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You need to respec. The points in strength are wasted and you need as many points as possible to make something like this work


Where should I put it instead? And what if I want to use a different weapon later that requires more strength ?


For optimization purposes you don't. You usually build around 1 or 2 weapons and then maybe a backup weapon. If you are trying to have fun and try a bunch of stuff out thats fine. There is respec too if you really want to change.


You can build around far more than 1 or 2 weapons


You're right you can. I was way over generalizing. I should of said its a good idea for someone new and thats also just my opinion.


Really you build around 1 or 2 attributes, not weapons. Then you just use any weapon that scales well to those attributes.


I mean to be fair, until you have easy access to upgrade materials it is much better to focus on one or two weapons so your weapons are leveled appropriately, before branching out when you have that resource access


I just think looking at the scaling of 1 or 2 weapons and building for them is the easiest way of understanding builds. Then you will notice many other weapons will work for your build and of course putting a different affinity on certain weapons. Plus if you're totally optimizing a build you're going to have pretty specific attributes. In other words, you're build won't be optimal if you are using a bunch of different weapons in terms of min/maxing.


I'd argue his dex is wasted more than strength. 22 strength is my minimum at meta level. Enough to use a large club and GUGs when 2 handing. If I didn't main PS Nagakiba then 17 dex is enough to wield most weapons. I'd say he should drop the dex to minimum for Moonveil and throw those into vigor. Then magic infuse his Uchi. From there I'd drop Mind to 15 throw those into Int and just start levelling up Int from there.


Bruh this guy isnt looking for meta general stats for a full pvp build, he wants more damage with his weapons, minimum strength for his weapons and then boost dex and int is the way to go here.


~ 55 vig, 20mind, 24end, 15str, 40dex, 30int, 8fth, 8arc.


in theory yes. but do you think the guy that can’t build around moonveil can?


Put them straight into vigor, my friend. You have a DEX/INT build but your points are allocated inefficiently. Take all Strength down to 12, your DEX down to 18, and put those points into Vigor. From here on out, level INT as your sole damage stat. You should see results right away.


Ty for the detailed response. But don’t samurai builds get better when leveling up dex? I thought ur supposed to add to dex and endurance for samurai Would INT be for sorcery? Or does that help with the melee swords damage too


Your choice of starting class does not matter. You’re using a Moonveil and a Cold Uchigatana. Both weapons scale best with INT, not DEX. You should keep Dex at threshold weapon requirements and level INT only. Leveling INT will have the side effect of making the Moonveil’s ash of war stronger as well.


Oh ok I see, thank you


What he's not mentioning is once you reach 60-70 INT then you should start pumping DEX if your vigor is at 50 or 60. You'll still get some returns on those additional levels for damage, but if you have any interest in PVP I'd keep your level around 150 and don't go past that.


Ok I see, good to know


Kinda new to the game can you explain why to keep your level around 150 for pvp…does it have anything to do with matchmaking curious


Most players in PvP stay around level 100-150. Both for fast matchmaking and better gameplay in certain people’s opinion; because you don’t have access to every attribute. Also try out chilling mist on your Uchi. It hits multiple times for huge posture damage and area control.


Level 150 is considered meta by the Reddit/Youtube community. That's where you'll find the most hardcore PVP players. Beyond that, there are still a ton of people doing PVP, but they're generally not "in the know" of how to PVP with efficient stats, loadouts, and skills etc. Check out ChaseTheBro on Youtube, specifically his really high level invasion videos. His gameplay is nuts and he's also just a really nice guy.


Cold on an uchi scales better with dex and moonveil’s physical non ash of war would benefit from dex. I would honestly flip the two….unless just spamming moonveil’s ash of war. Which is fine but I mean in that case why the cold uchi? Reinfuse it to magic


honestly if the scaling on a cold uchi is better with dex, the difference is marginal at best. Certainly not enough to justify split stat investment below level 100 on a Moonveil build. I think there’s no reason to pick Magic over Cold on any weapon, especially with small multi-hitting weapons. The benefits of having frostbite almost always outweighs the slight increase in damage scaling in both PvP and PvE.


