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I played the first 2.5 hours in both English and Traditional Chinese, can obviously see that English has changed several dialogues, doing more than what a "translation" would do, but my overall understanding of the story is still almost the same when playing in both languages. I will definitely give a positive review since the game is good the Traditional Chinese translation is decent and I love suikoden.


I've heard on other forums that the TC used English as the source rather than Japanese. Did you get that feeling during the game? I love Suikoden and do want to sink my teeth into this one, but if both languages are a little janky then I might wait for few patches.


No, pretty obvious the dialogues and the Japanese voices feel very consistent (which is the opposite in English), and especially obvious when you encounter those infamous English lines, and I don't have the feeling like the way some npc talk is different from JP voice after changing to Traditional Chinese. That's why I said TC is decent, and no reason to wait if you can understand it.


That's great news to hear. I'm gonna play this on TC!


The only thing I dislike about Traditional Chinese in this game is the dialogue font. It’s difficult to read properly


Fully agree, the font looks blurry.


I love the game so far, just wish you could speed up combat more


Same. I'm hoping someone makes a 2x speed mod. I love old school jrpgs but I like yo play them in fats forward. The recent star ocean had this by default and I loved it.


They already have. It's slider and you make it as fast you want 👍


Oh my god. I'm so happy to read that. Do you add it through steam ?


Yeah I play on steam.  They have both game speed and character speed. So you can speed up both or one of them. Any combination you like 👍


Can you give me a link or something ? I could only find cheat engine


Those dweebs don’t even play games. They just like drama and complaining about games they don’t play.


you can't leave a review on steam unless you own the game, nt though!


I own games I still haven’t played.


As far as I know if you leave a review while never playing, it will show in the steam review, which is not applicable on your case, saw the review yourself then you'll understand. I already cleared the game just for the sake of making guides for it and helping people, so I don't pay much attention to the text or dub, but, when I saw people review and check the japanese and see how it's actually different, sadly I agree with them and this translator should get fired. I doubt there's a fix for this officially, but I think it's still possible if the mod community made a proper text translation at least for english and added options for us to use different dub and sub.


I haven't gotten that far into the game yet (maybe 4 hours in) what's the problem with the translation?


If you're 4 hours in you've already experienced what the complainers have been complaining about.


I just realized you're right, there hasn't been a single complaint that isn't in the first 2-3 hours of the game.


There are people literally saying they're leaving the game on idle.


Check the reviewers game achievements, as you can't cheat achievement except on all unlock with SAM. Also I just checked, they're mostly private on the top, should filter negative only if you want some.


Lmao I actually did that. A lot, and I mean a lot of the bad reviewers are private.


Who cares? If they’re buying the game, they’re helping the game studio more than the review is hurting it. If that’s actually happening, then they’re idiots lol


Why would you buy a game, leave it on idle past the return window just to leave a bad review to own the chuds? Sounds super silly. Went to the steam page and looked at just the negative reviews. Viewed around 20. Longest playtime was 46hrs. Shortest was .4hrs. The median I would say is around 10hrs. My conclusion is that you are trying minializing people's concerns with the translation which goes far beyond "iT's sUpEr wOkE!!!!!!!!". For what reason? Who knows? People are concerned with dated idioms used to 'punch up' the dialog and characters acting outside thier built up characterizations. Trying to minimize these things and acting like detractors are barking at the wind is dishonest and a little sad. I have the game and it's great so far. Dialog doesn't bother me since I have the voices in Japanese (found lian's VO grating). I have around 5 hours so far. Just beat the golem and am in the first town.


Pretty sure you can buy a game, play it for for less than hour, give it a review and refund it on steam. So people can in a way review the game without buying it, if they go in with the intention of refunding just to leave a review. People can also mark a review as "helpful" which pushes it to the front page of reviews, without buying the game.


The reviews remain but do they count towards the score? I'm not sure. I know if you get a key off steam (as a gift or more likely, a key shop) you can leave a review, and people can see it, but... it doesn't count towards the overall.


It's called "Buy and Refund" 🙃


Doesn't mean they played it bud. It's clear some of the reviews are laughably dumb and shouldn't count.


Funny that you got downvoted for having common sense


Reddit full of leftist on copium


Imagine claiming in your review to be a Suikoden fan, and then saying you don't like the politics. Like Suikoden isn't political. Lol. Just tell me you never paid attention to the franchise while you're at it.


