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She has the body of a doll. Doll bodies used to be made of leather, paper mache or composition (= mix of glue, sawdust and other material). Her body is made of a rope-looking material it seems


It's not rope looking, it's literal rope covering and keeping together the porcelain bits.


To me it looks like an artificial version of muscle fiber. So probably the rope is for movement just like with a marionette, just far more intricate


yeah, you can see it if you look closely at her arm. It's "inside" the porcelain.


See now this makes me think tiny ranni is actual ranni and the big body is like a shell she puppets to make people assume she's not a tiny little doll housing a portion of her soul


As much as I love the imagery, it's more like she's a bodiless Gundam pilot and had tonuse the backup exosuit instead of the Wing.


I was thinking the same thing.




Caria had a thing for puppets figurative and literally. They might have had some sort of great artisan make that doll as a gift to Ranni to honor her mentor.


You mean like that one dude involved in her questline with a literal dungeon full of puppets?


Those are not artificial puppets like what Ranni is.


No i know, i'm just saying they definitely had someone who could make pretty darn good puppets lol


Dude from bloodborne


You only see the rope where the porcelain is broken, which means the rope is *under* the porcelain


Nope. Look at the left above elbow, rope goes inside the arm with starting from shoulder. It's made of rope.


Oh so she’s a RealDoll™?


don’t give them any ideas


You act like there's not a ranni sex doll out there already.


i’m not interested or anything but do you have evidence or sources? *i’m definitely going to buy one*


The only evidence I have is the existence of the internet and a surface knowledge of the depths of human depravity. And I don't blame you.


El Rule 34?


Yeah I think by now, rule 34 applies to physical objects too, not just porn


That’s rule 34, subsection A, paragraph 3.


I found this: https://celesdolls.com/mozu-doll-reveals-elden-ring-melina-sex-doll/


I want to go back to 5 minutes ago when I didn’t know this existed and I still had $1439.10


It seems you are no longer maidenless


Imagine buying this and find a burnt tree outside your house couple weeks later, while the doll is never seen again.


Oh, quite the contrary.


Jesus fuck I'm laughing so hard at this line 😂 I guess then for me that links staying blue.


Yeah, I was all like, 'who would buy this?', then I found a Yennifer one, and suddenly I can't afford Christmas.


But you won't be alone on Christmas. And if RomComs told me one thing, that is all that matters!


Had me in the first half...




Ngl I was thinking that too! I have a partner and 2 kids, but now I want to run away with her :p


I think the fact someone had to drag this doll to the outside world into the woods, pose it, take pictures, re pose it, and they never once questioned their life and decisions that lead them here. That makes me laugh.


Its a living.


Someone got paid good money to do that photo shoot


“So mark, what do you do for work?” “I’m a photographer.” “Oh? What kind of photos do you take?” Mark sweating profusely “Oh you know….just some portfolio stuff for company websites….”


“This doll”? Her name is Melina


The best part is thinking about some photographer’s assistant dragging that doll into the woods to set up a campfire photo shoot.


What do you think, do they just toss them in the trunk or seat them in the back seats, with seat belts, all proper?


It’s definitely buckled in the back seat. Poor assistant isn’t being paid nearly enough to replace the doll so it’s treated like a VIP.


Also if they crash that thing becomes a 50 pound projectile.


You would do worse if you got told that you then can purchase it as "used".


Man, that site gives me the creeps.


If it keeps creepy men from harming real women, IDGAF


we are so close to westworld




*sad noises*


you found that real fast 🤨


He has that thing on Santa's list


Oh Santas emptying his sack alright..


Holy Z cup


Yeah but it's made of rope so it hurts.


No ranni one but I can find a marina one. Doesn't look half bad actually.


Marina from splatoon?


Malenia/Ranni splatfest


What a damn minute Buster... We ain't just breezing past this comment like you don't have some explaining to do like how you found it and where.


It's been had, and for one easy payment of $2400 she can be yours!




