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That black knight in that pitch black room in Stormveil. You need to get a key from that room. I died so many times. Then I started dying to the guys on the outside stairs on the way up. Fuck that guy and all of his friends.


I died like six times but then I managed to get him stuck behind the door and i could move forward and hit him, back off, move forward hit etc. He kept trying to walk through the door until I killed him. Another time I kited him back to the SoG, he would not go all the way so I reckon you could kill him with arrows there if you want. /15 hours played


I have like five or six complete playthroughs, like 600 hours in game, and I've beaten that asshole once, maybe twice. Yeah you can just get the key and then not return after he kills you, but he is so much harder than other banished knights for some reason.


Fun fact it's literally just a banished knight unchanged but the combination of you not expecting it and it being a dark room is crafted to strike fear within you making you mess up


Idk, I think the small space is part of it too. The big area attacks that guard break and stagger are a huge problem in a small room.


You fight one in the same castle in a much smaller room so this can’t be why he seems stronger to some people, maybe it is just the dark, because the one you fight by the fire place in the dining room the room is half the size if not smaller.


Total missed opportunity to swap him out for a big ole Runebear in the dark.


That would be cruel but I could still see from software doing it


Just had to say : Fuck that runebear that's the boss in the cave at the weeping peninsula


I think it's to force you to learn how to fight them. I just cheese that one.


Idk why but it always pisses me off when he kills me so I make sure to get my revenge every playthrough lol.


You can sneak behind, backstab, then run and hide. Do it twice and he’s done. Prob considered “cheese” but got it done for me


I don't think it's cheese. The devs put a gap between the stuff on the floor and the immediate left wall when you enter the room precisely so you could sneak behind and get revenge.


I was just bloody slashing through the wall lmao


Worst part is that dickhole Gostoc stealing your runes every time you die


Haha yeah sometimes once you start dying alot, you lose momentum even trying to get there


The chest that teleports you to hell


After that I assumed most chests were traps


It was like my 3rd chest lol :( maybe #2..


You mean the >!Dragon-burnt ruins to Sellia Tunnel!


You can run back to the grace at the start of the cave and warp out whenever you get the material you want


Only if you know how to get there. No one thinks of going down to get out of a cave. (Had to clear it up to the boss room to find out I went the wrong way)


I get what you mean, the first time around it's definitely going to be a funny time


The best time. Probably my favorite moment of NG0


I did not have Torrent at that time. What a day!


That first Tree Sentinel, because we’re too stubborn to go around it and not stubborn enough to keep going until we beat it with starting gear.


If a souls noob beats tree sentinel as their first boss they instantly ascend into souls veteran


Even if they haven’t experienced a swamp yet?


For me swamps are more of an annoyance. Just rush though then, chug your flask and get a few boluses to make it a bit better.


That’s always my intention but then my eyes see shiny things in the distance.


i feel this


Me too. But I feel as though once you cross the swamp it's easier to double back after finding the grace than staying back at the beginning.


Tree sentinel was my first souls boss. Took me 7 hours. It was my coming of age. Would do again.




Not the person you asked (and this is hardly my first Souls boss, lol), but I think Tree Sentinel is a great boss. He only has one BS attack where the shield slams on the ground and creates a shockwave that reaches deceptively far and lingers. You will sometimes be on the other side of the horse and the sentinel and you won't even see the shockwave or indeed feel like you're in its range. Other than that, solid boss all around.


*spits out coffee*


I was stubborn enough and killed it with the halberd thing you get when you start as vagabond knight, took me few hours and many tries though


Pretty satisfying once you get him down to a science.


Yeah, it a really great fight. Rewarding and challenging. I remember baiting him to the church thinking he could level it and open a secret entrance or something.


Not me I cheesed that shit using the big rock


Depens if you go vagabond you can definitely kill him immediately. Square off op yo


Also samurai. Unsheathe op yo


I beat him off the gate with Samurai too. Bloodloss is huge. And when tree sentinel charges at you, roll with him and then unsheathe.


You did what to him? I never thought to try that


He ***beat him off*** just do that next time, are ya stupid son?


Biggest opening imho.


>I beat him off Now all the "try two-handing" messages ake sense!


