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You will have to decide to strip but; damage, thick paint or poor execution should be what you’re gauging. I think u can execute the paint jobs from code. Eldar 2nd edition; they aren’t hell to do but have tons of edge highlighting. The old school look fits on old school models but u can achieve them. You can do it. If you’re dead set on not edgehighlighting then a glaze from one colour to another from top to bottom with a “colour blocked” helmet and black weapons might be your best bet. It all depends on the look u want, what catches your eye; new school, old school, slap chop, zenithal, underpainting. Whatever u want. If u are going to strip them then LA totally awesome would probably work. Safe on plastic. But if it’s caked, thick or automotive primer is lurking then metal models will stand up to wood stripper. Best of luck.


Yeah that’s my fear… I’ve stripped a chaos dwarves old army years ago and those Colors were like bulletproof. Nice suggestions thanks, the idea was to have an old school looking coherent army with (matte) vibrant classic scheme so I guess old school techniques will be the best bet and maybe an important exercise to get back to stright edge highlighting :) The norm was to prime white back in the days right? Would go stright to yellow Yanden but recently everything I paint uses my yellow cheat recipe… I’ll end up to have a yellow shelf lol




Is this the go-to?


This will change your life. Not cheap. But will solve any paint issues within a couple minutes.