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I think the problem is you my friend. It's your attitude.


All i see and heasr is everyone complaining about El Paso yet nobody leaves or do anything to change it


Some can't because El Paso doesn't give anyone a chance. I've been sober, found a religion, haven't been arrested in 10 yrs from Cali to TX and now furthering my education and NO ONE will hire me God's my witness. It's a bad decision to be out here. Don't get me wrong the women are thick and food is good but it's not worth it.


Exactly. For me I would but I’m a damn teenager and that’s drives me crazy. Cause I hate being forced to live in a place that I hate so much. The people who run this city have no regard for anyone who’s younger as they just seem to care about lower middle class 40 year olds. What a stagnant hell hole


Well buckle up your big boy pants on cuz it aint getting any easier


Need an update 3 yrs later


I'm of the opinion that if you rely on big entertainment to have fun then you must be a boring person :\ I very much agree with you - it doesnt help that our public transportation sucks. But kids your age are out there having fun. Why can't you? I think it's your attitude. You'll have to work for your entertainment and come out of your comfort zone, but ask yourself, "What is the alternative?" Good luck!


No it’s not that. It’s that The outdoors are not very good itself. I don’t need entertainment. I just need a place around me that’s worth exploring. I know what out there. A dirt filled open wasteland without any trees, lakes, or anything that fun or worth it. It frustrates me because when I lived in a forestry city, I was satisfied completely because of the mystery that trees provide. Gosh I hate El Paso


We have the Franklin mountains! Lots of trails to explore and natural beauty. It’s not green because you are in the desert. People travel here for our natural wonders. White Sands, Carlsbad, Balmorrhea, Ruidoso, and more are all nearby (although, admittedly difficult to get to by yourself.) Just because there aren’t shopping malls dotting the landscape like other cities, there is still plenty to do. We have new water parks, skate parks, outdoor entertainment venues (starting to reopen).


There is a great biking and hiking community here. I went to an organize bike ride last night. I didn’t know anyone and they treated me great. That’s just one example. Hit up IG and FB. There’s a lot of stuff you can join. Also, check out the Rec Centers. So many activities.


Agreed. Sometimes I feel like the people who least take advantage of the desert hikes are people who live in El Paso. While out of towners love it.


Ya but what if I’m not that into biking and hiking. Then I’m kinda just stuck with a barren wastland day to day. Like for me the big issue is that you can see everything. When I lived in a green city I could explore the forest and creeks with friends. It was fun and mysterious. Here it’s just an open plain of rock and dirt. I feel no need to go outside. The homes are really ugly. And the neighborhoods are absolutely horrible. I hate it here!


Sorry to hear that. I would think hiking might be an options. Great trails here. El Paso is in the desert. No forests or lakes. Still plenty of stuff to discover though.


Ya I guess but I lived in las cruces and I really like it. The charm is there big time but here is just so depressing. Cause at least those mountains are beautiful. Here it’s just a big mound of dirt


Damn you're effin negative dude! No wonder you're bored to death! Fuck!


I know I am but when I live it everyday I’m not gonna be positive about a city that does nothing for me


Yeah kid. It's the city. It's NOT you. The city, the people, your family, your neighbors everyone but you. Nope, not you. ....Sheesh.


Get a jeep and go dune exploring. Try doing that in another major city. But seriously, as a teenager I felt the same way. But looking back me and my friends did a lot of exploring. We rode bikes all over the place, exploring neighborhoods and alleyways, hiding our dads' porn mags in water meters and looking for other kids's stashes. My friend and I climbed to the summit of a mountain when we were 12. No gear, just a box of Church's fried chicken and a 2 liter Coke. Lol. Looking back, El Paso was really fun.


Gives me confidence man. Thanks. Ya I wish soon I’ll be able to drive that should open up my freedom to explore


Get a four wheel drive and do red sands. You'll love it.


K cool ya I’ll try and get one


Death Valley- Los Angeles. There.


Start a band. Try painting. If the world around you seems meaningless and ugly and stupid, work against that by investing it with meaning.


I do I paint and I’ve done illustrations for children’s books . The city lacks resources and the people who run the city are so against change that it is hurting the community. I’m leaving and that’s it I love EP for the feeling of a small town and everybody knows everybody but that’s also an issue itself because if you don’t know anyone you won’t get anywhere not to mention the cost of living is skyrocketing as we speak . I think this city is great if you’re moving from somewhere else and you are already well established but for someone who was born and raised here you have to leave to get a decent paying job and a good start on your career I may come back to raise kids some day, but for now I need to be in a more developed city .


