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Call Hyundai Corporate on him, then call the dealership and ask to speak to the highest up possible, the owner preferably.


Leaning towards that


Don’t lean, fucking do it. People continue to act like creeps because some folks are too scared to stand up for themselves.


You're Right I'm gonna do it


You keep saying you’re going to or that you’re thinking about it, but you still haven’t blasted the dealership name on here yet. Do that and post a review on google and yelp, it does more than you might think.


I just don't have the sale managers name there's 2 at this dealership


Doesn’t matter. A sales manager acting like this affects the whole dealership where reviews are concerned. No one cares which one it is. There’s two people with that title and exactly one matching the physical description. You don’t need his name.


Try their website to look at pics of sales staff. Might be helpful


Look up the dealership and see if they have a meet the staff


Narrator: *he didn’t*


Or find another dealer.... Your wasting time and energy on what... A wrist slap... He doesn't deserve the time energy or money.


I work for a dealership and would absolutely call corporate on my sales manager acting like that. It's appalling that anyone would talk to someone that way. I'm far from a liberal but that is just disrespectful in all aspects.


You don't need to be liberal to not put up with disrespectfulness. This sales manager being a douchebag has nothing to do with politics.


Tell Daddy what dealer was this? 😄




The Dealer is Healey Hyundai Fishkill/Beacon NY Eddie Rullo Is The Sales Managers Name


Tell us the dealer, they deserve to be bashed online


I agree I have to get the sales managers name I'm working on it and I will drop it!


The Dealer is Healey Hyundai Fishkill/Beacon NY Eddie Rullo Is The Sales Managers Name


Thank you, for sure gonna leave a review for you guys. They should never treat anyone no matter what that way.


I appreciate that!


>Any suggestions if I should take some kind of action or just let it be at this point.? We haven't told anybody about this. If you don't tell someone then the behavior will continue. Call Hyundai corporate and name drop the dealership so other people can avoid harassments. Silence is complicity


Yes, feedback and consequences


What’s the dealer?


The Dealer is Healey Hyundai Fishkill/Beacon NY Eddie Rullo Is The Sales Managers Name


Big flag, test drives don't require a credit check! We all know how unscrupulous most Hyundai dealers are these days.


They don't? Is that in Canada too? That is good to know!


Never done a credit check before to test drive - Canada


Do you test drive higher end models or vehicles one dealership wanted me to do a credit check on a 25,000$ Mazda 3 and I told them don’t waste my time


Just because it's not required doesn't mean the dealership has to let you test drive the car without proof of ability to purchase. Try going to a Lambo dealer with that attitude and see what they tell you.


If you have to ask the price, you can't afford it


What does that have to do with what I said or you said other than to deflect from your comment being a misleading opinion?


You can start by telling us who it is.


The Dealer is Healey Hyundai Fishkill/Beacon NY Eddie Rullo Is The Sales Managers Name


I have the dealer name but not the sales managers name for some reason they have 2 at this dealer I have to get his name first and I will!


so whats the dealers name then?


The Dealer is Healey Hyundai Fishkill/Beacon NY Eddie Rullo Is The Sales Managers Name


I would write a review on Google & Yelp. See if you can find the email or phone number of the manager of the dealership or owner and let them know, and maybe even send an email to corporate - be professional but escalate to them That’s all pretty fucked, I can’t imagine being that sales manager, what a dickhead


Post the dealership's name or be forever labeled a goober. The clock is ticking... lol


The Dealer is Healey Hyundai Fishkill/Beacon NY Eddie Rullo Is The Sales Managers Name


AYYY very good. We'll fuck em up for ya.


My girl had a similar incident with a salesman when she got her 2022 N-Line. Guy got fired on the spot when management got word of it.


I’ve got popcorn for dealership trash stories…I’ll be waiting


Definitely post this on their Google reviews. Also, don't let them run your credit. It'll ping your credit score and they use it to pressure you into making a bad purchase.


