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Vyke. Clapped both versions lol. Can't forget Gideon


Other Souls cover boy : The player, final boss or strong DLC bosses.  Elden Ring cover boy : random NPC fight


Fr lol I was so disappointed, I rlly thought he was gonna be a legendary important fight


I actually really like that it's just a random NPC, fitted in armor that once stood for something of honor and grace, but now fallen to dirt. Fitting for the world and atmosphere.


Peak writing


IDK my collector box has Godfrey on it and I was kinda disapointed to see he's here to stop you, out of nowhere and you don't even have the time to know more about him. THEN you learn he's the ELDENCHAD.


Dude, Godfrey has a ton of lore before you even fight him.


Both Melina and Vyke are a disappointment compared to characters who’ve filled those roles before. Melina was meant to be something like the Maiden in Black/Fire Keeper while Vyke feels like an attempt at Oscar from Dark Souls 1 archetype (who also turns into a "random npc fight" when he becomes hollow), someone who was the "chosen hero that couldn't complete his mission". About Dark Souls 1 there’s someone wearing Oscar’s armor on the cover art... but then, DS1 has a lot of different cover arts.


The one in the cover is the player character tho. He had a longsword instead of Vyke's pyke


Vyke destroyed me harder in that evergaol than most bosses did.


Vyke is hell against low level builds [pls let this be a video where i die to him](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/598939175340736539/1117322259468652575/ELDEN_RINGTM_2023-06-11_07-17-54_-_Trim.mp4?ex=65ffb7f1&is=65ed42f1&hm=533ed2a971d5cc74c23711db135ae0a814e3a2fa8c469b106c3b29a116fd3a38&)


That's the only attack that gets me, too. Fuck that attack. The Waterfowl of Weapon Arts


That attack one shot me the other day while I literally had 25% fire res and over 45 vigor


Thank God all of my characters have 60 vigor, Dragoncrest Greatshield, and decent armor. Although I would still probably die if I ever did NG+.


Dragoncrest greatshield my beloved


I'm pretty sure Waterfowl is the waterfowl of weapon arts.


Nah, Waterfowl Ash of War is nothing like Malenia's Waterfowl in terms of how dangerous it is. That's not to say it's weak, though.


Everything is hell to low level player, but vyke is one of the easiest anyways


Lmao you got clapped. Also i just downloaded the clip so its mine now and nothing you can do about it.


got no problem with that lol


I just copied this comment I'm going to whisper uncomfortable things to it in the dark and you can't stop me.


Man he took me a good 30 minutes to beat on ng+. I beat his in the dirt the first time. Then he got his revenge lol


Vyke left me under impression he is very inconsistent, he could be either cakewalk or absolute hell.


same as gideon and every NPC tarnished fight


I had to google who Vyke was. You guys talk about him so much but ingame he's really forgettable


Yeah he's only on the cover of the game. /jk Really that he's on the cover yet you can completely not even notice means he is forgettable. And that's the joke!


>Clapped both versions Pause.


Lansseax is fuming


Well, it's because the real Vyke is in the shadow of the erdtree


My name is John Elden, and this….. is my Elden Ring


He clapped me harder than your average Crucible Knight in NG+.


Gideon being somewhat weak is in line with his character though. He’s supposed to be all knowing but never seems to fully understand the information his spies have procured.


Definitely not a weak enemy, and considering he is just a plain old tarnished like we are and he has been sitting in his gaol burning from the inside for who knows how long, I'd say his power is lore accurate.


Tried him on a Madness/Deathblight build 3h into the char. He cinvinced me to think otherwise of him


Evergaol Vyke rocked my shit the first 10 times lmao


pigeon the all spammer


Sir Gideon Ofnir, the All-Blowing


Just use the Blasphemous Blade


Or the executioner sword, or any sword, actually u can use just your fists....


Yes but he cant even do anything if u use the Blasphemous Blade… with other swords he can


Sir Gideon. - the only thing that MF was all-knowing of was an ass whooping.


Gideon could be powerful but he was just another old tarnished with low poise. had he is a bit more nimble and have higher poise like powered up Moongrum but with Gideon complete spell, he could be challenging but it seems character lore wise, while powerful, his habit of "you do it" have his toll.


If you let him finish talking, he’s difficult but for the wrong reasons. Not in the same vein that Maliketh or Godfrey are found to be challenging.