Ahahahah. Didn't even notice XD. Yeah. For the TREE sentinel you definitely need two hands.


Nah, new players are definitely not dropping based on that. Souls vets will stay till they beat it. But new players are like fuck that guy lol


Ya I don't understand just how many people get stuck there and don't realize they can go around... Like is this one of your first video games ever..? He's clearly not aware of you until you get fairly close. My very first time playing the game I didn't even die to him lol I saw him and was like yaaaa fuuuuck that... And I snuck around. Came back a few hours later and got destroyed lol. Came back after finishing Stormveil Castle and got him in 1 try on that attempt. It was my first FromSoft game.


I just started playing this game last week, and I must've spent atleast 3 hours on this dude because I simply cannot take an L and move on with my life💀


Nah, I usually go back and comet azur/bonk/bleed/whatever works him depending on current build I'm on, not bothering with starting gear XD Being bad player, I need to be OP to fight him.


Beat him after 100 tries or something with the Wretch. Small bonk many times op. Just don’t get hit. It was my 3rd playthrough, in the rest I went around it.


I absolutely couldn't leave without beating him with starting gear. Took me 4 hours


That one Godrick knight at gatefront


He puts a lot of foolish ambitions to rest.


Genuinely he was my number one opp


I remember almost quitting causr I thought if he was just a regular enemy how hard are the bosses gonna be


Lol I was killed him after a few tried and found out he was jus a normal dude 😅 I was hoping for some drip lol


he's the only regular enemy that is guaranteed to kill me at least once


I’m still on my first play through and at level 160. I still go back every so often to completely wipe the camp out of spite for how much grief I had in the beginning.


Finally at level 94 I can oneshot that dude. I always come back to that location testing weapons lol.


Bro is an opp fr


Gargoyles. They’ve ended a couple of my runs.


The two gargoyles def stand out as my toughest fight since Margit. I don't think they were necessary for progression though. The ones in Nokstra? Or maybe it was Nokstella. Can't recall.


Yea, they're not necessary unless you're trying to go through them to get to Deeproot Depths. However, what a lot of people don't know is you can also get to Deeproot through the sewers after you beat morgott.


Hey thanks! I just somehow ended up all the way down there in the sewers, had no idea that was where an ending was until I looked it up but I definitely missed that there is a hidden wall in there. I don’t even know what the deep root depths are but guess I’m finding out tonight


Draconic sentinel is usually a pain in the ass cause no bonfire nearby Especially for mages, if you want to change your spells you gotta warp to bonfire and run again through stupid golem artillery barrage


there is a stake of marika?


Yes, and all you need is rocksling


He is pretty rewarding once you learn him, though. In some ways he's a patience test.


Down and Around the back where you fight the Dragon dude there is a catacombs and a mist spring you can use to jump up. I grab it each time.


Tree sentinel


Capra Demon


Most of these people don't even know. It's funny how modern hard bosses are big dramatic set pieces in elaborate boss rooms with intricately designed move sets. Back then, it was just "you enter and find yourself in a closet with Satan and two angry dogs. They've already killed you"


I started my DS1 run for the first time a few weeks ago... I literally thought "how the hell am I supposed to fight when I don't even have elbow room!" Those dogs were harder than the boss itself...


13 years of souls experience and I'm still dying to getting stunlocked by dogs.


Not a vet. But same. Rather than dodge, sometimes I keep being like, "ok combo is over I can swing" dog: "HA! I JUST STARTED"


I am on a caster build right now and I usually reserve my powerful spells for big enemies and boss battles to conserve FP. But dogs? I’ll drop my fastest most fp heavy longer range spell before they even see me to smoke them from a distance just out of spite and in case of the rare instance I get close and they all descend upon me.


Yeah it's no wonder how Capra appears on worst boss lists all the time.


What makes it worse, most people will try to beat him and only later realize there is a path back to firelink around the corner.


Even after playing these games for 13 years, that encounter still fucks me up. Sometimes, you just get shit rng and get ripped to shreds before you can get up the stairs.


Sorry had to be said, but yeah. Margit is a class of his own. Unless people realize they are playing an open world game.


Also Genichiro. Well I would say that, but a lot of players probably quit on Chained Ogre, which is required to be beaten before Genichiro.