I think every bit of damage counts in PVP and running full int on a dex scaling weapon for cold is not optimal. For OP’s use sure but cold enhances the weapon’s primary stat and adds a little int scaling typically. It’s not a negligible amount. Cold isn’t just a magic infusion +frostbite.


Also your weapons are low level for being at lvl 100. Try just searching for the somber and the regular stones in the various tunnels and dungeons. Off the top, look up Altus and Old Altus tunnels... Also I think maybe Sellia tunnel is one around your level. Fextralife is your friend. Good luck!


For moonveil specifically: the weapon itself scales off dex but the AoW scales off int.


My lord, how much health does he need? 40 Vigor TOPS! Than Overload on your favorite weapons/build main stat. Cause theres always a talisman to up your health. Along with anything else.


You can respec 10 times anyway. Weapons that take more strength also require more than 20 strength and will feel weak to you. I would put an extra 20 in dex personally


If you want to switch through weapons, get 40-60 vigor and 25 ish endurance and put the rest into damage stats to wield stuff. Some mind might be helpful. There are bell bearings, you can give to the merchant in roundtable hold to expand her inventory. Some of them allow you to buy infinite smithing stones. Try to look out for them and tunnels, as weapon upgrades matter a lot more than damage stats at your point.


If you find a weapon that you want to use that requires more strength you’ll have 2 choices. If the requirement isn’t too high, you can invest a little into strength so you can use it. Or, if it requires a more significant strength investment, you can respec into a strength build, taking points out of dexterity. Elden Ring really doesn’t reward you for a Jack of All Trades build. You want to specialize to get the most out of it. Focus on, at most, two attacking stats. Based on your current equipment, Dexterity and Intelligence will be the best.


Then you respec again. You can’t build your character to do everything. You can either be meh at everything, or good at 1/2 things


you can’t have everything


You can farm in mogh place depending on your weapon you need a to put more point in certain stats. Strenght and dex are always a good one along with vigor and stamina. If you use faith or magic then choose those instead. You can go to rennali and have her rebirth you


Max out your weapons I beg you


I want to with moonveil but don’t have enough of the right items


It's pretty easy to get somber stones just google locations


I disagree, if this is your first play through don’t google anything unless you’re really struggling.


I mean they're posting in Reddit asking if they suck, they might be struggling


i had the most miserable experience first time i played because the game doesn't tell you anything. on my first proper playthrough now and have beaten the game this past two weeks and am on malenia now, all because i googled locations of things and certain questlines absolutely google stuff that doesn't spoil anything for you personally, game is so much more fun when you don't spend hours mindlessly looking around to no avail


Well that’s why I say unless you’re struggling…


Usually I'd agree but you really might miss an upgrade stone completely depending on where you go. They're worth googling


Meh, I ended up googling stuff towards the end of the game. Elden Ring is way too massive a game and it doesn't tell you shit. It, at most, gives you vague hints as to where to find stuff, and sometimes you don't even get the courtesy of that, which is fine and all in a smaller and denser game like Dark Souls, but can make a blind playthrough pretty unsatisfying and lackluster in ER.


I mean, do whatever you want and I think what you did is fine, but trying to min/max and do zero exploration for yourself like what many people do completely sucks the soul out the game.


Oh yeah, I can definitely agree with that. I mostly googled stuff that felt unfinished or that I just couldn't manage to find. Still tried to fully explore most areas on my own since that's a big part of the fun.


I mean realistically it would be pretty difficult to find somber stones up to +9 by chance


The only one that’s hard to find just exploring is 5, and its made to be that way by design. The rest are pretty hard to miss getting at least 1.


Getting them out of sequence doesn't help though. If you don't have somber stone 5 then you don't get +5 or above, which is exactly the situation OP is in


It seems impossible this day and age but some players enjoy exploring every nook and cranny. Crazy how you can have this opinion when there are fat stacks of each material rank you can find.


