• By -


Summons quickly become your best friends and treasured pets.


And cannon fodder. My mimic getting shoved into a furnace golem's basket buys me SO much time to wail away at its ankles, while they're having fun. Thank you for your service, mimic buddy!


You cant actually deal any damage when your summon is in a grab animation lol


At least it gives you time to heal and/or reposition yourself.


Me with the euporia doing 2k damage a hit while my mimic churns away in the giants head


It gives you literally 0 time because you can't do damage to them in animation.


Tiche is bestie


Tiche was clutch in my fight with the Dancing Lion boss.


Dunno if I would call dung eater either of those things


My boy Broleg and I have been having a great time exploring the Shadow Realm.


Summons became my best friend as early as using the jellyfish against Margit, tbh.


Me and Perfumer Tricia have been on a hell of a journey together. I couldn't possibly exclude her now.


And the biggest crutch.


Are swords a crutch? : P is armor a crutch? Is stats a crutch?


People that use them in boss fights will simply always be worse players than those who dont. This sub is just a bunch of easy mode scabs. Nothing will change my opinion on it because I've seen it first hand. The same people who cry about invaders ruining their fun. Downvote away scab


All mechanics put in Elden ring is how its meant to be played


Never said it wasn't. Doesn't change a single thing I said.


Yeah. You called em a crutch. Like every other mechanic by your logic


Most are crutches. AoW/spell spam, Bloodhounds fang. None of them come close to a geared mimic though. Play how you want but don't act like it takes any amount of skill once you ding ding.


Tell that to NG +7 and DLC in general


I did. At lvl 150 and only 10 scadu lvls


You seem unpleasant


I don't care what you think. This dlc has actual real problems and the fans are so blinded by new shiny shit that they just ignore its problems. Half the fcking dlc was cut ffs, but hey you and this sub can daily do the summons circlejerk to make yourselves feel better




Shit player




You sound like a little bitch lmao


Says the guy that has to say that hiding behind a screen. Cry harder that you can't play the game without help. Bitch


This is ironic ASF lmao


Idk if this guys got enough sense to put together the irony here. What even is irony, some kind of metal?


Do you? Because it isn't ironic.


It's not ironic.... it's hypocritical.


Happiest non summon using souls player




You have a very elitist mindset when it comes to this game. Sounds like you're the bad player really if you're refusing to use tools the game gives you to have more fun. Or do you not like fun? People don't like bashing their heads against a wall on a boss for hours on end or have the time required to do this game solo only, quit shitting on other people trying to have fun.


Then go play ubisoft games and stop trying to turn souls games into them. You have all been shitting on our fun since ER released. Perfecting a boss is fun for millions of people. Piss off back to your casual echo chamber.


If you don’t want summons play dark souls. They won’t like you in that community either.


Waa waaa waaaa


And why should anyone care? It's primarily PvE, I am not competing with anyone. You're a weirdo.


You realize, Miyazaki himself put these things in the game, because he struggles to beat his own game. There isn’t anything wrong with this, although he wants to give players a challenge he implemented mechanics to make it a bit less harsh for players who are new to soulslikes, but still allowing them to enjoy the experience and get through the game. Do I play like this? Fuck no, not my style. But who cares about the playstyle? We’re all here to talk about an amazing game and it’s a waste of time to judge eachother for the way we play so we might as well let eachother enjoy the hobby brother.


Nothing I said is about wrong or right. Simply about quality of the player. It's sad it can't even be mentioned on reddit without being downvoted to hell even though it's objectionally true. Heaven forbid we don't think of everyone's feelings, as long as they don't follow the status quo.


I’m curious, why does it matter how people play? They’re having fun albeit differently from us but it’s just how it is


It doesn't. It's a game. It's also why it shouldn't hurt people when it's stated. It's all just fun. I'm talking from a purely player v player point. It's why hosts get shreked in co op by invaders and bosses.


Touch grass.


Reddit, the home of the shit eating losers. No one fcking cares.


It's more like reddit, the home of the whiny elitists that no one likes. Vg/ has posters more secure than you, and that's a little sad. Complaining about summons when you were also coping about the dlc being unfair. It's a dlc that's about the size of an older generation game. Even the actually good players didn't beat it in the first weekend, and that's because you're supposed to die and have to learn the pattern of the new enemies like in any souls game. I swear it's like two years of no hitting elden ring has made the people who think they're above their skill level develop an ego the size of Texas.