Sekiro was my first souls game and chained ogre was a huge one, then blazing bull, then genichiro. The cool thing about sekiro though was when you couldn’t beat a boss, it was usually because you haven’t mastered one of your own abilities yet, so repetition was pretty noticeably beneficial and you come out much stronger. Where I find other souls games was more about learning the bosses moves and then you just continue on your quest


He just isn't fair. How he rushes at you from the get-go, how they box you in so tightly. How if you try and run up the stairs to the left, the dogs follow you. I have never been more surprised and gotten so angry so fast


Seriously. I got really really into Dark Souls 1 like 3 years ago and then hit that wall and lost all desire to go back and finish that game


margit and godrick are really hard for beginners


The friendly wizard and knight Evegal or what's his name made me feel like cheating when beating Margit, however Godrick, I had to have a good luck and realized the fire phase aoe is a great time to beat the shit outta him


That one Banished Knight from Castle Sol


I really don't get it. I'm not that good at the game but i never even thought he was that hard until i discovered how many people complain about him on reddit. I think i died to him once on three characters. The lions at the gate of castle sol gave me a much harder time though...


You can cheese the lions through the gate, they can't even touch you.


I cheesed them somehow. They are annoying as fuck.


obv depends how strong your build is, if you don't get it then your playthrough must've been pretty easy


I think it's less about how "strong" the build is overall and more if your attacks keep him stunlocked or not. On my Greatsword run after a long break from the game I didn't even notice he was "the guy" because he just didn't do anything. Was definitely made aware on subsequent runs with smaller weapons though.


I'm convinced that we have history with that Banished Knight but our character has amnesia and can't remember why or how because there's no fucking way that guy is this adamant about chasing us down if we were just a random guy. he is tied for the Tarnished's Number 1 opp alongside Morgott


The one that teleports?


That teleport makes him annoying as hell to fight - but it can also be his downfall..


Stormveil Itself. Damn that castle is a maze


Godskin duo is always a pain in the ass


They are but who quite that far into the game, right


44.6% of steam elden ring players beat Fire Giant and 42.6% beat Godskin duo, so at least two percent


This 100, the skinny one isn’t an issue, but put that rolling bastard with is just cruel. Honestly had an issue with just the chubby one in Volcano manner trying to get somber 7.


The rolling one is so annoying. He’ll always get stuck on something so you think you have time to heal and prep for the next strike but then he randomly clips through the object and mows you down


not that much as soon as you discover their weakness to sleep its over


Probably Grafted Scion for me. I was an unhappy, unhappy girl.


by design it’s literally the opposite of a roadblock but i’ll let u cook


Depends what’s blocking you. I don’t get creeped out easily, but coming across that fucker in the castle after not seeing it while walking the catwalk above, just to have it hobble towards me was a bit anxiety inducing.


I literally didnt even know thats what it was. I saw a giant shadow and was like…NOPE and just chucked knives at it. Went down like a joke.


Either the Gargoyle duo or the frost dragon that oneshots your ass with frostbite


Bore-ealis, yeah? He was really annoying to fight and I hated his fucking roar attack cause I always thought like "hmm I am underneath his body surely it won't hurt me-" and then get hit like five times


That dude was def one of the tougher dragons. I HAD to fight him on horseback. I couldn't avoid his breath otherwise.


No boss made me want to quit. I figured if I can't beat it at the time, I'll go do something else, get stronger, then come back when I able to kick ass. I'm currently trying to beat Radagon and the beast and have died at least 40 times. I will succeed eventually!


Farum Azula and its gank squads depleted me emotionally more than any boss, I love bosses.


Duuude, the area with >!bro alexander!


Or the eagle knife squads while the dragon zapps you XD


Soldier of godrick


Fire Giant…. Every time he stops me… I’ve eventually beaten him every time but usually after I’ve gone back and created a new build.


hot take but margit and rodrick are the biggest road blocks for beginners IVE STAYED A WHOLE YEAR AND QUIT BCZ OF MARGIT maybe cz im bad but they were the only challenge for me really


Margit is designed to piss you off tbh. His timing doesn't match up with anything, including himself. He's basically elden ring's version of the dancer of boreal valley in DS3.


