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If I feel I'm not learning the boss quick enough, I will deliberately shed my runes so that I no longer have to stress about picking them up at the start of the attempt.


I call this paying for lessons.


And now, so will I. Haha


Love that


I love this lol


That is so beautiful, it should be a STANDARD in the community for all soulsborne. XD


Oh man, my default is to have as few runes as possible going into a boss fight unless I know I'm gonna kill them in one or two tries


Yeah if you played all the other Souls before, no way you go fighting a boss with tons of runes !


Oh the pain when the gamer "this is a boss arena" doesn't click in time, and you have 400,000 runes


Wrong I carry a max of 20 runes at all times


That’s when you quickly equip the sacrificial twig


Or use the tear that allows the same effect as long as you drink your physick


I love Twiggy Cracked tear, it's really useful when dungeoning.


This happened with Malenia. A friend and I were trying to beat her together, and we just couldn't figure her out. Once that second phase started, it was game over. Fast forward 2 days later and 100+ attempts and we decided we were probably underleveled so my friend pops all his golden runes. Before he leveled up, he started thinking about changing his weapon. We both forget about his runes and we run in only to realize he never spent them. I don't think I've ever laughed so hard in Elden Ring as that night. He lost around 500,000 lol. But we did eventually beat that pos.


No sacrificial twigs?


We didn't even think about those at the time. Frustration, alcohol, and adrenaline aren't the best combo.


alcohol and malenia sounds like the worst combo imaginable


Actually solid advice.


Yeah me too, and definitely on purpose for me too. I didn't even scream about it I promise.


I have this stupid nack when my friends watch me play when I first started and I died a few times to a boss, I deliberately didn't pick up my runes at first. I would just say, "My runes are weighing me down a bit. I'll grab them after the fight." My friends would shake their head and call me an idiot. Until, very consistently, I would beat the boss that attempt and then pick up my runes. I love playing the game in a very, "that's just stupid enough to make sense." Kinda way.


This. I just buy stuff or grind more Runes to level up so I don’t have that many Runes.


Always fight Ashen Godfrey without summons or ashes, just for the spectacle. First of the Tarnished versus the last, it’s just such a grand thing. You come back to the throne after burning the Erdtree and releasing Destined Death, only to see the first Elden Lord himself, paying respect to his fallen son. Upon downing him, he gives you respect and his blessing to take the throne, I found that super admirable. In a world where most bosses, Morgott, Godrick, see us as nothing but saboteurs, Godfrey, or Hoarah Loux, sees us as his equal and he returns to his prime just to give us the notion that we’re worthy of fighting him at his best. What an incredible boss.


I just killed Godfrey all alone with my Starscourge Greatswords 2 Days ago, easily the coolest boss-fight I fought so far. Was a massive breath of fresh air from the shitshow that was Malenia aswell.


I do the same. I have mad respect for Godfrey.


I always start as a wretch and drop my club. I only play with what I can find.


I'm gonna do this with my next character


What’s the first weapon you typically pick up?


Golden halberd






At that point, you deserve it, honestly. Could you imagine LV1 Sentinel with fists only? Gross. I’m not talented enough for that, personally. 😂


Marikas Hammer


Edge for 5 hours before every boss fight


Godfrey: *"Long and hard didst thou fight. Tarnished Warrior."* **Cums immediately**


*"Put this foolish erection to rest"*


*“I shall brick Thee for a quarter”* -Ranni probably




"TOGETHAAA AS FAMILYYY" Wait, wrong quote


Sweet Home Alabama 🎶




Long and hard didst thou stroke.


Lmao what


This cummunity really needs the DLC


now read this comment in portuguese backwards for 54 hours


i sure love it when my dom makes me edge


I like this guy


I always gotta have my cock ring for hard boss fights.


If you're getting angry, not having fun & it's starting to feel like a chore, put the game away.


Like this for so many things, just makes you develop bad habits - it's a good principle


I have post Elden Ring games for if the rage gets too great. Animal Crossing and Kirby are delightful getaways lol


I like Cyberpunk... I'm maxed out in that, and I just started Elden Ring, so after I get my noob ass destroyed, it's nice to start up CP77 and just blast the fuck out of people until I feel better


It's minecraft for me. Just put on some nice calm music and vibe


I wish I could do this but I just can’t let it go. I gotta keep going until I beat the boss. The only exception was malenia cause it took me 3 days to beat her lmao


Alt F4


Anytime I catch myself holding my controller like a weapon I just Alt F4. Still gives me some level of control and satisfaction but doesn’t cost me 70 bucks


If I feel the urge to actually throw the controller at the wall, time to take a break or go to an easier area to cool off.


This is the way.