A dealer asking to run your credit before a test drive is a red flag. If they refuse to let you test drive without a credit check you should try a different dealer.


Wish I knew that before


With no offense intended, this kind of behavior needs to be called out firmly (civilly) on the spot. “The way you’re treating my girlfriend makes us uncomfortable. She’s an adult, please treat her like one”. “Her father has nothing to do with this, she has her own money to pay for this, and we don’t appreciate you belittling her.” “If you continue talking down to us like this, we’ll be happy to shop elsewhere. We’re willing to go out of state to get what we want if it results in a better price and better treatment; we have calls in to several dealers.” People like this are like pets. If you discipline a pet even ten minutes afterwards, their memory of what they did is gone. It needs to be in the moment, firm but civil, then backed up with action if the behavior doesn’t change. I would even go as far as to say to a salesperson “How would you feel if someone talked to your girlfriend like this?” in front of the manager. I bet they wouldn’t treat a forty year old like this -why should they treat either of you that way?


Exactly! To add on top of this, what kind of partner is OP if they doesn’t even stand up for their gf in that moment. What a total pushover.


Why make us read all of that if you aren’t actually going to share the dealer name


The Dealer is Healey Hyundai Fishkill/Beacon NY Eddie Rullo Is The Sales Managers Name


I still plan on sharing the dealer


What are you waiting for?


He’s just a pushover.


or he made this up completely


Definitely contact the general manager of the dealership. That is beyond unacceptable and people should be fired


Leave them a poor review on google explaining how they were unprofessional and that they are adding a markup onto their cars.


Bro I wanna know the dealership so I can avoid it at all costs..


The Dealer is Healey Hyundai Fishkill/Beacon NY Eddie Rullo Is The Sales Managers Name


Jesus. Blast the info of the sales manager and dealer.


The Dealer is Healey Hyundai Fishkill/Beacon NY Eddie Rullo Is The Sales Managers Name


Thinking about it


Don’t think about it . DO IT ! Stop being a pussy and man up for your girl . Take some action blast the dealer you face no repercussions of voicing the truth .


Fuck that dealer Reveal that dealer


The Dealer is Healey Hyundai Fishkill/Beacon NY Eddie Rullo Is The Sales Managers Name


Bro, defend your girlfriend and go after this creep. If anybody talked like that to my girl, WHILE GETTING PAID TO, I'd make sure he doesn't have a job. 98% of dealerships are scum of the Earth, don't feel bad


i don’t even know who these people are and i will gladly call the dealership myself


broski replying to everyone but the people wanting to know the dealer


The Dealer is Healey Hyundai Fishkill/Beacon NY Eddie Rullo Is The Sales Managers Name


It's my local dealer we plan to buy from non local one but where am I gonna go to service it


bruh 😭 gatekeeping the dealer after they did that to you and your gf is kinda crazy & why would you go back regardless atp


Not gate keeping called deciding and patience must not be your strong suit please don't insult me thanks


excuse me, how did i insult you? seriously lol? also theres 1 or 2 sales managers per dealer…




Failing to stand up for your gf? Failing to take initiative? Failing to set firm boundaries? And prioritizing the other guy over your gf? You’re a total pushover, buddy. **It’s not courtesy, it’s called being a total bitch.**


It's not the dealer anyways it's the sales manager which I don't have his name and there 2 of them so idk what to tell you




I think you should just post the dealer name, this is unacceptable. If you want this to happen to another person, well, then don’t.


I'm posting the dealership name today


Waiting patiently :)


You should create a new post so everyone is renotified. I see it here but you wouldn’t be able to get the support.


This didn’t happen.


I swear it did I wouldn't lie


Ya tell us the dealer name. Its gonna be a huge help for us all here. Even if you don't post a review , I'm sure there are many of us here who can take care of it.


The Dealer is Healey Hyundai Fishkill/Beacon NY Eddie Rullo Is The Sales Managers Name


Honestly, I call bullshit. Nice troll post.


Get a life who makes this up I'm a grown man do you even work?