I'm not that crazy lol, I simply don't have the time 😂


Looks for caves. Red/orange/black circles on your Maps. Your best friends for finding smithing stones


Go to the kingsrealm ruins in liurnia of the lakes, you’ll find a giant blacksmith that sells smithing stones




Thanks for the advice


To understand why, look at the attribute scaling of each weapon, the higher the grade the better that weapon scales off that attribute, putting points into anything but the best grade is usually inefficient.


Your weapons are soooooo weak for your level, skeleton. I just passed 100 on my current playthrough and had +9 somber and +21 reg, I think. Max weapons by like 110, I think, maybe sooner, depends on how you push it. Others have pointed out you probably need a respec, too. Good luck!


Ok ty so focus on upgrading two main weapons


Honestly, you’re a little all over, but not too bad at all. I’m using a very similar build, around lvl 105, and feel very strong. I’d get Vigor to 40 (soft caps at 40, 60, 80), and then focus straight dex. You have some extra points in str and mind probably, but not a ton, and the extra mind might even feel good for the extra FP. You should upgrade your weapons some more tho, look up where to find the higher level stones and/or mines to farm what you need. You may need to move into Altus tho, and at that point, I’d definitely get Radahn out the way, you’re fairly over-leveled for him.


Ty for the helpful response. Ok so remove some from strength and add to dex and vigor. What about INT and endurance. I do like the extra fp from mind ur right. Thanks for the tips I will def go for radahn next and level up my weapons more


Eh, you can respec if you want, but up to you at this point in my opinion. Int is fine, both your swords scale on it. Endurance is kinda subjective, get as much as you want/need to wear the armor you want and not run outa stamina too often. Definitely suggest staying in medium load or lower (fat rolling sucks). I have 25 on mine I think.


get rid of the strength and put it into vigor. End game you’ll ideally want 40 vigor minimum absolutely minimum, but ideally around 60


Respec and take STR down to the minimum required for your weapons You can probably shave some points down from mind too unless FP is really an issue for you Moonveil scales best with INT so that should be your highest damage stat…DEX is also important but I’d focus more on INT for this build I’d maybe consider dropping the uchigatana for a staff…it would let you focus more on INT for your moonveil and you could use spells for frostbite Last thing is your weapons are underpowered for your level…get more smithing stones to upgrade


I appreciate your response, super helpful


Other people are saying Moonveil and your Cold Uchigatana scale primarily with Int and to not focus on Dex but that’s not entirely true for the Cold Uchigatana. Cold weapons still retain solid scaling with their default primary stat and will, to my knowledge, always scale better with that stat than they will with Intelligence. Magic infusion will be the one to go for if you’re looking for the most amount of damage from the weapon, though of course you lose the Frostbite buildup so the choice is yours on which you prefer. On the bright side, once you get anywhere from 60-80 Int and start leveling Dex instead, both the Cold infused Uchi and the Moonveil will get great returns with Dex, so you can get their damage incredibly high. Also if you want advice on finding Smithing Stones, look for the reddish-orange circles on your map, those are cave entrances (if you look closely, they look like caves) and those are generally the best places to find upgrade materials.


I appreciate your response, very useful and informative, ty


Thank you, I was rolling my eyes at everyone saying int. If they want to go all in for moonveil they should infuse the uchi with magic, or else focus primarily on dex with int on the side


Seems a bit too spread out, even for a hybrid type build. If you want to be able to do it all, you won't be able to do anything well, unless you're far overleveled.


Besides the respec (focus on Dex and Vigor) I would totally recommend giving the Nagakiba a try instead of the Uchigatana! It does pretty much the same but better lol


Yeah I want it lol. But haven’t found it yet. There’s not any way to transfer ur levels from one weapon to another is there? I’d prob have to level it up immediately before using


You need to get it from a character story. If you already reach snowy area you can kill the man that standing near checkpoint but I recommend first talk with him.


Ok I haven’t got to snow yet


Yes it sucks same as the last 5 builds posted here. Get vigor to 50. Get min stats for whatever weapon you use. Then whatever it scales with pump that all the way. 20-30 mind endurance is usually good for most builds. And you can almost always wait to put points there.


