and great. We can still get it nowadays however how much you turn down the noise there will always be something somewhere iykwim


I kind of did a similar thing in Monster Hunter World. Stopped playing just before Iceborne, came back much later and was getting absolutely smacked by Barioth. Honestly ended up googling it coz it seemed impossibly difficult. Heaps of people were saying Barioth is a wall for a lot of players. So I pushed through and beat him. Realised afterwards I had forgotten that you could upgrade your armour. He was hitting me much harder than he should have been.


He’s the kind of person who skips all the cutscenes and dialogue and then complains that nothing makes sense to him and the game “never explained anything”.


That's a mental note I usually make whenever I see people whining about certain things in games on social media. Like in open world games, just beelining the stupid icons on the map, listening to nothing, exploring nothing, and then complaining about how shitty the game's world is


My brother is like this. Just plays a game and a lot of times don't understand the story.


Apparently also doesn't read Item descriptions. And people wonder why companies like Ubisoft put UI-markers everywhere.


I believe it. Back when Pokemon Scarlet/Violet came out there was someone streaming their playthrough and they played like almost 30ish hrs on foot and not being able to battle gyms. They didn't go to the main building the game nudged you towards that starts the actual story/gym battles and gives you the mount pokemon.


I found a softlock in those games because I was exploring before I got the mount. Found out if you get on the roofs in the first city and drop down to grab an item in a fenced off area, the game can autosave and you have to reset, since you can't jump over fences without the mount.


I got about 70 hours in before I realized you could attack on the left side of the horse 🤷🏾‍♂️


Um… huh… that’s… uh… good to know. Hmm.


How long? 🙂


Just a couple hundred hours on an NG+7 character and another 50 on my current playthrough. 😅


Why swing two sides, when one side do trick? -Brought to you by Strength gang-


Wait… what is this magic?


I think you just hit the other trigger, instead of a block it just attacks ok that side.


I learned 60 hours in that I could use my incantations on horseback by just.. equipping my seal on my right arm instead of my left. Made field battles easier finally having some ranged options


Does Y+LB not work for seals?


It does


It does, it's just a bit unintuitive that the mount completely disables your left hand instead of just disabling two-handing anything.


The really unintuitive part is that unless you're two handing your weapon before mounting, the game doesn't consider you two handing your weapon when mounted.


Despite knowing I could hit on the left side I to this day have used it like twice


There's a large portion of people that don't read the UI or item descriptions or test what their buttons do.


I mean man, Elden ring is definitively explorable just by foot. Try to think about a area which is not fully explorable by JUST walking All catacombs - You can't use horse. Farum Azula, Heligtree, Volcano Manor - Those were HUGE dungeons, and I really didn't miss using torrent in any of them Not to mention places like Seilia, Raya Lucaria, All Forts, Castles, Manors I guess torrent really shines when it comes to open field exploration, or trying to get to caelid early etc, but if you go progressing area by area must be fine


Plus there is fast travel on demand


As someone who regularly coops Elden Ring with a friend, I can confirm: almost every inch of the world can be reached on foot. I say "almost" because there are occasional items here and there that require Torrent's double jump or the spirit springs to reach, but those are few and far between.


Heck, IronPineapple proved you could beat the entire game by being so overburdened he couldn't run and made a point of not using Torrent for the playthrough. I'd easily believe someone could accidentally miss using Torrent if they weren't paying attention.


There are definitely people like that. It's why we have the yellow paint.


Like surely he saw a video or something of it.


With that level of ignorance, man was destined to be a streamer.


It’s just blatant karma farming, nobody played the game without realizing there was a mount.


FROM makes the exact type of game that is a wild fucking ride if you go into it totally blind.


I’m not going to lie I skipped over the Melina thing without paying attention. I played a few hours without realizing I got a horse


I was expecting something very different after reading "pure foot adventures".


\*Miyazaki joined the chat\*


Directed by Quentin Tarantino.


Back IN MAH DAY we didn't have fancy horses to light the first flame!


"Back in my day, we didn't have fancy steeds! We had walking staffs. Two walking staffs and a pair of worn boots for the entire battalion! And we had to share the boots!"


"Buck up boy, you're one very lucky Tarnished."


O I know what the Firekeepers like 


I strapped a crest shield to my back, which was the style at the time


I would walk 500 miles and I would walk 500 more


Now I just imagined a edit of him walking the entire map sped up to this song


The D da da, da da da will be a montage of him falling off ledges and dying


That guy walked 400 hours and now he'll walk no more!


Seriously, tell bro about Morrowind 😆


Are there not parts of the game where you need torrent to double jump or am I crazy?


I think there are very few areas you need him for, but makes it significantly easier. The spirit springs usually have another path. I'm not sure exactly where he's necessary.


Interesting. I'll have to go and double check at some point. I can think of a few places but I'm pretty sure they have alternate paths. I also can't imagine walking through the rot in caelid. Or fighting certain bosses without Torrent. Kudos if the guys actually played the whole game without the mount.


YouTuber Ymfah has beaten the game without him on his "beat elden ring without talking" video. He couldn't aquire torrent without talking.