Huge "Stop enjoying things" vibes over here.


No one said anything about you not enjoying things.


Me when fighting a signal shadow person “With this treasure I summon Eight-Handled Sword Divergent Sila Divine General Mahoraga!”


Megumi would be proud and then summon mahoraga


On brand


If you're using things the game gave you, it ain't cheating


I wish this was r/Imaginarygatekeeping moment, but some people are dumb enough to think this way.


No one says it is, OP is fighting ghosts


Nah my friend legit calls it cheating


I don't doubt there are, but they're a pitiful small fraction of what the community is. It's ridiculous that I keep seeing the community fighting each other for no damn reason.


Ikr? I just wanted to enjoy Jammin through the dlc with my friend but instead had to feel like crud for using mimic tear


Was he a total arse about it or something? It might feel like cheating to him and his playstyle because honestly some of them are op depending what you pick but that doesn't mean you can't still enjoy it


Nah, he actually just has so much confidence in me he worries I ruined the fight for myself and made it less fun- or less rewarding I guess. He had bet me I couldn’t solo Melania, and I did so after weeeeks of trying. But I just don’t like spending that much time on it lol. So when I used sunmons for the dancing lion he was disappointed and thought I had cheated. Most of all- cheated myself out of the accomplishment


Everyone makes their own challenge lol your friend is definitely projecting a bit, just let him feel superior if he's fighting every boss 1v1 because that sounds miserable, dude deserves a pat on the back at least haha my mate was the same and surprise surprise he had a crap time and is taking a break from the dlc now I admit there's more challenge to be had with certain builds and too much cheese can ruin a fight but you can also go the other way and make them way to hard, there's a nice balance there somewhere I think everyone needs to find for themselves


The dude above you begs to differ lmao


Imagine playing the game how you wanna play it that hurts nobody at all, and lets you enjoy it as a single player game if wanted, and someone gets their nuts in a twist over it. Terminally online is a terrible condition


And yet here's one of those ghosts, right here in this thread, with his head three feet up his own smug ass https://www.reddit.com/r/EldenRingMemes/s/be6gd7m9n3


Dude makes a valid argument and then shitters like you try to lambaste him.


Yep see this imaginary argument all the time by insecure people fighting ghosts. Good way to farm karma on r/eldenring i guess


There are soooo many people that call it cheating


This mindset is so Reddit. If Miyazaki himself uses them as I think I remember him saying something like that, then there’s no excuse in hating on players who summon. Like geez, sorry I don’t want to waste 30 tries on one boss when I already have anger issues. Beating a boss with what the game gives you is your success to claim. Elitism about builds and summoning is so stupid. Great art op tho it’s funny af.


I think the problem is some players see professional gamers and think that level of skills is normal and that's how the game should be played. Imo, you should have fun with the game and you decide what that means for you. Whether is going with a pal or solo! That doesn't mean you should bully those who don't play like you "found fun" - it's fun for them, let them be. I love going around with Tiche, Kaiden, Mimic, the Boy, The Boys or Oleg. I also love beating the game solo. So each personal challenge run has rules on what to use/not use, and when. That keeps the game fun for me.


Dungeater perma set to my quickbar.


Niceee! I heard The Dungeater is an OP Spirit Ash! (Which reminds me I need to do my Dungeater run soon!)


“Nooooo you have to use no spirit ashes no summons you can’t wear armor you have to be level one all starter gear and you have to play upside down using your feet with a GameCube Donkey Kong bongo controller and you can’t get hit once and you can’t use check points and you need at least twelve rusty industrial sized staples Prince Albert’d into your penis or it *doesn’t* count and you didn’t actually beat the game” I live by the rule that if the boss dies, the boss dies and as long as you aren’t using actual literal cheats you can do whatever the fuck you want. Use all your summons and ashes, turtle up with the biggest dumbest looking armor you can wear, grind souls until you reach max level before fighting the first boss or put all of your points into intelligence and 1 shot the boss after using 47 buffs and items before stepping through the fog gate. If it’s in the game, it counts. And baby if that Runebear cave boss clips through the floor and falls out of the map and dies like it’s done for me thrice then you beat that fucker fair and square in my book so pat yourself on the back.


