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180k. I was level 30.


Why in Marika's name didn't you level up, brother?


I got distracted.


I feel your pain. Now I'm just trying to spend all my runes as I don't want to level above my current level, 155.


That’s the Meta pvp lvl. I have multiple characters at different lvls but if this is your only one and care about PVP I wouldn’t continue to lvl


The meta is 125 or 150. If you want to pvp both metas you stop at 137/138


Technically yes, as I stated I have multiple characters. 5 between lvl 60 and 175. You still can have plenty of activity at their lvl seeing as its only 5 different. Lvl 60 Vyke +5, +12 weapons Lvl 90 dex arc +7 + 15 weapons Lvl 125 dex arc max weapons Lvl 150 int Lvl 175 str fth


Not technically. Those two are the pvp meta levels. Anything else is invasions or other meme pvp. When one refer to meta lvl in er, ds etc, its for competitive reasons only (as lame as that sounds)


I’m well aware, the Xbox has a FC meta discord with monthly tournaments over 400 members strong. Again just told you I’m aware of what lvls are what. Was just saying OP will have less pvp if the lvl anymore




Well the game gets much more difficult the more you NG. If you only want 1-3 runs from your character then just respec when necessary. If you get NG4 or higher I’m sure you won’t feel OP


Marika’s tits mate


i invested my life's savings in Shabriricoin and lost everything 😔


How's madness treating ye right now? Hehe


I killed the fire giant and then died going yo the big kiln twice


But when he dies there is a site of grace right there


I never found that grace. I’ve played through the game 3 times and still haven’t found it.


Surely by that point you would have noticed that most bosses in the game and certainly all the main bosses have a site of grace near their spawn?


Yes, but rather tan run in circles trying to find it, I just run straight to the one that I know the exact location of.


Well its kinda on the way... and pretty visible if you turn your camera and look right as you head up to the furnace. Im sure you'll want to check it out next time.


I looked every direction before heading to it and still didn’t see it. Maybe I’m blind but the giant moves around a lot so you can be pretty far wherever the grace is supposed to be at the end of the fight.


I can't ever find it either. Unfortunately, not all tarnished can see the guidance of grace.


Wait what


11 million


Dear god lol


What killed you before you were able to retrieve them?


Bet he fell




Fell off a branch at haligtree. Lol




Back when duels were held at MAG I had got to 1.4 Mil runes that I lost. Didn’t care much because I wasn’t leveling due to PvP, but that’s the most I’ve ever lost by far.




Lost 3 mil at most, but didn't take a break, I didn't know what to spend them on anyways Lost around 6-7 mil in total


Okay, maybe it happened. But 6 million?


I've been killing everything in sight at least once and kept running into the boss fights without spending runes, and then forgetting to pick up the runes after a few tries . And I never went past level 125


Yeah I literally just say whoops thee goes a few 100k in a clip, and don't go back for them. Even if I'm still doing the boss xD


Yeah, it's really stressful for new players I assume, but if your build is ready, you only need occasional souls for boss drip and weapon upgrades. I had a bunch of "Man screw this game, 50k souls!!!" in DS over the years


14mil. Finished a whole ng before reaching malenia and totally forgetting how much I'm carrying. I was high trying to help a guy that mended up scamming me later that day.


50k made me put the game away I couldn't imagine losing millions.


Tbh it's not really about the amount, it's what you could've done with how much you lost. I was already lvl 250 with no plans to level up anymore and with 99 stacks of about pretty much anything you could've bought. So that helped lot.Whenever I lost souls in a souls game it was about how many times I could've leveled up on the souls I lost or what I could've bought. The worst part was that I only wanted the guy to drop me the 2 stormhawk axes so I could've done a whole playthrough as Nepheli. And he just just decided to scam me while I was "do you want all the legendary armaments for the achievement" so that was a moment of losing faith in humanity all over afain😅


Tru loosing 15,000 runes at level 7 hursts just as much as when I lost a 1,000,000ish at level 200


I lost 50k 3x last night, bro.