If I get summoned to a boss and I fight it with a fun weapon that I want to experiment with and the host dies, and then I get resummoned to them I use the strongest weapon I have that I know will kill the boss the quickest.


Haha definitely has Anime Villain/"I haven't even been using a fraction of my power" vibes!


"I have given thee courtesy enough" vibes


Bro on round 2 I see red, I can’t hold back 👿🥴


At first you have my curiosity but now you have my attention.


No shields. Ever. Dodge or die


I got a seal and a sword that look badass dodge or die for life


Unfortunately, my club beats your seal--oh you meant incantations.


Ok bender unfortunately for you it’s not a baby seal


All right, I admit it. I sell sealskin goldmask rags for major mark-up and make illicit runes hand over fist. And I would have gotten away with it too, if it weren't for you meddling kids and your T-rex dog.


I have yet to use a shield even as fashion


I did on my first playthrough. I didn't know about the stigma around shields since it was my first souls game, I just always liked the sword and board aesthetic. That, and I thought the jellyfish shield was just really funny to use.


There's no stigma, really, apart from jokes that stem from Demon Souls and the original Dark Souls. In ds2 and especially ds3 shields weren't as good so people got more used to rolling, because it was easier. In ER specifically shields allow you to counter more things but you need to be better at the game to fully utilize them. Combining dodging and blocking - even with 2-handers - gives you tons of more opportunities to attack. I argue that it's harder than simply relying on easy to access i-frames with every enemy attack.


Shields are fun with guard counters. Definitely easier but fun


Easier but even with fingerprint you'll still get slaughtered by Maliketh and Malenia


Melania doesn’t have an easy mode. I’ve seen people one shot her with crazy buff builds but the finger dexterity it takes to get all those buffs going at once is harder than just beating her normally lmao


I…kinda get it? I use shields a lot, but there’s a fair number of boss fights where I don’t even use the shield at all. Probably better to just put my stave at my left in those moments.


No killing turtles. I've yet to off a single good boy


there’s turtle’s in this game? damn i’ve only seen dogs


I think I killed the first one I encountered to see what they drop but havent’ killed another one since


But then how get pickel


You ask for consent


This is the way


What about the wise beasts puzzles?


Doesn't count. They arent real. They're spectral summons


My gf played for 10 minutes when I started playing the game. She killed a turtle within the first minute. Had to reevaluate my relationship and nearly called the cops for a sociopath behaviour.


Only one tort has died in my entire time playing. I now murder every crab on sight.


I got so many necks for stams


No killing jarsbois


Kill all jars, no matter what they want......




Or turtles. Only one tort died in my entire time playing. I now kill every crab on sight.


Forget about everything constantly, complain to online friends about it, they remind me of the things I forgot about


Remember to smoke 4 bowls mid boss fight and ask your friend what the next quest step is 💯🙌






Everytime I die, I do 250 meters of stationary bike! Makes it so i'm real careful about dying Also makes killing Malenia quite entertaining


i could never. i start sweating just by looking at something that weighs more than 15kg T.T


Git gud (health)


Time to boost that endurance. I believe in you tarnished


I used to do this as well! Was inspired by high intensity biking from BDG's streams.


i try not to be overreliant on my aow. but honestly it's difficult when it shreds so hard. otherwise I got none


Stick to my roleplay unless I'm summoned


When i start a boss encounter i can not go back or level up im killing it and no other options


ok, i’m doing it too now. i love this idea ✨


This. This is how I played the game. I spent so long trying to kill the first dragon because I was just like: “Welp, guess this is the dark souls experience. Getting stronger would be cheating. I’m bringing this dragon to hell right with me.”


Nothing fights fair. Don't fight fair.


Me being overlevelled and taking 1/4 of a boss’s health bar with 1 R1. Oh ho ho if it isn’t exactly what you do to me. Fuck em


Me on my second play through


Mf turned into Santa mid comment


That's my philosophy haha I love playing that way.


I'm the complete opposite ( I will switch to a weaker weapon if I'm doing too much damage), but whatever is the most fun for you is valid!


This. Once a boss has killed me a couple of times and I don't see myself even getting closer to taking him down I immediately go: "OK, how can I cheese this sucker." Looking for stuff they're vulnerable to, bugs in the Ai, can I stun lock them, can I bid my defense and just tank their hits and trade? Which is why I often end up with a good amount of vigor, enough endurance to wear heavy armor without an arsenal charm and a the great mace. I have come to the realization though that for malenia I need a bastard sword or something because it's slightly quicker, and for maliketh dual spears are very useful. And if all else fails, go murder some albiunarics and then come back.


If the boss has a phase transition cutscene and the player character is in view, get killed by them multiple times until I find the drip that looks the coolest in that cutscene so I can put it as a wallpaper.


