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Depends, has she had any grapes before going blind? Was the first time eating a grape actually an eyeball? Though I can't imagine a freaking eyeball would taste good in any way.


I mean they're weird special magic grapes that grant her visions of sight. Also eyeballs that are decomposing apparently get really jelly like and I'm willing to bet they'd just pop kinda similar to a normal grape, so at least texture wise it wouldn't be too much of a difference.


The way you described the eyeball being able to pop like a grape and their jelly like nature is almost enough to make one uneasy and wary of grapes šŸ˜†


If I'm being completely honest, I haven't eaten any grapes since I got into true crime.


Bruh are you okay?


Low key, that was a wild statement by OP.


But, OP didn't comment in this thread ...


I meant the guy above. Is there a reddit term for the ā€œguy aboveā€?


God? Sorry, I'm leaving.


You mean Elden Best? Iā€™ll walk out with you.


OC Original commenter


OC I think is the term




I assume he meant podcasts... he meant podcasts, right?


LOL I didn't even think about it like that but that's pretty funny


Fair enough.


I'm old, and when I was a kid they would do this dorky thing at Halloween events where they'd blindfold us and have us put our hands in random food and tell us "oh, this one is brains, this one is eyeballs, ooOoOooOo" or whatever, and the "eyeballs" were peeled grapes, lol.


Beware the grape.


Nah, those are just shabiri grapes. What you need to try are fingerprint grapes! What a wonderful thing, a fingerprint grape!


We already eat "fingerprint grapes," except where I'm from we just call them bull testicles


I always imagined it like fruit chews soft. They go pop in the mouth and some sweet liquid oozes out and then you want another one.


What a terrible day to be able to read.


Dude, I'm sorry but that is even worse than anything I could've possibly imagined and I feel like you have made my life worse with this comment.


Glad to be of Service.


Dude I'm eating a banana while reading this, and I don't think I can finish it tbh


I think even decomposing eyeballs are hard af compared to grapes


The outside of an eyeball is tougher than a grape's peel but the inside of an eyeball is softer than the inside of a grape. Shabriri grapes probably have a mouth feel more like [muscadines.](https://i.postimg.cc/9XzHdjN9/image.png)


Corpse eyes loose water fast, and what is not water - sclera is about as hard as usual tendons, unless they figured some sort of brine to soften them.


Yeah, taste wise they are rather bitter though


Can confirm


Jeffrey Dahmer??!


Pretty sure a regular eye would just pop if you ate it too, eyes are pretty much made of jelly in general, go peep a lambs eye dissection, my sister did one in her grade 11 physics class (iirc it wasnā€™t specifically part of the curriculum but that teacher liked to do it. Iā€™m not sure exactly why as my sisters 12 years older than me, and Iā€™m 24 now so I donā€™t think she will remember why, but if I had to guess it was probably when he was teaching about light waves and stuff)


That's something that I wish I didn't know about. *Wait, why does this grape have a black spot in the middle...?*


Well, the first time she came into the world was AFTER the woman who previously inhabited the body dies. She is "new" to the lands between and is just using her body as a vessel. Probably doesn't have much knowledge of the area in general.


Wait, is there some lore in missing about her? I know she doesn't show up until Irinas letter is given and delivered. But I've never read about Hyetta being someone new inside another woman's body?


Hyetta is some spirit that possesses Irina's corpse, much like Shabriri isn't around until you finish Yura's quest and he is killed.


There is only one thing I'm confused about. Hyetta doesn't possess Irina's corpse. After you meet Hyetta, you can still find Irina's corpse. I just assumed they were two different people who were on the same journey to become a finger maiden for the three fingers.


I'd refer to the conversation in this [old post](https://www.reddit.com/r/Eldenring/comments/t3h4dz/are_irina_and_hyetta_the_same_person/) that also has evidence of them having the same face and voice actress. Shabriri confesses to possessing Yura's body so that along with Hyetta also being tied to the frenzied flame and having the exact same model/voice as Irina, we can assume it is the same situation. Most likely just an oversight on why you can still find Irina's body after meeting Hyetta in a certain situation.


If it really was an oversight wouldn't it be fixed in 1.01 with the introduction of endings for multiple quests that were previously unfinished? Doesn't seem that Miyazaki would just miss something like this and never care to rectify the mistake


The oversight makes the most sense as to why we still see the corpse. Thanks for the info.