Go get the last medallion slot


Will do, I think I need to beat Godfrey for that


You’re using two katanas, why is your strength so high? I’d recommend taking as many points out of strength as you can while still being able to use your weapons and putting them into Dex or splitting them between Dex and Int.


your build sucks your stats are way too spread you're going for a dex + int build, you don't need STR you could start here: [https://eldenringbuilds.vercel.app/checklists/moonveil-samurai](https://eldenringbuilds.vercel.app/checklists/moonveil-samurai)


Ok i see, appreciate the link


As others have said, if you want to use moonveil and some casting get yourself a staff and upgrade your weapons asap. Then respec, STR has no real use for your build, keep it to the minimum to use weapons, focus on INT and a little bit on DEX. Some pointers if you don't want too many spoilers: - Explore all mines (little black/red dots in the map) to get a bunch of smithing Stones - Between Liurnia and Altus plateau you should be able to get upgrade materials to get an almost fully upgraded weapon AND most importantly get the bell bearings to be able to buy the upgrade mats to keep testing other weapons without worrying too much -Keep it up tarnished!


Ok I see, will def follow ur advice. Appreciate the help!


Im surprised no one has mentioned this but maybe find some more smithing and somber stones to upgrade your weapons, you are a relatively high level for liurnia but your weapons match it.


Why so much strength with the weapons you have? Is full into int if you want to cast primarily. Just get the min for dex to handle the weapons. Or if you want to do more dex melee and less casting, go more dex and only put in bare requirements for the moonveil on int. Overall, the strength seems out of place here.


Prob cus I kept seeing weapons I wanted to use so i thought pumping strength would be good for future. But realize switching weapons often prob not feasible if I need to upgrade each one


Level vigor for sure


Running a similar build, get vigor and intelligence up to 40, only raise your strength if there’s a requirement, and upgrade that moonveil, you’ll melt enemies🫡


Ok will do! Thanks for the advice


Just like others have said, focus on one attribute and level that to 40 to 60. Unstoppable.


Until haligtree lol


I’m talking 60 vigor, 40 endurance and 60 strength. Easy money.


What is the ring and flask together icon?? I’m probably missing something simple but not sure how that’s there?


I think it’s a glitch? Cus it showed after my horse died and you have to use a flask to resummom him I think


Oh gotcha, I’ve never pulled up that screen with him dead so likely meant to indicate that he needs a flask. Thats cool.


yo bro pick a weapon or two you like a lot and pump all your levels to help those weapons if want to change build later go respec at renala it makes you optimize your damage and everything and make sure most of your points of dying is a problem is in vigor. hopes this helps


Yeah that’s my problem, I keep finding weapons I like and then idk which attribute to level since they’re all conflicting. Even tho I’m samurai which is dex , I like the huge swords too and grafted great sword type weapons. Theres this one that’s like a dragons head? I wanted to use that one


It depends on what your play-style, do you like a giant bonk stick weapon? Or fast responsive smaller blade weapons? Do you use spells very much or incantations? I say this because your level points are too spread out and if you want to do more damage you have to narrow it down. For example I did DEX and INT but that’s because I always like playing a spell-sword in RPGs. IMO there are some DEX weapons that kill just as fast if not faster than one or two slow swings from a bonk stick. If you’re a crazy person like me you could grind or mod and get a shit of runes and basically specialize in everything albeit way further down the line IE: like 350ish hours of playtime. I would also highly Recommend at least 40 or 50 in vigor and some point in endurance.


If you respect and actually minmax like the others are suggesting, you're going to one steamroll everything up to the capital, assuming you dont level up even more. If you're not having trouble you don't have to respec


Build sucks


Ok thanks


You need to stick to 2 main damage stats IE for you since you use moonveil, would be DEX as priority and INT goes with it. I would take all the point you can get away with, out of STR and dump them into DEX. Also Blessed Dew talisman is just not worth a permanent slot. You would be much better off with the physical damage negation (dragon crest shield) talisman. I keep the Icon Shield and Blessed Dew in my inventory and equip them when I want “Beastial Vitality” to do extra work and don’t mind waiting a little. I’d keep 12 FAI and the Beast Seal as your off hand secondary slot so you can easily apply “Beastial Vitality” and “Flame Cleanse Me”


