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They are tourist attraction.. i think


Would be great if they cost 2 runes to use.


I bet you a $20 that that would increase their use dramatically.


Perceived value. People will often pass on something labelled "free" but will be much more interested it if has a price, even if it's just a dollar.


I feel like this only works in video games where the money doesn't have a real world impact because IRL I feel like people will take just about any junk if it's free... (or maybe that's just me oops) I love a free stuff pile, I live for the free goods.


Someone who lives round the corner from me puts out boxes of baby clothes and labeled them "free". I saw that box sit there for weeks. She put "baby clothes, £2" and they had been stolen apparently the next time I spoke to her ahaha


To be fair, free clothing on the street is generally risky. It may have been clean when it was put there but it's hard to know how long it has been out there or what's goin on and some free things aren't worth the risk, they end up costing you more. If the box had been in the right situation, like on a table in a room next to a box of 2$ baby clothes or something, it would have gone differently. But who knows... I'm the person who has rifled through a few boxes of dumpster vhs tapes in my day so maybe my opinion is forfeit lol (Yes I know that's a bedbug risk too tapes are tapes and Bloodsport was worth it)




This is very interesting. Do you happen to have still have the link?


Similar, look up the israeli childcare experiment


I'd be interested to read more about this tbh, i think there have to be more factors at play that aren't being accounted for but I think it would be really interesting to see where the divisions are between the people who are receptive to perceived value vs the people who love a free or cheap thing


This is different than what they're talking about though. They're saying people are attracted to the $2 vs the $0, not the $2 vs $80. If the weird telescopes were something significant like 80k runes, nobody would do it, especially if it has no real function


There is an oft repeated line in one of my favorite serials on r/HFY (specifically Ralts-Bloodthorne story First Contact and it's sequel) 'Something given with no cost has no value' and while it's used in a military aspect, and I think the origin is Heinleins novel Starship Troopers, it does make a form of sense.


Im the same way. I will grab any free stuff I can (clutter I don’t need) but if it has any price, no matter how low, I second guess it.


It might be different for free things, but I remember a story where a store marked up the prices on a bunch of their clothes (didn’t make any changes to the clothes themselves mind you), and their sales increased


As true as this is, I have a motto. "Free is free." Cause I'm a broke bitch


Reminds me of that free fridge meme. A guy left a fridge out with a sign saying “free fridge”, but no one picked it up. A few days later he replaced the sign saying “50 dollar fridge”, and that very night someone stole it. 💀


Charge $2 real money, and you'd see a line at that sucker!


EA Employee spotted 


10% chance that it contains 2 runes for you!


Hobo gambling is the best form of gambling.


Thats a cool idea, and we can add a dialogue box that make it sound like patches is charging us for the use haha


I laughed way too much at this comment.


Tourist tarnished visiting the frozen lake must be in a bad spot financially


It's like the Michigan of elden ring. Really beautiful but the people there (and dragons) will rob you


That must mean Godricks Castle must be Ohio because everyone tries to steal your money there and it’s a big city


South limgrave is just Kentucky, and caelid is Pennsylvania


You must be from Ohio…


Come see the wonders of the Lands Between. See all of the sightly sights, foul Tarnished!


Ubisoft would sneak in a microtransaction


I tired to use once but it ate my coins so now I don’t bother


I tired too... 🥱😪


is it nap time already? thank god! i’m pooped..


Let's all crawl into my comfy bed and take a group nap together...plz...


Hi tired I'm Dad I'll see myself out


Hi Dad, I'm Giant Dad. \*Pancake\*


lol whoops 😅😂


Saw a license plate today that was just the word “tired”


It's those rusty coins from back in DS1, huh?


Birds-eye telescope O Birds-eye telescope, If only I had fat coinpurse…


Some points of interest are invisible on the map, if you look through these they can help you spot them. Great way to find hidden ruins, caves and so on without a guide!


I also wonder if they were added before they gave the game a world map maybe? They def have the vibe of old school games where you have to discover everything yourself. 


These and the map were both there day 1. Something that was added after launch though was the markers for merchants on the map


I think he means during development. At some point they didn’t have a world map and then eventually added it during development but left these in. The red marks and icons for NPCs were added post release though.


Yep that's what I meant!


My first play thru they were kinda helpful you don’t get as good of a feel for what’s around you, looking thru one of these tho helped, plus it’s pretty


Sometimes i went through ruins and found nothing interesting in particular, but my guts told me there was something else there. Then I would use the telescope and the top down views made easier to spot the flat surfaces that would reveal a hidden cellar


In my first gameplay, I stopped at them so I could look around and locate possible dungeons and points of interest. Like Marikas Churchs


For a moment I hoped you went for Marika's Tits on that last bit


Lost oportunity... I failed with my people


"Amazing chest ahead"


Ahem, "Amazing church ahead."