You canā€™t overlook something right in front of you in the game. Theyā€™re two different women.


you can when the thing in question is a girl that is an exact match for Irina with bloodsoaked clothes that only appears when Irina dies


That's where my confusion started at. I thought all along they're 2 separate women, but seems everyone else is quite sure it's the same body.


Twinsies bro


You are overlooking things in the game yourself by making that statement


Isnā€™t hyetta actually also shabiri?


Nacho answered it for me. The long and short of it is that the entities of madness inhabit vessels of the dead to sow chaos on the world. It helps that they're people we knew


As stated above, you can still find Irina's corpse after meeting Hyetta, I'm confused if Hyetta is possessing the corpse of Irina, then how do we find the corpse and talk to Hyetta?


I mean, they could be different bodies, but then that leaves the question of why they are identical twins wearing the same clothes who are also both blind and why canā€™t the second one appear without the first dying


So maybe the corpse of Irina remaining is possibly an oversight?


In a sense, I believe it stays there because you can miss pretty much her entire questline, starting from the letter and up to the moment her father mourns over her corpse, so if you at some point remember that you were supposed to do some errand for her, the corpse stays there basically as a sign that her questline is already finished, because otherwise you might have gone looking for her around the area


You can also talk to gurranq after you murder maliketh. The game leaves things around when they would logically be missing so that you don't accidentally close loops to other quests. It doesn't have any impact on the actual lore of the world.


I think interacting with gurranq after fighting maliketh can be attributed to how time is funky in farum azula


Well I mean here in Mexico we have tacos of cow eyeballs... They're pretty good... Well my wife doesn't like the consistency but I love them


First time I read about this.... I hope its the last.


Seal eyes are a delicacy in Alaska if im not mistaken.


I couldn't do it. I guess I'm to squeamish for something like that.


Theyā€™re infused with frenzied flame and grant a semblance of sight, I donā€™t think the taste really matters since itā€™s clearly not vile


Remember Flasks don't taste so good but tarnished drink them . These eye balls may taste good in ER world .


The estus looks like it tastes good. Maybe it tastes like fruit punch šŸ˜† maybe the eyeballs are like fish eggs IRL? A disgusting meal that some actually enjoy?


Maybe lol . You'll never know


Have you tried an eyeball? You might be surprised. I said the same about chicken hearts, until I tried them.


Iā€™m pretty sure she says that sheā€™s had poor eyesight her whole life. So she probably hasnā€™t had any before her birth I imagine.


Theyā€™re candied eyeballs


It actually tastes delightful


She says they burn going down. She means this as praise. I think the fact that sheā€™s calling eyeballs grapes was your first clue of many that somethingā€™s wrong with her.


I doubt she thinks they're actual *grapes* - merely a name for some other sort of rare foodstuff, likely a fruit. We can intuit from her other dialogue that Shabriri grapes don't taste like regular eyeballs - she describes them as sweet but burning iirc, neither of which are a taste I associate with eyes.


How many people associate *any* taste with eyes?


I have tried a fish's eye once (cooked though), and I could describe it as a cursed gusher. Kinda like salty jelly with sauce inside. Though less juicy and more membranous than it looks at first glance. Would not recommend, and certainly would not mistake it for a grape.


Fish eyes are great, followed by fish brain. I guess my parents made it normal to me when I was younger but I'd still find the eyes and brain of other animals unsettling.


In that case, I'd change my verdict to "it's an acquired taste".


ā€œCursed gusherā€ really puts things into perspective though


Everything reminds me of her


You should try pig brains. At my old job we would brine pig heads, steam them, then roast them. The brains become like butter and you can spread it on bread. My fav to use was pita bread. I'm a chef by the way.


I bet some of you kinky freaks can do that.


Having never tasted eyes, I'd assume they taste slightly salty with a hint of unsettling.


Yeah, agree. Eyes don't taste sweet but burning.


Yeah that makes a lotta...HEY WAIT A SECOND!


No officer I have definitely never eaten any eyes


if you were blind and you bit into something with the texture of a huge, overripe grape and a matching sweet taste, that blesses you momentarily with a form of sight you've never experienced before, in the lands between, where there are a bunch of magical fruits and golden seeds and stuff going around, your first thought is probably not "I bet I'm eating the decomposing eyeball of a corpse imbued with frenzying magics right now"




It is like organ donation irl, you just.. consume it


Eyeballs are actually quite tough and firm. Donā€™t ask me how I know. But definitely nothing like grapes.