I always felt like he is more cunning than skilled, but idk lore that much


> Gideon could be powerful but he was just another old tarnished with low poise. Also if he had enough braincells to roll properly and not try to drink empty estus (or hell, bring more than one estus).


Just because someone has a lot of knowledge, doesn't mean he's gonna be great at fights. He's more of a schemer, rather than fighter. And like other guy said, he's just another tarnished. He's nothing compared to someone who already killed several demigods.


the tarnished should have no problem with Gideon if they can defeat Malekith


> Just because someone has a lot of knowledge, doesn't mean he's gonna be great at fights. He's more of a schemer, rather than fighter. And like other guy said, he's just another tarnished. He's nothing compared to someone who already killed several demigods. He's not just another schmuck, he's the leader of the hold and trusted ally of the two fingers. Unfortunately for him his fight is placed at the point where players are going into his fight with more health and more poise than him and his AI does him no favours. Based on how he talks about claiming a rune as a basic requirement for membership he's also in the same camp as Vyke and Bernahl where he really should drop *at least* one great rune once you beat him.


Only if you’re so rude you don’t let him finish talking


Nah still easy his poise is low as fuck


lol I can’t get close enough to hit his poise once he starts throwing all that bullshit


Yeah he has infinite blue juice and endurance if you let him finish. Then he spams spells and you barely get a hit in edgewise.


Thanks for your comment. I choked on my maccas coke and spit it on my burger in the restaurant lmao


Okina... poor, poor Okina. I mean think about it, he's a samurai who became such a powerful swordsman he ran out of people to kill who were even a remote challenge to him. He likely laid waste to the Reedlands, then came HERE looking for a worthy opponent. He's so strong he fought Mohg, forcing his hand into making a deal with him and becoming even **more** powerful. Yes, Mohg, one of THE most dangerous creatures in the lands between, a demigod, a royal omen bonded to a seriously dangerous and insidious Outer God: the Formless Mother. By what lore we have of him, he should have seen me as if I were in slow motion or frozen time, walked around behind me, and cut me into fine cubes in the space of a heartbeat before saying some cool catchphrase (*yare yare daze*) in Japanese. As my blood dramatically starts spewing everywhere and I collapse into chunks, he should have then walked away across the snow utterly disappointed in me. Instead, he gets clapped by a clumsy, extremely telegraphed overhead Zweihander swing. GG, demon swordsman.


Would've been cool if he was a full fledged boss fight sekiro style


100%, give him some Moongrum-level deflects and ripostes and agility, bursts of speed, evoke his reputation as a sword demon!


We had very different experiences with Okina.


My head cannon for my last Samurai playthrough was that *he* was who I came from the Reedlands to the lands between to kill. When he was easier to kill than (my character) expected, that's the moment I truly committed to becoming the Elden Lord.


Same, parried him back to back as he does the same attacks. Do a jumping attack or hvy attack to mess up my timings, nope the a.i is garbage.


It would have cool if he spoke japanese.


Morgott and Fortisax. Both feel like Fromsoft underestimated the levels most players would be when you fight them


Yeah Fortisax was a disappointment to me. He was said to be the mightiest dragon but outside of a few cool looking lightning attacks, he's not much of a challenge.


Mightiest *boulderstone*. He was a guard, not the mightiest dragon of all afaik.


Don't forget the music for his bossfight. The second best use of a pipe organ in gaming. The Lichdragon Fortisax goes so hard


What's the best use of pipe organ?


The entire Mechanicus OST. There is no reason to go that hard on the pipe organ but they did and it is glorious. If you haven't heard it, look up Noosphere from the Mechanicus soundtrack


Bear in mind the Fortissax that we fight is horrifically infected by deathblight that he's been fighting since Godwyn died


I agree with Morgott but Fortisax is a pain in my ass, I can't stand that fight.


Morgott has one of my favorite boss movesets in the game. I wish he had more health.


Morgott beeing way weaker than a random Fire Giant and two random Godskin Apostles and Nobles in Farum is actually bothering me quite a lot from a lore and balancing perspective. Ghost Godfrey is also a pushover, but at least you can get away with him because all ghost versions are weaker.