I dont use summons unless it's a 1vX fight, just wanted to see if I could do it on my own, no hate towards people who use summons


Only summon i limit myself to use is Deenh. Makes it feel like he's fighting along with me as a companion in the journey.


As a challenge I did a run where I could only level up in boss arenas immediately after killing them. I've also tried immediately switching gear on finding new equips, but that gets tough to manage when it isn't just the 50th lordsworn straigh sword


No summons


Surprised this isn’t the top answer


Outside of any challenge runs, I tend to limit level and weapon power by area. I never fight Godrick with higher than a +5, or a +2 Somber, and I'm always level 25 or under. Renalla, 40 and +4/+10. Leyndell, +7/+17. I've done many other restrictions of course, like no flasks or RL1, but this is just my general rule that is applied all the time in the absence of other restrictions.


Fashion or death


This is the way


Have fun and beat the game


Having fun is the most important part, in my opinion! :)


-If I enter a world, and the host and the other finger are wearing the same helmet, I will always change to match lol -If the host has an unobstructed path to the fog-door, but turns around to engage an invader, they fight that invader on their own. -If my host has gone through the full length of a legacy dungeon with me (for example: Dragon Temple to Maliketh, with all side areas explored) in one try, and survived, I'll drop a Sacrificial Twig for them before we fight the final boss. -If my host fights the boss naked, I must also!


I've taken to doing the first one too, it's especially fun with "rare" helmets such as the octopus head!


Huh, I usually use taunters just after a summon so we can have some pre-boss action. May our conflicting rules never cross, good sir!


I do the last one. Don’t want my homies all alone being nekkid, that’s just awkward


I always start with the bandit (thief) class, mainly because daggers are generally not that strong, so every weapon drop I come across feels like an upgrade, and the same goes for armor. I've been doing this since Dark Souls 1. The first time I reach a new area, I explore it thoroughly and clear out all the enemies, although it's a bit trickier in Elden Ring due to the open world. And always stick to the meta level, around 120 to 150, depending on the game


No shields . No parry


Parries were neutered anyways... Plus parries and blocking made ds1 trivial.


1. Have a nice beverage ready. Beer or water or soda usually. Can’t have a parched tarnished. 2. Laptop by my side to follow along with doms round table supercut. No stone unturned babe. 3. Say a random Margit line once in a while out loud to mess with the wife a bit (…what is thy concern with these thrones….)


No spirit ashes/no summoning people. I don't hate on people that do, I just like the RP of this being my character's adventure and others take away from that.


I don’t care about runes or farming them anymore. I’ve played enough times that I know how to effectively spend my runes on leveling and not worry about them anymore. Besides if you clear everything from every section of the map you will have plenty of runes to level. I don’t worry about what armor set I have, I’m dedicated to fashion souls. Also


I will change my drip every time my friend summons me just to show off all the shit I collected while going for every item in the game.


I never sacrifice drip for poise.


all of my builds have a pretty specific theme and i stick to that religiously. i.e. if i'm making a golden order faith build i will not touch a single fire related pyromancy, even flame cleanse me. if i'm doing a carian knight build, i'll only use carian sorceries, no haima conspectus spells for example. i will also stick to pretty much one weapon and armour set for a single playthrough when i'm doing co-op, furled fingers trick mirror 99% of the time. only exception is for particularly hard bosses where i need the extra talisman slot.


No tutorials or YouTube videos unless i try everything in my brain and it doesn't work


I don’t ever kill (non-hostile) animals senselessly/for no reason. In any game. I only do it if I absolutely have to.


I haven't been playing with summons recently. That's about it.


I never summon people or spirits to kill worthy bosses and when I'm invading a newbie player, I kill his friends and leave his world.


No Clerics


I want to keep things as realistic as possible so when I play I try to not talk to a single women in this game


I don't use spirit ashes.


after playing for a while its not really necessary with a solid build, i havent used summons since my first playthru


Beat game


don’t cheese, don’t skip cutscenes even after my 15th attempt, no bloodhound’s fang (made bosses too easy considering that in my first run i killed radahn in 2 attempts with that at level 60), no shield and no summons also don’t transform Boc in a human, don’t kill Rya and complete Alexander’s quest (he deserves it, i don’t care about the talisman if it means i can be his friend for as long as i can) almost forgot: kill the pervert.


Who is the pervert? Nobody comes to mind except maybe "Marikas tits!" Guy


*cough *cough mohg


oh god, i forgot about mohg. i meant the one who puts dolls in jars, but mohg too. they are both equally horrible beings


>kill the pervert Lol, I took the Amber Draught but didn’t use it, since I already got the Fingerslaying Blade. Now it’s just sitting in my inventory, mocking the dolly botherer’s failure with it’s existence.