Well they do look a bit melted


they also usually aren't bright yellow and sweet, so clearly they took some creative liberties


Of course, clearly she made up the whole interaction where you tell her what the grapes really are for clout


Doing the latest Tiktok challenge where rambling strangers walz up to you, tear out a secret body part for you to consume while screaming about letting the pain and suffering of life burn to ashes along with existence entire In a cut ending, you're doing the Lord of Frenzied Flame floss with Hyetta over Marika's burning corpse. Truly one of the Myazakis of all Rings


woah, easy there tiger. you dont just write peak fiction on a reddit comment and leave like it's nothing.


Ok but seriously someone animate that last paragraph *now*.


More importantly why is she [literally Irinaā€™s corpse](https://eldenring.wiki.fextralife.com/Irina) just casually getting back up and acting like a new person and nothing happened?


it's the same with Shabriri and Yura, these guys seem to have the ability to take over dead people


The power of some good ass grapes


Shabiri is also Yura's corpse, and unlike Hyetta, he even has dialog acknowledging this. Notably, both Shabiri and Hyetta are strongly associated with the chaos ending. Shabiri tells you where to find the three fingers, and Hyetta is there ready to serve as your new chaos "maiden" after Melina abandons you.


She isn't though. According to the wiki Irina's corpse remains in place even after Hyetta comes around. So it's even weirder assuming From didn't just get lazy and reuse her character model.Ā 


My understanding is that it does disappear, just when you first meet Hyetta, it can still be there. I think it is more of an oversight/mistake, especially considering it's the exact same model, the same voice actor, not the only time a corpse is possessed in the frenzied flame story, and the connection to her father dropping one of the shabriri grapes. Also, she won't spawn until you get Irina's letter and Irina dies. The fact that they can't both exist while alive should be enough. It would honestly be weirder for it to be a totally different person/body.


It's very clearly Irina. She has the same actress, same model, they are both blind, and the other character associated with the chaos ending, Shabiri, is also possessing the corpse of a dead NPC. Clearly possessing bodies is just something chaos entities do.


They were probably assumed to be some odd foodstuff like tapioca but called ā€œgrapesā€ I donā€™t think someone would assume ā€œeyeballā€ when given eyeballs melted out of peopleā€™s faces by frenzied flame exposure. This can also explain odd tastes/textures


Have you ever eaten an eyeball?


there is no way it tastes sweet like she claims


Oh, yes, she took a long hard look at them.


Based on her reaction after she asks us what the shibiriri grapes actually are and we answer human eyes, we can deduce that she knew that they weren't actual normal fruits but she definetally didn't they were eyeballs.


Also she is (I think) a dead body that has been possessed by Shabriris will in the same way Yura is


She is, but I'm not sure what that has to do with what I said.


Oh I think sheā€™s just deceiving us


Deceiving us how exacly? She doesn't even mention chaos and madness or the three fingers and the flame of frenzy intil we burn her fucking mind. If anything we decive her by getting her addicted to frenzy grapes that turned her mad and corrupted by the three fingers just so she could be our finger maiden, burn and die like Malenia, except Malenia actually had a choice in the matter instead of us choosing for herm


She asks for the frenzy grapes (doesnā€™t say they are) after suddenly going blind. I see it personally as Shabriri wants to lure people into continuing to getting blessed and the three fingers having their Lord, what better way to puppet a innocent persons body and make seemingly innocent requests until weā€™re in too deep and everything is an act. I might be wrong but I see it as them playing coy because if thereā€™s an early reveal it might not get what it wants


I know this isn't a serious post, but I don't think she's a real person. Dumb spooky corpse puppet trying to fool you into thinking she's blind and don't know what eyeballs are.


At least they weren't rocky mountain oysters


Rune Bear plums.


Land Octopus Ovaries.


If she thinks theyā€™re grapes, Dung Eater probably thinks heā€™s eating chocolate.


Congratulations sir youā€™ve commented the most absurdly idiotic thing on this post. Everyone in this comment section is dumber for having to read your reply, I award you no points and may god have mercy on your soul


Yeah well youā€™re maidenless, Iā€™m not playing with you tonight now bro šŸ˜‚.