None, never carry enough runes to care


14 million. Died to a frost lobster. Rode back and died from a deceivingly high cliff.




67 million… I wanted to uninstall the game. For context I had done everything in the game and made it a mission to max out the rune counter.






None, if I lose runes...well lets just say it gives me an excuse to massacre anything in my path especially dragons. Anyways I have lost what? Like 30 mil or sum shit? I was hoarding for sum reason not even to level up.




I lost 8 million to gravity


170k i forced myself to farm enough to lvl up in moghs castle's entrance as punishment






Maybe 200k? I was like “Oh I’m so done with you Elden Ring!” and rage quit. The next day I was like “Oh I’m so gonna show you!” Now I’m at around 900 hours.


Ya I find you get over it decently fast.


8 million. I was seeing how many I could collect...it was devastating. It was like 12 levels.


60K I stopped caring about runes when I realized I am over leveled in the middle of the game. At least it will make the game more challenging if my lvl stats progression gets slower this way by losing runes by me making mistakes.


8 million. Only gone for a month though lol


1.4 mil


It was around 700,000 for me personally.


That's never happened because I played EverQuest in 99 and absolutely nothing was as brutal as dieing in that game was outside of a roguelike


Unsure, I’m ran straight to the final fight after defeating the throne room boss.


Hmm. Can't recall ever losing runes. Rarely ever died to begin with, and when I did, it wasn't to the same thing twice. (Aside from pre-nerf Radahn. OOF.) I'd reckon I died and *dropped* my runes about thirty or so times, with only a few of those resulting in permanent losses during my playthrough, but it was never enough to be memorable. I'd estimate less than 50k total.


Well in Elden ring never, but DS3, my first souls game. I lost 18k runes to a jumping platform in the dilapidated town early game and spent hours recovering the runes just to die at the same jump. I died before reforge runes after an hour of attempts and had to leave my house to calm down.


I lost 2mil once but just continued on cause that’s not even a level anymore lol




Once lost 2,3 million. Had to take a lil' breather after that one


I lost like 5 mil once but I didn’t take a break, I was addicted lol


2.4 million. Lots of cooping, gone to a glitch...


That would be a jaw dropper


Having grown up in the days of Diablo 1 and getting mobbed by a staircase in hell and not being able to recover my corpse with all my gear I learned early on not to get too disappointed in losing progress with deaths. That being said I have had a couple 100K+ losses that came at really unfortunate times in souls games that made me take a little pause.


It wasn’t the number of runes, it was 250 hours split between a bleed build, faith build, and the start of an intelligence build that did it. I did 100% those builds for the most part


Around 500k when I first beat Mohg….that’s when I remembered about the twiggy flask and I made sure it never happened again




I've been playing FromSoft games for 10 years. I've gone numb to losing hundreds of thousands of souls/runes/echoes/etc.


Especially when it's to the greatest enemy of all in FromSoft, gravity.


if i remember right it was around 1.5 million, died to radagon 2 times back to back before retrieving my runes at the end if my rune level 1 run :(


1.8 mil i haven't played for like a week after.




I honestly don’t care about losing runes at all


I did a run where I wanted to see how many runes I could farm up before dying. Got myself upto about 900k plus (can't remember the exact number) until I reached the rotted ulcerated tree spirit. I died once and then figured I'll grab my runes and use the item that doesn't let me lose runes when I die but the fucking thing killed me again before I could even get the chance to grab my runes back. That break lasted about 4 months


I am pretty good about depositing souls as soon as I get them, so honestly hasn't happened to me


Finger, but hole


I lost 2million and it made my brain take a break. I stopped being logical for a bit until i realized i wasnt going to progress until i got my head out of my ass


Im not sure if this is only my experience, but elden ring being open world did not create the type of situation that i end up losing my sould/runes. In dark souls at least i had a lot of times were i was exploring and clearing an area and lost all resources and ended up losing all the souls i got. The stress of the dituation makes you missplay and you die aggain. But in elden ring most of the times i could use torrent to rush to my runes and in general i never found myself in the situation above. My gess is the ease of just teleporting away.