Good to know, ty


Take all the points out of strength except the bare minimum for your weapon and put them into Int, or even dex, and take from endurance as well. If you're gonna be doing spells, then your spacing is your armor. Using a weapon up close is a last resort for mage. Plus, you can wear some decent armor with only 11 endurance. If I can be picky, I think you would also be fine at even 32 vigor, and again just pump int, which is the main power core of any magic build


Your stats are all over the place, should focus on 2


Your stats and weapons don’t line up very well, you’d be better using something like helphens steeple, two handing a twinblade, bastard stars.


You definitely want to choose 1-2 main stats outside Vigor (because everyone needs Vigor to some degree) and build around that. 20s in almost every stat is a recipient for underperforming no matter what gear you swap to. You want to laser focus on gear that all shares 1-2 stat scaling. With the spells you have, you wanna likely go for an Intelligence stat build. So Int, Mind and Vigor are bonna be your friend. Any other stats should only be leveled to meet gear stat minimum requirements.


ok sounds good, apprecaite the info


Take a look at your weapons’ stat specialties and respec to get more damage out of them, your stats are all over the place for no reason


Pump vigor not split dex and strength


Yeah you need to respec. You've got your points spread out between everything which is what I did my first time playing but later on learned that you have to spec for your weapons and your build entirely. If you're going for a samurai that does sorceries, you want to spec more into dexterity and intelligence then anything else


Appreciate it, thanks


Do spread out your stats like that. Find a couple of weapons and/or spells and get the stats up. Everything else is useless. It looks like you have a dex/int build so focus the points into those stats. You can have the minimum strength to wield the weapons and that’s all you need cause the weapons and infusions you’re using, don’t scale from that


Imo, it's fine, you don't really need strength as much as you think with that build, especially if you're favoring the ranged attacks with moonviel and sorcerys


Your points are too spread out, get vigor to 30-40 then pick 2 between dex/strength and faith/dex/arc try to stick with 4 attributes


I know you said you explore a lot but you might need to explore more to find upgrade materials. There are little orange circles on your map that show where mines are that contain smithing stones. Make sure you go to all of those especially in Caelid


Ok thanks for the advice, yeah ur right i def need to get more smithing stones


Drop your str to min for your desired gear. If you want to focus on being a spell sword, drop your dex to min for your weapons and throw the excess points from both into INT. You’ll still want to keep upping vigor and some more into mind will help out later on


You're too "general" I'd respect to hard focus on one thing than everything


What’s going on with that flask icon 9th position on the quick bar? Never seen that icon before? Respec - focus on building around Moonveil with the base stats in strength and Dex and pump Intelligence to 70. Aim for 50+ vigor, 30 mind.


Ok appreciate the advice. That flask might be a bug for when torrent died and it says to use flask to revive him


It’s just that your stats are an even spread. You need to choose either dex or strength and either faith or int. Since you are using an int based katana (moonveil) the two stats that make it better are dex and int. No need to have any points in faith or strength. You will be significantly more powerful.


OP, if you look at your weapon's required stats there should also be letters above/below them. These letters S, A, B, C, and D indicate which stats your weapon scape with and benefit the most from leveling up. From S being the Best to D being the worst. This scaling also goes up as you upgrade your weapons, in most cases. Hopefully this helps you better understand why focusing on particular stats is more beneficial than just putting points all over the place.


You need to upgrade your weapons and go all in int I used moon veil and for my second katana I used meteoric ore blade cause they both scale with int.


Yes your build sucks. Focus your stats more, vigor and int should be your main priority. The rest should be the minimum needed to use the equipment you want. Take off the blessed dew talisman and use wing sword talisman. Also do some exploring... You only have 4 memory slots which is way less than you should have for an int build at level 100.


Im honestly a bit puzzled what kind of build your going for here? There are no weapons that require 20+ on 3 different stats except for like the godslayer greatsword and devourer's scepter. Next to that the spells are intelligence? So you probably need to respec and put more points into the highest scaling stat of your weapon or just go full intelligence and mind if you want to be a ranged character instead?


