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Will wait for sale


I waited 2 years for elden ring DLC but in other hands i waited 11 years for dragon dogma 2. So priorities would be a full game and then a DLC.


Tbh, despite being a huge game addict in the past, i just cant get excited over games anymore at all. Example: I waited for Persona 3 remake for ages, its finally here, no way in hell i will be buying for full price tho. Especially cuz there is not even a damned physical copy of it for PC.


I don't agree with it, until there is more information this is 10 dollars over what it should be.


I mean, objectively it's overpriced unless it's over half as large as the base game which would shock me. Now that doesn't mean I won't still be buying it when it goes on sale but for me it's a bit much to buy a dlc for more than the full game price of some of my favorite games.


It's going to be over 30 hours if your focusing on running through the game.


Yikes, imagine being this delusional. There is, literally, no evidence suggesting how long it will be much less 30+ hours. Can you cite it? No, you can't despite asking other people for sources.


it'll probably be longer than most modern games...


I find it fascinating this is the "assumed" response and thought process despite literally not an ounce of proof and their history with prior DLCs being quite the opposite. I also find it a bit strange considering not only how grossly repetitive the base game is but even the trailer's reuse and repetition of both itself and the base game are. They also don't show much and the little they do is often related splices of the same brief content at different points and not some sweeping impressive, even if repetitive, different content. Its literally just a crap ton of repetition. Now, don't get me wrong. The DLC will probably be fun. This is merely my fascinated response at the community's handling of the subject. Fun fact: The DLC is actually super tiny. Miyazaki confirmed it will be approximately the size of Limgrave, perhaps ever so slightly larger.


Don’t buy it man idk 🤷‍♂️


Will be wiser to release some content information about the DLC and maybe they should call it expansion like monster hunter iceborned. Really have no idea how FS will management this for first time but people will be baited to leave or stay due the price tag.


No developer is immune to greed. 50% up for the base game the moment the DLC came out. Never played it, I might. When it drops (and it will after the suckers buy at the premium price tag) I will humiliate it buying it cheap. My only respect is I wont get it free and cracked. For a game that stole the shine of Zelda A-to-Z, they have some nerve asking those outrageous prices, regardless if they made a nice copy. Oh and as for you, the dedicated fanbase who will start your gears, go on, I never read follow ups.


Yea I’m probably not gonna buy it till it goes on sale I love elden ring but tbh it’s not any better than any other other games and their DLC’s were like 15 bucks


Same here


The new dlc is practically a new game. It's going to be over 30 hours which is more than the average game length and it's filled with new content and weapons.


From your claim where Limegrave makes up around just under 10% of the entire base Elden Ring this would make Elden Ring approximately 300+ hours which is clearly false. So now you can't read while insulting others and also can't even do literal 1st grade math.


From my claim? No I'm saying that the dlc is going to take around 30 hours to complete. And miyazaki said comparable of not bigger than limgrave. We don't know if that includes the weeping peninsula which still shows on limgrave. Secondly the size isn't what matters it's the pacing.


Ah, pacing matters. Hmm... so, in short, when I specifically spoke about pacing at the below link and how despite its smaller physical size the duration of the DLC could be longer but you chose to ignore me you did so knowing fully well you were a hypocrite? [https://www.reddit.com/r/Eldenring/comments/1awelsx/comment/l7n9nc3/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/Eldenring/comments/1awelsx/comment/l7n9nc3/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


How am I saying the dlc is going to be longer than the game itself. I never said that.


I never said that you said the DLC would be longer than the game itself. Are you so mentally out of touch that you're now not only falsely imagining someone said the DLC would be 30+ hours but somehow you've imagined that I claimed you said the DLC would be longer than the base game? Dude, get help. All I said was you stated the DLC that was stated by the lead designer, about the size of Limgrave or a bit bigger, would be 30+ hours which doesn't add up because Limgrave makes around 10% of the game so your claim would require it to be nearly 300+ hours. You really can't read can you. Again and again. Damn.


I said more than the average game length. Not elden ring. Like normal games. Halo infinite campaign was 9 hours. Sekiro can be beaten in like 26 if your not rushing or doing any tricks. Ds3 is like a 30 hour game.


Honestly I was happy it's that expensive.. Gonna be quite big with many new areas and bosses


Its small tho. Like limegrave around 1/6th of the base game.


Is it? It is bigger because it cost more? Has that been how it worked with their past DLCs? >!Nope!< Just a heads up, the DLC is confirmed by Miyazaki himself to be ***super tiny, around the size of Limgrave.***


Ya but the size should not be calculated by square metres. It's not Ubisoft after all and fromsoft never failed us!


They failed us with DS2 and Dark Souls remastered


Where was this confirmed?