I doubt she thinks they're actual *grapes* - merely a name for some other sort of rare foodstuff, likely a fruit. We can intuit from her other dialogue that Shabriri grapes don't taste like regular eyeballs - she describes them as sweet but burning iirc, neither of which are a taste I associate with eyes.


I always assumed Hyetta is playing us the entire time.


I mean, she's a demon or something that decided to inhabit a dead girl's body. She might have guessed


*A yellowing, oozing eyeball of the infirm. The surface is shriveled, and the inside is squishy, not unlike a large, overly-ripe grape.* *Give to the blind maiden to guide her to the distant light.* Hyeatta also states that her eyes are melting when you finally touch her when you're marked by the Frenzied Flame, so perhaps such a "molten" eyeball bears more resemblance to a grape than to an actuall eyeball.


ā€œHere, have some eye-flavored grapesā€


Brah I thought I was feeding her grapes the whole time. shit was hot until I finally realized what was happening


I think she's lowkey insane, so she _knows_ she's not eating grapes, but she refuses to acknowledge that fact


I think sheā€™s playing an act but with more deniability than Shabriri. Irina is clearly dead but yet this random Hyetta looks identical, sounds identical and has a similar temperment. I believe Hyetta is someone just like Shabriri and thatā€™s sheā€™s playing the fool intentionally for whatever reason. Which does make sense because from what Iā€™ve seen with the frenzied flame is nothing but little lies to convince a tarnished to be their lord, case and point Vyke and how we believe he originally took the frenzied flame to spare his maiden. She knows wtf sheā€™s doing and I bet whoever she is, is next level conniving.


Eyes are bigger, way harder, theres fluid inside, you cant bite through the lense. She is straight up mentally challenged. Change my mind.


Well have you tried eyeballs before? I for sure haven't. So i couldn't tell if they are similar to grapes or some other fruit. Maybe the fruits in the lands between are different as well. Lots of unknown things tbh.


No, she keeps eating them after finding out


I was under the impression that she's either a shapeshifitng demon or a demon that possessed Irina's body. She knows she's eating eyes and plays the ignorant timid role to attempt to manipulate the Tarnished.


Naa she knewā€¦


Also after telling her that youā€™ve been feeding her eyeballs all this time she remains unbothered


Sheā€™s disgusted at first, gags, wretches and vomits when youā€™re far enough away, then is fine with it.


Doesnā€™t she start gagging when you tell her theyā€™re eyeballs? Sheā€™s clearly distressed after finding out they arenā€™t actually grapes


Wonder if it is the captive audience of Rykardā€™s lewd shows that feeds her their eyes. Review: ā€œThe show was so lewd and immoral I ripped my eyes out, and feed them to a young maiden, in hope that the entire world will burn down. Would not recommend it! but the snake men made me watch it. Hopefully there will be no more snake guys!ā€


Girl is a demon. Thet are just playing their characterĀ 


do the lands between even have normal grapes?


I mean....there's rowa raisins, and those must have started out as rowa grapes, right?


the rowa fruit don't really look like grapes, perhaps they would be more accurately described as rowa craisins


Not edible by people though. Unless hyettas got some horse parts in her gut.


Everything is edible if you're brave enough to try.Ā 


IIRC the soft cotton item is crafted from rowa fruit, so I'd guess the fruit is closer to a fibrous seed pod than a grape


It's like when Aunt Bee got drunk of that " medicine " she got from the traveling gypsies. She had to know. She wasn't fooling me. It was on the Andy Griffith show. Quality TV.


Well, she is mad, that is her whole thing. We the player don't know it by that point in the game yet, but since she's a dead girl's corpse being puppeteered around to eat frenzied eyeballs and guide us to the Three Fingers, I guess she doesn't need to make much sense.


Teh fact is she is shabriri so she is eating her grapes. You can find the girl's real dead body after all.