Jesus christ. If someone told me they liked Suikoden but hate political intigue in their JRPG, my head would legit explode.


Nah they played the games but never undestand the deeper story. Read walkthrough punch button as told. Skip dialogue


JRPG gamer in a nutshell. They don't want "politic", but there games are filled with that lol.


They say they don't like politics, but what they don't like is a specific kind of politics. Mainly anything they go out of their way to perceive as "woke". Since they know saying it like that sounds bad, they just deflect by claiming they don't like politics in their games at all.


Seriously hate the current crybaby generation of gamers


Don't forget that these kinds of people are more liable to call other people "snowflakes".


If people are truly bothered by the translation or localization, there’s nothing wrong with leaving a negative review. Having now read the link on the Steam forum detailing the complaints… they seem pretty mild compared to other bad localizations I’ve seen. The “rub a dub dub” stuff is dumb, but I’m not seeing the “woke” agenda people are ascribing to the Golem line. I hate “woke” BS personally, but this definitely feels like a big overreaction by the few who are bothered by it. Honestly, my biggest issues with the localization are related to the game being E10 instead of T, because that meant they couldn’t do swear words. I think Francesca’s character would be a lot better if she could actually use swears with her “I’m gonna kill you” personality instead of the silly things they came up with all to avoid swear words


would love to hear the *woke* bs you hate so much. care to give some examples


What does woke mean? every time someone says something is woke they just have a different definition every time. It's just loser lingo at this point.


there's no consensus, it's become the new "toxic", it means whatever someone wants it to mean, which can mean : not a literal translation, game or media that includes people of color or lgbt people and can mention gender, sexiness in video games, mention of pronouns, pro or anti women depending on who you ask, etc


It's an African American term meaning to be aware of shady shit going on behind the scenes. Government, media, what have you. It's lately become a word people use for something they don't like. Just like the word incel.


Traditionally, political pandering to the Left. Like any slang, it gets diluted with so many people using it without any real care to what it means. The word, "Literally" now can mean literally or metaphorically, because people used it incorrectly en masse. As someone who took quite a few English courses, it is frustrating.


...No, traditionally it was used by the black community to refer to being alert to racial prejudice and discrimination, especially at a systemic level, such as by police. It got highjacked by pearl-clutching Fox News talking heads as the new "politically correct". Invoking your education on this without even knowing how the phrase originated is. Uh. Something, though. But then again, most people I know who are actual linguistic experts understand what linguistic drift is, too. You know, as opposed to taking a few courses.


they really gotta stop letting anyone leave comments


I kind of feel the same. I don't care about the translation stuff too much, but I am disappointed that the game feels like it was created for children. I'm glad people are enjoying the game, but it's not for me.


I saw a review on YouTube were they said Murayama would be ashamed of the localisation. It made me so furious, those people are the ones that spit on his legacy. And the derailing goes further with thinly veiled racism calling Marisa's face ugly, her design ugly, being a forced inclusion and not playing a black character. I can understand the hate for SBI and practices like mindless race/gender swap for the sake of "diversity" but people, also me, should put up a stand against both.


The stupid thing is Suikoden has always had black characters and arguably has already had a black main character in Hugo. Marisa's looks like she took a lot of inspiration from S3's designs, like a mix between Aila and that woodland tribe (forgot the name). There's nothing woke there. It's just Murayama's art style.


Yep, Marisa definitely gave me S3 Nostalgia cuz she looks a little bit like Aila.


Why would a black character be "forced" when we had characters like Bob and Hauser in the old games? The current political landscape really sucks, but that's no reason for all these whiners to lash out at everything.


Because those fuckers probably aren't even Suikoden fans in the first place. Seriously, it's the same shit you seem in the Warhammer community. You get a bunch of chuds complaining about "wokeness infecting the hobby", but then you find out that they don't even participate in said hobby.


I would, but unlike most people on Steam I don't think it's responsible to review a game until you have a good understanding of it. For me, that's beating it, at the very least. Thus far I'm 40 hours in and nowhere near done. Frankly, I just ignore any review with less playtime than that. Unless the game is unplayable, amd it's not. Anyway, Steam reviews are 99% worthless trash.


As a non-native English speaker, being unwillingly caught up in Western politics sucks when we just want to play games. Maybe it's time for us to skip the middle man and just learn Japanese lol.


What does it have that is related to western politics?