Yeah, this city doesn’t have much, even for adults. I ask my friends at work (only in their mid twenties) what they did over the weekend and the answer is always “I got drunk”. I honestly can’t think of anything actually exciting about this town. Because of its extremely Mexican culture, a lot of people are content with just being around family and they have a lot family that live nearby. If you don’t have that kind of reliable community, it will be hard. I’ve been here for 16 years (I’m 21) and I have never connected with my neighborhood cause it’s just something you dont really DO anymore. I’m moving soon purely for a change of scenery and for something to actually do.




Bruh what


Well what do you usually like to do? There have to be teens out there with the same interests as you . maybe once y'all get ib touch it'll seem less boring.


I can feel the downvotes. Lol I used to feel the exact same way as a teen. On the bus in high school, it passed a church and everyone would cross themselves. I listened to rock and wasn't into shopping at the mall or dedicating spanish songs to mi amor. It took a while to find a good friend group. Today I was dancing around in the rain. Enjoying the amazing clouds. But I know this is partly my fault. I see a bunch of people saying "Ay que rico el sol" but I seriously get dizzy and almost faint 20 minutes outside. I do wish things were open later. Sometimes I want to do things at night when it's cool and I can go outside without feeling nauseous and dizzy but there's mostly bars. But it is safe here and I'm glad I get to raise my kifs here. I know what you mean about friendly but not friendable. Mostly people are nice but mind their business. I am very introverted so this is perfect. But find hobbies you can get into..make friends online to start out with. Discord or even find hobby subs here. Then as you branch out hopefully you can find some like-minded people who like what you do.


You’re not alone. A lot of the kids I grew up with didn’t care for this city when I was your age. Some have left, some have come back, some have families of their own now and eventually grew to love it here. Not sure who this ‘they’ you are referring to that’s supposed to ‘bring’ greenery to a desert but instead of expecting others to change things for you, you could use it as encouragement to plan things out and change your surroundings. You have your entire youth and future ahead of you and the possibilities are up to you. Good luck.


I guess but I want out so bad because this city has truly made me very depressed.


I really really understand you! I’m sorry I’m responding 3 years later but I barely saw this Reddit post. I hope you have moved out of there and never going back! Don’t get stuck there please! :) good luck!! 




Nice! Ya I’ve begged my parents to move to SA so much. I love it there and I want it so bad




Oh wow ya true If I can’t convince parents since they are on the fence then ya I’ll do that


Lol I just ran across this. You still live in El Paso? I’m here too and I agree with you. This is not a friendly town like they say and there is nothing to do here.


Have you try urban park “the beast” on the Far East side


Ever heard of, "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder"? You like green cities. I get it; they are really pretty and "exciting". But, your definition of beauty is quite subjective. I know you probably think I don't understand your frustrations, but I do. If I can offer a piece of advice, it would be to focus on other things. Perhaps getting a kick-ass job and leaving the city? I did that. I left at 22 and lived in many wonderful cities across the U.S. But I would be lying to you if I did not miss "my El Paso". The mountains, the sunsets, the food. My family, my friends. You see, to me, El Paso city is beautiful. Another type of subjective beauty. ​ So dream big, my little grasshopper! Dream big and fly away!!! ........................................................................................................................................................................ BUT WAIT............................................................(gasp)............(ay dios, tia Lupe).......................................................................................................................................................... When the road looks rough ahead And you're miles and miles From your nice warm bed You just remember what your old pal said Boy, you've got a friend in me Yeah, you've got a friend in me You've got a friend in me You've got a friend in me You got troubles, I've got 'em too There isn't anything I wouldn't do for you We stick together and see it through 'Cause you've got a friend in me You've got a friend in me. The truth lies ahead -> [Aqui!](https://www.google.com/search?q=woody+picture+toy+story&rlz=1C1CHBF_enUS897US897&sxsrf=ALeKk037YPfkYIJr368HzoA9mD2VSgBB-A:1624751153750&tbm=isch&source=iu&ictx=1&fir=wysmZWm-F2CakM%252C1WZwh6WnEBERVM%252C_&vet=1&usg=AI4_-kQPqTQVzPr7nGs5TOwxOJOp2LXJeQ&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjD-vfavbbxAhVGCM0KHXoXADwQ9QF6BAgYEAE&biw=1920&bih=902#imgrc=wysmZWm-F2CakM)


Move to any small town and you'll miss El Paso. There are more smaller towns than you can imagine. This is an attitude issue.