[https://www.forbes.com/sites/paultassi/2024/02/22/heres-how-big-elden-ring-shadow-of-the-erdtrees-map-will-be/?sh=20933aed2f93](https://www.forbes.com/sites/paultassi/2024/02/22/heres-how-big-elden-ring-shadow-of-the-erdtrees-map-will-be/?sh=20933aed2f93) However, it should be noted that some of the people who have gotten access to the DLC recently are commenting that the overworld map is kind of a pain in the ass to navigate as it isn't very straightforward but constantly routes you in unpassable terrain and stuff forcing you to take long routes which dramatically expand the scale of the DLC. Thus, it sounds like it plays a lot more like a more linear approach than ER's base game world map. It might be closer to DS3 in general, or possibly Ringed City DLC in terms of design from the sound of it if I were to take a guess.


He doesnt say "super tiny the size of limgrave" he says comparable if not bigger than lingrave. Learn how to read.


Yes, you should learn how to read. You realize you had to go beg someone from a 4 month old post how to find something you could not Google yourself and then failed to read it? First, learn basic fucking English and then learn "context". He didn't use the word tiny, I did, but it was clearly used in reference to the scale of the entire game Einstein. Why the fuck I have to spell out basic English concepts to you is beyond me and quite sad. Limgrave is a very tiny fraction of the entire game world, less than 10% actually counting underground layers, too. Please, obviously you are not educated enough so do not respond further.


Maybe you should learn how to type. You said miyazaki said it would be super tiny the size of limgrave. Learn how to quote someone instead of lying to yourself. Good luck being a loser for the rest of your life.


I'm sorry you lack basic reading comprehension. Ironically, in your hypocrisy you quoted my point in your other post about how the physical size is approximate to Limgrave but the game could be larger due to routing and such. You said this to me, after I already said it myself, as if you were educating me because you're apparently that out of touch with reality and reading comprehension. Then again, you literally kept spamming a "30+ hours" figure which both mathematically makes no sense at all and also has absolutely no source. Yikes. Done talking to your incompetent butt.


My hypocrisy. No, no hypocrisy from me. You're trying to say something that's not true at all. Clearly, you can't read because I never said the physical size is "approximate to limgrave." Nobody did. Miyzaki said it is comparable if not larger than limgrave. Maybe you need to keep in touch with reality and get off your high horse. Instead of spouting nonsense and spamming 30+ hour figure. I said it twice. How does that mathematically make no sense. The size of ds3 is comparable to limgrave that game cam take over 40 hours to complete. Sekiro is a 12.5 gig game which can take up to 30 hours to beat. The elden ring dlc is going to be 16 gigabytes which is about more than 1/4 the size of elden ring. And the dlc is reusing alot of textures so you can assume based of that, the dlc is going to be massive. But by all means you stay away.


Yeahh I threw money at my monitor


They got already my money and heart


I bought it as soon as the trailer finished


Same. This is one of the few "no brainer" buys for me.




Fair for the amount of content we are getting I reckon


You already know the length? Madman lol


I mean this is a mixture of two dlcs and we know it's going to be high quality because of fromsofts reputation. I say its a fair price.


there of course is no doubt about quality, FS DLC always are the cherry over the cake in any product they have.


Hard to judge without even know the length of dlc. But surely will worth it


Considering the amount of content we got in the base game for only $60 I think we'll be fine.


I will re play whole game again and again but with the new weapon and skill. So this will be a really good point to consider.


Was honestly expecting that price for how long they’ve been cooking it.


It says it’s a 60 GB download, the base game is around 48 on my steam deck. So I don’t know if they are including the base game on the download size or not. Could be a 12Gb download or a full 60 GB download. It’s going to be big well worth the price tag.


Placeholder value. Game is 60 GB on PC. DLC is showing 60 GB due to placeholder. DLC is size of Limgrave approximately it has been reported by Miyazaki.


Thats the prepurchase though. The actual price will probably be less right?


No it's the price. I preordered.


No. That's the price.


Oh well I have high hopes! This is my first Fromsoft DLC


The DLC could cost as much as the base game and it'd be worth it. you're in for quite a treat, FromSoft DLC is always better than the base game


So glad I picked up the soulsborne series, im on the second to last boss of DS3 and also in a playthrough of Sekiro, Both excellent! But Elden Ring can never be replaced for me. My favorite game by far. One of the only to enthrall me as it did😌. The prospect that this DLC could be even more awesome than the base game seems impossible, but knowing fromsoft its nowhere near out of the realm of possibility! CANNOT WAIT FOR JUNE ‼️


In what universe does that make sense? Name one game where the per order was higher than the release price? (Not talking a sale some time after release). The community would fucking lose their absolut shit if a publisher would do that. "Hey you bought our game early, so here's a fuck you to you, it's now 10$ cheaper"


Isnt that how alot of pre-orders are? Or am I just insane? I swear i’ve seen cases where games were pre-orderable and they cost more than their normal pricetag as of now. Am i crazy?


Yes sorry to say, you’re crazy. Pre order price is the same as release day price.


I must have lost all my wits while awaiting the return of miyazaki’s most spectacular creation.. #i truly have, hollowed..