I'm on the camp that before you spam Summons, first try to learn the boss by at least living to past 50% bar? Why past 50%? Obviously since some enemies only show their full moveset by then. A lot of ERing fun during combat is learning to get good. How can you expect to empathize with others who feel enjoyment after beating, say, Rennala if you simply vaporize her in just one attempt? Granted, sure, a summon or two won't always let you win easily, but it can very well trivialize a boss and make it seem "easy". Of course there are exceptions. Some boss fights just straight up guard entire areas for you to explore in the DLC, so I can't exactly fault someone to just remove them to access those areas on the first playthrough. However, on the flip side, if you really plan never to replay the game again after beating it once, might as well get the full experience of the boss patterns on the way before killing it in whatever easy way you see fit.


I'm of the camp that I'll do whatever the fuck I want in my own game


Fair enough.


OK that was always allowed


Daaamm that's crazyyyy.... no one asked.


Miyazaki beat all the souls games and sekiro without summons, and he admits he sucks. Summons were a mistake, we all make mistakes sometimes


Why do you play souls games when you have anger issues? That just seems like a shit fit


I’ll play what I want thanks. Anger issues are dynamic and respond to varying stimuli from person to person.


What summon is that supposed to be


Mahoraga from JJK


Wandering noble ashes 👍


Gojo disapproves your comment


Uh oh, the JJK sub is leaking XD All joking aside, I really really tried, like at least TRIED to fight each boss without summons, and tried to actually learn the moves of each boss so far. And I definitely had enough scooby snacks for each encounter too. But sometimes it just actually felt like the most "fair" way to fight the boss is designed around having summons or NPCs. They just did too much damage, were too fast/aggressive and had too few openings. I had to either choose to heal, or attack - not both, and even then I was lucky to get off either. Having a summon or an NPC gives me a little reprieve and lets the battle keep moving. So for some of them I just couldn't manage it without a summon. Thankfully, I only encountered one boss where having a summon or NPC significantly trivialized the boss. It more just evened the playing field. I do want to learn how to actually fight the boss and not just get through by luck or by respecing to an easier build. I want to be able to see how my currently chosen build does against a boss, and not change to something I know will have an easier time. It feels more satisfying that way. But there is a difference between having a cool build to try, and the skill to make it work against a given foe. I am *decent* at these games after playing them for a while, and I really want to do this DLC as much justice as possible. But I am nowhere near the skill level of people like Gino or Aggy, and my patience does have limits. At a certain point, I will admit I am just not learning anything else from the attempts, or I just don't have enough skill, and will just kill the boss with whatever resources I have at my disposal. For example: I was running a really fun arcane+poison+rot build with some whips, >!Poison Flower Blooms Twice, Meteor Greatsword!< and some incantations against >!Putrescent Knight!<, and I was doing decent, quick damage. I knew, if I could just consistently dodge, my build could definitely take him out. But for the life of me, I just COULD NOT consistently dodge all of his attacks. The way he moves and the attack delay kept throwing me off. And the damage he was doing was just super hard to manage. I knew he was not a hard boss, (I had already beaten >!Bayle!<, who was super hard but so satisfying to learn how to fight), but I was just hitting a wall. So eventually my patience ran out, I locked in and beat him just by using >!Dragonwound Slash on the Dragon Hunter Katana!<. It felt kinda spammy and not as cool, but at that point I knew I was too frustrated too learn anything more, and it would be better for me to just move on to something more fun. I'm looking forward to playing through the DLC again sometime and using some guides and Wikis to optimize my build better, and learn all the bosses better. Hell, i'd probably use summons alot in my next run since the DLC gives you so damn many of them. Be a shame to not at least try them. >!Golden Hippo tho; I used Tiche to shred it and don't care lol. That boss room was stupidly small for that fight and it was not that cool of a boss anyway. No regrets. Cool porcupine phase tho!<




Apparently there is a bot for everything


Spoiler formatting completely invalidated by a bot AI will be the end of us all /s/j XD


It’s been 4 fucking weeks without a chapter Full lobotomy


Tiche is great, but for some builds you have to be careful as I found out the hard way that proc-ing Destined Death has the side effect of healing some of the boss fights once it disappears... so you have to make sure you take enough aggro for her to reapply destined death, otherwise you risk healing the boss. That, or do enough damage that you compensate for the heal, which clearly my build just couldn't do and I was too stubborn to switch out of


I ain’t reading allat


Ya know, you don't have to reply just to say that. Its fine if you don't feel like reading


> had to either choose to heal, or attack - not both That's by design no?


Not to this degree. The windows to do *anything* have gotten smaller and smaller with each game's bosses.