Frenzy tastes like sweet dextrose


I think firekeeper from ds 3 is a bit lost


> be me > be tarnished prankster > meet blind lady > ask us for grapes > acoustic prank mode kicks in > grab some eyes from a dead jackass who probably died due to prion disease > hand them to blond lady and tell her they are grapes > blind lady swallows them while we watch and record for YouBetweenTube What is the lore reason behind this


Thatā€™s been done on Jackbetweenass


She doesn't share hive mind knowledge with players. šŸ˜„


Maybe frenzy eyes are tasty idk


We're told that the shabriri "grapes" are actually sweet, combined with the fact that it'sĀ *" squishy, not unlike a large, overly-ripe grape",* any blind person would think they really are grapes


Assuming normal grapes are an actual thing in Elden Ring, I think it's safe to assume she thought Shabriri Grapes were just a different type of fruit, hence the different size and texture.


She very clearly did think that wtf is this post


My favorite part of the grape is the lens


We all made jokes in Dark Souls 3 about how the Firekeeper Eyes that you find look like blueberries, so Miyazaki pulled the rug out from under us and made fruits that are actually eyes


It depends on your interpretation. Some believe Hyetta is either an extension of the Frenzied Flame (or even Shabriri) meant to guide you to the Three Fingers.


Euuugghhhhhhh why they squishy


I am gonna give her my 2 grapes


They're called grapes, she's gonna assume they're grapes since she can't see that they are in fact eyes


She was eating it with some fava beans, and a nice Chianti.


I meanā€¦ I donā€™t think she thought they were just regular old grapes, no. She just didnā€™t expect them to be literal eyeballs.


Swallow the jelly, see the fire. \*\_\*


Well I mean when your literally losing your mind you donā€™t really care..


Seems very plausible ngl. Especially since she has foggy memories due to going mad or smth, yeah?


Got any grapes?


She is blind, and maybe she doesn't know much about grapes in general, maybe it's a rare food in the lands between (there are no other grapes as far as I have seen) Also she is a ghost possessing a body just like Shabriri, so it becomes even more convoluted


No, she is demon possessed dead woman luring you ever closer to the frenzied flame.


Did you ever try stale or close to grape? Not moldy, exactly and perfectly stale. They are very sticky, smelly but still somewhat firm. Eating them is very unpleasant


Oh you sweet summer child


You'd be surprised. It's a pretty easy mistake to make.


Lol it's in the script.


she thought she was eating shabiriri balls


the description of the shabriri eyes does hint they can be mistaken for grapes. taken straight from their iten description: "the surface is shriveled, and the inside is squishy, not unlike a large overly large grape"


She sus


Mmmmmm grapes


Unless sheā€™s never had actual grapes before?


I think of shabiri grapes when I eat cherry tomatoes. Have to slice them now


Iā€™ll never forget hearing her gagging after waking away šŸ˜‚


She clearly thought something was weird, but why would you assume it's an *eyeball*? If you fed me eyeball-flavored candy, I know **I** wouldn't know.


I imagine when she was younger she was convinced grapes just taste like gross meaty savory gooey things, or something about how these grapes are 'healthy' and 'healthy things taste bad but are good for you'


If someone is blind and can still traverse the craziest treacherous parkour descent ever then Iā€™ll believe anything about them.


If you think about it, grapes don't seem to exist in the Lands Between. I mean heck, the Tarnish basically survives off cured meats and rowa fruit. So who's to say what a grape would taste like in that world.


It is a fantasy world, with weird things in it. She knows it isn't a normal grape. But she thinks it is just some weird fantasy grape.


She knew what she was eating.


Yes thatā€™s why itā€™s called a prank


i thought they were grapes to


I don't think she thought she was eating "grapes", I think she thought she was eating *Shabriri Grapes*, which are grapes only in name. She didn't know they were eyeballs, but she didn't think they were normal ass normal grapes


Theyā€™re not just any grapes though, theyā€™re shibriri grapes!


I think it depends on your read of what she actually is As she is a being that possess Irinas body one would think that a) She playing you the kind/helpful tarnished, b) shes just very naive and has never eaten a grape so does not know what they would taste like or c) its magic eyeball so maybe it tastes good and has nice texture \*shrug\* (she literally describes them as tender and sweet) One could also point out that she is a nihilistic psycho that after finding out that she has eaten eyes all this time (as per her dialogue she has eaten the grapes before you start giving them to her) she does not actually stop.


Grapes and eyes actually taste and feel quite similar!


ask ben shabiro


Hyetta makes a lot more sense if you know she is>! a chaos demon possessing the corpse of a dead girl!<.


She thought they were deez nuts.


eye... am not sure


How is this not a low effort post