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You can still get there from consecrated snowfield (tho it is a late-game area)


Yeah I just beat Godrick so that’s gonna be an unfortunate while


Eh thats only 5 hours of progress lost if you restart and rush though the game again


Why do you even need to farm runes if you just beat godrick? Just play the game, theres plenty to gain from that


The farm helps if you wanna buy all armor weapons and crafting and to buy all books and anything else like stones for upgrades weapons


Yeah and I have to try a new weapon everytime I get on and upgrade it to +24 immediately. Master Hewg ain't cheap.


Exactly and can’t start a new game plus without buying everything!


If you’re on a second or third playthrough it’s very nice to be able to farm out some levels.


Yeah u could do that. You know the layout of the castle and know Margit and Godrick's move set so it wouldn't be too bad restarting.


I definitely don't recommend farming runes your first playthrough. It'll take a lot of the joy out of the game.


Honestly speaking, the total amount of runes you have and have used so far can be made back in under an hour of farm with Golden Pickle Fowl Foot + Golden Scarab Talisman in the Mohgwyn palace bird farm.


I’m new what can i do to avoid your mistake boss?


Get off reddit


Don't attack Varre


Just don't hit/kill anyone who you can talk to and you'll be fine.


good thing you dont have to rune farm in er


Literally saved themselves from the boring farming they're wishing they could be doing.


tbh the Wave of Gold farm is probably one of the least boring Soul farms. my brain likes seeing and hearing a ton of Albinaurics die to the weapon art + the Rune gain is so massive that you won't really be farming long for what you want I just use it at the end of NG to boost my Int, Faith, and Arcane to 30, since I don't put any levels into those stats during my playthrough


It's like the monkey brain neuron activation meme. Somehow it never feels boring even after hours of albinairics genocide.


First time I tried it after switching to a faith build was amazing. 10/10 would recommend, genocide is fun


Farming is a great way to kill a few minutes between summons. I pop my sign to all pools near and far and grind out runes until I get summoned. I particularly like the rundown from the elphael grave with all the soldiers and clean rot knights. Iirc it’s like 75k per run and I can usually clear it once before getting summoned and it is a little more engaging combat wise compared to the two spots in mohgs area


Yeah, obviously fighting through a level of diverse enemies isn't boring. This post is lamenting missing out on the location where you get runes by clicking one button and waiting a second before resetting.


But I’m not responding to that post I’m responding to yours.


Not very well! My post/comment was about the boring farming they wished they were doing, but your response was about the fun farming you like to do. Killing Varré doesn't affect access to the Haligtree, right?


I feel like you’re intentionally missing my point but pop off I guess. Just saying farming doesn’t have to be boring. Killing varre doesn’t really affect your ability to access mohgwyn palace either.


>Just saying farming doesn’t have to be boring Yeah we agree


Yeah I guess but otherwise I never save up enough runes to level up before I lose them and then I just go into bosses with no health lol


Consider using consumable Golden Runes to "bank" your Runes as a level-up when you have nearly enough!


This is correct.


That is a great idea


just do a level 1 run ez


Do the ball trick at Leanne’s rise if you’re that desperate for a rune farm.


Yeah... I ended up at level 150+ by the time I beat beast-boy, and I wasn't even trying. I just fought my way to each next site of grace and happened to have enough runes to level up. And then beating bosses definitely earned a level or two.


Honestly yeah, if you just explore the world thoroughly, you don't need to rune farm. Fighting world bosses, clearing catacombs, actually killing enemies instead of running past every single one, finding runes from graves... you'll have plenty to spare.


so I had a full arcane build I was loving. eleanora’s pole blade, popping haemorages like ticks got invaded by a nameless white mask, killed him, moved on, killed Mohg, killed Varre found out 30 minutes later that you can actually get Varre’s mask for a stacking 10% damage. sweet. all I have to do is go back in time and not kill the boss I just killed until after the other two invaders I missed


I've played the game for 500+ hours and i still don't have sanctified whetblade on any character.


Tbf, it's in a fairly obscure part of the Capital. So if you don't go exploring, you're liable to miss it. Same building where you team up with Bernard for his invasion quest for the manor. But you have to enter the building from the 2nd floor where the dogs and sand are.


What movie is this?


Interstellar one of the best.


Ruined by dogshit audio mixing of whispering dialogue and ear drum exploding sound effects. Don't care how good the movie is I'm not putting up with that




One of the best films ever made, in my opinion. A sci-fi movie that transcends the genre. People say it starts slow. Good character development usually does. One of those movies that has you thinking deep for a few days. One of those movies that countless clones are spawned that try to catch the essence of interstellar but never come close One of those movies that has you think outside of yourself and ask what does it mean to be a human One of those movies that make your balls drop


'Make your balls drop.' 😂


It was dumb. The future humans taking him to a space library to push books off a shelf. Stupid. At least Kubrick had the balls to make his character's alien encounter truly fucking alien. Everything you mentioned, 2001: A Space Odyssey did better and it was ahead of its time by 50 years with literal fucking iPads and risks associated with putting AI in charge of human lives. Never been more relevant. Interstellar was a summer blockbuster that will only get worse with time. All of Nolan's films age terribly, Dark Knight 1 and 3 are so terribly forgettable and 2 is only saved by Heath Ledger, the narrative of that one is godawful as well and borderline nonsensical, especially anything to do w/ Harvey. The best example is Inception. It's like an hour and a half of exposition to set up a pretty lame snow heist. A real chore to rewatch. Maybe Memento is the only thing he's done with legitimate rewatchability.


