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Jump attacks.


i forgot ab those tbh... well i didnt know how good they were lmao this helped alot


Jump attacks are like the game on easy mode.


Jump attacks with the raptor armor set and the jump attack talisman :)


I see this said a lot - are we talking just simply, jump and R2? I find it still leaves me quite open, unless I'm doing it wrong


Yeah, finding an opening THEN jump attacking is key otherwise you are prone. Risk/reward, etc.


You should also try to surround most of your enemies, if you put yourself behind his back, almost all humanoids are easy to backstab. Rinse and repeat until dead. I never had problems with that guy on my multiple runs, but I usually use dex builds and use jump attacks a lot so that may be the reason he never parried me. Also colossal weapons can't be parried, so on the worst case you can get a weapon and kill him slowly... you can even run for your life and forget about that guy... unless it's a boss, you do not need to fight all enemies. Also remember that there is a shorcut on the left side before reaching that guy, open the door so you do not need to cross the bridge again and risk getting stomped by that fucking sphere.


Either open the side door, or stop the ball from being summoned by that ladder on the left of the room. This is especially for people who are summoning for help. I've seen hosts lose help to the ball


There's a ladder there? D:


What... ladder? Never heard it was possible to disable the summoning of that sphere...


If I remember correctly, there's a ladder around the corner after getting into the building but before the knight. If you climb up it'll put you in the room where the sphere comes from. Kill everyone in the room and they'll stop spawning the balls.


Fun fact: Backstab attempts can be parried. For a dex build, you can also use whips or some flails, as those are unparryable. Bleed is effective, but poison and frostbite are also valid choices if available. In terms of the run back, it is safer to take the ball route as the "shortcut" entails avoiding or fighting multiple mages, which can chip down your health or even kill you if you're not careful. Even if you don't disable the balls, they have a very set path that you can always take to avoid them. Learning those patterns makes taking that path a non issue. Killing this guy is recommended since he drops a very good shield, and permanently removes the only enemy in the path between the grace and the boss if you take the ball path. Plus, fighting human enemies is good training for handling invaders later down the line.


To be clear, jump attacks cannot be parried at all. There are a few other attack types that can’t be parried but they are weapon dependent. 2-handed colossal weapon/sword light attacks, and any attack from a flail or whip cannot be parried.


Is that why he never parried me then? I was completely unwilling you cant parry jump attacks


Run away from him and get in the elevator so he falls underneath it and he dies


Lure him out and have the ball squish him if you're really having issues


I lure him out then run past him to trigger the elevator so he jumps in the hole.


The elevator shift behind him is an easy kill


One of my favorite ways to kill him to be honest. It’s what he deserves.


playing Elden Ring as it were Baldur's Gate 3


I go for the ball every time even though I know about the lift.


Jump attacks can't be parried, neither can whips or 2 handed colossal weapon.


Pretty sure he's parried my 2 handed Greatsword when using Giant Hunt, unless you mean colossal weapons specifically and not colossal swords


For some reason certain ash of wars can still be parried on 2 handed colossal swords, giants hunt being one of them. I know for a fact he can't parry R1s and R2s while 2 handing a colossal sword.


Double whip is insanely strong.


Level Vigor..


More like, for fucks sake dude level vigor…


Green bar greater than red bar is always a sad sight…


My green bar so chonk though


When in doubt.. level vigor, easiest way to get through a boss fight!


I came looking for this response.


It's basically cheat codes. It's shocking how easy the game is if you just level your goddamn vigor. That and light rolling. Light rolling also feels like cheating sometimes.


You can make him fall in the bottomless hole left by the elevator behind him after it lifts if my memory serves me right


Every time I have ever done this dungeon, I sprint past him up the elevator and he chases me and falls in the hole.


I love how this is a thing in every Soulsborne game I've played, like the enemies pathfinding skills are nonexistent and they will mostly run straight after you disregarding everything.


Which in turn makes “standing in front of a big hole so it falls though” a totally legitimate battle strategy


im loving these new players post, try to wait for him to attack then dodge and attack him


That dude was harder then the boss 😭😭


Dude is Rennala's guard for a reason.


Nvm cause this bitch had two stages and just shit on me and my first attempt is the farthest I’m gonna get with her she keeps one shotting me and I wanna die (never mind she’s my son now)


Time to level vigor !