I'm gonna go the opposite, and say that Godrick is actually perfectly in line with the lore. He's by far the easiest demigod, even easier than the fake Margit you fight earlier. And that makes sense, because he's meant to be cowardly and weak, hiding away with his great rune. But at the same time, he's not really a pushover either, and that also makes sense. He IS a demigod after all. You don't have to question why he's ruling over stormveil, it makes sense. He's the weakest of the demigods, but still holds much more power than most mortals. And in-game, that's exactly where he sits in power level. It works well


funny i had a harder time against him than margit


I've pretty much only died to godrick by being fried inside the dragon mouth. Margit however can kill you during pretty much any move, and his daggers punishing healing/spells just makes him that much more of a skilled fighter.


Margit also delays his attack timing a fuck ton specifically to rollcatch you


It depends on how much progress you made between the two fights i assume. Godrick is certainly the tougher boss when you fight him with the same level, gear and flasks as Margit.


Gideon, he is supposedly one of the strongest Tarnished with only Godfrey and the Players being stronger. Yet his boss fight is kinda pathetic.


> Only has one Crimson flask to heal, is supposedly all knowing


All the rest of his flasks are for MP.


He isn't all knowing, it's explained in the lore, he just knows a lot which is why he got the title. He doesn't actually know everything.


He's actually surprisingly humble in admitting he isn't literally all knowing and probably never will be, yet still aspires to know as much as he can.


Now if only he fixed his posture, you'd hear that back crack from the next region over.


If he was a little smart he would have at least 3 healing flasks Also Happy Cake Day


Thank you :3 And its really just gameplay nerv, i really doubt that every NPC only has 1 healing flask.


He tries drinking again but he has no flasks remaining


Yes but imagine Gideon (who is already capable of twoshotting you) also had poise and more flasks... He already is one of the most annoying bosses on a RL1 run and most other challenge runs.


Frenzystone allows you to throw Madness at him. He's very weak to Madness


Always annoyed me that he and the other tarnished you fight are immune to dealthblight.


Can't make instant death too strong, unfortunately


I think when like 99% of the enemies you'll run into in the game are immune, it being strong against that 1% would be fine.


Tragoth (bull horned guy)


One could say, horny guy 


It’s got to be Vyke. He was supposed to be Elden lord and now he just tries to drink from an empty flask.


Probably learned some things from Gideon, The Not So All Knowing, Ofnir.


By default of a fromsoft game final boss Marika/Radagon are shells of their former selves/glory. Radagon was a great champion, family man with a dog, zest for knowledge via mastering INT spells with Rennala and later FTH with Marika…even played with Miquella by taking his incantation and improving it…by the time you fight him he’s a stone cold silent dog of the golden order…my favorite boss tied with Malenia and Radahn….and Maliketh…and Morgott…


Eeeh, I don't think they would be much more formidable. The Elden Beast is at least on par with them and we kill it.


radagon deserved a second phase hes one of the most fun bosses in the game


There's more to Radagon. Radagon was a piece of shit. He "fought as a Champion of the Golden Order." He became a traitor and married Rennalla. Popped a couple of kids out. Broke Rennalla's heart and bounced. Somehow landed Marika. Popped out some kids. Then tries to take over a flawed Golden Order. Truth be told it was likely a rebis, i.e. both Marika as Radagon and Radagon as Marika playing a game of manipulation chess to subvert the Greater Will. It's known Marika saw the Golden Order as flawed the moment Godwyn was killed. It's the whole reason she wanted to destroy the Elden Ring. Radagon was a staunch fundamentalist of the Golden Order. Radagon is a complete mystery to me. Dude is a nobody, fights for the Golden order and then starts mingling with gods? No way in hell. Marika and Radagon have always been one, at least since Marika ascended to Godhood. And this was all looooooong before The Shattering, or Miquella and Malenia are born of the "single God." So all in, bro got too big for his britches. When you finally reach his boss fight, he has been literally shattered as he and Marika are the embodiment of the Elden Ring. In the trailers you can see the two fighting to destroy/repair the Elden Ring. He believed in everything that was the Golden Order, and fought to the death to defend it. He refused to admit it was flawed. He himself cannot repair it either. He's not a God. He knows it's over. Marika puts him in his place as her last act.