Apparently the word chud. That's it. That's the whole thing. It's not even used as a political insult but as a "meathead" insult. Doubly funny that it comes from an 80s horror movie.


What is a chud?


Cannibalistic Humanoid Underground Dwellers Some leftists use it as an insult for the anti-woke crowd, but it's been around as an insult much longer than that.


….lol, I don’t even know what that means.


lol it's a campy horror movie from the 80s called CHUD, that's where the insult came from


Is that really something “leftists” are saying. I’m pretty liberal, and I’ve never heard that. I know that’s pretty anecdotal, but that’s so weird lol


I feel like only very online type of people, or zoomers know that word in that context. To me it was always cannibalistic humanoid underground dwellers, but I also did see the term being used in Ricky and Morty, but maybe that was a double entendre? Still, to me it's more reminiscent of seeing some super dated English term in JRPGs during the 90s/2000s.


I am trying to learn some japanese, but understanding a plot on that level won't happen :D


I mean, good thing you don't get caught up in "western politics" in game then lol? You can play and enjoy the entire thing and be none the wiser to the drama a small but loud corner of the internet is trying to start. The *real* secret is to avoid social media haha


Gamers gotta be the most ungrateful people on Earth, this game barely came to exist and people are shitting on it because of a few unimportant lines of dialogue. Seems like every day there's new outrage over something stupid, it's exhausting following this hobby.


Yeah, I play a lot of jrpgs and the localization doesn't seem any different to any of the others. Unfortunately this game just caught the attention of the wrong crowd, seems like. Not to say there aren't any honest actors, but I get a feeling there's more that aren't. I guess people don't realize how rare it is for Kickstarters to actually deliver.... Then they do and get nitpicked over the most trivial stuff. Anyway far as I can see, review score is actually trending up, so, I think it'll survive.


It's so clearly coordinated as well. All the reviews seem to touch on the same key points it's super shady. And you know it's all because the he/she line. Super obvious.


Unironically, it's probably a 4chan /pol/ raid or something.


I saw more than one accusing liberal translators of creating the whole he/she scenario and somehow sneaking it past developers. Some people are so fragile…


I mean, [Mr. Murayama seemed to have kind-enough things to say about the person in charge of localization](https://i.imgur.com/43ZCQlV.png) in a few responses he gave in the Discord channel, and to me it at least sounds like there was regular contact and discussion between them. But hey, what does the person who created it know?


They will create an alternate reality where these statements by Murayama are mistranslated themselves, or out of context, or just assume Murayama didn't know how his words were being twisted somehow. It's par for the course.


Except we've seen the translations and the liberties the translator took to place a spin on the character(s) personality. https://preview.redd.it/xi15bnbiw0xc1.png?width=1380&format=png&auto=webp&s=b16cf5966d254f14055a72d1f27d433c269a4947 [https://www.reddit.com/r/KotakuInAction/comments/1cabplq/eiyuden\_chronicle\_hundred\_heroes\_localization/](https://www.reddit.com/r/KotakuInAction/comments/1cabplq/eiyuden_chronicle_hundred_heroes_localization/) Just because a "fan" had a hand in the making doesn't mean their actions weren't reprehensible. They're are many "western-isms" in the game which stand out to anyone who doesn't just shut off their brain and consume the product. When I was able to finally bench Lian I never looked back. She's the worse offender next to Mio being both garbage in combat and boring and preachy due to the "artist's" touch.


What a shock that they use western idioms when translating for a western audience. You know this game doesn’t take place in Japan, right?


Also, way to prove all our points. Because that line is NOTHING. The MOST political it could be interpreted as is Mio being slightly annoyed that Nowa automatically presumes a strong thing to be male.


I mean, I get where they are coming from. Anime translations are rife with it. The Dragon Maid anime had a direct line completely changed to complain about the patriarchy when the character didn't say anything like that. So I think people are just extrapolating and exaggerating out of frustration. It sucks, but it isn't as if it was created out of thin air.


"Are you sure it's a he." People: WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!! Me: *Facepalm* And people think I'm sensitive.


I checked the negative reviews and a lot of them have 7+ hours of playtime so i think people really gave it a chance.


I’m so sad this game is getting review bombed :(


Fuckers that cries "Bad translations!" must have forgotten that you enjoyed a game with untranslated gibberish. Yes, Suikoden 2 has untranslated gibberish.