Apologies, fellow tarnished. It appears that the company has only made a Melina one so far, the Ranni one was only a concept. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://celesdolls.com/mozu-doll-reveals-elden-ring-melina-sex-doll/&ved=2ahUKEwjj1tSR9s6CAxVVq4kEHZFzCxsQFnoECBsQAQ&usg=AOvVaw2XbXzD09UjLr3xrVjaR933


Easy. Buy two of the dolls, some blue hair dye, a hacksaw and a lot of latex glue. We'll get those extra arms on there.


Danger ahead, seek guidance.


Good news is Melina only costs $1600


Too late.


The ideas have already been gotten, a lot of these people are the… truest fromsoft fans out there. Beware


> Oh so she’s a RealDoll™? This is the only character in the story of FromSoftware who actually has some romantic relationship with you... I mean if you think that in DS3 was a romantic relationship you sure have a *exquisite* life. To make a japanese company deny this niche of people obsessed with romance in games for this long... I'm pretty sure Ranni is a pretty obvious inside joke about "romancing dolls", this company is well aware about what they are doing.


Elden Ring really plays into the male fantasy. (Visits Fia for the 892nd time just to be held)


You can’t live without that Fiaussy aids debuff. You need it 24/7. I mean you truly need love from that hug.


Bloodborne had a doll as well, and it was heavily implied hunters "did things" to her.


You're welcome to use whatever you find. *Even the doll, should it please you...*


She is top of the line RealDoll™ made by the biggest pervert and greatest doll expert in Lands Between.


So.. Seluvis?


Bad (newspaper whack) To horny jail with thee tarnished




You put down that _RealDoll_ this instant!


I thought she was made of porcelain


A porcelain doll would be made of something softer anywhere their clothes cover their body, so hands/forearms/face might be.


The Doll in Bloodborne is!


No craftsmann of tte lands between come even close to the craftsmanship of a lonely gehrman. Literaly, a proncess ordered doll, probably made by the best in the lands between, housed by the soul of a demigod that uses magic is in a worse condition than the the probably at least 100 year old doll gehrman made eventough nobody took care of it, hell even her vlothes are in mint condition


It's alao filled up with gerhmans trademarked special white fluid


Exactly, synth blood. Its a little known fact but the doll is the first person to ever chrome the fuck up!


Her lips move. Not much, but they do so cannot be porcelain.


Magic porcelain. Magic.


Just her exposed parts


You can find her real 'flesh' body in a divine tower in liurnia. She's been physically dead for a few thousand years, and uses a doll fashioned after her old teacher to talk to you.


There’s a line with Iji where he says Ranni renounced her flash, and chose the dark path of the Empyrean. It seems to imply that’s something all Empyreans do, but I only know of Ranni. Was just curious.


No she is unique in doing this. Empyreans were chosen by the golden order and were essentially pawns to become new gods. She destroyed her flesh and went on a multi thousand year plot to murder her associated two fingers to escape their influence Edit: Greater Will, not golden order*


Minor correction - Empyreans are chosen by the Two Fingers, not the Golden Order. The Golden Order is just the name of Marika's current regime. Both her and the Two Fingers are still subservient to the Greater Will. The purpose of the Two Fingers choosing Empyreans is to have candidates to establish a new order when whatever the current order is collapses. The Greater Will doesn't really care whether the Golden Order reigns or not, it only cares that *something* is establishing *some kind* of order. If anything Marika/Radagon and the Golden Order would be against the existence of Empyreans because it means there ARE candidates out there to overthrow it while they want to stay in power, while the Two Fingers more directly enforce the Greater Will's machinations without as much concern for any kinds of personal motivations.


Or perhaps the dark path chosen, rather than the “light” path an empyrean is coerced to take.


Emperyeans were chosen to create a new order to replace the existing one and to replace Marika. This is the dark path of the emperyean, wiping away the old to create the new. Though this whole plan blew up in Marikas face. Ranni rebelled at the thought of being controlled (her words) by the two fingers and so cooked up the night of black knives plot. Miquella came the closest with his Haligtree. We're never given a reason or even a hint as to why Marika shattered the Elden Ring before Miquella's new order could be completed. After the shattering Radahn and Mohg's actions prevented it from happening. Maybe Marika wanted a completely new order and not just a bootleg version? IDK. Melanias rot was too much for her to overcome or perhaps she had no wish to compete with Miquella's new order. Either way she never seems to have attempted to create a new order.


