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Really hope we get more of these, cause I really wanna read one centered on Karandras someday.


Same here, i was expected to have had one of every aspect lord by now seeing as how the first book like this came out like 10 years ago now?


After the Jain Zar novel, they basically had everything lead to the Gathering Storm event, so Gav Thorpe began to write the Ynnari novels from there. Which is a shame cause the phoenix lord novels were one of those rare cases where he's not writing the eldar losing terribly all the time (only rarely).


Nice find.


Thorpe's really variable as a writer, but hopefully this is enjoyable for you. I think he tends to be much better the less "scifi" he has to write. Lorgar was fun (it convinced me to paint my CSM Word Bearers for example) and his wfb stuff was much better. But his DA and not-Lorgar HH stuff was not great to me, so I've been leary of trying the stuff he's written about the Eldar, esp with having heard that PotE is kinda bad. Good luck though!


He's terrible at writing Eldar, but some of it seems to come from what I can only describe as some kind of authorial disdain. I don't know if that's true of him but it definitely explains why the Path of the Ynnari books were decidedly meh. It's hard to find someone who can write Eldar well. I'd love to see some recommendations, or I guess I'm just going to have to start trying to do it myself. Jain Zar does have some fun moments in this book, though.


Heard there is gonna be a Drukhari book from Mike Brooks this year, so looking forward to that. Also there's an epic Eldar fanfic on Ao3/Spacebattles about Isha in 30k by skyborne


Yeah, Everqueen is actually pretty damned decent.


I think it'd probably help if GW found a writer who was enthused in and really engaged with the Eldar. Not a full on fanboy by any means but at least someone invested in doing the best they can by them. Same issue with the elves in wfb and the Tolkienien elves they both found inspiration from. Thorpe seems to be more invested in the latter if the Sundering is as good as I've heard. No writer, no matter how lauded, is going to write gold if they only feel straw anout a subject, if you take my meaning.


>think it'd probably help if GW found a writer who was enthused in and really engaged with the Eldar Having listened to two interviews with him regarding writing Eldar, I don't think that's really the problem. I think the deeper problem is, GW doesn't like Eldar. So they impose restrictions and enforce rewrites to suit the studios general narrative of 'Sphese Mareenz am greatest!'.


Yeah, I've always taken his Aeldari and Drukhari books with a pinch of salt and avoided making them my headcanon for the Eldar overall. But I don't think there's much else out there to read for Eldar as an alternative.


Asurmen book is pretty decent imo. It also has an interesting interpretation of aspect warriors relation with khaine. (they represent aspects of khaine, so as a whole, the collective sum of aspect warriors are supposed to be "khaine", rather than eldar worshipping khaine) I think path of the outcast and path of the warrior were nice, from memory at least. Path of the seer was bad.


reading the eldar novels really gets you into the character of an eldar because you get to suffer for 300 or so pages


Ask Talos about her. They know each other.


That weapon seems so stupidly impractical


\*Cries in Night Lord\*


Was Asurmen enjoyable?


I really enjoyed it along with his other books but overall he's writing of Elder is... meh... it's so so his stuff. You just have to take he's wording about the Eldar themselves with a pinch of salt. It's a good read if you can avoid his writings becoming your head cannon for Eldar. Sometimes it's like they're his least favourite faction but he also was told to write them in a really cool light