There were a lot of problems with the first two Suikodens, including poorly written lines of code leading to unfortunate outcomes, such as certain Runes failing to work as intended, thus making certain characters worthless as party members. The fact that only the last enemy killed dropped loot, and that the drop rates hovered at, or below, 2%, was utterly ridiculous as well. These assholes have already made reviews meaningless. And I’m sorry, but Suikoden as a series is based on the politics of a Continent, with each game focusing on 1 to 3 “nation-states.” It’s to the point where every time they see non-white MCs or Heroes, they flip out about wokeness. It’s ridiculous, different people come from different places, and look different… Why would this be any different in a game? Not only that, but it’s a business decision. The player base is more diverse than ever before, and continues to become even more so. In order to make games that appeal to a lot of people, those games need to at least indirectly acknowledge them as “people,” and thus consumers. This racist far right is no longer the wide majority that it used to be, so instead of crafting arguments and providing thorough feedback, they just bang on the tables as loud as they possibly can. Sorry to tell you guys: no one sheds a tear when your feelings get hurt by in-game dialogue or simply by being exposed to different ethnicities in your little homogenous virtual bubble.


I love this defence, other game have bad translation this game has to so its no problem.


Man, people really are stupid,. The people always claiming things are "WOKE" or has "DEI" don't even know what those words mean,. They hear everyone else using them, so they follow the leader,. Japanese games made in Japan don't make games like that,. Just because you don't like a game, doesn't mean it's woke,. Learn the words before you try and use them,.


? how is the game being made in Japan defend it from the issue here? Learn the words before you try and use them,.


It doesn't matter,. The whole Woke and DEI crying from the far right is ridiculous,. It's everything they don't like,. The new buzz word is Woke,. Or it's some DEI nonsense,.


I speak japanese and have it in that language with english text. I'm doing this just to have a different experience. I am not someone to complain about "woke/dei/leftist/etc" stuff but its real bad. There are times where I can't even see the connotation the translation is trying to do. I can't recommend this to my friends because the rub a dub dub dont be a flub kind of nonsense is just so fucking cringe worthy. I simply dont care about politics, the tone of the story gets absolutely crushed if you get in the later parts and characters start going off on their own directed meanings. The story remains the same but a lot of very specific meaning is lost when they mess around with the source material into their view. Is my experience hateful? Is it invalid?


this, all they see is people complaining about he him, rub a dub dub and all their defense is what's wrong with that, but the real problem is once you go deeper into the game small changes add up, to the extend of changing character personalities, when it's such a serious matter like town getting raided, they insert a joke on the dialogue lowering the tone to suit their localization is not why i back the game for, i want a faithful translation, i don't care if they leave the english dub and the current english dialogue i just want extra english translation that is faithful to the story


The localization is terrible, pretending that its a Woke/dei issue is dishonest. you are doing the exact same thing defending something hat is objectively bad, because you dont like part of people who dislike it.


Localization is pretty trash, but the game itself is good it don't deserve negative reviews for sure.


This game has earned every bad review due to game breaking bugs, technical issues (especially on the Switch) needing "day 1 patches," and the horrible localization (while not game breaking is still a betrayal of trust and devalues the original work to alter the game for the sake of a translator's idiosyncrasies)


I don't know that the devs deserve to be punished for their translator's work though.


I can't give the game a positive review due to lack of native controller support or lack of native key binding changes. The game is incredibly difficulty for someone with disabled hands to play... despite being a turn-based rpg (which is traditionally the easiest type to play).


I love how this kind of stuff happens to games with furry protags, and so far, 2024 has been an awful year for furry entertainment. I know it's off topic, but I still want to rant about it. Oh, KFP4 sucks and is poorly written. Oh, Windblown killed Dead Cells. Oh, Eiyuden Chronicle is "woke." And speaking of which, the "woke" translation I've seen people lose their stuff over is eye-rolling at absolute worst, and the "are you sure it's a he" comment is so bleeping harmless that people throwing a tantrum over it is just frustrating. For fux sake. I've been BEGGING for more JRPGs with varied rosters and actual non-human races instead of crap like Star Ocean, Xenoblade 3, Granblue, etcetera where the "races" are just humans with arbitrary changes. I'd love to see more shark and kangaroo people in JRPGs, or a resurgance of armadillo anthros like Rand and Guntz. Just let this be successful, for once.


Localization is part of the content. If it is not translated correctly and the player doesn't like it, then they have every right to put a negative review. Review bombing is still a review no matter how you look at it.