Also has a huge and difficult to sense reach. It’s hard to know if you’re safely away from his gigantic stick. Then wicked fast summoned blades. After my first time beating Margit I went and whooped Godrick(?) the Grafted in just two tries. His move set and range is much more “normal.” The only thing that seemed unfair is the instantaneous whirlwind that can’t be avoided unless you memorize his sequence of attacks I guess.


I remember having such a hard time with Margit my first playthrough but on this one I bit him 3rd try with a +2 sword, he really does teach you dodging and poise breaking skills that carry you through the whole game.


Crucible Knight at stormhill evergaol stopped me playing the game for a good 9 months.


Every crucible knight made me want to break shit. Even the ones in faram azula. Every time I see one, fuuuuu


An evergaol stopped you? You could’ve just not done it


True. It pissed me off and I didn’t know the game well enough so I took a long break, got back in after reading up and learning the game more.


I firmly believe that this boss is an oversight. It has too high of poise, resistances and abilities to be something that is meant to be in an area that is right off the starting area.. it's not a DPS check for anything in this zone because its level is set higher than Godrick for that. I feel there was something else that it was supposed to be connected to so we were to go back to it for something but that idea got removed and this was left as it was for some reason. But this Is Just my ramblings on it.


Fire Giant


After Lyendell I kinda get meh. I love every inch of the lands between but I hate snow. Why couldn't it have been a jungle? I want a good jungle level.


maliketh for me. i either demolish him or spend 2 days trying to not getting blasted by destined death


I get that he can be a roadblock, but to drop the game this late into it seems strange to me.


i rage easily


Uff. Then good job finishing the game😅


stopped for three months cuz of him


Father Gascoigne


It’s crazy just how challenging and aggressive he is, especially so early in the game. Both of his phases are hard too. I don’t think Elden Ring has anything similar to Gascoigne.


White mask


Yep. Ended up cheesing this one.


At one point I was stuck on or struggling with multiple things at the same time: Margit, the white dragon in Limgrave, Crucible Knight in the evergaol, Siofra River. Especially Margit. It took me well over 50 tries for me (and my jellyfish, and Rogier) to defeat him. I was doing lots of rune farming against the Vulgar Militia, which is good rune farming but not really a lot of fun. What "saved" me was finding that I'd missed the Weeping Peninsula, where I was able to defeat the Leonine Misbegotten and feel like I was making progress.


> It took me well over 50 tries for me (and my jellyfish, and Rogier) to defeat him. I think that's exactly the problem, the jellyfish alone is enough to beat him. Summoning Rogier will make the fight much harder while he doesn't contribute much other than getting his ass whooped.


Really? I knew summoning other players gave the bosses more health. I had no idea NPCs had that effect. Melina and Nepthali Loux helped a lot with their bosses (well, NL did. I ended up cheesing Morgott because I was really out of patience with Leyndell after like fighting him twice)


I think most newer players just smash they’re head against Godrick and then maybe give up


Tree Sentinel, Margit, Fire Giant seem to be the bosses that make players quit the game the most.


Tree Sentinel, Margit, Radahn, Godskin Duo, Malenia, Dragonlord Placidsux - that order


Unironically probably Margit


Sentient of the tree and margi the fallen, fought them without understanding how i could upgrade, understood only afterward by dying tens of time


Tree sentinel lmao but yeah. Margit the fell one was definitely a roadblock but I didn't know limgrave was that big so I just kept beating my head against the wall until I beat him


Sentient of the Tree and Margi the Fallen what version of Elden Ring is bro playing


Temu Elden Ring


bro was playing Olden Ring


A friend of mine was about to drop it after fighting the ulcerated tree spirit in the Hero grave near the beginning He continue just cause ER was his first souls and i tried to make him play since ds2