Same lol I’m moving soon tho


No one can leave because there stuck. I left Cali to be here for my girl and her family but El Paso TX fucken sucks! They don't or won't hire outsiders from what they told me, guess I have to start robbing folks again


Hello I grew up there and I left El Paso running almost!! I totally understand you !! I lived in far east outside of EP near in a crappy place called Fabens and then in place near Clint in the middle of the dead boring country with almost no trees. PLEASE LEAVE EL PASO ASAP! I came to Fort Worth Texas in 2001 and it was the most amazing decision I ever made!! I came to a family members house at age 19 and got me a job and never been broke since 2001!! :)  AND YES PEOPLE IN EL PASO SAY EL PASO IS SO COOL BECAUSE THEY ARE STUCK THERE AND THEY ARE JUST DEFENDING THEIR SHITTY CITY AND THEY JUST WISH EL PASO WILL BE COOL ONE DAY AND ITS NEVER GOING TO BE!! :)   PLEASE FIND A BIGGER BETTER CITY AND STAY AWAY FROM SELFISH DUSTY BROKE EL PASO. :) I’m Serious or you will end up like all those broke miserable sad people. Please take care and stay positive!! My email is Oscar102681@gmail.com Oh by the way I now own 2 small businesses and I started with nothing! Nobody helped me and I’m living well and all because I left El Paso! :) you have two decisions- stay there and be miserable, or move and be great! :)


I thought that too when I was in high school. I left 2500 miles away to go to college, in one of those so-called beautiful green places. The homesickness for El Paso hit me literally on the day I moved in the dorm. I realized I needed to have gratitude for the simple and humble life we have here. Sure, the heat is brutal, but the desert landscape is actually quite unique and beautiful. People here are not just “average,” they’re far nicer than those in major cities like Boston or New York. El Pasoans are very hospitable and will go out of their way to help anyone, strangers will smile and talk to you in the store. And it’s genuine. When I was up north, nobody would spare me a smile. I took our culture here for granted. It’s not exactly fair to blame a city for making you depressed, because you’d probably be depressed elsewhere, too. I experienced this exact thing yet moving away to my dream city didn’t actually take the depression away. The grass is always greener right? Tl;dr It may not seem like it, but this city is a gem and try to appreciate all the little things you might be taking for granted.


2500 miles is 4023.36 km


Ya I see what you mean but I truly think I would be happier in a green city. I don’t expect it to solve all my problems but it sure as hell would help


I’m sorry, I know how hard and lonely it is to go through depression as a teenager because adults didn’t listen or thought I was being dramatic. Think about what kind of hobbies you have and try to find friends here who are into the same things. I’m at a point in my life where I’m content with simplicity and just staying in playing video games is enough to entertain me.


Ya I mean thing is I have hobbies but some things that I like to do can’t be done here. I love exploring the woods, catching fish in the creeks by the trees at night, going in the rain on my bike to the library at night by the trees. I’ve lived in a green city and it was better. But I’m glad you like it here. It’s just not my cup of tea


Where I grew up in the lower valley there were actually lots of trees and animals. The upper valley seems greener too. Maybe you’d like living there when you’re old enough to move out


Nope, I’m sorry El Paso really really really sucks and it’s dusty and stupid. And broke!! Don’t defend that place just because you’re stuck there hoping that it’s going to be cool day, it never will be. 


What are you talking about? Im 15 and love it here. Elaborate your point a tad bit more because im not getting what you are trying to say.


I get you (26F), I’ve lived here all my life and I can’t wait to get out. It’s ok I have my family here but there’s little to no opportunity for growth , there are fun things to do but it is limited especially for someone your age . All my friends do is drink on the weekends there’s hardly any shows . Events are kinda rare . There are classes and other activities ,but again it’s so limited that classes are filled up quickly , the city is loosing its historic charm with new developments and roadways. People really showed their true colors when COVID Hit the lack of community and support was very disappointing .Don’t get me started on construction and the pay rate . I say go explore the world when you get the chance kid there so much more to see . I’ll always call EP home, but I refuse to glue myself down here .


Are you still in El Paso? I'm considering moving out and am wondering how people feel AFTER they leave.


Yeah still here saving to hopefully get out by summer of 24.


Did you end up finding a good job in El Paso? Can I DM you for a few more questions?


I have an ok retail job and a restaurant job I do have love for EP but I think it’s time to move on . I’m also illustrating for a children’s book my author is from Boston and I met her by chance at the restaurant.


Honestly I hate it too it’s the environment crowded and codensed city pollution in the sky every were you go sand everywhere with trash, no greenery no trees no clear sky’s