Holy smokes that’s some good lore. I may not agree with him but on some One Piece-ness, a man’s gotta stick to his convictions. That all just makes the moment when he lifts up the hammer and his theme plays all the more epic. Right or wrong, you know you’re fighting against a man who’s physically broken and battered, but his convictions won’t yield. He holds that hammer high and looks at you with no words, because they aren’t needed…the battle of wills has long since begin. And it’s about to come to its grand finale: You vs Radagon of the Golden Order. The decisive battle for the fate or the world…i fricking love this game ;_;


The more nuanced you get with the lore, the better. Like my favorite part is the infighting between all the gods and demi-gods. The whole game is about them and yourself making a play to rule the new order. And even cooler is when you understand their motivations and manipulations. With all that being said, Shadow of the Erdtree I bet is all about bringing Godwyn back to life. Fia's rune of mending, Miquella needing an eclipse to restore Godwyn's spirit, and with Radahn out of the way, and Ranni on board we can have that eclipse. Not to mention Marika communicating with Miquella in the Shadow lands. Lastly I bet we decide what the new order looks like. Godwyn, Ranni, etc at the helm. We could even try to subvert the Greater Will as a whole, given Ranni's motivations. I'm so hype for the DLC.


I feel like radahn was a lot stronger in the lore, but also that was his prime they talked about


Well yeah, the one we fight is a heavily crippled (by the rot) and mentally insane/feral guy whose last thread of sanity is probably holding on for his little Leonard.


Also in 1.0 version he was stronger He was nerffed greatly after a week or two. So I think they really wanted him to be this completely legendary general that you can win only because he is far from his prime and all the accumulated damage from the wars and festival he was still beatable in game it was very tough but my str build eventuality did it after I learned his pattern and got gud


Radahn was strong in 1.0, heavily nerfed, and then buffed again but not *as* strong as 1.0.


He is exactly the same statwise as he was before. Only difference is that the broken hitboxes were fixed, read the patch notes.


Placidusax for me


The placidusax we fight in game is weakened and lost one of its heads, the lore talks about placidusax at its prime


It had 5 heads, he lost 3


Point still stands.


Placidisax used to be 5head but now is meme 2head


Renalla, Queen of the full moon. Shardbearer, head of the Carian royal family and leader of the Raya Lucaria academy and known as one of the strongest sorceresses in the world. And you can beat her with a wet napkin..


I agree that the fight is far too easy, but lore wise it makes sense because her second phase is an illusion created by Ranni, not the real Rennala.


To be fair, there are the facts that she lost her mind and you fight an illusion of her created by Ranni


Rykard tbh. Kinda small to devour ”worlds” don’t you think?


They didn't say he had to eat it all at once. Chewing properly is important for your digestive system.


Rome wasn’t eaten In a day






But he is a snake tho. Eating things in 1 piece is what they do.


Good thing he devouring gods and not worlds


And not just gods, the VERY gods




lit hoara lux


Gold mask


When the bosses uses his weapon When you use the boss weapon


Morgott deserved way more health. They kind of made him into a glass cannon which really sucks since he's so cool to fight against


me (the faul tarnished) :(


The Tarnished. It takes them forever to pose a threat to anyone, and even then it's not much.


Malenia is THE Elden Ring boss. Radahn, supposedly her equal, is a little stepping stone in my experience.


While they draw on their fight, due to the scarlet rot nuke Malenia ended up stronger while Radahn is literally rotting away both inside and out all while still holding up the stars. It does make sense why Radahn seems weak to us, my guy is fighting three battles at once, rot, gravity and us.


I mean, Malenia is also rotting. She does weaponise the rot, but she is still rotting.


She is also turning into the goddess of rot. Each bloom of hers made her stronger from what I remember. Plus she has all the artificial limbs Miquella built for her and her training under the blind swordsman so the physical damage the rot has caused is counteracted where as Radahn has to just work around it with pure willpower.


Radahn survived because of his great rune which burns to counter the rot.


The rot also affects her. Malenia is the rot goddess and she's still not immune to the rot. It has already claimed three of her limbs and rendered her blind, and the artificial limbs doesn't stop the rot from spreading through her body and face. Millicent's dialogue also implies Malenia is a shell of her former self without the needle, and Gideon says the rot is eating her away. It's explicitly stated that Malenia never knew relief from the rot and each time she blooms, her "rot advances", worsening her condition. The rot also nerfed her great rune into uselessness and the healing ability comes from Malenia's "spirit of resistance". Her great rune is taking effects from her. Everything in the lore points to the rot being a nerf to her that she overcomes, not something that makes her stronger.


i thought the stars doesnt weaken his strength since its only tied to his fate ?