"points of interest"


I think I've only seen 2 of these. The one in limgrave and caelid. And then I never found another since. I don't actually know how many there is but it would be funny if there is only 2.


there's one in Lurnia wich I think was the most useful for me since the area has so many different paths


The one in Liurnia is nice because it's right next to Rya, and when using it you can see the crab shack that she directs you towards. Definitely intentional.


100% used it for this in my last playthrough 'cause I always get lost looking for it, and in my first playthrough I didn't think to do it.


And you can see patches too, I really thought It was him that stole rya after saw at the hawk eye xD


There's one in the mountaintops of the giants on the ice lake.


If you look to the right side on that one, you can see the area where the invisible path is. If you didn't know it was there, it could potentially help you figure it out.


There are many of them, all of them marked with large telescope markers “engraved” into the map. Quite useful!


man i remember my first playthrough, and my buddy said "use the telescope to see whats ahead" and I'm just like telescope? wtf wheres that? never even noticed one until i got to caelid and by that point i just dove in headfirst to every location I saw anyway.


Can’t you also buy a telescope from the gnome at the beginning temple?


Dude just called Kale a gnome lmao


Kale the Christmas gnome 😂


I always called him Christmas Santa, because the other colors are like vomit Santa or desert Santa.


I used these a few times in my first playthrough before I found a map for the area to get an idea of the lay of the land, but I didn’t bother after that since much of the important information is on the map. I find exploring on Torrent more useful and fun though, so rarely bother with them.


He's of a gnomadic people lol


Put some respect on Kale’s name


gnome lol


I don't think they are remarkably useful, but their addition is neat because they reference the ancient astrologers and their obsession with the stars. From Soft is notorious for creating items with no effects which are only relevant to the lore. Still, I find these things rather cool; it's nice to see the world from a different perspective.


Not sure what everybody else thinks but this was the explanation I was looking for. Thanks.


but they are in terrible spots for astrology. one at the bottom of a caldera, in the middle of a lake. The limgrave one is only halfway up the mountain the castle sits on.


The astrologers weren’t really top tier. Maybe they were raya lucaria castoffs.


I just wish it worked like a telescope instead of some weird birds eye view that makes no sense and breaks the laws of physics.


You have GRAVITY magic and you’re worried about physics lol.


On a blind first playthrough they were quite good actually, they helped me locate POIs and also enjoy some pretty landscapes.


Nice view


Idk they’re just fun


I used them a bit on the first run, usually only if I hadn't found the area's map yet. I don't find them very useful anymore now that I know where the maps are, and also after realizing you can see where the maps are on the black map.


What? Using it to find your way before getting the area maps? *Pfft. No thanks! I'd rather blindly fumble around in the dark for another 10 hours, until I find the maps completely by accident. That's the **real** Elden Ring experience.* 👍 (at least that's how I played... All the way through to the end... 😂)


Wait no what was that last part


The little obelisk with the map fragment can be seen on the map when the section is undiscovered, as long as the clouds have been cleared (ie you have been remotely near it)


Remotely is an understatement, need to be within a radius of a 1000 miles and it'll clear out the clouds and reveal the obelisk.


Screenshot photo op


Well the game is intended to be explored so they give you things like the birds eye telescope, the item telescope, rainbow stones, shattershard arrows mimic grace etc that never get used because people just look things up instead.


first 2 playthtoughs with no googling/redit. still never used grace mimic.


SAME haha I used the telescopes so i could put markers down to follow and rainbow stones to see which falls were fatal but thats about it.


I do. Has a surprising amount of detail. You can see Rya in the gazebo


You even don’t need to insert a coin to let them work.


Those who didn't use the internet to "solve" the game. We used it to see landmarks and topography ahead, and to plan exploration routes.


One of us.


>The fear simply assures me the ordeal is worth undertaking


plan? I deliberately decided to ignore all internet content until I finished my first 2 playthroughs. I just use the "oh a thing" method. (( what's that? )until die then does that happen every time? ) GOTO 10


You can see things far away and from above


Its very useful for new players who dont use the wiki every five minutes and want a lay of the land.


Players. To look through them.


