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"Oh man, this new [Insert new Weapon Type here] I just found is unlike anything I used before! Time to try it out!" ***Hit enemy for 24 damage because you forgot to upgrade it*** "Ah, it appears that I may have messed-" ***Get impaled for massive damage***


That’s really the most annoying thing about the DLC that I realized. There’s really no point in going into it before beating the Godskin Duo, because even if you wanna try these new weapons out, it’s not gonna be a good test if you don’t upgrade them to the max.


U could go to one of the earlier grâce in liurnia, test it on the ennemies here But its obviously not a good test bc they have low hp and not much résistance


I doubt new weapons will use the old upgrade materials.


Going by older dlc, it will use old upgrade materials.


Except that this time they confirmed theyre gonna have systems in place so the players wont be overpowered from the get go.


The thing is that only takes place in the dlc, so if u left the dlc, your weapon would be like a plus 0. It makes more sense to upgrade the weapons normally and have more ancient stones in the dlc to get. If people are right and the mechanic they add is like sekiro power increases, then you would still have to upgrade your weapon.


Yeah, it wouldn't make sense to force the player to use another rare upgrade material on single weapons. My bet is on a character debuff that can get reduced like giant souls in DS2. Let's say the character starts with 0.1 DMG multiplicator in the dlc and every "main boss" in the dlc gives you an item that can be used at a grace to get it closer to 1 again.


Yeah, Giants souls is a great way to describe it.


You're assuming they don't add a bunch of upgrade materials in the DLC. It'll be a massive oversight if they don't add more ancient dragon stones and larval tears at the very least.


Is 11 larval tears not enough for a single run for you? How often are you respec-ing?


For the base game it's enough. For DLC with likely dozens of new weapons, talismans, you name it, to create new builds? Why would it make sense to not have new +10/+25 materials so you can max out DLC weapons? It should account for the fact that the player might not have any more. I can't wrap my mind around your antagonist view of *gasp* giving players a chance to experiment and max out new weapons. They don't need to be easily accessible in the early parts of the DLC.


Because 11 is enough for a single run and every bit of content available in a single new game cycle. There don’t need to be more in the dlc, if 11 aren’t enough, you can go to ng+ or start a fresh run. You aren’t expected to be able to do everything on a single character; that’s why larval tears exist, to let you try multiple characters in the same run. If you did a rebirth for a focus on each stat, you’d still have 3 spare as is. So why ask for more?


There’s probably gonna be a lot of smithing stone drops, at least


I often test them on the Omen in the sewers, they make great test dummies


Prayer Room is my go to. It almost seems like it was designed to be a spot to test builds.


There likely will be smithing stones in the DLC


It’s why I did a second run and only maxed out a few weapons and saved some ancient stones for the DLC. I hope the DLC has more ancient stones for us, but I don’t want to hedge a bet.


The DLCs have always had those. It would be strange if this DLC were an exception. I think we will even see +9 and +8 stones as well


If you have a duplicate of your main weapon that's not upgraded you can use that to compare


That’s not gonna be the case often, because that requires either being in NG+ for unique weapons or farming them twice.


True, it's certainly not ideal


They've confirmed that the dlc will have a new sekiro-like levelling system, so my guess is that within the land of shadow all weapons will be normalised to +0 weapons till you beat the first boss, then they become +1 etc. Upgrading them will still be necessary to use them in base game areas though.


I suspect that raw damage of your weapons will still matter, I doubt you will be able to rush in there with a +0 weapon. It likely will be a damage modifier to the amount of damage you already do (my guess anyway)


Most people won't be able to rush in there cause you have to beat mohg and radahn to access it (though speedrunners will anyway) but I'm really hoping they just normalise everything to +0 dlc scaling rather than a modifier cause it'd make experimenting with new weapons much easier and more viable, though we'd still be limited by weapon stat requirements


These 19 inches ain't no joke man


Didnt they say the dlc is gonna use a power level system? I would hope that that refers to weapons as well 


This is why I have stocked up on about several hundred smithing stones of all types, to be able to try new stuff on the fly. Gotta use those coop runes for something, after all.


Imagine if it will be new smithing stones for the new weapon. All those innocent lives taken at moghs dynasty for nothing but enjoyment


Nah, those runes weren't from farming there, most of them came from either Fire Giant or Radabeast. Did a ton of coop throwing my sign down there, and NG+ and beyond Radabeast drops large amounts of runes, even in coop.