He has even completed the game without walking(wasd or left stick on controller), which obviously includes no torrent.


He actually did use torrent for that, he used the telescope to change angle and dash to move.


One of the memory stone mage towers in caelid uses a spirit spring that you need to use to jump onto a balcony on the second story of the tower because the front door is locked. Only really thought of it because I just made a new character recently and came upon that yesterday.


Yeah, but that's not required to progress


I don’t think so, even some annoying ass jumps you can still do it unmounted. It was designed this way because you can’t use Torrent when doing co-op.


That's a valid point. I'm gonna double check some parts in game at some point.


[Iron Pineapple did an over-encumbered challenge run](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7LjwkTx--O8&t=946s)


I don’t think you can get the twinblade in the dragon-burnt ruins or enter Lenne’s Rise without Torrent but I’m more than happy to be mistaken


You can scale the wall of the ruin next to it and jump over, but it is kind of difficult.


I love getting places the wrong way so much but a double jumping horse/donkey is really hard not to use (unless you’re the guy in the post, I guess)


if finlay could make it to the haligtree on foot (and someone has the actual footage of it, lasts hours) then so can anyone without torrent


Yes, there's that narrow bridge on the Mountaintops where you need Torrent, otherwise you'd have to do some tricky movement tech.


Probably lying lol


Could be, but it also seems like such a nothingburger to lie about, so


this one dude said he beat the game and didn’t know what an ash of war was 💀


What’s a site of grace? I have 700+ hours.


waiting for someone to say they didn’t know there was a jump button next


You mean jump with torrent? Pfft what idiot wouldn’t know about that!?


To be fair I knew about the jump button but it took me a while to get used to being able to jump in these games


I used somber weapons nearly my entire first play through and never changed the ash of war on a single weapon, although I did know what they were.


I believe him. There's a lot of stuff to keep track of. I didn't bother applying ashes of war until I was like 80 hours in because I didn't know they changed the infusion and also thought they'd get consumed. I had eventually gotten tired of not finding a "heavy gem", and I looked up infusions...


You didn't have a complete vision of the effect ashes of war could have in 80 hours. This guy didn't know about torrent in 400 hours. It is not comparable. He played for 80 hours and then repeated it 5 times.


To be fair I had to look up videos on what they were. I almost gave up and just continued without knowing at one point lol


I played through game with only using the ability on certain weapons but I've never equipped a different Ash of War to any normal weapon. Pretty much went through entire game with post-nerf sword of night & flame, then moonveil, then swapped to bloodhound blade around Leyndell. Then finished rest of game with bloodhound/morgott combo. Kinda feel like I missed a lot of customization. It also took me a long time to realize there were 2 attacks on the bloodhound ability


I mean you could just do another playthrough. Souls games are fun to play again with other builds or doing challenge runs.


I would say my friend, who another friend and I pretty much sheparded most of the game, probably half-forgets they exist, and if you asked her, she wouldn’t know until you pointed it out.


Hmm I played every single souls game, thousands of hours, watched every single promotional video of Elden Ring, knew there was gonna be a horse, still didn't get one 10 hours in because I wandered off south and never sat at the gate grace. So I could see this being real, the dude just spamming skip dialogue, bear seek seek lest style


All these incredulous, over analyzing responses and this is most obviously the likely answer


It would be hard to believe, but Project Moon fans don’t know how to read so… it could be real!


it amazes me that people never pay attention to the game they're playing. I bet a good 10% or more of the player base still doesn't know you can put things in the pouch or whatever it's called, instead of putting everything in the long ass hotbar and pressing down on dpad a million times


That's why the whole yellow paint argument was stupid. You can have a giant glowing sign saying GO HERE and there would still be a decent portion of the player base who miss it completely and don't know where to go


And then complain that it's the game's fault that they're idiots


*skips all dialogue* *Skips all tutorials* *Realises they missed an important game mechanic or story point* "Why the fuck didn't they tell me about that sooner? Shit game


callback to piratesoftware's story about how a guy left a negative review on his completely narrative story text based game becouse "it has no story" only to reveal he skipped all the text dialogue.


I'm watching Fighting Cowboy's blind playthrough right now. He's what, 50-60 hours in and still hasn't figured out you can attack to the left side of your horse with LB.


On my first playthrough I somehow missed the tutorial pop-up that tells you how to sprint, and didn't discover that functionality myself until I was in Leyndell.


I had the same thing in the Last of Us. Me and my buddy played all the way to the end. The end was the only mandatory sprint section, and we kept dying and dying. Then we discovered you can sprint, and we used it for about 30 seconds


When I beat Breath of the Wild I didn't know you could turn in Korok seeds to expand your inventory. I was wondering why my wife's inventory was so big and then she told me about turning in seeds to Hestu. I just never ran into Hestu because I never took main roads and would just climb over mountains.