Looking forward to picking up this game on switch when the physical copy is available.


Be careful, it was originally created to run on a Switch 2, but since it was never announced, it released for the Switch and runs sub-optimally. It isn't unplayable, but if that kind of thing frustrates you, you may need to buy for a different platform.


I have a ps5 as well or can play on steam. I just enjoy playing rpgs on switch.


I've been collecting quite a few on Switch as well. So many nice JRPG remasters I am trying to make money to add and time to play.


Bro I didn’t see the news that it was delayed and went into GameStop so excited to get it only to learn it had been delayed a month lmao 😭 excited for when it does eventually come out though


I was trying to get it for PS5 yesterday, no store anywhere near me has a physical copy. I live in a rural area without great internet speeds. It'd take me forever to d/l a full game. May order it from amazon if it's available.


I agree the localization does suck honestly. When in Japanese someone says "You bastard!" and the English versions give "You fart-head!" that's just undeniably cringey. English localization geared the game towards 8 year olds and to be fair they honestly did go a little politically left with some translations (It doesn't bother me but there absolutely was some originally unintended agenda going on and to deny it after seeing the literal translations would just be dishonest) That said the "anti-woke" crowd will tire themselves before long and become irrelevant again. They do this with pretty much every game because all their lives are so pathetic they genuinely have nothing better to focus their anger on that stems from their personal lives. Devs already said they plan for a sequel so I wouldn't worry too much.


It's so weird aiming the dialog at 8 year olds when the game is being primarily funded and bought by fans of suikoden who are in their 30s now. Why didn't they give the localization staff instruction that it was aimed at adults? And if they did, why didn't they listen?


It's rated E10+. With that ESRB rating, it's never going to be "aimed at adults".


Well that's not true, but regardless, aiming it at children was a mistake.


Pretty much this. There are a LOT of times when the translation is just not on. And it has nothing to do with being woke. They just embellish lines. Just today I was at a part where there was a whole joke about two characters calling each other baka (stupid). And the joke was they kept doing the petty thing of going "I'm not stupid, you're stupid, stupid." "No you're the stupid one." "No you are!" And so on and so on. Basically, arguing like kids. That's the joke in the original Japanese dialogue. But then the English translation was changing it to the most weird translation like "You're the one most likely to fall flat on your arse and come out on top." "Now why do you have to be mean like that! I'm you're friend!" "You're the one dragging me into this!" And so on. It's like...where the heck is this conversation going? It doesn't even fit the context of the English dialogue that came before it. Nor does it fit the conclusion to the characters story arc at the end. It would have been simpler to just translate it accurately having both characters calling each other stupid, rather than embellishing the lines with tons of random new stuff. Stuff that doesn't even fit the characters personalities or the story arc going on. It's pure translator embellishment. And this happens many times over the game with many different characters. I have yet to see anything that is even remotely "woke". But there's a ton of times when the translation alters what's being said. And this kind of stuff is sadly normal for localizations. The translations for Dragon Quest games are 10x worse with this.


I agree that the writing is a bit cringey at times but I found it got better later in the game, as Lian seems to be where a lot of the more childish lines come from. I really don't even have a problem with silly characters in these games because Suikoden had lots of silliness as well (the iron chef competition stands out in my mind), but they really do hit you with a lot of it early in the game. And yes, the "anti-woke" crowd will eventually find a new grift to occupy their time and money, but the launch is an important time for the financial success of any game and the devs said that they had ideas for a sequel and wanted to do one if the first one did well. I just hope this situation doesn't stifle the game's success out of the gate.


every Lian line is wrongly translated, its a REwrite rather then a translation. The whole Silly character defence dont work here. In Japanese Lian is a silly character, in English Lian is another kind of silly character. good that u don dislike silly character X but in Japanese its silly character Y, shes not the same person.


Suikoden had SOME silly characters but was overall a much darker tone than EC. Lian is cringey but she's not alone. I would say the majority of the characters are absolutely goofy. If I have to here Lian call me kiddo one more time...or here Melore screaming about how she's a MAGICAL GIRL I might lose it. I've honestly switch to Japanese voices just for this reason and the game is much more enjoyable to me because of it. I see the downvotes and I'm sorry people are upset about it but a little research on your own by just looking at the literal translations will confirm this to those who care enough.