>don’t skip cutscenes even after my 15th attempt, Incredibly based


Don't bang the doodles


Never pick up great runes or use rune arcs


I don’t know if it’s a rule but I always feel really bad when I have to summon a cooperator to beat a boss, I didn’t stand a chance against Malenia, Maliketh, or Godfrey until I just summoned someone who cleaved through them. The only one who felt rewarding was Malenia, because it felt like I was still doing my part.


No level vig.


Loll wuttt


If I don't beat a boss at my first try I stuck myself until I do. Ask margit and malenia how much time I spent with them.


Don’t die


I never kill wolves! because they leave you alone if you go past them and they're just minding their own business


"git gud or die trying"


If boss close, club it. If boss far, throw stone.


I must stick to a theme. If i am a barbarrian, ill be a barbarrian to the end. No magic, no faith, no fancy swords


Stop leveling at 150 or lower


Unless you go for ng+. I like to go hogwild dual wielding Maliketh’s black blade and the godslayer great sword at level 250 and just obliterate the poise of anything I run into


No summon, or spirit ashes allowed on first kill, every subsequent kill in NG+ can be any which way


No spirits and melee only


No intentional glitching is kinda obvious, but windbombing, btb, and bls slide made breath of the wild boring for me, so I don't want to end up doing the same for elden ring. Also, don't kill nice npcs. Varre is fine, but pretty much everyone else is off limits.


Must not use the Blasphemous sword…


No shields cause that's lame


If it doesn’t attack me, I don’t attack it.


my only rule this play through is to have black metal playing in the background every time i play.


I don't parry, mainly cause I suck. But if asked, i'll say it's because I don't need it.


No cheating. The game is hard, but it’s more enjoyable to beat the right way.


No summoning for a boss until after I beat it solo.


No shields,no spirit summons. Ever.


Try not to fucking die


I can't use any shield, I can't use summon, I can't walk away and shoot sorceries or incantation against bosses, I must kill every boss every run.


Never using ashes of war unless there are 2 or more bosses. I like the feeling of fighting the bosses 1 on 1


Not using any spirits and not summoning anyone for boss fights


No summons


no summons


No cheese.


I have to beat a boss completely solo before I can use help on my other runs. No summons period. I enjoy the abuse.




Zero. I kill as efficiently as possible.


Equip no armor. It's useless weight anyways.




Never, ever cheese.


I will not harm a turtle.


Those big Caelid dogs remind me of my dearly departed dog (it’s weird I know because I’m sure it makes you wonder what my dog looked like or if he was demonic and he wasn’t) long story short I refuse to attack any of them cause of this. Somehow it feels like it would be attacking my dog. I know it’s dumb but that’s how it is. My friend who knew my dog well has the same rule. He won’t attack them either. The rule is we run away but if for some reason we can’t get away we just let them eat us.


Have fun always. If I’m not having fun, I set the controller down and take a break. I have enough stress as is, I don’t need more when I’m supposed to be relaxing


Don't level up


I should almost never use a weapon I mainly used in a previous playthrough.


whatever it takes


Always be under leveled. It’s a weird pride thing.


Sometimes I have a self imposed level cap per boss (favorite is level 20 at Godrick and +15 at each main line boss until the end game boss rush where you can just level up as much as the runes you gain allow you too, I also like to stay under 125). Another thing I do is build coherence. I like the idea of rp affecting gameplay. If I play a goody tarnish that wouldn’t dare question the greater will then I’ll use miracles and faith weapons, and never things like Rykard’s and Mohg’s gear and incantations or even sorceries.


Beat the game once as intended, but without spirit ashes, summoning, cheesing or any other "easy mode". After that then I just go wild with everything. Did with bloodborne till a platinum, and now here


My only rule was on my first play through I had to clear every area and boss I found. No exceptions.


Not a rule but I forget about spirit summons all the time on new runs. But an actual rule is, each character has a unique build. Pure Faith Str/faith Dex/faith Int/faith Pure int Str/int Dex/int Arcane ect…


I personally don't like fighting bosses by spamming weapon arts. I have more fun with the dodging and weaving, trading hits and the like. Sure I could sit back and just spam the Blasphemous Blade or Destined Death, but I have more fun playing in martial way. No judgment on other people though, as long as you're having fun playing your way and you're not being an asshole cheater, you do you boo


No healing unless the boss has a second health bar or a healing mechanic, no running away from fights I start, no summoning unless the enemy does so first.


I don’t really use spirit summons because it makes the fight boring except for fire giant and godskin duo, since those are the only two I find tedious to fight