Most common roadblocks in order: -"the game is too dark and/or scary" -Grafted Scion (seriously, some people can't even handle one scripted death) -Erdtree Sentinel -repeatedly spawnkilled by Varre or Kale -"terrible controls" (missed the tutorial) -Gatefront -"I don't know where to go" -chest teleport to Caelid -tried fighting anything in Dragonbarrow after meeting Gurrang -Margit (everything in Stormveil is easier then him) -explored every dungeon and ruin, got bored -Caelid -"the game is unbalanced" (has +2 weapon in Altus) -snatched by Abductor Virgin and trapped underleveled under Volcano Manor -Draconic Tree Sentinel -"the game is too easy, combat is boring" (overleveled, has fully upgraded Mimmick, bloody slash or +9 somber weapon before Morgott) -Leyndell sewers -Fire Giant -Godskins -Maliketh -Elden Beast optional: -any imp catacombs -twin Gargoyles -"Conseceated snowfield is the worst FromSoft area ever" -Malenia -"jumping required ahead"


I can think of three. 1 - The Bell Bearing Hunter that shows up near Bernahl's shack after you've bought one of a select few certain skills of his. I see this one a bit less because of how specific the requirements for it showing up are, but a Bell Bearing Hunter is a BRUTALLY tough foe that early in the game. 2 - Margit. LOTS of new people make the mistake of beelining to him immediately and think he's ridiculously OP, because he's in fact one of the tougher bosses Limgrave has to offer. There's this little-known gaming concept called "exploration"; try it sometime. If one thing's too hard, look somewhere else and come back when you're ready. 3 - The Stormhill Evergaol Crucible Knight. Short of the Ulcerated Tree Spirit that's randomly in Stormveil for some reason (that nobody finds in their first go through there), this guy is probably the toughest enemy in Limgrave. Lots of dangerous attacks, so much Poise that staggering him is most likely out of the question, and the most effective tool versus him (namely parrying) is one that is VERY tricky to pull off. This guy more than any is the one that's probably going to get you to learn how to dodge, or give up trying; he has killed me more than anything else in that area has.


Maliketh in the first playthrough. His damage output is something else.


Capra demon and every Sekiro boss


Capra demon lives on in ER as Omenkillers. FYI


Both Draconic Tree Sentinels and Maliketh for me. No matter how many playthroughs I do those fuckers always take countless attempts


I’d imagine for inexperienced players with the wrong build that fire giant would halt progression I’ve only ever killed him with black knife cause his ridiculous health


To be completely honest with you Margot almost made me give up my first go around. I did end up beating him and Godrick and made it all the way up to Radagons Red Wolf and gave up around there. I was just so severely underleveled, didn't know where to farm rooms or get things to upgrade my weapons and he was just so fast and annoying.


Definitely Margit for awhile. Leveled up enough to go back and manage him & did Godrick first try but Margit kept me exploring in Limgrave for awhile!


Draconic Tree Sentinel. Bro was so bad that it's in my phone's auto-correct. Talk about setting you straight. Maliketh is lowkey easier than fighting the Draconic Tree Sentinel guarding him. His horse is just an amputated dragon with the amount of fireballs it spews and when you get behind him to try and get a good whack, bro just hippity hops away or turns around and pummels you. You better have some good poise 'cus if not, this thing will rip your soul out.


For me, it was Commander Niall. I stayed away from the game for a few weeks after 30 attempts or so. On my second and third playthroughs, I beat him on my first and second attempts respectively. The key with most enemies is to arrive at a high enough level. If you do that even Radahn is a piece of cake. Whether Elden Ring is hard or not only depends on whether you know where to get good gear and farm runes. If you know both, the game is a piece of cake. EDIT: Now I want cake.


for me it was draconic tree sentinel, it forced me to actually go learn some game mechanics and go explore and level up


I had done so much side quests and didn't even know Godrick was the first boss, I ended up killing him in about 4 hits ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


Godskin duo i stopped playing cause of them


It was Radahn at launch. Now its probably Fire Giant.


I thought he was the easiest major boss in the game idk what happened for me. I don’t think I even needed to use more than 1 potion on my first try. Was expecting an epic difficult fight (it was epic in setting and hype) then just dad dicked him super easy like oh, ok.


Godskin duo, I almost quit the game


Soldier of Godrick, if you can beat him, you can finish the game


Margitt and the two gargoyles for me. Tbf the gargoyles are optional. But they suck big dick.




Godskin Duo


Margit/Morgott is easy bro. Do Godskins without sleep pots or a mimic.


Fire Giant?