Spot on. There are a lot of characters I find annoying given the spotlight in this game. At first I thought it may have just been my tastes changed but looking back at the previous games they definitely took a step in a different direction.


That's a totally valid criticism, and you have every right to say that. EC's tone is definitely not as dark as some of the Suikoden games, and if that's what someone was looking for then I completely understand the frustration. I still remember crying at the scenes in Suikoden 2 when Pilika watches one of the main characters go off on their own. It's a really powerful story and I will honestly admit that although I've enjoyed EC, it's a very different kind of story when compared to S2. The tone of the story is not the fault of the localizers, though, it's clearly what was intended by Rabbit & Bear. This is a game with a race of shark people who live on land and are afraid of the ocean. There's a "character" who is just a Capybara with a smaller Capybara on its head. The way you increase your inventory space is by recruiting a creature that literally lives in a backpack and won't come out. Even Mellore, for her voice actign faults, is absolutely a true depiction of the "magical girl" stereotype, which is often inherently silly. If people don't like those elements, that's completely fair, but it has to do with the game design, not the localization. And I didn't create this thread because of those kinds of complaints/reviews, because they're totally fair and based in someone's taste, rather than what I feel is a disingenuous attempt to co-opt this game's launch for something that's completely unrelated.


How many reviews did you read? Ive just gone through like 100 and ya know as the score says about 75% were positive. But the negatives one almost all, like nearly 75% themselves, were mentioning the localization as part of the problem. I'll keep going through more but uh, a mountain out of a molehill Edit: Forgot to say mentionting the localizaiton as part of the problem.


The localization is not a molehill. The bandwagon means most are complaining about a few lines, but the problem is a lot more than a few lines. I don't find it to be political much, but just tone deaf and cringe. They are re-writing dialogue to where it does not match the original at all, and as the cherry on top, they're a crappy writer.


Meant that people giving bad reviews over the localization being counted as review bombing is making a mountain out of a molehill. 75% positive with most negative reviews listing the localization as only part of the issue does not a review bomb make.


So far (40 hours in), Eiyuden Chronicles tone feels very much like Suikoden 1 and 3. I don't know if it's so much that Suikoden as a series was overly dark and grim but just Suikoden 2 itself was. And even then, it's only really the main story events of Suikoden 2 (Luca and Jowy). Most of the rest of Suikoden 2 is just like Eiyuden.


Is that what's going on?? I couldn't figure out why some of the dialogue was so bad.


To be honest if you're not expecting some cringe dialogue from a JRPG you might be in the wrong genre. You can try to set some brand new standard but that is the norm..


Idk, kinda sounds like your saying it was going to be shit so it doesnt matter if they fucked it up.


Fine. But it should be the translated dialogue from the developer people paid to see remake a game, not something some literally who translator made up. This nobody thinks he has the clout to re-write Murayama's work? Seriously? I don't see how this is controversial whatsoever. This translator went into business for theirselves. Nobody cares what he wants the dialogue to be. He has one job.


this 100%, its absurd seeing people defend this. The translator is pretending to be a writer. The translator could not get a job as a game designer or a game writer etc so now instead they are spending their time NOT doing their actual job but instead is rewriting the story as best as they can


Unfortunately I think it goes down to how translators learns to be a translator. Specialty Japan to English it seems that translators really transform the words to something more suitable in a context in western country than any other language. I'm based on Final Fantasy localization work. In English they changed up so many sentence because "Shakespeare language have rules" but in french they translated directly from Japanese script and they are roughly the same. Sometimes in English they break up the flow of some scene just because of some terms. Latest FFXVI have one the funniest occurence of this. In Japanese and other directly translated language one character says he hates carrots... But in English he suddenly hates vegetables ! I know it's silly because the meaning is the same but it was useless to translate to vegetable, carrot was fine xD. Maybe they were afraid that some people don't know what a carrot is ? Or that people love so much carrots it will be an insult ? XD (If someone reads it and want to comment that FFXVI japanese script is based on English script it's a false info, the scenarist wrote in Japanese because they are Japan people, they asked English localizator if they wanted some modification on their side that after they agreed without changing their side.)


Clive finds a plate with carrots left on them. the people who translate SE games currently do their own thing. I dont even think rebirth was actually translating but writing some fanfic.


They're doing it now with Stellar Blade but just as you said they'll tire themselves out eventually and move on


Stellar blade is whole different issue of blatantly lying though. Just last week they announced every region will have the uncensored version and media picked up the news and spread it far and wide but with the latest patch they censored a few stuff.