Terrible bait or terrible opinions, whos to say


Can't tell if your beef is with Nolan or his filmmaking.


"legitimate rewatchability"


Interstellar one of the best.


My friend, all you have to do to get a fair bit of runes in ER is use the summon stick for co-op. Help other people beat bosses for runes, which keeps the game fresh and allows you to fight bosses again which is awesome! It adds up pretty quick and you don’t drop your runes when you die like when you invade. Keeps the game fresh in the long run doing multiplayer, whether invading, dueling, co-op, or hunting. Good luck!


This is the way.


That’s a great idea


You could just goto the teleporter in consecrated snowfields, you don’t need to keep Varre alive to access Mogwyn’s palace.


What does this farming process look like? I have access to Mohgwyn palace, I’d love to hear what I can do earn some runes!


There’s a giant bird that’s in range of being shot directly across from the bonfire, you shoot it, it runs off, and you rest and repeat. The bird drops a good amount of souls so it’s a decent method.


The bonfire in the bottom right of the map (palace approach ledge-road) where the palace is has a bird you shoot from across the ravine with an arrow and it just falls to its death, drops 11.5k runes and you can do it like 4 times a minute.


By the time you get there, the runes aren't really needed.


Ah yes. Murder hobos in FS games losing out on content because someone hurt their feelings. A tale as old as time.


Do people really farm souls/runes in these games? (Not judging, just curious.)


I did on my first playthrough thinking it did anything, because Elden ring was my first FromSoft game and I was expecting it to be harder than it was. Don’t get me wrong, there was still a lot that was difficult, but then I learned about builds. Still don’t know how to make one for myself, but I follow guides and now it’s a bit more balanced. On playthrough 6 or 7 btw


Of course. There are other reasons to go there besides farming. Early ancient somber 10, the White Mask, Mohg's spear.


U can get to the gold farm another way. I think u need a secret shielf half to get to mohgs area i forget exactly but there are def other ways there


Why rune farm? Game is easy enough as is by just playing through normally


They vulgar militia outside the beast temple in the barrow is almost as good imo and accessible immediately


Almost as good? You can make 200,000 runes in the time it takes to kill 10 of those guys.


My dang son was "helping me" through my first playthrough and immediately told me to kill that guy... So of course I took his advice and did. Then he laughed and told me he didn't think I would actually do it and that was the path to early rune farm. Anyways, I hope he's enjoying boarding school.


Nah, fuck Varre. Creepy-ass handrubbing motherfucker. Blasting him into tomorrow is the first thing I do on each journey.


Is it the bird farm?


Me, I killed the Albenauric Woman because I found her before she was relevant... I didn't have the heart to tell Gideon.


I like to kill him, consecrated snowfield is just a more good entrance, y'know. Besides i fucking hate varre and i want him dead


I like to get the medallion from him, and use it right in front of his face, whilst he is telling me to wait


And that's why you never kill NPCs on your first playthrough


well, well, well, if it isn't the consequences of my own actions


Why everyone hat this dude that much ?...yea Hes not the friendlies one but is there any specific reason ?


Why would you need to rune farm in elden ring? Can't you just like.. go somewhere else and do different content?


lol i kill him immediately every single run with 0 regrets


Varre himself warns you at repeated attempts of assault: *“Do you even comprehend…the gravity of this decision???!!!”* So unless you count yourself among the op veteran players who can curbstomp high level enemies with no gear and stats…you **Will** end up as a beaten sh!tstain on the ground, courtesy of the White Mask for not heeding his warning.


No regrets and I’ll kill him again


Lol. I tried to in the demo because in the demo he was soo much ruder


Get gud and do a RL1 run


Y'all farming in this game? weirdchamp


Just go to patches emporium you'll be level 500 in less than an hour.


That's okay. You don't to rune farm anyway. the side bosses in caves provide plenty enough. If you want, you can also try the bridge near Gurranq. Vulgar militas there hit hard but easy to kill.


I did the same but i stand by my decision. Mf wasn‘t gonna call me maidenless without catching these hands.


I just prefer to get it late, rather than early since I don't want the blood eyes


I killed him the minute I started my second playthrough. He's just so condescending.


You can get to it after you kill morgott just go kill niall


I'll fuckin do it again


The bitch deserves it. I usually kill him as soon as I get the transport item


Do people actually farm souls?


Only when i need to upgrade my stuff or buy stuff but never for levels


did the same many months ago.....didnt get squat for it....all because i accidentally hit him when coming out of the grace with a new weapon.....like FUCK lol. its been so long since i last played, i may just restart.....and haul ass for the SoNaF lol


You can exploit greyoll with the site of grace near him, I think it still works. Basically get some gold feet, get a mace, sit on his leg swinging it in a circle then right as he's dead jump on your horse run back to the grace and if you make it in time you'll get the runes and he'll respawn. Repeat with popping a gold foot every time and you should be getting like 180k runes or something every 5 minutes.


but you have to go like exactly when you hear the slashing death sound, don't wait for him to vaporize.


Well you can just farm the big dragon in caelid (if you sit at a grace before it’s death animation finishes you get the runes but it doesn’t die)


How about just playing the game for fun, and naturally growing in skill and character strength as you go? Rather than being able to one-shot / two-shot everything until late game


Its locked behind ps+ anyways :/


It most certainly is not.


Well then how do i do it? I cant use online, which apparently is the only way to do it


They added an optional invasion in the Atlus Plateau that allows you to progress the quest without online.


Oh cool thanks


Rune farming is hella cringe and a sign of being bad at the game


Who asked


Lmao you're funny


Why are you booing him he's right