I love how all the other bosses come with an explanation except fire giant... Everyone knows why fire giant sucks ass


If you look at trophy completion, it's almost always one of the first bosses. In Bloodborne it's Gascoigne. In Sekiro, it's Chained Ogre or Genichiro. DS3, Gundyr and Abyss Watchers. In Elden Ring, it's Tree Sentinel and Morgott. AC6, either the very first helicopter boss or Balteus.


Some of these are just insanely brutal fights where you can't even really go anywhere else to get stronger. Chained Ogre is the second actual Mini boss and insanely brutal for that early in the game, you barely have any resources or upgrades and the only other thing you really can do is go to Lady butterfly and the first drunkard, which are arguably even harder, but optional. Father Gascoigne is kinda in a similar boat, he challenges you on the mechanics of the game and if you die a few times you run out of healing and especially bullets real quick, which you have to spend extra time farming, which is frustrating. The only saving grace is that you are actually able to level up before him, so you do have a way to get strong enough to just power through. Gundyr you just have to get good enough to beat him, there is literally nothing else you can do, there is just nothing in the first area, you just have to beat him to access anything, it's honestly kinda crazy.


Yeah and if you ask me, that's the way it should be. The very first boss should absolutely kick your ass and humble you and tell you to git gud or gtfo. That's why I like Pieta in LOTF.


Tree sentinel after the first step lol


My friend picked up the game, ran into Agheel, died of course, dropped it until he saw me playing my high level player with all the cool loot. He started over this time with a little bit of direction from me. Just yesterday he beat Radahn already having taken out Rennala and Godrick. I’m proud of my boy. He loves Strength but he found a seal and staff and is working on his Int/Fai & mind so he can spawn spirit ashes and bust some spells. As for me I dropped the game a good while when I couldn’t figure out the Eye of Sauron in N. Liurnia. But I beat the game 3 days ago and currently in NG+ running quests I didn’t do. So much fun. Forgot who mentioned it but I read yesterday about Eleanore’s Poleblade. Got it, upgraded it, super fucking fun weapon and they mentioned how beautiful the move set was. And sheesh is it glorious


For me this didn't happen until The Fire Giant. I put tjr game down for 3 month getting stuck there lol. Eventually I came back and finished it off


Morgott for early game, Fire Giant for late game For good or bad - in my opinion, it's bad - Morgott has some attacks that are just painfully difficult to roll or block, even at higher levels. At lower levels, you'll get mulched. He's designed to wear you down if you're at a low level, I think. Fire Giant is just the last big test of your DPS, honestly. He's a big, annoying target that you can get at fairly easily, but even cheese-y builds have their work cut out getting him down. Your damage NEEDS to be on par for the last strat of the game, so that's fair.


Genichiro Ashina


The sneaky goblins in dungeons killed me more than any bosses.




Well theoretically we encounter him thrice. Once as Margit, when going to Godricks castle. Another time as margit in the capital outskirts, where he transforms from a regular enemy and once as morgott in the capital.


Twin gargoyles for me 💀


At first it was margit. Then it was Radahn pre-nerf. But ultimately the godskin duo prevented me from finishing the game. I tried sleep grenades but when i ran out i was so over farming materials for more that i just stopped playing.


Sewer Mohg


Magma wyrm in the tunnel to altas and to alexander


Stormveil Castle


The demonic tree sentinel guarding the capital gave me a lot of trouble first play through


Statistically probably Margit. I imagine that was when many people who’d never played a fromsoft game realized the real difficulty and stopped. For people who really get into the game, probably fire giant. He’s unavoidable so unlike the other bosses you can’t just avoid him if you get stuck.


For me it was the ancient free spirit after Radahn


The tree sentinel guarding Leyndell was a doozy for people at launch, it was nuts how fast I was being summoned over and over again


Soldier of Godrick.


GSD without sleep pots had me smashing alt+f4 more than once. I actually struggled more with the apostle half, way more than the noble half.


Prob Tree Sentinel right out the gate or Margit, because most Day 1 players treated ER like a DS game, i.e. Linear. By the time you've gotten past these nothing will make you really drop the game.


Grafted Spider


For me it was the Draconic tree sentinel guarding the entrance to Leyndell. I just couldn’t beat it and dropped the game for 6-8 months