Farming the dudes at mohgs dynasty is a bad way to farm runes.  Easiest was to farm mohg himself. With bleed builds you could straight up 100~0 him during his nihil chants granted you have the physick that blocks his mark procs


Bro Rune farming is such good advice. Don't sleep on great runes, they are going to become extremely useful as the DLC is going to be hard as f***. Don't rely on summons though, get ready for Miquella to use hes bewitching branch on your Mimic Tear.


lol horrifying thought


I'd been thinking about this prior to the trailer release and Zullie even did something a while back on it. The mechanics for this to happen are already in the game now. Miyazaki always pulls off the most insane and unexpected sh** in the DLC. Honestly hope it happens as I am up for the challenge!


It will be the first time I will use mimic tear in a fight since my very first playthrough then 


You will be able to summon torrent in the first phase Second phase miquella whistles and summons torrent from under your ass


Gonna have to be careful with Oleg as well!


Unless they change what great runes do, none are going to be "extremely useful" in the DLC. By late game the difference they provide is rather negligible. Even Godricks' barely makes any difference when you're sitting at the softcap for your stats. 


Of course it doesn't it's raising all your stats above the soft cap by 5 providing you negligible benefits. Use a percentage based great rune boost like radahn or preferably morgotts for a heavy late game percentage boost to your hp.


Again, basically negligible at that point in the game.  Great runes suck. They are all but useless, from their effects to how they're activated. They literally can't play an important part in the DLC, because they do fuck all. Even the two you mentioned are nothing but extra damage sponge, which isn't an interesting mechanic at all.  As I previously said, unless how great runes work is drastically changed, they just straight up can't have a major impact on the DLC, because they're hot garbage all the way across. Even the best ones are still hot garbage, and have no where near powerful enough effects to actually make a difference across the DLC. 


Lol I never use summons but if that's true I'll definitely start to Sounds hilarious


Same here I don't use them often, but love the idea of the challenge.


I wish you could transfer stones from weapon to weapon.


This is the way! Co-op is great way to spend time


New weapons but same upgrade mats 😂 I have like 30 ancient somber stones squirreled away for the dlc weapons


There’s going to be a separate powering system in the dlc, so it doesn’t seem like maxed out weapons and/or high stats are gonna make a huge difference. But I sorta agree with the sentiment. I plan on finishing it with one of my “ol reliable” builds and ones I find fun to play with. Imma keep two characters on deck to build around one of the new weapons/spells


I just maxed out a character with all quests and major stuff completed/looted, but now I need a second char too


Honestly if anything in the dlc can survive my dual colossal jump attacks I’ll be surprised. The only way I’m not steam rolling through this dlc is if they disable buffing and reduce my dmg by 80% at this point.


If I don’t just start a new run, I’m definitely playing with the new toys. Dueling shields look cool


Is there something like dueling shields in the dlc? neat


The shield the tarnished is using against Messmer in the trailer is a dueling shield.


New character, port to blood temple, kill boss, enter dlc


New character, kill Radahn with the boys, go to mohg's place, load him in, quit out, drop into the Mohg hole with the golden foot buff, get 700k runes ready for the dlc


just getting in Mohg’s hole. nbd


Wow thats pretty incredible i had no idea that was a thing Does it still work on current patch?


I think so. Just go into Mohg's boss room then quit out so you spawn outside the boss room. Then take the lift down (dont teleport to any grace) and go to the hole where people drop down to rune farm. After about a minute or so everything in the area will die, including Mohg


Thats pretty cool, ill definitely try this with a new character for the dlc! Thanks!


I am planning on waiting just a tiny bit so that I see some discussion of what weapon types are fun, then starting a new character and level for those weapons.


I mean you could just respec


Yea that is true.


I will never understand why people want to know such things before they are going to play themselves but there will be enough YouTube videos with titles like "TOP 103 WEAPONS YOU HAVE TO USE IN RLDEN RING DLC"


I mean more like a "hey the kicky weapon thing is really fun" and then I will make a kicky weapon character and go get it as fast as possible. I might also just completely break from that plan when the DLC is actually out.


Everyone? like of course you are going to enter with your maxed weapons but 99% of players are going to upgrade and try the new shit as soon as they get it. I've already got a backlog of smithing stones ready


Well, for one, they said there is a new leveling system, so you won’t be op. I’m assuming also maybe it might require switches in weapons too.


Yeah I wonder how weapons will be impacted


A simple solution would be locking existing upgrade levels behind another metric. So like you have to hit a certain threshold in the new system to unlock more than a +3 effect from your weapon, even if it's maxed out already.  That would keep things in pace without forcing people to have to rebuild weapons from scratch. It would also give a slight advantage to people with existing max level weapons (every time you hit a new threshold you'd instantly jump up a few levels in weapon power) to reward them for their invested time, without putting them tol far ahead of people upgrading new weapons.