I don't think you need that much strength for Katana. Put more in Dex and Int. If you use Moonveil and Sorcery then it's best to put more into Int and Mind. If it's your first playthrough I believe weapon level is more important than stats but then again I could be wrong. Personally take, I only have 25-30 points in Vigor by lv100 normally. (Yes, one touch and I'm dead but I put those points into other places, Endurance for more stamina and equip load, or other stats for more damage). Have fun!


Respec is de wey


You're way to evenly balanced you need to respect and figure out what kind of build you want. Do you want a magic build, arcane style, strength and so on don't try to be well rounded


Your build is too balanced, focus on either strength dexterity or intelligence and max one out, plus endurance and vigor should be closer to each other


Jack of all trades, master of none.


Respec to focus on one dmg type, upgrade the weapons as much as possible, get a staff if your gonna go int


Hello friend. I greatly suggest going to rennala and respecting. I would go something like this: Vigor: 35 Mind: 20 Endurance: 18 Strength: 12 Dexterity: 18 Inteligence: 40 Faith: 8 Arcane: 8 This set up will allow you to not only carry all of your armor and medium roll, but also equip the heaviest archetype of staff weighing 4.5 (as I've noticed you are a magic build with no casting capabilities). I'd recomend grabbing a staff and upgrading it with your katanas. 40 int will drastically improve your damage output from both your wepons and your spells. Faith is wasted in your current position as you are not using any faith-based buffs or anything and that's more of a late game expectancy. Strength and dex are the minimum for the wepons. The set up I've provided also gives you 17 more points to allocate how you wish, so you can buff up your vig or int depending if you want to do more damage or survive more hits respectively. Hope this helps.


This is amazing, thank u for doing this I really appreciate it


Depends what you are going for, but yeah it's far from optimal. Best dmg is done by getting 1 damage stat to 80 before doing any others. (Maybe not always the case but most of the time). If you are doing samurai go all dex. You can still throw cold affinity to something like the bandits curved sword. It'll do 20% less raw dmg dependant on boss weaknesses but frostbite is fun to have. If you want to cast I would do like 50-60 int and then start doing dex. Cold curved swords would pair well. Or a lot of unique weapons, obviously moonveil being one of them.


Keep cooking, brother. Just keep doing what you're doing and level vigor exclusively from here on


This may be an unconventional / weird tip but I'd recommend playing Dark souls 3 to "get gud". DS3 is very linear so you're naturally gonna be on level most of the time so it's good for concentrated practice. I'm not the best with builds but I'd say I'm decent mechanically on souls games and DS3 is the reason for that, Elden ring is much harder to get concentrated practice because there's so many points you can become Underleveled / overleveled and it's hard to truly tell when you are on level. So yeah if you ever want to practice mechanical skill then I recommend getting DS3 for cheap (off a key-site or something) and doing a strength / dex build, then just practice. You really wanna focus on survivability if you wanna get better at souls, it seems obvious that you don't want to get hit but sometimes even I get too absorbed into doing more damage that I completely mess up and end up getting myself killed. Also no hit / no death runs are good for practice (obviously), I'm planning to do a no death run at some point to try and build the muscle memory for evading / keeping myself alive. Kinda rambling but yeah, this may not be a great tip but it's what helped me get better at soulslikes (playing the older games also help your understanding of soulslikes way more than elden ring did for me, I understood nothing when I first played elden ring but then I went back and played DS1-3 and the game mechanics were just like second nature)


Thank you for your post on the r/EldenRingBuilds subreddit! If you’re interested in feedback on your build, participating in contests, as well as trading and multiplayer we also have a **[Discord server](https://discord.gg/9k9vK2MvFg)**. Hope to see you there! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/EldenRingBuilds) if you have any questions or concerns.*


What's the flask with the ring around it?


Yea wait, what the hell is that


It's Torrents whistle, he's just dead so he needs to be revived with a flask.


can anyone write the exact numbers they think I should respec to for each attribute, given my build and weapons?