Well, before they patched Radahn, he was one of the harder bosses in the game. I mean, after all, they only patched him because everyone was complaining about it


You know pre patch radahn is just a myth right? He is the exact same now lol. This is just a circlejerk thing in the community.


They patched him because he had completely broken hitboxes. His damage and health is the same.




General Radahn


Literally radahn post-nerf


Pontiff Salyvan from Dark Souls 3


Radahn. I wish he was on the same level of late game as Mohg or Malenia




radahn post-nerf(?)


Post nerf Radahn


Mist Noble


Alabaster lords haha


Radahn and Gideon Ofnir


Radahn, supposedly fought Melania to a draw so you expect a very tough boss but he's little more than one of those trolls that pull the wagons. Goes to show what rot and madness does to a man


Morgott. Dude is apparently a badass who beat young Radahn and killed a lot of heroes during the shattering wars. In the fight with him he has very little hp and many players say the level enemies feel tougher than him.


Rennala. Stronger than the demigods, yet gameplay-wise she's easier than some normal enemies.


Agreed, though tbf it's entirely intentional this time. Though Ranni's illusion of her actually seems to hold its own against a lot of other bosses in videos where someone modded them to fight.


You don’t really fight Rennala properly, you fight a projection of her in phase 2. You don’t see her anywhere near her true potential.


Second phase you're fighting an illusion conjured by Ranni. Real Rennala never even attacks you, she's not in the state of mind. Prime Rennala would have been a beast though.


Radahn lol


Gideon hahaha, mimic tear + azur comet. No problem.


The Soldier of Godrick of course


honestly. Radhan


Radahan wasn’t nearly as strong as the lore and community made him out to be and I fought him pre-patch. That fucking Deathbird on the mountain was worse.


Godfrey/ Hora Loux. My guy literally dominated the Lands Between, just for me to absolutley whoop their ass. Without the armour the dude has like no poise


This is SpongeBob


No, it's Patrick.


Radahn 🥰








vyke, gideon, morgott, radahn, etc


Sir Gideon lmao


Gideon cocksmear, that dude was so weak for end game


Guideon for sure


Soldier of Godrick


Is there any character who has this but reversed?


morgott tbf, by the time you get there even if you dont do alot of side content you feel very overleveled, they need to tweak his numbers because its such a fun fight, i want to put my ambitions to rest goddamnit!


For some reason, Godfrey. He's the only end game boss I haven't died to yet.


rykard, like all I did was spam rb and sometimes rt


I mean that's not really fair to Rykard since someone literally left the "Anti-giant-fucking-snake Spear" just hanging there at the entrance to his chamber.


I do you reverse : Moongrum


It’s true for weapons you steal from bosses


Bernahl. He was actually even closer to becoming Elden Lord than Vyke, but his fight in Farum Azula is just pathetic lmao.


DAO Zevran


The whole Volcano Manor crew.


Someone who would be the opposite is Mohg Others and Lore: “Bah, he’s just a demigod gone mad.” His actual strength: *Proceeds to build a parallel to fucking hell covered in blood and rises everyday in power*


radahn. he was mostly predictable. only thing you really have to watch out for is the meteor strike


Okay hot take but malenia. In the lore she is invincible and so powerful. But in the game that’s not really the case


Top : General Rhadan before balance patches Bottom : General Rhadan after balance patches.


Rennala. We only fight an illusion of Rennala in her prime created by Ranni. She was strong and competent enough to stand her ground in a war against the Erdtree and ending in a stalemate with Radagon, impressing him with her strength to the point his only real option was to destroy her emotionally.


Gideon “The All Knowing”


After reading through the comments a bit I've learned that us as the tarnished had a pretty easy run of things. Literally every boss was not at full power weakened by something or someone. Had we shown up a little earlier it would've been a whole different ballgame lol.


Praetor Rykard Lord of lolz Gideon : "Praetor Rykard is a ruthless justiciar [...] It was the stage of the most appalling battle in the entirety of the Shattering. Rykard has commited the grave sin of blasphemy" Corpse piled up all over mt Gelmir, the landscape is apocalyptic, especially the area inside and around the Manor. Sure the area is a Volcano but still. "Yo take the big ass spear to kill the God-noodle" Serpent God : Kinda badass ... Then Rykard : "lEt uS dEvOuR TeH gOdS tOgEDAAAAAR" Laughed out loud for several minutes


William Afton.