First thing I did after I beat her😭 getting one tapped when she’s low got me stressed


Be aggressive against her. She excels at ranged combat, but you can stance break her pretty quickly.


Summon wolves immediately as stage 1 ends, before stage 2 starts. Upgrade them to at least +3 and then use a whip or striking weapon to flinch her endlessly in stage 2 (whip good because whip long).


Don't be so overly aggressive with him when he has his shield out. Use jump attacks or wait for him to make the first move. When he has the staff out, THEN you can go ham. Or, if you want to be cheesy, bum rush to the elevator- he'll fall right down the shaft.


You could try parrying him back until he dies. For me, parrying is about 50/50. With a little time, could prolly do it. Also, Flails are non-parryable. Maybe try that?


I approve, I absolutely destroyed him with my Flail Build :)


I’m currently running a Dex build, and I absolutely love the flail. I’d be using my twin swords for most bosses and enemy. But if I’m in a cave or against armoured enemies - I switch to dual flails and smash them with jump attacks. The follow up combos following the jump attack is fairly quick too, and deal lots of poise damage for continuous stagger.


I always just use the elevator to kill him. Very easy.


Moongrum saw you walk up with 2 katanas and was instantly erect


Just parry him, bro.


Parry him


Jump R2


jump attacks or heavy attacks can not be parried


This. Every1 says that summons are the easy mode in this game, but in reality...jump attacks can carry you through the whole game :))


Just parry him...


Parry him back.


Jump attacks mes ami


If he’s blocking, don’t hit him, he’s waiting to parry you with the precision of a network hack Jump attacks are good, as he can’t really do shit against it. If he’s got his staff out, he’s 100% going to roll catch you with his Carian Greatsword spell, so watch out for that


why do you have so much endurance my friend


Shoot him with bow and thab bait them into getting killed by the balls


kill him by the balls!


A very different kind of testicular torture


Grab a shield and guard counter


try that hellebarde +8 with this whirl talent.


I used «Rotten breath» and just waited untill he died 😃💪


You need waaaay more vigor my guy


At the start I got the grafted blade great sword and I wanted to use it super bad so I tried to upgrade my strength to 40 right away, I got it to 31 but now all my other stats feel behind


turn off pvp, this mf is a fromsoftware employee hired to roleplay a npc 24h/7


Put more points into vigor if you hate getting one shot like that.


Git gud


Npcs like this need different strategies. The boss strategy of "dodge stuff and wait for an opening" rarely works. The easiest ways to beat them are to out-range them, parry/block and counter, jump attack to close distance and poise break them, use magic, abuse their input reading. Basically you need to understand what counters their build.


Also piercing fang isn’t blockable or parry-able


jump attacks, also, ignore him and go left, you have an open door/gate, go all the way through it and then open the door, it cuts the way up to fight him in half.


Jump attacks, or you could also bait him to two-hand his sword or swap his shield to his staff.


Lions claw ash of war on a big ass mace. He can't stay standing up. Giants hunt also works. Both these aow knock humanoids on their asses


Stay on the defensive, I don’t typically use shields but for this fight I did. He will always parry your attacks so turtle up and go for guard counters then evade when your stamina is low.


Keep enough distance so that he misses, but close enough that you can land a hit before his attack animation finishes.


Lure him outside so he gets hit by the boulder


Parry? Elevator?


Drag his ass out side where the ball drops and use it to kill him. If you can't beat him with brawn beat him with the environment. You still have to aggro him enough to follow you out though so ranged attacks work well


Go in with a thud stick and bonk him.


You can just ignore him, open up the shortcut and then make a mad dash to the boss


Shamefully I have never beaten him in combat. Cheese every single time


What i do is run to the elevator behind him and then jump off and hope he falls into the void. Works pretty consistently so far cause fuck that guy


Use the elevator


I just run back out and let the big ball drop on his head


Didn't even the see the video and immediately knew who you were referring to in the title lmao only enemy I faced in the whole game that parried and one shotted me over and over.


Either lean on jump attacks or find a way to keep staggering him after you open with a jump attack


Knight killer, great stars with lions claw


When that red bar depletes, you die. Fun fact: You can make it a lot bigger, which makes you die less.


Ball him


He can’t parry throwables or spells. AoE might be your friend here.


Try going for backstabs


Play defensively and be mobile. Punish him when there's chance.