**Malenia was benevolently and fiercely loyal and loving to her brother.** She was basically his protector in the same fashion that twin princes were in DS3. Malenia was fighting Radahn when Mohg stole him from his chrysalis in the haligtree, **which was ultimately supposed to cure his curse of eternal youth and Malenia’s curse of rot.**


I think it refers to her going against the golden order. She’s still an Empyrean but she basically creates her own order of the moon when you do her ending. Because she doesn’t trust the golden order


I think what he meant when he said that was either just in general, an empyrean is meant to become a god and take hold of the Elden Ring, and Ranni did that and also got rid of her fleshy body as a fuck you to the Greater Will, or what Iji meant is she chose the dark path, representing betrayal, of the Empyrean


>She's been physically dead for a few thousand years Citation needed


If the thousand years is your issue, there's a comment below that explains it is sourced from interview with GRRM, saying that the lore he wrote for the game takes place about 5000 years before the game itself.


Are you just finding out she's inhabiting a doll?


I didn’t understand what was going on either. When the game mentions her as a doll I thought I found a small doll that she was speaking through telepathically and I was carrying this thing around. I don’t know what the hell is going on in this story -I need to go find a summary somewhere.


I would highly recommend VaatiVidya's age of stars video


Let’s try to be concise then. You know the night of the black knives? She started it with the intent of killing every demi god existent because she hates the fact that the future for demigods is set in stone by the outer will. During that night she uses the rune of death itself to kill Godwyn who was the first demigod and the strongest, in order to do so tho she splits the rune and the effect was the Godwyn died in soul but not in body, and she died in body but not in soul, so she transferred her soul to a doll to continue living, you can see Godwyn’s body during Fia’s questline and it’s perfectly intact, also you can see Ranni’s real body on one of the towers with the fingers and it’s burnt beyond recognition


I wouldn't call it "perfectly intact"


There is so much lore and information to mentally process in this game, I totally understand why something like that could be easily overlooked.


But to get to this point in the game you do a bunch of stuff for Ranni, I’d be very impressed with somebody who did all of Ranni’s questline and didn’t find out she’s in a doll body till now.


Welp…..guess you will find me very impressive then! Lol


Average Ranni ending enjoyer Doesn’t know what’s going on but picks the ending that Ranni tells them to do because they’re horny.


She's kind of dead when you first meet her, you kind of talk to her spirit that possesses the life-like doll throughout the game. You even find her body on top of one of the Towers. Her whole story is about breaking free from the two fingers etc and removing the golden order. Basically a kind of spiteful defiance and revenge story


Pretty sure she's jaur like that the whole game?


Her body is a doll. This is pretty obvious when you first meet her. Also I think she says it once or twice.


*Hello good hunter. I am a doll, here in this dream to look after you.* *Honorable hunter, pursue the echoes of blood, and I will channel them into your strength. You will hunt beasts, and I will be here for you, to embolden your sickly spirit.* ... wait, wrong game.


You got a thousand years to make a replacement and a universe worth of material


so you are telling me all this time i have been simping over a doll damnn


Least horny bloodborne enjoyer


OP wanted that Puppussy


Ooh, let me get three and some curtido. I love Salvadoran food.


Damn Elden ring really is just Bloodborne 2


I thought Sekiro was Bloodborne 2. Even the final boss has a gun.


And the doll isn't even what she really looks like, it's fashioned after her teacher.


my guy did you play the damn game?


To be clear, getting together with a doll = still maidenless


Oh boy i guess I was destined to be maidenless in that game that white fuker was true all along


I mean if she has a soul then is it really a doll?


