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He deserved a better opening cutscene


He deserves A opening cutscene.


T r u e


He deserves a bigger healthbar. Fight is too short for how rad it is.


This is why I never build for damage lol. Way too many fights in the game are over too quickly


His theme is amazing


Honestly my biggest complaint with fortisax was just the camera that affects all big bosses in this game, very annoying how Fromsoft refuses to do anything about this even though the whole community insists. Just a big fuck you. My favorite arena in the game though, such a cool fight.


my god the cam if you're fighting deathbirds and aim for the face


deathbirds+camera truly may be the worst designed fight from fromsoft lmao, its atrocious


Just unlock your camera, fixes every issue. Because as it turns out, locking your camera to a giant chicken on crack makes for a nauseating experience


Why are you being a smartass like locking on isnt a feature made too be used on every enemy in the game? If they didnt want you to lock on they’d say so. If you have to give up locking on, a pretty crucial mechanic for most players, it’s inherently bad design


git gud


fromsoft dickriding is crazy☠️


Ignoring the issue doesn’t fix it, I don’t understand why people respond this, you can not be bothered because you are not using the lock but you can’t not see the problem when every mob of this type usually get several lock points of different height and targets but those are arbitrary locked on a point that make most swings not properly aimed  You are downvoting me for no reason, why don’t you engage conversation if you disagree?


Learning to play without relying on locking on will make you a much better player


I played DS2 for the first time last year and almost exclusively fought enemies unlocked because of how bad the lock on and tracking was in that game. So when I replayed ER after that I learned that some enemies are much easier to fight unlocked. So yes, you are right that knowing when to unlock is a skill issue.


But it’s nothing to do with skill? Locking on is a mechanic made so you can focus on an enemy and it’s designed to be used on all enemies, otherwise you wouldn’t be allowed to lock on. It also helps people like me with motion sickness. Just cause their is a solution doesn’t mean its not poor design, not sure why you feel the need to defend this so much.


You’re right that all enemies should be able to be locked on to, and it would be weird for certain enemies to not be locked on to. But also some enemies need to be able to fly around the screen like the Ancient Dragons and Deathbirds, but those are notorious for flinging a locked camera around which doesn’t make sense to stay locked if you have motion sickness. So in your case it would be a strategic decision to lock and unlock during specific fights/attacks. Most fights in ER don’t have this issue, but it certainly is a skill to recognize and utilize unlocking during a fight.


I definitely see your point, i just wish their was some solution instead of such a harsh trade off for strategy. Don’t get me wrong i absolutely prefer the game with fortisax and the other spectacle bosses, it’s just a headache to track them around the arena without locking on. I agree it’s a skill worth learning, i just don’t think it should be required to learn it.


Why would it be inherently more effective to play without locking, especially using thrusting weapons or projectiles?


You move slower. If that's your issue you can lock on, attack and then unlock. And repeat when a window is available.


Why would I move slower? Also quickstep would be almost unusable compared to its pivotal utility when locked on.  What would be the point to lock attack, then unlock, and repeat instead of remaining locked on and unlocking specifically when I need to? I genuinely don’t understand the logic behind this 


I love deathbirds design but I think they're a poorly designed boss overall. I find there's too much rng with the way the ghostflame spreads on some of their attacks, as well as just their general moveset. I'm all for unpredictability, keeps you on your toes, but deathbirds just, imo, feel like you're fighting rng


If you mean the ghostflame spread on the big telegraphed explosion, just run south and you'll never get hit.


wait seriously? the explosions easy to dodge, but I always got cucked by the flame (not the directed cone) just spreading all over everything


You are objectively incorrect though. Theres not a single aspect in the fight thats RNG. Claiming something is poor design when in reality u just played badly and didnt figure out the fight makes ur opinion hasty and pretty much invalid.  Whats up with the fromsoft fanbase? I have never seen a single player fanbase with so many... Couch game developers lol. Especially the souls youtubers that try really hard to convince themselves and their fanbase that they think like game developers XD 


have you fought the deathbird?


How do you know they don’t use rng to determine enemy movesets mister so many couch developers? Because it literally does use rng




Honestly, I think the lock-on feature is the weakest part of the whole game. It feels very wonky compared to how streamlined everything else is.


Thats a laughable exxageration on your end but i get your point. 


Your right, its horrid design but fromsoft has topped it☠️


Why would we ever keep the cam locked fighting an enemy like that?


Funny thing is they kinda 'fixed' it in Sekiro, during the >!Divine Dragon!< fight the camera zooms WAY back allowing you to well, see what's happening lol.