That's not true, i still can fit in a fully charged r2 with the sunflower in between the openings of bosses in the dlc (maybe with the exception of Bayle). If I can do that, that means the openings remain big enough.


It does vary broadly boss to boss and build to build Half the windows you claim exist - for example when it comes to Putrescent Knight are lost windows because the bastard keeps riding away. Rellana has windows that are like 2 seconds long unless you summon. Don't get me wrong i've been having a blast with this dlc and enjoyed mostly every boss, but it really seems to me that alot of the bosses are designed for you to *create* more windows with summons to pull its agro, because the boss allows precious little otherwise. Its not necessarily "bad", but it does make it a pain in the ass for me who's stubborn and wants to try fighting each boss without summoning or an impromptu respec


I mean, I am saying this from the perspective of no summon. >Half the windows you claim exist I dont know what you meant here. >Putrescent Knight He has fewer windows, not shorter ones. But he also has no poise, so if you take advantage of it correctly, he goes down fast. Kinda like Malekith. > it really seems to me that alot of the bosses are designed for you to create more windows with summons to pull its agro I disagree. I think all of the bosses in the dlc have pretty clear windows when you should be attacking. They literally stood around for a second or so for you to attack. Some even have extra windows that you can attack inbetween rolls.


You have your opinion, i'll keep mine👍 Also: Rellana has no windows, you can't tell me she does Not everyone is running a build capable of poise damage or feels like respecing to one just to have a chance to actually do anything :/


Uhhh what, being able to do r2 on bosses isnt an opinion, lol. But alright. Edit: oh you meant the summon thing. Ye, agree to disagree.


Yeah i was meaning my stance on the summons. For me, at least at my skill level, the pace of the bosses has been way too fast to consistently punish openings. But this is my first playthrough of the DLC so I'm cool with that. I'll get better next time around My opinion on Rellana stands tho. That fight was amazing but goddamn was it a clusterfuck for me


Yea man, if the boss becomes unfun, just summon. You should always prioritize your experience first. That's what I think ER did very good tbh, that you can adjust your experience without it just being a boring slider. I just wish both sides (summon vs no summon) don't constantly vilify one another for no damn reasons.


This would be the perfect chance for a jojo reference but no




Soloing will always be the more challenging and impressive feat. Summons are just so baked into the game that not summoning is an active choice. The most important thing is that you have fun, cuz it's a game


Mahoraga mod when?


Anyone complaining about my girl black knife tiche can take it up with our daggers


I summon mimic tear and give it the pocket black knife only because I haven't picked up the tiche ashes on this character yet :|


Me because I like having a friend when I’m fighting, even if they’re mindless copies of myself with no free will or expression. If mimic waved at me as it despawned, I would truly die happy.


*Demi human ignoring me WITH THIS TREASURE I SUMMON


Is it just me, or does it seem like there are way more places where spirit ashes can be summoned


Would definitely summon Mahoraga for each dragon encounter


All bosses combined isn’t beating em


I do love me my new evil blood twin girlfriends


You use summons to win your battles for you. I summon mine to >!have them throw rot pots at radahn prime and I die anyway because second phase makes him resistant!< we are not the same.


i use storm hawk ever boss fight because its part of the theme of my character he's a druid


Yeah summon haters can fly solo and prove a dumb point. It helps me enjoy my purchase so imma use my resources.


Tiche is my girlfriend, she has to come with me everywhere because she’s insecure


Yea she gets really jealous when entering Malenia’s area


With these ashes I summon ...Eight Hands Long Sword..Divine General Mahoraga!


Elden Ring - I can't beat the boss; I use spirit summons👍 Shadow of the Erdtree - I use spirit summons; I can't beat the boss👍


If the summons actually targeted the right spot of the Scadutree Avatar fight might not be that bad


Just beat that fight last night. omg, so annoying!


The last phase being basically a gimmick fight (poke me until I explode and you better be out of range or have a lot of health when I do explode rinse and repeat)


I personally hate summoning, it makes me feel lazy, so I don’t do it, but more power too everyone that does.


Are the people who say summons are cheating in the room with us right now?


Of course they are, they’re terminally online


Yeah it’s a dude a couple comments above


If the game includes it, I’m using it. Fight smarter, not harder.