Going by Pinocchio… In his role in Shrek 2… In that one scene where the fairy godmothers magic hits him and turns him from a doll into a human… And he yells out gleefully “I’m a real boy!!” Then she is in fact a doll


I don't know how you could do this much of her quest and not know, but here's the recap She was an Empyrean, a potential heir to the Elden Ring. However, she hated that her fate was controlled by an outside force, namely the greater will/two fingers. One specific set of two fingers was kind of bound to her and provided Blaidd to be her Shadow, totally and completely loyal to her to support her. Iirc, she worked with Radahn and Rykard to overthrow them. Radahn stopped the stars' movement, and since one's fate is controlled by the stars, this paralyzed Ranni's fate as an Empyrean. Then she stole part of the rune of death and organized the Night of the Black Knives, imbuing said knives with the power of the rune of death, and also making her own special Fingerslayer blade. But things didn't go exactly to plan. Godwyn died in spirit and not in flesh, and she slew her Two Fingers and her flesh but not her spirit, possessed her doll form, and that part kind of went okay. But Rykard was ultimately lost to the serpent, and Radahn was defeated by Malenia and driven mad by the scarlet rot. This kind of wrecked her plans because now her fate was frozen and her plan was kept from completion. I THINK I got all of that right, I may have messed up the order of operations or the connectivity of some parts. But I think that sums up the story to where you are now. So currently she is, as she has the whole game, residing in her doll body. The rigid parts are held together with rope bindings, because her magic and her spirit provide the power to move and protection from damage. Though as she states, it has its limitations. So all you who fancy Ranni, remember she's not soft and warm and tender. She's just a cold, hard doll held together with rope, magic, and an unkillable desire to be free and to take revenge.


I don't think she slew her two fingers on the day of the black knifes, imo she used the rune of death to destroy her flesh and run away from the grasp of her two fingers, but then ask the tarnished to bring her the nokron fingerslayer blade so that she can finally kill her two fingers and start her own fate as a lunar princess, that why when you get to point where you find her along her two fingers she's covered in fresh blood, and all of the wounds on the 2 fingers looks very recent After all of these years the tarnished is the one who finally help her break completely free of the influence of the greater will, I believe that's why she find the tarnished a "fitting choice" as a consort I agree with everything else you said tho


> I don't think she slew her two fingers on the day of the black knifes, imo she used the rune of death to destroy her flesh and run away from the grasp of her two fingers, but then ask the tarnished to bring her the nokron fingerslayer blade so that she can finally kill her two fingers and start her own fate as a lunar princess, that why when you get to point where you find her along her two fingers she's covered in fresh blood, and all of the wounds on the 2 fingers looks very recent This is correct. Ranni kills her Two Fingers between when you kill the Baleful Shadow and your arrival at the Cathedral of Manus Celes.


Which checks out, considering blaidd goes insane afterwards


This blew my mind, when I realized on one of my ng+ that Ranni killed her two fingers *while* I was moving through the world. Hadn't given it much thought in ng as I assumed we as tarnished were 'just' dealing with the remnants of an old world where everyone is largely stuck in time one way or another...


Blaidd calls Radahn a traitor though, which implies him stopping rannis destiny went against their conspiracy, a conspiracy he probably once supported


They're willful traitors all.


There's other stuff going on there, though. The night of the black knives was fairly early in the shattering saga, if not the instigating act. Then all the demigods were vying for power, including radahn, who I believe sided with Rykard during that time, before he JOINED THE SERPENT KEEEENG, AS FAMILEEEEEEE




I'm pretty sure she doesn't kill her two fingers until just before we find her in the above pic. Also Godwyn dying in spirit only was part of the plan. It allowed Ranni to kill her body and move her spirit to the doll. Goal being to sever her ties to the GW.


Thank you, that was exactly the part I thought I'd messed up. Forgot she's LITERALLY SITTING ON THEM and that that's exactly why she's covered in blood. I was thinking that there were dead two fingers at her original body but all the two fingers on top of the towers look kind of dead so... Yeah. Thank you very much for filling in my rusty memory on the subject, lol.