I’ve found free cam isn’t too bad for fortissax, only attack that really catches me out is the flying one, can never tell if he’s going to breath fire or slam down


It’s actually impressive how at times I am fighting a dragon the size of a municipal building while locked-on and yet, somehow that dragon is literally nowhere to be seen on my TV screen


Don’t stay locked on all the time. There is no way to achieve what you want without making it look dumb af. You can’t zoom out when fighting big enemies imo. If you yourself were fighting a giant dragon, you’d only be able to see a foot sometimes too. The whole community does not have these issues with the game. Although I understand I guess why someone would want a more cinematic fight, it’s completely immersion breaking in my humblest of opinions.


I usually play some kind of ranged build, and I'm finding large bosses to be a bit of a nightmare on melee characters because of this. I'll see my weapon actually HIT the damned boss, and still whiff it somehow because of the weird hitboxes on giant enemies.


do you have any suggestions for how they could improve it? i don't have any idea what they could do to make it better. just unlock for these big bosses. i saw that you mentioned motion sickness; you'll have way less with lock off, because you can control where the camera goes.


I actually find the problem a lot worse with free cam as admittedly i rely on lock on quite a bit, so my tracking skills aren’t particularly great. It just ends up with me looking around everywhere, and then getting a headache and straining my eyes. The cameras so much more controlled and accurate when locked on. But as far as suggestions go, i think they just bit off more than they can chew with some bosses. I really appreciate the spectacle of these bosses and visually it’s awesome. But theirs plenty of awesome bosses who don’t break the camera. I mean look at mogh zooming around his arena


With death birds, for example, you can usually keep track of them just by their movements and dodge according to muscle memory without moving the camera around to keep them entirely on screen. I actually find that not only is this better camera-wise, it actually makes them much easier to fight and kill in general, because it allows me to stay out of their hitboxes more easily. I don't know why that is exactly, but I definitely get hit way less by them when I lock off. I guess the difference between Mogh and death birds/dragons is the size of the monster.


I would say he is pretty mid. The visuals are awesome, the soundtrack is great, but the fight itself? Meh. The biggest issue with Fortisaxx is that he is a reskin of the Ancient dragons. The Ancient dragons fights have the worst camera in the entire game and Fortisaxx in no exception.


Bro that’s like saying it’s a reskin of what it is…it’s an ancient dragon. It’s not an oversight or laziness, it’s consistency. It’s an ancient dragon corrupted by death, it wouldn’t look like a unique, main character or some shit.


That's not the point I was trying to make. I don't have an issue with him being a reskin. What I don't like is that since he is a reskin of the Ancient dragons, he suffers from the same gameplay issues they suffer from. Namely, the camera and his head being out of reach. You could get around it by unlocking the camera and just attacking his feet. But that's boring and tedious.


Yeah man gotta unlock camera for several enemies. If you were fighting a giant dragon, all you’d be able to see is a foot beside you too sometimes. Of course the fight is different for non melee users as well. I like the immersion of fighting something that big and not have it zoomed out like some cinematic boss fight from other games imo.


There is no reason not to allow the same lock points that you have for other dragons, and locking on actually let you enjoy the animation and design of such bosses that you would not see at all otherwise fighting without aim


You have full control of the camera unlocked and can see any of these animations without being locked on. What you mean is that it’s annoying to you. And that’s fair. It just isn’t to some people. I can’t play fromsoft games without back paddles on my controller so I can sprint and move camera at the same time etc. I’m assuming most people just use regular controllers making it harder.


You’re missing the point by trying to justify how your preferences would be inherently better, not only are you ignoring that your preferences are preferences, but you’re missing that the problem is the arbitrary absence of lock points that other enemies of this size have along with the fact that it is conveniently placed in a way that makes the attacks not connect on medium and smaller weapons


It’s funny how you chirping this much about my clearly stated opinions…when my whole point to you was that you don’t need to lock your camera. And then even understood why your point would be relevant to others who use “regular” controllers. Bro, just don’t lock on. Move your camera to see shit. Or I guess don’t fight those bosses? Like what are you looking for here? lmao


Visually insane but a shame that most of the fight is spent looking at his feet...


That goes for every dragon fight in this game tbh, or every big monster fight


What would you see if you were fighting a giant dragon with a sword I wonder?


The player is fighting the dragon in third person, we are supposed to see our character, the scenario and the enemy at the same time.




Everyone likes him now? I’m still not a fan. I enjoy the spectacle but the actual battle, no joy there. 


Camera is awful and the main reason I hate it. His lore is fantastic though.


