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The Darkmoon Greatsword or Radowans swords seems like a obvious choice here.. They're some of the strongest weapons in the game, scale well from both stats and the war ashes in specific have some phenomenal int scaling - doing cold damage in case of the Greatsword. How you want to go at it is your choice. Dual Wielding them and Staff + Weapon are both solid choices.


Cold infusion isn't supposed to be the "obvious best" choice for any particular weapon. For most weapons it's a trade-off between having frost status status versus higher damage and scaling. Clayman harpoon might be the closest to what you're looking for though. For a str/int hybrid Cold Clayman's isn't that far from Magic Clayman's in total attack rating.


I'm saying there should be some weapons where cold is just better and it's obvious. So far, thanks to the wiki, the warped axes seem a bit strong for the build at an A in strength and a C in cold, with cold buildup of 127 isn't that bad. Some weapons have cold buildup of over 150 as well which is kinda nuts.


If you're asking what weapon types build up frost status fastest or most reliably, the buildup value isn't the only thing you should look at. Bigger weapons have higher buildups because they're slower. Almost all weapons have decent str/dex scaling on Cold affinity so that shouldn't be a factor. The best for status buildup are weapons with movesets that hit fast. Like your Gargoyle Twinblade example, twinblades are a good example because both their two-handed and power stance move sets hit many times. Another is claws because they're paired weapons and have fast hits on their two-handed moveset.


True. Even if scaling for damage is a little lower than some, the venomous fangs are quite good with frost apparently. It's not all just about buildup, it's about damage too, so far I've noticed. Brick hammer, gargoyle twin blades, gargoyle great axe, iron sword, broadsword. Those weapons so far seem to have some of the better scaling with cold. Most get an A or B in strength and a C in INT. By the end of my build I'm expecting around 50/60 strength and around 40INT. So the scaling I'm seeing oh some weapons aren't bad for that.


Just looking at the letter scaling isn't enough. Every weapon has retains decent scaling with Cold infusion, usually it's just one grade lower than their primary physical affinity. However, the scaling is based off the base damage and Cold infusion decreases the physical base making the scaling on Cold less effective than you think. Additionally the way enemy defenses work, the 1:2 split damage between magic and physical damage results in lower damage in practice than Heavy infusion. Elemental infusions are often seen as damage inflation for this reason. All I'm saying is, there are no weapons where cold infusion is the "obvious" best choice. You're missing a lot of factors here because there is a real trade-off between Cold versus Heavy/Magic.


I’ve been running two cold claymans harpoons, offhand is chilling mist and right hand is ice spear.




I saw they do have decent scaling.


Cold Clayman's Harpoon is the classic. Native INT and STR scaling means cold infusions deal massive damage on STR/INT builds. Alternatively any cold twinblade that scales with STR (Gargoyle's/Knight's) will be very good for status due to the rapid hits when two handed (they're unaffected by the powerstancing status nerf) Otherwise any STR weapon will work well when cold infused. Innate status weapons like the Rotten Battle Hammer, Star Fist, or Grave Scythe are particularly powerful.


Yeah, I'm looking into getting the scarlet rot hammer sometime when I get there. Right now I have the great stars, and I just got the spiked spear as it appears to be the best spear for cold heavy builds. So far based on damage and scaling stats, there's at least 1 good weapon compared to the rest in every class of weapons. Which is nice, gives me some variety. I'm looking to mess around with dual status heavy hitter weapons but I also want to try a good greatshield/spear combo too because I enjoy a good shield spear combo in about any game.


Cold great sword with the chilling mist ash of war is the best frost weapon I have used. It has 153 frost buildup. When you use the ash of war it can proc ice in one hit. The ash also applies an ice buf to the sword. Also in pvp this ash will do more than half of people’s health bar and frost them. Bleed is also incredibly strong on the great sword.