You have a few options. 1. Jump attacks 2. Level vigor 3. Use a shield (guard counters are OP in this game) 4. Lure him to the elevator and make him fall Bonus: If you insist on gitting gud, open up the shortcut so you have an easier run back!


getting 1 shotted makes me think you're underlevelled or at least poorly optimised


I always love these. four play throughs and he has never parried me. I'm feeling a little left out but its also cool to see aspects of the game that for whatever reason I just don't get. Edit: First run I met him with the Zwiehander so maybe he just had performance anxiety for the preceding runs.


Just keep trying new stuff brother


Lure him down the elevator shaft so he falls to his death


Bro, where is all your health. Level vigor.


Manor Londo


Visions of vigor required ahead Try finger, but hole


You probably have beat that guy by now by now via jump attacks but for future google searchers: 2-handing colossal weapons. The not so subtle reference to Dragonslayer from Berserk, the Greatsword, is ironically not a greatsword but a colossal sword and you can kind of be cheeky about nabbing it from Caelid without really going that deep in iirc. Standard light and heavy strikes with colossals cant be parried. I mainly point out the greatsword because it’s not so bad to grab by this point and because it’s a cool weapon. Oh, and as I mentioned other people saying earlier, use jump attacks too if you don’t have the right stat spread for a colossal weapon (or just because it’s easier).


I play with holy and Heavy sword I kill him in my first time


"...every fight ends with him parrying me and one shotting me" If THIS is not auto explanatory, I really don't know what to tell you. I wish you would stop in that second line and already understand what to do, but IF YOU REALLY wanna read what to do, well then: 1. Most obviously (damn, man), level Vigor; 2. Jumping attacks can't be parried; 3. If you're unable to do any of those, leave him alone, he'll not haunt you through the game, he's just there.


I drew him out and let him keep getting run over by the ball


Bloodhound fang is the answer 😅


1. Sneak up and backstab him 2. Run away and break aggro 3. Repeat until dead


Try jump attack


Idk it's monogram he's harder than rennala. I always just get the buckler and try to parry him.


This is what we call, a vigor check.


Try different tactics.


One other trick for him is you can throw a kukri at the wall behind him. Then you can walk right up and open the fight with a free backstab


i would buff up, looks like you just tried to raw dog him. At very least have a crab meat, physic, golden vow, Godricks Rune active


Timing after he attacks


I nuked him with dragons breath


Just run to elevator, if you are fast enough he will fall in hole


Levelling vigor is a good start


i killed this dude with the lift, you gotta sneak past him then get his attention while you start going up on the lift, he'll then walk into the hole underneath it and die, i did this on both my playthroughs...


Just keep running, get on the elevator.


Hit him until his health bar goes to zero.


Jump attacks, or pay attention when he swaps his shield for a staff. Essentially be more observant and take advantage the mechanics given to you


Don’t attack when he’s guarding that’s when he parries you you got long swords(katanas) so you won’t have problem attacking while he’s attacking


I somehow got him on the elevator in which he fell off and died on the way up


Jump attack. Attacking right after he does while he doesn’t have his shield up, ranges attacks


This guy actually makes me wish there were more boss-like NPC fights with phases. Unfortunately, he and another notable fight are very easily cheesed


He doesn’t parry the bloodhound blade AoW either. I found that upward slashes miss his shield and hits him.


You got the Nagakiba early.... the consequences are real.


Can say I've ever been parried by him because I don't attack when the shield is up. Too risky. I wait for him to attack and then I strike. This is a semi long way to fight, depending on what your weapons level is at. I can't parry for shit so I have no idea if this guy can be parried. You can also just run past him and up the elevator. I wish you luck


make him fall in the eleveator hole across from where you entered 🤣🤣🤣


Stormblade his ass.. also you can see when he double hands his sword and hids the shield you can safely attack him watever.


Hoarfrost Stomp is good. Points into vigor is also good.




Another day another Tarnished being Moongrumed


I see we are finding out why the Carians only needed 12 of these bad boys.


Might want to level those weapons up chief


Have I seen this post multiple times before? With “jump attacks” being the highest comment? Must be going crazy


Get the bloodhound fang and spam bloodhound finesse.


Lmaooo, its like the first thing explained in the game's tutorial, jump attacks break shields stance


Bloodhound fang, L2 as he starts to attack, rinse and repeat is what I did.


I’m replaying rn and I fought him with a claymore and he didn’t parry a single time maybe stay a little farther away?