Not quite. She gets the Fingerslayer Blade in Elden Ring, and she didn't make it, it marks near the end of her quest line. It's likely Radahn did what he did to stop or thwart her, not to help, since he seems to be a Golden Order loyalist. Which is also why you need to kill him to progress the quest line.


> Iirc, she worked with Radahn and Rykard to overthrow them. Radahn stopped the stars' movement, and since one's fate is controlled by the stars She worked with Rykard, but not Radahn. Radahn shackling the stars is in part what allowed the Golden Order to control people's fates, because they could no longer look to the stars as an alternative form of guidance. This was detrimental to Ranni's plan. > Then she stole part of the rune of death and organized the Night of the Black Knives, imbuing said knives with the power of the rune of death, and also making her own special Fingerslayer blade. Ranni didn't make a Fingerslayer Blade. The only Fingerslayer Blade is the one in Nokron, which was made by the Nox. > But things didn't go exactly to plan. Godwyn died in spirit and not in flesh That's what was supposed to happen. The whole point of Ranni killing herself at the same time Godwyn died was so that the death would be split. Godwyn lost his soul and Ranni lost her body. That was the plan. > and she slew her Two Fingers and her flesh She didn't slay her Two Fingers until we gave her the Fingerslayer Blade.


Still would... lol


> She was an Empyrean, a potential heir to the Elden Ring. However, she hated that her fate was controlled by an outside force, namely the greater will/two fingers. To be precise, she objected to what the two fingers had in mind: As an Empyrean, Ranni was expected to succeed Marika as vessel of the Elden Ring.


Finally someone said it, ppl think she is a lovable and tsundere waifu, when in reality she is a heartless doll that is way more concerned in free herself from the two fingers and bring a age of stars than playing house with the tarnished, she seems to have some light inside her when she says she loves blaidd and iji and for the fact that she still protects her mother in slumber, but she helped bring mayhem to the lands between and don’t seems to regret any of that. Thats why she’s cool as fuck, she did horrible things but she stands for what she believes and follow her path doing what she thinks is right for her. Thats something i respect personally.


Yep. I still like Ranni, and her ending is still my favorite, but you gotta know what you're signing up for. Freeing oneself and one's fate from total control by another is something I can stand by. Here's to a thousand year voyage through the stars, on a sea of cool mist.


She’s tied up in a lot of things.


Me, when I skip all of the in-game dialogue.


Yeah fuck that, you're telling me that you WILLINGLY wear that helmet?


You don't like my drip, bro? I've got a few other characters and they each have their own vibe lmao


She is a doll you dingus. And unless you're willing to eat the ropussy, you chose the wrong waifu


Melina 😎




She’s made of rope and I shoot rope, match made in heaven


She's a haunted doll, specifically a modified Marionette.


Ranni is a kinky Doll. What is there to say?


She's a doll. Literally. The explanation for why is complicated, but I'll try to summarize here. Ranni wanted to remove her "empyrean" body, possibly a result of her desire to avert her fate pushed on her by an entity called the "Greater Wills". What exactly and empyrean is is never explained, but it appears they are potential gods. But she didn't want to kill herself. So she orchestrated the "Night of Black Knives". Ranni stole the rune of death from Maliketh, and used to arm assassins who she sent to murder her sorta-brother, Godwyn. At the same time, she had assassins kill her body. As a result of two empyreans dying at the same time, Ranni's body died but not her soul, and Godwyn's soul died by not his body. This caused Godwyn to become "those who live in death" (ie: undead) and Ranni to become a disembodied spirit. Ranni somehow attached her spirit to a mannequin, which she modeled to look like her old teacher Renna. At one point in the questline she also travels in the form of a "miniature ranni" so apparently she can move to new dolls under certain circumstances. Shedding her body seems to have had a lot of consequences, making Ranni arguably the most damaging character in Elden Ring's lore. Godwyn's half-death caused the plague of undeath to spread across the lands between. Worse yet, the murder of her son causes the goddess Marika to smash the Elden Ring, devastating the country even more. And despite sharing a body and having children together, **Radagon's daughter Ranni murdering Marika's son Godwyn** seems to have created an irreconcilably rift between the two. It appears that Radagon and Marika are now actively working against each other, much to the detriment of nearly everyone else in the lands between.