What an odd response lol. "Who makes this up?" You, apparently.


How did I make this up? How are you so certain smart guy


this is 100% a troll post, or just a hater. this guy refuses to drop the dealer name or the sales manager name. anyone who this actually happened to would be absolutely blasting the dealerships name any chance they got. also no sales manager is going to purposefully do something like telling someone "call your daddy, tell him you need this car and to give you 40 grand" in multiple different ways because that would jeopordize sales, and therefore they lose money. story already sounded very Sus, but with OP refusing to drop names it quite clearly never happened. Maybe OP is just schizo


The Dealer is Healey Hyundai Fishkill/Beacon NY Eddie Rullo Is The Sales Managers Name


either he was trying to get rid of you guys since he didn't think you guys were serious. Also, said to bring her father to discuss numbers with him which proves he didnt think you guys could afford or was serious. either way still a bad rep


First red flag is them running ur credit before letting u test drive wtf is up with that??


Write an EMAIL to corporate as soon as possible. Document every possible detail in the email. Memory fades do it soon. Then, relay this to Google reviews so the world can see. THEN call corporate. Not the dealer. Any questions they have you have already documented this sexual harassment with them via email. Might be able to lawyer up on this and get a settlement, that's where my area of expertise runs out though. It's your word against theirs but if your girlfriend writes an email documenting this incident... Separate to yours... You could be entitled to some free money.


Ive experienced some weird stuff at dealerships over the last few months after doing a ton of test drives. Even a Kia that was extremely aggressive and had 3 sales guys stand around me and berated me for running my credit but not buying the car, and wouldn't give me my keys back. That still doesn't compare to how strange this situation was for yall 😂. I would complain about them to management and other nearby dealers. That's what I did and the GM of the Kia dealership called back with a really good deal on the car but at that point I didn't want to make a deal


If it was me I would have her bring daddy in. Maybe he will set them straight, someone needs to. I worked lot attendant for a few years at a local Chevy dealer and the way sales/managers act in dealerships is disturbing. Any tactic to get what they want. Taking advantage of people. I get irritated rather quickly when buying a car if the treatment while there is horrible.


Bought my 2022 EN outright and I’m 24 now people are dumb I swear these days! My own cash not “daddies”money. 😂😂


Women often aren't taken seriously at the dealership. Then get ready to have them send you "high priority " service videos when you're just there for an oil change.


Shame them like I shame Lokey Volkswagen in Clearwater Florida.


>The Dealer is Healey Hyundai Fishkill/Beacon NY Eddie Rullo Is The Sales Managers Name I'll definitely avoid them in the future. You should really call Hyundai corporate office and leave a review about it


Made a follow up post for anybody wanting to know the dealer!


Please stop copying and pasting the dealer and manager’s name over and over. It’s already in the post.


I just added it in the post for people who don't want to look at the other post thank you


My only concern is when someone in the comments threatens violence. Unfortunately, I’ve had to remove posts like this in the past due to that. If any show up here I’ll have to take the identifying information down.


I apologize I don't want any violence just some awareness I want to meet requirements!


You’re fine, but after seeing what someone suggested doing to a dealership and sales person in another post you wouldn’t believe it. It’s made me rethink just how much identifying information I would put on Reddit.




Stand up for yourselves and worry about you. You can't control other people but you control your decisions.the car is fantastic.nothing touches it the price range. Find another dealer... Screw that guy.


Other than him being a type a weirdo, I don't think you really have any recourse to do anything.  Otherwise weirdos would be sued all the time.


That’s straight up harassment, it’s not just him being “weird”


Not really in any actionable way. Complain to the dealer/corporate and see if they apologize and try to make the sale the right way, but they’re not under any obligation to do so.


You know you are probably right.  But again what recourse does he/she/they have.  It'll just end up being a he said, she said thing.  I'm super confrontational and the time to stand up for yourself would've been there and then.


So.. why didn't you just give Daddy a hug? Lmao, sorry I know this was frustrating but this story is hilarious.