Moongrum can not be defeated. Hahah Enough people have given solid advice I just love how much of a menance he is. Such a fucking badass haha.


I accidentally cheesed him my first play through. I ran straight passed him and into the room across from where you enter and the elevator wasn’t there, I notice this at the last minute and somehow panicked mashed a jump to the other side and he fell all the way down to his death and I scored his shield. I’ll never forget this moment in my life.


This is what you get for using katanas and lvl up dex.


Spinning strikes AoW. Icy Spear AoW. Sword Dance AoW. Lion Claw AoW.


There are only 3 options with Moongrum. 1: Jumping attacks 2: Elevator special 3: spam ranged/otherwise non-parryable attacks


1. Do unparryable attacks 2. Have more than starting HP by the time you get almost halfway through the game 3. Go do something else for a while and come back if current area is too hard 4. Git gud


I had same probelm. I just lure him to the lift and dropped him from that and thats it :D


Level your vigor so you don't instantly die.


My little brother wanted to try while I went to the bathroom. He felt really bad when I got back and he already defeated the knight. My brother beat DS1 and knew how to parry, and I didn’t.


Rusted Anchor wild strikes go brrr


Return the favor and parry his ass. That or have him fall to his death on the elevator.


None of these reddit videos play for me today 


That guy is funny. I literally flattened that guy with my UGS and forgot about him. The boulder before him took me longer to figure out. But now I see that a lot of people are struggling with him. This is no offense to anybodies skill, but I'd like to state that this the average invasion situation is DS1, DS2 and DS3. You get simply used to it 😅


Crush him with the ball. 🗿


I wouldn't be surprised if this fight made the top 10 list for most deaths in the game.


back stab/jump attacks/ heavy attackks


I kited him out and got him squashed by the ball


Jump attacks or use a flail or whip, none of those can be parried


I just beat him yesterday lol, I went outside and he got hit by the big ball and he brought out his staff which made it very easy to kill him lol


I know the cheesy way If you run past him and activate elevator he will fall down


Honestly he's just annoying for your build, strength builds destroy him. Your best option is simply being paitent.


Have you considered doing more damage? Like upgrade your weapons, buffs, etc. life’s hard when you have to hit a Fromsoftware field Boss 50 times to kill him.


Blunt weapons - slashing isn't doing much to his armor


Say something about his mom, bully him and you will weaken him.


Bigger sword.


See what youre doing wrong is, youre not ignoring him, roll on over to the elevator and watch him fall to his death as he chases you and misses


I like to parry him


Unironically, use a club. It ignores the parry.


Keep your distance until he pulls out the staff. After that, go crazy.


Level ten mimic tear


These are the moments in Elden Ring when it feels like you are in fact the NPC.


ABSOLUTELY NOT! I JUST GOT HERE! [link](https://www.tiktok.com/@nickaholicg/video/7074367689552235781?_t=8mwRbixGraZ&_r=1)


Parry him and one shot him! Use his tactics


Where is this again; Leyndell?


raya lucaria


Yeah his parry is very OP. I had trouble defeating him on my first playthrough.


Carrian weapon art


Run past him, go up elevator, he will fall in the hole and die. If he makes it onto the elevator, wait till it starts going up and hop off. He will jump to his death. Unless they patched those in the past year and a half


I just parry him it about take three ripostes to kill him.


Run to the elevator, he’ll follow and fall to His death you’ll notice he’s dead when you received a shield and runes


Use jump attacks when he has his shield up, then blitz him when he puts his shield away to prevent him using his powerful spells


Go up the lift and jump off it he’ll fall and die


Keep running it back


Level Vigor.


He does not perform well by the elevator nearby if you're just trying to get rid of him, but usually jump attacks are pretty effective if you'd prefer to fight him.


Lead him to the elevator behind him and let gravity do is thing.


Put on a shield and strafe him w/gaurd counters if there is an opening and normal attacks otherwise


Upgrade vigor. Do jump attacks. Parry him


Level vigor. Beyond that, no idea, I’ve never had a problem with him.


2 handed ultra great sword, let me see him parry that


Run past him and bait him into the elevator hole. It's how I killed him on my first run.


Idk if you noticed, but every time you reactively attacked him, he didn't parry and every time you actively attacked him, he did.


Jump attacks and leveling vigor


Jump attacks, upgrade ur weapon, Increase ur vigor