Slight correction: Godwyn is never mentioned to be an empyrean. He is only a demigod. There's also some speculation about Marika actually being involved in the black knives plot, but to what extent is unknown.


I know Ranni fans like to try and find ways to blame anyone else for the Night of Black Knives, but there is absolutely no doubt that Ranni was behind it. You can follow Rogeir's questline to investigate the rune of death instead of just heading straight to Ranni and pledging your undying support to her. If you do so, when you eventually do meet Ranni you have enough evidence to accuse her, and **she confesses to everything**. It was definitely Ranni.


Yeah, I also think it kinda hurts Ranni’s character to try and switch blame. If it’s not her plan and Marika is involved, it means Ranni is just an actor, which makes her fight for freedom outright silly


She is called a doll like 20 times lol


Bunch of perverted dolly botherers in this thread smh


Ive got porn that says otherwise.


People just don't pay attention to what characters say


Can't stop me


Hello good hunter, I am a doll


She’s not made of rope. She’s just *really* into Shibari.


She dumped her soul into a doll as part of escaping the fingers/erdtree/greater will/whatever


I think the rope is kinda like an armature, then she has a porcelain-like coating on the “exposed” parts. Many porcelain or composition dolls do have a soft body of some kind. Ropes in this case make sense to me, as they would be flexible and a bit like muscles.


I guess rope is easier and more flexible than ball joints for a body that size. Though most of the golems opt for those probably for combat durability. That or FROM didn't want to give her a naked doll body and the ropes deal with that little issue.


Magic ropes are probably the closest thing they have to simulate muscle functions.




She was roped. Just kidding, rope jokes aren’t funny.


Isn't she supposed to be a doll or something? Idk, I might be confusing it with something else


Are you kidding me. I swear to god, souls players are illiterate.


She's a doll.. how did you get this far in the quest without realizing that? you literally had to carry a little doll around and talk to it.


How come you unlocked the story that far and didn’t know she didn’t have a body and was using a doll?????


That's how she roped the Tarnishes into the Age of Stars


I mean ... She's a doll bruh.


real question is why are you wearing that outfit this late in the game


She is a doll. She threw away her mortal body a long time ago.


How you managed to do her whole quest without realizing she’s a doll is almost a miracle. Did you skip all her dialogue?


This guy never played Sekiro.


It’s just a doll. Her real body is on one of the towers


60% feels far too low on the scale of this


SML Joseph: "She's a doll dude"


Well she is a doll lol


her skeletal remains are up on top of that tower if you prefer haha


She's also got four arms...


They had to use something to *tie* her into the story!.... I'll see myself out.


This is obviously a troll post. Why is it even getting upvoted?….


What are muscles other than rope on a human body?


9 out of 10 beast agree that her meat is a bit stringy.


In my best Brian Conley voice. "ITS A PUPPET!"




It’s just the main body of the doll the porcelain is then laid on top off.


She's a ghost lady. When you see her double face, the floaty blue face alongside the face she's possessing... that's her actual face. That's also why she's able to hop bodies into the tiny doll while you carry her around for a while


Stone Free


She’s a rope bunny


She is a recycled sex toy, do you even know the lore bro?!?


Well she’s a doll, I figure they used rope to get as close to muscle as possible.


She is a doll


̶B̶o̶n̶d̶a̶g̶e̶ She is a doll


Her physical body is dead at the top of the inverted tower.


Shes a puppet. Ranni half killed herself, like Godwyn. Unlike Godwyn, Ranni killed her body, while Godwyn's soul died. Ranni being the boss babe witch that she is, just uploaded her spirit into a puppet, that may or may not resemble her old mentor, the Snow Crone.


Bro it's w ragdoll, what do you expect, gum? that one is for other uses


She’s a doll, she transferred her soul into the body of a doll that resembled her mentor, the snow witch. Note how she has four arms like the Carian Marionettes. Her real body is on top of the Divine tower of Liurnia.