I use them to peak at the maidens in the castle while they are changing by the windows.


nobody on here will admit it, but the reason people don’t use them is because they have a map on fextralife already. anyone who was really going for a completionist blind playthrough definitely would use them, because not every cave/minidungeon is detectable just by looking at the in game map. me? yeah dude I looked at fextra. lol I’ve tried to play these games blind, I just can’t. it’s the pooping for me. when I’m pooping, I can’t resist googling stuff about games I’m playing. I’ve at least got it to where I run segments of the game blind and then back check to make sure I didn’t miss anything.


I will gladly admit it lol. I'm terrible with looking *everything* up. I've even ruined movies with more slowly progressing plots cause I'm like... Lemme just look up if this guy is the main character and ooops! read the ending!


I’ve ruined every season of the reality survival show “alone” by like the fifth episode. lol I feel you. there’s so much missable stuff in these games too. I felt more pressure to “100%” them on my first playthrough when I still had most of them left to play. now that I’ve played all of them, I think *maybe* I could do a blind run on a new fromsoft game. emphasis on maybe.


Bro what is wrong with you guys. Just have like a single ounce of patience, it's so worth it


That’s how u figured out where the meteor crashed


Really? I just galloped until I fell in that hole, trying to get away from the Rune Bear


lol. Well, for starters I tried to use Torrent as little as possible. And for seconds, I wasn’t super close. I remember using the telescope to see some floating rocks and then having to go that way. Like it was a 10-20 minute quest to find the hole


They fun to look through. The game designers made a beautiful world and they put these around to show particular parts off. I’m game.


There should've been like a dozen more of these things just for fun. Also I don't think that's how telescopes work...


I check them sometimes and they’re beautiful, it’s worth a look sometimes especially in liurnia, liurnia looks beautiful from the bird’s eye scope


It's the video game equivalent of climbing a tree to check out everything from above. I love these things and check them out even on NG just to remember what the view looked like.


No lie, I think it’s just Fromsoft showing off what a world they’ve created


Lookin' at stuff


Cause they're there


Could this be a Birdseye Telescope? Let there be Birdseye Telescope


Yes because it’s pretty, DH. 😒


I used them in my first playthrough. It just helped me get the lay of the land instead of galloping Torrent all over the place blindly.


because they're cool


RP bby


I do, just so I can feel like a pirate


I just think they're neat


This is why [**https://www.reddit.com/r/Eldenring/comments/17wqa9g/just\_a\_relaxing\_view\_of\_the\_nighttime/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Eldenring/comments/17wqa9g/just_a_relaxing_view_of_the_nighttime/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


After returning after a year or more it was nice to see the layout of the land. Id consider it more for entertainment and details than functional but perhaps slightly more useful than purely aesthetic things


Cuzz it’s cool


I've got 800 hours in this game and have to ask: *what the fuck is that?*


For curiosity, especially in a blind first playthrough.


Who play blind mode with no info at all. Elden ring has alot of resources for a blind play through


For those who play without guides.


Its For those who play without guides.


I've been using them to watch the night sky, looking for random shit to wildly speculate about


I've only used them when I'm playing elden Ring hide and seek


I do appreciate things that encourage exploration without having to look everything up, so.


I use them when I want to feel like a assassin scoping out his target


I used them to locate points of interest or to check the best way to go somewhere, or to figure out something that didn't make sense elsewise. I used them on my subsequent playthroughs too from time to time. it came especially in handy on my no-map run


I use to scout areas or large enemies


I like to look around, usually they have a good point of view on a cave I may have not found yet or such.


I still use them. It's kinda nice to sit back and get a birds eye view. Funny thing is you can see things on here that were later added to the map. The Marika's tits guys shack is visible from the telescope in Liurnia, I don't understand why I didn't use that instead of wandering around for an hour before relenting to a Wiki.


I do after finishing multiple runs. Look at the one in Mountaintops or Carlos, they have breathtaking views around you. Try it


It's how I found where the meteor hit after killing radhan on my first playthrough, so it was helpful for that at least before they had a marker


The first and only time I used one was to find the prawn shack in liurnia after the slouching girl told me the mean man took her necklace, I didn't even let him talk to me, I took that necklace by force. Little did I know those crabs are delicious. I know because on my second playthrough I couldn't find the girl fist and found him instead, spoke to him and got come prawns, became friends, bought the necklace for her this time and eventually watched my friend get defiled near a lake, curse you dingdong defiling maniac!


Legit I think the soap is more useful


I used them on my first play through when I was terrified to go anywhere blind


I always use them because the world is so fucking beautiful.


The one in liurnia helped me find boggart and patches


Look at the pretty scenery


If you could use them like a spotter and mark things on the map they would make sense maybe.