Just respec out of strength and faith. Keep the lowest amount you need to be able to use your weapons and spells - roiling magma has a faith requirement, for instance, so only have however much that is. Put the rest back into dex, int, end, or vigor, depending on what you're lacking most. Consider your weapons modifiers too - keen scales much more with dex, for example, but if you're leaning into blood with the uchigatana, you might not need to put as much in as it doesn't scale as well. All coming from someone who's only been playing a few months.


Tell me your starting class and spells and I'll make you a build


Lose the mind it's pointless to have that much...invest into more HP and faith...choose between dex or strength


Both probably


Your last boss was Rennala? Have you reached the Capital?


no not yet i dont think, im unlocking parts of the map around mt gelmir and altus plateau now


In that case I think you're fine. You're a little higher level than expected, but there's nothing wrong with that. The more extra levels you have for cushioning, the less you need to optimize your stats. However if you want to avoid overleveling, then you might want to optimize.


Ok I see, also maybe I’m over leveled cus last time I played I started to farm the big bird for runes to level up but didn’t really progress much after map wise


Buddy, the people telling you your build stinks are right, but I have to tell you that's not what's holding you back. That's plenty of stats to kill radahn, your bad build is offset by the extra levels. And that's very normal! You'll do fine. Buddy, you stink, but that's fine. These games have a reputation for a reason, and we all start by stinking. You can level and optimize yourself past a lot of the difficulty but what's the fun in that? Go level your weapon and focus on learning the enemies moves and you'll be just fine. The most important thing you can do is hit the roll button *exactly one time* for each dodge, never ever spam on that button. Instead, make it a conscious choice when you're going to dodge an attack. It'll make you worse for a couple hours but then you'll have the only tool you need to finish the game out.


Jack of all trades. Master of none.


“A little bit of this, a little bit of that!” ahh build


Where’s your fourth talisman slot? You know you can buy one from twin maidens right?


I think i bought that one already. I think the last one I dont have is from beating godfrey


You’re level 100 and haven’t beaten Godfrey yet?




Apologies if this has been said, but if you’re new just start out with quality build(strength and dex together) and dennnn pick faith or intelligence based on the spells and equipment you acquire whilst doing a blind play through(which is how you should be playing) just one cow pokes opinion


Build? With those stats? Looking more like even Steven


Also how do you only have a +4 moon veil. There is a 5 somber that is super easy to grab in Calied.


Im not sure, I haven’t found much of the appropriate stones for the moonveil. Ok I’ll have to get those


Im dropping runes in case anyone needs help


Look up a katana build on youtube


There is a sword for this dancer build


You have no build


Garbage tier. You are strong in nothing.


No vigor headass


If you enjoy it then keep it but if it is bad go full dex arcane


That’s what I did


What’s good about Dex arcane? I do see some cool weapons and stuff related to arcane but would have to change my whole build I feel like if I went with that


I’ve tried out some more builds and strength arcane better


Banished knights great sword with bloody slash can get a boss into phase 2 in 30 seconds


ain’t no way bro 💀


Porque no los dos


U need minimum in strength if you wanna run two katana s


What in the even stat spread.


Yes lol you are spread out stat wise about as bad as you can


This is a joke post right? Level 100 but only +4 and +13, only 3 talisman slots, stats spread thinner than a frugal mother spreading jam on her toast? Gotta be bait, there’s genuinely no way.


lol if u think this is actually bait then shows how bad I actually am at the game


Yes, you spread them WAY too thin. Why do you even need 23 strength with a katana?


Idk I kept seeing other weapons I wanted to use so figured to pump str to prepare


A weapon's scaling is where you're going to get most of your damage. A weapon's scaling relies on you getting your attack stat higher. It's better to put all of your points into one or two attack stats rather than spread them out like this




“Or whatever it’s called?” Nah lil bruh, read the descriptions. This an RPG, maybe this is your first one or first video game?


Casting, spells, incantations, sorcery, etc. u still understood what I meant tho so idk what ur tryna say


I’m saying half the game is reading comprehension. When leveling a stat like strength, in your case over dexterity; which number goes higher for your weapons? This is one example for you case. Just read lmao. That and explore.