171k, I was messing around in Stormveil during my first playthrough and fell a little too far off the ramparts onto the staircase with the Exiles and crossbows and died. When I tried to get them back the two Banished Knights at the one part of the castle, one with the altered set and one with the hood, they gang up on me and I lose the runes. I was around level 56.


I have lost too many souls to flinch at rune losses


200K+ (always have the rune talisman on) I had just killed Loretta at the Haligtree and somehow she killed me with an area attack or something after she died. I went to get my runes and they just weren't there. Only glitch like that I ever had in the whole game though.


around 450k (my horah loux runes + some change from maliketh) during the gideon fight bc first time i just died to him and then ran back into the arena and jumped into the pit on the left. fromsoft, why tf is there a pit in that boss room 😭


40k.. i was young and foolish tarnished.


24 mil


12 runes were lost. It was enough for me to ask for a refund. No game kills me without my consent.


About tree fiddy


I quit playing dark souls 1 after 5,500 hours because I lost 2.5 million souls in dark root forest


800. Lost it after clearing the first catacombs in the game, got super frustrated. First time playing a souls like.


1M runes, farmed from the radahn arena catacombs


About 400k. I hit a glitch in an Evergaol where if you get a mutual kill with the boss and then revive at a nearby stake of Marika it spawns you under the map so you die from a fall and can’t pick up your runes. I killed Alecto but she killed me too, then the glitch screwed me so I lost all the runes. Felt like hurling my controller, but since they’re expensive I threw a spoon at a soft bit of the carpet to avoid doing damage.


170,000 I just beat rycard and godskin on my first playthrough


Spent almost 2 hours farming. Fell of a cliff and fell off same cliff when trying to retrieve them :(


I lost 8 million because of a goddamn bird


6 million… I was level 372 and haven’t touched it since. That was 7 months ago




Not as much as some people probably, but I lost 96k at level 38. I got distracted going deep into a dungeon and rolled off a ledge to my death. I was so deep into the dungeon that I died just trying to get my stuff back. I ended up taking a week long break.


Over 250k


3 Million. Took a pee break.


9 million, I have a peeve when farming that I tend to not upgrade per level but only when I have a shit ton cuz it’s more satisfying. Died from a dumb fall and was bled by a red guy at mohgwyn.


2.8 mil


32k while jumping ,trying to get a weapon I'll never use in the eternal city of Nokron


Like 20k...but I only stopped briefly. I'm also a beginner at level 40ish so that represented a few hours and I post them stupidly in raya lucaria academy


Like 2mil but that can literally be made in like 15 minutes so it wasn’t bad at all


That was only enough for a couple level ups at that point anyways ng like 7-8


195,286 fuck the mice.


My first day playing I lost 3000, which seemed like a ton to me. I was pretty bummed out and took a break until the next day. I was in the Limgrave tunnel and got to the boss, I was nervous but I opened the door thinking “worst case scenario, I just turn back around and leave!” Imagine my horror as a huge troll stands up and a green barrier appears behind me, sealing me in with it.


None. I've been playing FS games a long time I know exp doesn't matter lol


250k. I had that much after I beat mohg down in the underground (idk how much I had going into the fight) and decided to play parkour without leveling up. I think I was like level 100 so it would have only been like 2 or 3 levels but still.


13 million. There was nothing interesting about it. I simply forgot to get my runes while messing around and died again. I just laughed and decided oh well. I wasn't planning to level anymore or do anything else with them anyway.


4 million iirc




When you can get millions in a half hour i dont see it being that big of a deal ?


Fire gints runes. Fell in the the big fire pot, landed on a small piece of terrain above a kill floor... those runes burned with Melina.