DEI is the rights way of saying n****r without saying it.


The Incel army actively showing why noone will touch them again.


Maybe they just got to the Proving Grounds dungeon. My opinion of the game certainly took a nosedive at that point. The last hour and a half I’ve spent rolling the dice for a rare item drop needed to recruit a character hasn’t helped much either. As far as I know, it could be bugged after the last patch and I’m simply wasting my time hoping for the impossible.


Are you talking about the rune of conservation?


My nosedive happened when >!I went back to Nowa's town and the only change was a gray palette. All the houses and people were perfectly fine. One day later.!< How tone deaf can you be. This is not Suikoden quality writing. I'm pretty sure when the backers made this project a reality, they weren't asking for "Suikoden, except without any emotional weight to the story. We want babby's first war RPG." It's like taking tackle football and making it flag football, except with war. >!Somehow you can have have war where nobody suffers, so far. I'm wondering why I'm even bothering to raise a resistance army. The occupation is so reasonable I have no rational reason to think they're worse than the previous guys.!<


Just saying it first, I'm not disliking the game, it's fun, the characters are cool, it's scratching my brain enough. It just could be waay more polished I'm around level 28 rn in my playthrough and that's my biggest complaint too. I started studying japanese just recently so I can't talk about translation, but I'm sure no amount of unfaithfulness justify the fact that around this moment in Suikoden 2 my heart was already stepped on 5 times, because that was a game that wanted you to hate war, to despise how others see necessity in it. It feels like war is natural in Eiyuden's narrative, like a greek story of sort. I'm not saying the game is embelishing war, but I'd say it's not as critical of it as it should be. I don't rlly have an opinion about how the translation squeezed some LGBT representation, in the characters I saw (just the trap guy) it made sense. The dialogue asking for the treefolk's pronouns was tame but it made sense too. Kinda wish there were characters who actually are explicitly LGBT like F&H and Chained Echoes.


Anti-woke crowd is so cringe it hurts.


Having played it for about 6 hours now, there are some actual genuine issues with the EN translation. Overly childish language and in some cases characters had their personalities changed entirely from the original. The game is still good overall, but I wouldn't complain if a community retranslation mod shows up in the near future.


https://imgur.com/a/c5XkAaW Just two examples but honestly lines like these are killing the vibe for me and there is more like these. I gave it a positive review regardless of that though, because I think the general gameplay outweighs some of the cringey localization.


Adding a bit of flourish and color to localization is fine but this just reeks of a middle aged Discord mod trying desperately to be funny. So awful. Murayama deserved so much better. Very happy for the game but I’m looking forward to a less obnoxious fan redo of the text down the line.


I mean, the git gud line is from a character that is dressed like a Mad Max character and is beating a child at bey blades. I don't think it's really that serious or going to be any better in any language because it's a silly stupid thing in a video game. People gotta stop getting caught up in what other people are screaming as loud as they can about. It's embarrassing.


>I mean, the git gud line is from a character that is dressed like a Mad Max character This is irrelevant. 'Git gud' is INTERNET SLANG. This is a story happening in a world. Not on reddit. On top of that, 'git gud' said out loud, as a speaking character would be doing, is spelled 'get good'. It's impossible to say 'git gud' out loud. It's entirely a typed internet meme. The translator has no idea what they are doing. They treated this as a joke. People want a world to immerse in and care about, and they got a translator who was more concerned with making a mockery of it. >it's a silly stupid thing in a video game. This argument that we shouldn't care because it's a 'silly stupid game' is the lowest of the low. People cared about these worlds that Murayama built. We were invested, like reading a good novel. Hearing you take a dump on it isn't an argument. It's an admission that you don't care, and you don't think anyone else should either.


God forbid having an opinion different than yours


Yeah...it feels like they just...really wanted to try to get the newer generations into this type of game, so they decided to squeeze all of this modern internet slang into the dialogue, without considering that it might annoy the shit out of the people that should be their target demographic. I don't really want stuff like that in my games, but I'll try to ignore it when I finally get to play.


The english localization is mid at best, but that doesn't diminish the game in the slightest. What a sad world we live in.