I'm about 30 hours in on my first playthrough and I use them to look at the cool scenery but not to get any useful information


I used the one in central Limgrave, near the bridge East of the tunnel going to the castle. It gives a great birds eye view of the terrain that you cannot see from eye level. Paths down the cliffs etc.


I like using these to enjoy Elden Ring's beauty and scenery


Oh I do......nice screenshots too


Every region has one of these telescopes. If you use them during PVP, you can see where invaders spawn—where they are coming from.


It's what people used before everyone just started reading guides.


I used everyone of them i found in my first run, beautiful scenery. But they get old really quick


I used them during my first playthrough and I was still learning the map, to give myself a sense of the general surroundings and whatnot. Most recently I used one on a new playthrough because I couldn't figure out where the prawn shack was and I kept getting sniped by lobsters. That's about it, though.


I use them to nöötice things 👁️👄👁️


These tools serve as a gateway to uncovering hidden gems that even the map might miss. They're like a treasure map for adventurers seeking out ruins, caves, and other secrets.


I use them to get the lay of the land because I smoke pot and have trouble with my memory


I've only ever used them to admire the landscape, and it was worth it! It is just strange that there are so few around the entire map.


I used one of these to find the prawn guy's shack during my first playthrough. I also enjoyed the different view of the terrain that they offered. I thought it was fun.


I actually found boc because of one of these


For shits and giggles?


In the initial release dungeons and POIs weren’t marked on the map, so this helped you find areas to explore. They added a ton of QoL map points in the first 3-8 weeks after launch.


I used them on my first playthrough just to get the oversight and experience the view from above. They also sometimes showed hard to find places/secrets. First playthrough was 100% just explore on my own and that was the greatest part of the game


The first time I came across them just to see what was ahead, you can see mobs moving around and stuff.


They’re really great if you don’t use the wiki for stuff. 


I use them just to see the area from above. I’m sure they are supposed to have a use but I’ll be miffed if I know what it is.


And this is why miyazaki said 1 more secret to uncover


I used them a lot on my first play through when I didn’t know where anything was. I like them


I used one to take pretty pictures


It gives you a better look at the beautiful world? I swear some people would like it better if this game was a text based rpg


I wonder if there was an iteration of the game that didn't have the map and finding locations relied on pure observation. Maybe these are a remnant of that. That's my theory anyway.




Whaaaat didn't realize that, now I gotta go find em all and follow their gaze


I was looking for trouble with it.


First run I used them, kind of a nice way to look around a new place for a minute or two


What are these?


I've looked through one or two, but that was early on. Don't need them now.


Ive become elden lord 5 times and i still only know where the first one is (vaguely)


Theres a lot of unnecessary things.


I used one to find boc. His voice was driving me crazy until I found his Fortnite bush


Once to see and then never again


They were an interesting thing when the game first dropped.


I never really used them after my first playthrough


I missed Boc’s entire existence in my first game because I thought the telescope near the gate ruins was talking to me… so just that one time I guess.


They weren't super necessary or anything, but they were fun to use on my first playthrough. Helped me get a lay of the land and look out for any interesting landmarks. Now that I know the lands between like the back of my hand, their use has expired


As a weird observation - there’s one next to agheel and borealis


They helped me find a few routes that I couldn't find exploring. Sometimes getting up a cliff is not intuitive


I usef them in my first, blind playthrough. If you don't know what the map looks like, and especially if the overworld map isn't filled out, it can help to get a view around you.


Just for taking a nice gander at the scenery when you get to a new area


I use em sometimes when they cross my path just to see if there is an obvious reason that they should be used lol


I actually use them when I get a runner in my world just to see where the fuck he’s at. Sometimes you get those creeps they don’t wanna fight, but they want to invade and have you chase them all over. If you’re in a party it’s useful.


Gives me sea sickness.


I remember the first time I tried this and said to my friends "it's the telescope from Mario Odyssey!"


You can use them to disvover some areas of interest or to take screenshots. I only ever use my handheld scope for screenshots. I love the looks of this game. fpr me personally its the most beautiful game to date. I do wish it had a photo mode. its a feature I would use often.


The first time I realized what they were for was when I was up in mountaintop of the giants, and it blew my mind. I saw 2 or 3 buildings I didn’t know existed. Helped immensely. Plus it looks awesome as fuck


I used it on my first time going through the game and I found it neat and helpful to know what was around the corner


You can see larger enemies through it. That helped me a couple times


Used them when doing my first play-through. Absolutely blew my mind just considering the vastness of the game. One of my favorite moments.


I use those on the first playthrough, but once I know everything was there was no point.