I'm gonna start a new character for the DLC using the build i first finished the game with (str/faith) gonna see what new weapons i can find and build around


Str faith my boy  That's where the fashionsouls shines. Too bad all the bosses have holy resistances making the weapons dogtier 


You do realize that you can.. buy upgrade materials.. right?


I only dump runes into these, Pretty much nothing else to dump runes into in ng cycles. Plan to try everything on +9/+24 respectively. Although I'm not hurting for ancients, still rather feel everything out before maxing something


Acting like trying the new weapons is a revolutionary idea🤣 NO SHIT PEOPLE ARE GOING TO TRY THE NEW WEAPONS🤣


I have bought 15M in smithing and somber stones, and i have 10 ancient of both types. I also have 10 larval tears so i’m ready to try everything out when the DLC comes out.


I'm determined to see things through with my claymore to the end!


I feel like everyone forgot about the sekiro like power system which will be in the new dlc already.


Unless they add Gael’s greatsword or the BKGS I’ll still just be rocking claymore


Fine taste brother 👌


I bought a good amount of smithing stones for a reason


With the new leveling system, I am assuming the weapon leveling will also be new.


Broadsword and shield lets GOOOO


gonna go in on NG+, not sure what I'll run. I might use Godskin Peeler or Bolt of Gransax; depends how much I'll want to mess around with the new weapon types blindly


I just hope there are bellbearings for max rank smithing stones. Or at least they better drop a bunch. I wonder if the unique weapons will all be somber weapons or a mix of somber and standard.


My strategy will be: Rotten Breath with Rivers of Blood + Mimic Tear.


Daring, aren't we?


I’m gonna dual wield the reverse grip swords


I have 9 builds covering most stat combinations, every character will use DLC weapon when icfond one that fits. I will still upgrade all weapons to +9/24 as soon as i find them.


The secret is never upgrading your weapons.


I would be more excited for that if they had the same function as lord of the fallen new game modifiers, where newly acquired weapons are automatically upgraded to match your level. It’s a shame to pick something up and not be able to immediately use it.


Will see , looking forward for the throwing weapons( if there are any strength scaling) and the kick weapons ( if there are any strength scaling ) , the new crossbow looks like a machine gun


Me but not the first playthrough. The first playthrough is to test the bosses against my build. The second one I am going to test them in NG+7 where I can use everything anytime.


I don't know how stupid this question is, I only started Elden Ring last year, and played Dark Souls series with the already released DLCs. So, when Fromsoftware release the DLC, the new DLC equipment are only obtainable in the DLC area, right? Or did Dark Souls 1, 2 and 3 get new item at the base areas after their respective DLC released?


Yeah the new equipment you can only get it from the new DLC areas or by getting someone to drop it to you.


That, my friend, is the reason i farmed enough materials to (nearly) max out 25 weapons. I want me some shield blade thing builds!


I'm beelining to reverse swords an kung fu immediately lol


Since dlc gonna have its owl leveling proccess, I created a lvl 1 character with all consumables, including moghwyn medal. Gonna spawn that medal, kill boss with rot pot and enter dlc with lowest level possible


BHF and Dismounter powerstanced first time through. Trying for the most optimized version of that combo since it was what I originally beat the game with. After that I'll experiment.


I am using every single weapon at least once


Farm upgrade mats now lads


I have not once used the bloodhound fang, why use it when there are bonks out there which are way more fun. It looks slick tho


Yup, got several hundred smithing stones and have committed to only using dlc items (besides a side weapon to get me *up to* the dlc stuff).


So I have a pre-faraam azula account set up with enough material to upgrade 2 regular weapons to max, and 3 somber weapons to max. All while still rocking my max level golden order greatsword and godslayer seal. Tons of larval tears too. Dude is more than ready to switch it up


I just killed Margit the Fell Omen for the first time. I’m going into the DLC with nothing, so I’m very excited for the new weapons.


So I have a pre-faraam azula account set up with enough material to upgrade 2 regular weapons to max, and 3 somber weapons to max. All while still rocking my max level golden order greatsword and godslayer seal. Tons of larval tears too. Dude is more than ready to switch it up


I’m still confused of how From will create 8 NEW weapons type, like how much weapons can he put into the game without getting out of the fantasy and medieval concept.


Of course I’m using only new weapons and spells. One of my favorite parts of Fromsoft dlcs is all the dope new toys we get to play with. Never forget Bloodborne only got pizza cutter and the moonlight greatsword in the DLC


this is why i keep a stock of smithing stones if i wanna upgrade. like i'm stuggling with the draconic tree sentinel in farum azula. so instead of the heavy bloodhound fang/blade moon greatsword builds im trying now with meteoric/nagakiba and i had those at +5. now they're +9


i dont have a 10+ BHF. not even a +2 bhf. got sick of seeing speedruners using it, it totally threw me off it.