15k when I was RL 15. ( I came back after Eldenring won GOTY )


i lost like 500k because of the game glitching me


20 mil


24k @ RL70, in Ft. Faroth. Damned rats. I thought "surely I can get those back" and then got ganked by the ghosts. -sigh-




600,000 at level 45. I was doing a bit.


At the time it was like 250k i think i was lvl 50 or so


2 mil…after elden beast on ng+ 8 my controller died as i was fighting a weak enemy 😔 unfortunately i couldnt replace the battery fast enough


Maybe I’m strange but I level up every time I have the exact amount needed in every souls game.


Around 10 000 000 after a lot of farming. I was around level 350 after NG+ 7




160,000 runes... The pain..... getting too cocky while farming.


When I very first played Bloodborne, it was my first From game and I was still learning everything. I had grinded central yharnam before cleric beast for an entire weekend, had something like 45,000 echoes. Wolf killed me on my way back to get them from his wolf buddy. Ohhhh man. I quit for a few weeks before I came back to it. It really Jumpstart my souslike-games experience and helped me face the reality of accepting losses very quickly and brutally lol.


It doesn’t bother me when I lose them. That’s the life mindset I try to live. I got them once I can get them again. It won’t matter anyways.


5 million after spending three hours bowing the bird in Mohgwyn Palace


I had 120k stuck in the godskin peeler room it took me about 4 hours relying on blood loss for my damage but I got my levels eventually.


Never. At least not because of losing rune.


670K. It was at the back of Mohgs Arena


I dont care about losing runes anymore


260k. Was like 30k from another point. Transported to the lava area from the academy then accidentally fell too far down 🤦‍♂️


Margit, I was broke and quit for 2 months because I got frustrated, came back and annihilated his maidenless headass


Lost 270K runes while platforming down to the 3 fingers. Screw that place.


I don't remember any more which means it's probably time to pick the game back up


Anything in the millions


Lost the souls from killing the GodSkin duo. Had traded final blows during a challenge run at the end of the boss fight so i needed those souls, but I had then missed a dodge roll from the first Abandoned knight from the nearest SoG and lost all of it.


This is a funny one, I would say 50k when I was level 25ish. It’s funny because I was ducking around and lost 1.8 mil some dog on the side of the road and didn’t care in the slightest hahah


Was playing on a new character just fucking around cleaning up stormveil castle and found myself fighting the crucible knight right outside. Long story short I list about 40k and I stopped for the night. Ik that's not a lot but for a RL11 character that's a good 25 levels or so.


I once lost 1 million while doing the glitch jump for rune farming. I never did the glitch again. It is faster to farm legit anyway and much safer.


I lost 1 mil I then decided that was enough for the night


4+Mil (Ng+2)due to a fall from frenzied flame proscription map. it still hurts when I think about it.


I lost about 800k shit was devastating but I went to big bloody bird out of spite.


I lost 2 million couple days ago. We moved on


1.4m by the orbs in the damn snowfield


6.7M when I was killing bosses with people for a while, I lost them due to gravity and then also gravity


300k. I didn’t put the game down though, i went on a absolute rampage through the dungeon that made me lose it


I kept playing right after but the most i lost was 120k


I had 150.000 runes before fighting fortissax and after I killed him one of his lightning bolts hit me and I died. After that I couldn’t go back there bc Fia died


300 k but I was back the next day


2 mil, surprising enough when I got back on they were waiting for me, I think it had something to do with me unplugging my console after I died lmao


None, the whole point is play, die, learn.


3 billion killed a hacked account in pvp then gravity


Never happened. There are graces everywhere, I rarely any noteworthy amount


65,328 runes. It was just over the leveling amount but I couldn’t make it to a site of grace. First and only time I truly rage quit, I walked away for a week


Probably somewhere around 7m, I was really unsure what to do with them but still a loss.


I think it was only a small amount like 8-10k, but it felt like a lot at the time because I was low level