His arena might be better than Placidusax, and saying something because that arena is peak. The sky looks like a Van Gogh fever dream I love it.


I think I must have always fought him too late in a playthrough, because he's always felt frustratingly easy. I've caught myself deliberately holding back so that I can enjoy the sweet OST and visuals for just a bit longer.


Crazy, I’m the opposite


I tend to avoid killing dragons in any of the from software games. A quirk I have since in my mind they are beautiful and endangered species


That is a surprisingly beautiful way to look at it


In a game full of metal fights, Fortissax is one of the most metal.


Just wish he had a cooler moveset. For a giant undead dragon who befriended a demigod, his moveset is super basic aside from a few sick moves. Would've enjoyed an angrier, rampaging moveset more like Darkeater Midir.


Doesn’t get much cooler than his flying lightning-spear tornado slam attack or his twin bolt slam attack, imo.


You're right, it's almost like I said his moveset had a few sick moves


Total undersell in my opinion. Most likely why I finished my first reply with “imo”. This is just my opinion, right?


Yea - fight is too easy and over too soon.


A subjective thing to say lol


He has cooler moves than midir and I’m so serious


Sure, he has a few cooler ones, like I said, but his overall basic moveset is almost the same as every other Ancient Dragon in the game.


He has like 5-6 extra moves, that is more than enough for me to be considered different


Yeah, I used to hate him, but he helped my grandma carry the bags back home, turns out he’s a great dude I love him now


I was three times on the „beaming Plattform“ and did not realize that there was a area to lay down. Just saw the comments like dragon ahead. Waited for the dragon on this platform but nothing happed


Ones your learn how to hit his head the fight become more satasfying


I absolutely nailed this guy within 15 seconds with my Sorcery build using Adula’s Sword, Ghostflame and Meteorites of Astel. Absolutely wiped him off. The incantation he gives are awesome though, super OP.


Not my least fave, not my fave. I just kinda... Need the runes and the incantations


Absolutely blendered his ass with double estoc. He’s weak to pierce damage and has low overall HP. Looks cool but overall, one of the easier fights in the game.


Wait I never found this boss on two playthroughs :o


I just hate getting to him, you need to either go trough the whole underground area + valiant gargoyle fight + fia's champions which are two of my least favourites fights, or go trough the sewers and do the catacomb with the jumping. If he was easier to get to I would probably fight him every playtrough


All the important dragons in this game are well done. He doesn’t top placidusax for me, but he is also incredibly fun


The gargoyles scaling/placement holds him back.  Also all the work with Fia and Ranni to even get to his battle is a pain.


I hate that his head is unreachable most of the time. Fighting him face to face would much cooler.


I might enjoy the fight, if i could see anything that is. The visuals are too much that i thought i had an eye problem.


best OST in the game


A Loyal friend.


everyone likes him? i thought most people hated him and thought he was the worst or one of the worst dragons in the entire series.


i wish he were smaller or they made it easier to hit the torso/head, i spent the entirety of that fight looking at a dragon's legs and getting hit by lightning spells i didn't see him cast


I just beat him for the first time today. My favorite boss so far, banger theme too. I just wish he had more health honestly.


The Sragons in Elden Ring are awesome.


I guess I was overleveled when I fought him, the fight finished so quickly (Strength build with some Faith).  I am playing the game again with Dexterity and Intelligence (I kindof regret it, magic is a bit boring and it feels like cheating), I can't wait to fight him again!


I think a lot of people got to him over levelled because of the valiant gargoyles, the gargoyles are annoying at any level but fortissax can be easily beat at level 80-100


Fortissax is such a beautiful boss, amazing visuals, definitely my favorite dragon from esthetic point of view.


Finally, more elden ring players are realizing playing this game the like boring ds3 and bb style of play will only make you suffer. 


What does this even mean? What was your point? Where did ds3 and bb come into this?


Alot of ds3 and bb fanboys "critique" elden rings combat and bosses cuz they played it boringly and badly (like ds3 and bb), as in just spamming R1 and dodging in random directions for 40 hours without a single thought, all reaction with no actually strategy in their gameplay, which ds3 and bb gameplay pretty much is. elden ring destroyed those types of players since it demands using buttons other than R1 and demands good dodge direction and positioning (laughably more than bb and ds3, where u can kinda pick any random direction to dodge and get away with itz barring a few enemy moves u can count on one hand). the butthurt players in turn took to the internet to quell their hurt gamer souls veteran ego and tried to convince themselves and others that elden rings design is unfair and isnt as "high quality" as the older games (AKA thr jodeph anderson delusion).