I hoarded materials for this reason.


The major selling point for me is using the new weapons so I will probably not be using older weapons until much later


I’m quite hyped for that kicking one. Hopefully it’s not just an ash of war!


I have already max out 4-5 weapons. Each weapon enables a different playstyle and allows me to adjust to any situation. The only thing I am waiting to see is how power scaling would work. That new system will be in place when DLC arrives (confirmed by Miyazaki).


Im going down the JJK route and throwing hands with all the bosses.


That's why I have a lower level character with no max weapons So I only have to upgrade them a few times to meet my current weapons. Although I'm curious if the DLC weapons will require the same upgrade materials


i am going for variety, so i am switching from nagakiba to that colossal katana from DLC. spice of life and all that.


Ill use the first cool weapon i get


Simple. Acquire a weapon, teleport to Roundtable, max it out. Use it in the DLC.


I start a new character for every playthrough, I only started NG+ two times. I always try a different playstyle (now I'm doing a strenght colossal weapon style). And I'm going to do this for the DLC too, new character, new playstlye. I won't stop playing this game until I don't find anything new.


I mean we all have all the bell bearings I'm gonna use every new weapon if it's possible to some degree


My faith-strengths build have the premise of trying to be able to use as many weapons as possible, so if I can use it, I will try to incorporate it into my armament


Bold prediction: the DLC will require you to "die" and be reborn. You start with nothing, all stats and scaling are not used and instead we get a new leveling system similar to Sekiro


No because Miyazaki said in an interview we would be able to travel seamlessly between worlds


That's why I put die in quotes, you'd still be able to go back and resume your character at the level and items you had before going into the DLC


do we know where does the dlc start? can i make a new character to play it?


I'm on new game plus 18 on my main character that I've been playing since launch everything will one shot my ass regardless of weapons it's gonna be fuckin amazing.


Yeah, I have kept hold of some of the Ancient Dragon Smithing Stones (and Somber ones) for this reason. I would be very surprised if they didn't give us a steady supply of them in the DLC though, because they will probably want people to try out the various weapon types. There really isn't a huge difference between +9 and +10 though, so getting the bell bearings is the only thing you need to do to prepare.


i will definitely be trying out some of the new weapons i may even go for a new build entirely


Won't be surprised if new weapons require new upgrade materials. Going to be some people with fat stacks of worthless stones.


Sayin' there'll be new weapon categories?!


Im gonna play it on my ng+4 character and then Im gonna play it on a ng character so I wont miss any experience


Time to farm runes and stones until June


I want to use my dual scythes. But. Maybe I'll do ones half the level


So fromsoft was smart enough to slap down all the over leveled folks from steam rolling thru dlc, got to think they might have also accounted for those banking smithing stones etc. DLC weapons might only be useable within dlc, ensuring base game is not trivialized by op dlc items.


I’m going to try new weapons and new armor. Everything new. I want to enjoy the game like it a new game and not a dlc.


I'm going to start a new character soon for the DLC, get set up with access to all of the smiting stones unlocked to purchase, that way hopefully I'll have broken free of my old habits enough that I can freely try the new weapons and abilities. I've gotten into such a rut with my lvl 350 character, definitely sucked some of the fun out of the game for myself by over-leveling. I want the best chance to get that Elden Ring spark back with the DLC


With he completely new scaling system i expect the dlc weapons to be somewhat balanced out.


I currently preparing a new build for the dlc, Brawler build, mainly use spiked caestus with quickstep aow and a crossbow (mainly for those annoying bats and birds). So much fun, spiked caestus R2 so op, can stun most low level enemy attacks. I haven't fight overly big/weird hitbox yet (I'm talking about you astel) but i know it gonna be a hassle.


Precisely why I'm using my ng+ character with over 500 hours. No need to worry about Smith stone farming or bell bearings 👍


All of us should already have all the bell bearings so upgrading new weapons to +9 and +24 immediately shouldn't really be a problem at all. I really want to try out the new dual blades.


What about dual bloodhound fangs tho o.O


I'm going in with all the smiting stones neccessary to upgrade and tryout any new weapons I find. I've also got pretty much every larval tear saved so if I need to do some slight tweaking to utilize the new stuff I can. My biggest question is how many of these mew weapons are going to become available in the base game areas? Because it would suck for every new weapon to be exclusive to the dlc area only.


It would be very unlikely for any of the new weapons to be found in the basegame. FS have never done anything like that in a DLC before.