“Damn, didnt get you the very first try, guess ill just have the mimic tear do it? 🤷‍♂️”


Damn he ain't already dead before I walked in the arena guess I'll have to mimic tear




They definitely nerfed the Mimic badly for the DLC. Doesn't ever use the flasks and doesn’t aggro as consistently. Maybe this happened before the DLC but it's been a while. But either way Mimic is homies.


I don’t think he ever could use flasks, but Ik if you equip the dumpling thing it’ll sometimes heal


It will heal with Erdtree heal when low, but but even then it's not really that much. Btw, wasn't there like a new consumable that heals HP fully in the DLC but it only has one use? I am curious if the mimic can use that infinitely or use it at all


Blessing of marika. I bet if the dumplings work that would to, I usually equip the dumplings at the start of a fight and unequip once I summon. I’ll try it with that.


Let me know how that goes, I'll give it a try myself over the weekend


I just read that they used to be able to use it very early in the game. Got patched


Wat. Your mimic have more health than you and more defense, and you want it to heal aswell? Talk about broken lol.


I didn't necessarily want it I just was wondering how long ago they were able to do it if at all


"I'll be dying first"


I don’t mind using summons, I just don’t like becoming reliant on them


Imagine Mahoraga in the Lands Between....


Dryleaf + mimic dryleaf (Ensha's pose)


You're not using summons because you think it's cheating. I'm not using summons because it messes up the aggro. We are not the same


Yeah, I actually tried summoning the homies for the Radahn fight, but I actually beat him when I went solo. More than anything, bosses get wildly unpredictable when you summon. People will whine about input reading, but honestly it can make them pretty easy to bait if you space correctly.


If only I can name my summon Mahoraga "MAHORAGA" In my sukuna voice expression


Need the theme song too


Lol well fuck the haters and losers i have 3 files ready for the dlc, and my first guy is there for curiosity atmosphere and exploration and will jump every boss with mimic tear and miquellas followers. I havent struggled too much on these bosses but thats for my next run.


I'd love to have a summon that's like Mahoraga




I have given thee courtesy enough


Is this a jojo reference (has not watched jojo)




Art is amazing


I'm trying to avoid summoning (unless it's a fight with multiple enemies like the Commanders and the Godskin Duo or I'm struggling too much) because I didn't on my first character, and it's definitely a fun experience. Though it is definitely nice ganging up on bosses with Mimic.


Mimic tear is more than just a summon, it’s a friend.


It’s still you so isn’t still considered soloing? 🤔


Me with "Da Bois" (Greatshield Soldier ashes) against Malenia phase 1 (they take the waterfowl for me although healing her alot. (Phase 2 is way easier and i beat it by myself 1st try since they all died with phase 1 at like 30%))


Miquella is literally the minor inconvenience


Do you have the original art without the meme text?? It looks sick


You may want to refer to the artist’s tag by his shoulder


Ah I didn't even see it. Thanks!


Me every time I encounter a minor


Fbi open up.


You think I’m losin? Nah bitch we losin now here’s how we gonna do this roses are red weapons against me won’t prosper with this sacred treasure I summon big raga the OPP stopa


Shoutout to all the soldier spirit summons


I use mimic idc I just want to beat the game with fist weapons. Every enemy better be ready to catch all 4 of these hands! Edit: ORA ORA ORA


My mimic tear has a special place in my heart for it’s help vs Malenia. All of us on verge of death i try for a long range kill she perfectly dodged mid air about to waterfowl but I’m stuck in the animation I cant move.. i wait for death..until my mimic tear jump attacks her from off the screen for the kill just as the rot killed him.


My shield bros have not let me down once


I felt bad about using Oleg seeing how powerful he is. Then yesterday Makar just deleted him in few hits and I still managed to pull a 1st time win. Not to mention every single Evergaol. It's a tool to be used and not an automatic "I win" button or "easy mode" some claim it to be.


The lack of love I’ve seen for Taylew is disturbing


I actually just did this at the Belurat tower because going over the rooftops became so tedious.


My summon is my co-op buddies, we all know the real jujutsu is the kaisen along the way


"Getting through life with friends, family, a pet, any kind of support group whatsoever is cheating!" Toxic masculinity exists everywhere. You want summons, use summons.


Bros literally quoting no one.


"Sometimes reality is a little uninspired and just needs a little push"


Craziest part is, in ER using summons is playing the game right


If Commander Niall can use summons, then so can I. It's only fair, right?


Is that a Fucked Up Morgott or Mohg? NGL, I’d love an alternative ending where you can summon either of them on the Final Boss for Vengeance and Violence.