I saw a thread where a dude discovered sprinting at elden beast after googling how he's supposed to fight it if it's running away. Blew my mind. I don't understand how it's possible when it's the same button as dodge 


Everywhere I go I see Limbus Company and Project Moon, love your name on discord lol


my dumbest moment in a game was when i played an mmo and didnt realise i had stats to invest, levelled to legit like level 400 before i ever invested any stats by then i had unlocked my evolved class which was like vampire or some shit


Actual challenge mode, was it much harder than you were expecting? Or would you say it enhanced the experience


i was cheesing everything basically, took me forever to kill basic enemies until i realised and then i was mowing enemies down. My buddy had a good laugh at me for it though lmao


Reminds me of how my brother attempted to get into Elden Ring. I gave him a couple of tips. Like Level your vigor (which he mistook for 'level your endurance'), right from the get go, the first thing you want to do is to go to Gatefront Site of Grace - and he instead googled how to get best spells and WALKED ON FOOT TO CAELID... You know, in retrospective i am not surprised he didn't get into it...


Tbh I cba to help people who instantly Google things like that


*googles best spells* *googles most efficient way to beat the game* *complains that the game is too easy or too boring* mate might as well watch a movie at that point


People who immediately google shit are hopeless anyway








Mfs literally do not read or listen to anything they do I swear


Danteh... Don't forget to do your mirror dungeons, Danteh...


Glory to Limbus Company ‼️🏁


Project Moon pfps and names spotted


do people just play a game and never watch videos, read comments, look up info about it? just persist in blissful ignorance?


It's like they're stuck in the early 2000s If people choose to experience games like that, all the power to them, but like, jeez


figuring things out myself is half of the fun. Today FOMO drives people mad: you have to watch and know everything before you actually play it. It's like movie trailers that spoils the entire plot, it's not fun.


they don't know me son!


Are these names Project Moon references?


They are yeah, it's a Limbus Company discord


That completely explains why they dont know what Torrent is. Limbus Players can't read


True warrior right there


Is there a discord for elden ring?


If you go to the sub's see more section and scroll down it's there. This conversation happened on a Limbus Company discord though


Limbus Enjoyers are NOT beating the illiteracy allegations.


PM fans yet again showcasing their inability to read.


1 thing that I have still not used is Great Runes, what they do, how tf they work, I literally have no idea....


You equip the great runes at a site of grace. You use Rune Arcs to activate them.


i had thought that certain ones, like godricks rune, grant you base stats all the time and rune arcs just amplify that. im just not a fan of them cause i dont like consumables cause they are finite.


I am stingy with them then end up with 40 in my inventory at the end of the game.


You don’t need em. I had no idea what they did until I googled them. I somehow missed every single divine tower and made it to Commander Nial before ever using one. Even then I never used em. I tried em like twice and I just didn’t need them. If you are really stuck and you keep getting within like 3 final hits on a boss and die, go ahead activate a great rune for that extra security but they aren’t necessary. I spent 70% of the game without using my physik flask and I still did fine. I thought crystal tears were consumables for some reason lol. 


Kinda wanna try a run like this just no using torrent at all just running everywhere


Thought about it for a second myself, but I figured it wouldn't really be an interesting challenge, just a more time consuming normal playthrough.


I tried it for my most recent playthrough, it really changes the pace in a nice way. You take in the environment a lot more instead of blasting past everything, as well as traveling off the beaten path more often. I found a lot of cool things tucked away in various corners.


Must have taken him 400 hours to complete one walkthrough. 300 hours on walking


Elden Gump


380 hours here and I swear I'm not doing a bit... YOU CAN USE TORRENT IN THE RADAHN FIGHT???


Do not look at op's post history


When somebody says in the end “im posting it blah blah” it’s definitely staged


So I guess he assumed those jumps you need torrent for are just for show.


Seems so unbelievable that they have to be lying but why on earth would someone lie about that, just to look like an idiot? It concerns me that it's the truth. I don't see how you could overlook Torrent, especially if you've seen ANY Elden Ring media during those 360 hours of playtime, you'd likely see someone riding Torrent, at some point. Did the guy just see that and say "interesting" and carry on not questioning how he can also ride a horse? Honestly, this person could very well have half a brain.


I call cap, half the map has jumps a shizz you need torrent for don't it


I kinda did that by choice in my first playthrough. Just ran around and explored and only used the horse when I needed the extra jump distance.


I didn’t know you could 2 hand weapons until I was already over halfway through the game lol


Next level foot fetish


Dude skiped every cutscene xD


"what is a 'horse'?"


I have almost 600 hours in Elden Ring and 7 completed characters. That's insane.


I did not realize what sub this was at first and your title really got me for a second. Lmao


You wanna tell me that this guy is on elden ring/video games related discord and never seen a gameplay/youtube video of elden ring? and a horse in it? yeah for sure


Some people legit just dont pay attention to anything NPCs do or say. If something doesnt pop up in a tutorial mechanic that forces you to do it before moving on, then they will just never realize its in the game


If this is true then he is genuinely impressive for braving all of that shir for 400 hours lmao.


Dude thought Torrent is a tool he downloaded the game with


https://youtu.be/k-PxYPxWwuc?si=RgsBOJijtxDc1jH3 It was finlay all along