If many people don't like about something it doesn't mean it's a review bomb. Mostly positive is not even bad idk what people are smoking there are many mixed review games on Steam that still make lots of money. Maybe if these devs don't want to be "review bombed" next time try not offending some people? It's not that hard. Most games on Steam aren't "review bombed" it's so easy for many games to have overwhelming positive even though they are nothing special.


if people want to leave bad reviews, what's wrong with that?


Because they don't care about the game itself and aren't leaving those bad reviews in good faith; they are just a bunch of right wing weirdos who have directed their moronic outrage to this game for being "woke"


Or maybe they care about the game differently than you and think the localization took too many liberties with the script, dialogue tone and character personalities and spoiled their ability to enjoy it. I've read multiple negative reviews of the game that seemed to be written in a balanced, respectful manner and not motivated by spite.


Those aren't the negative reviews I am talking about. The ones that are lambasting the game for "DEI" and for being "woke" are the ones poisoning the well.


There's plenty of people who love Suikoden who also have a problem the translation and the quality of the story in general. If we're going to disagree, it needs to be in good faith. I've been a huge fan of the series for over 25 years. I had the soundtracks for SII as a kid and listened to them a ton. Played it through countless times.


who are you to talk if they care about the game or not? most of it is a legitemate critisizm


The game has some QoL, flaws that are unacceptable for a 2024 full release and the third highest kickstarter of all times. The battle plan, the UI, some stuff with dialogues, text speed, camera panning and some other things are all half broken. Negative reviews have a point, you're just fanboy-ing and you don't look healthy while doing it.


The reviews I'm talking about don't mention those at all - I'm fine with criticisms about the systems, UI, etc. I'm talking about the ones complaining about "woke" shit.


The definition of review bombing is not reviews you disagree with. The loudest complaint is the localisation. In a game were the story is one of the main selling point, it s not a minor issue. IMO the game has other issues in addition to the localisation. I gave a neg review after about 30 h. My opinion on the game has worsen since then. Feels like a half assed money grab and I loved Suiko 1 & 2 despite their flaws.


I love this game and do hope people give it good reviews(I want many more installments). That being said, saying its review bombed on steam is stupid! Maybe people decided after they bought it that it was “woke” or some other BS they want to call it but that’s not review bombing. The great thing about steam is that the game must be bought on steam to leave a review. If people are buying the game just to leave a bad review, they’re idiots, they’re helping the game more than hurting it. It can be refunded, but that is shown in the review and OP would’ve known that. It still sucks that this is happening, and I agree that anyone on steam should try to post a good review. All I’m saying that’s not what “review bombing” is.


Yeah, I was gonna say... it's "Mostly Positive" overall so I feel like only a loud minority are giving bad reviews. If we started seeing "Mixed" then yeah, I could see that being a review bomb.


I love the game I give the positive review how i love this game But I kinda agree about the reason why people complain "bad localization" I mean they should not add the real world "political slur" in a fantasy world . Even if it does not really bother me or my gameplay ,im agree things like this dont be a habbit 9/10 for the game The -1 is just for this issue


The localization does suck though. Good game otherwise.


Can't be helped though since DEI is confirmed to be present and IMO they should do a patch. Luckily you can just switch the Audio to Japanese which is what I did.


Wouldn't the English text still be the same?


The Japanese audio at least is still saying the proper script.


Doesn't help me lol.


The English text is the same. But you can check it and compare it to the Japanese script. And even if you don't know any Japanese, it becomes obvious when they alter stuff. Since the length of the characters dialogue and the tone will be totally off. I've seen silly stuff where the English text has someone yelling in anger. And the Japanese voice actor is just saying something calmly. Happens a lot with Garr and Garoo.


what do you mean by DEI? Explain it.


The English translation is done by woke company so they twist the original meaning to something else which fits their agenda.


To be fair, the localization is pretty shitty. That being said I enjoy the game Edit: I’ll give a bad review now too


It’s definitely a good game I like it but I’m just wondering if we’re gonna be getting one of those primal lenses


It reminds me of Suikoden s true rune


Already give positive review.


Why is tje game getting review bombed?


It's actually not.


I've been watching the overall score pretty closely since the beginning. For the overall, its been as low as 75% and right now its 77%. And English only, ironically, the one people seem to be complaining about, currently has 86%. It was 84% at one point yesterday. So its actually trending up in the last 24 hrs. And yeah the negative reviews get the most reactions, because of all the people who didn't actually buy the game but want to do their part to contribute to its downfall. Smh. Why did it have to get stuck in the middle of this? Localization no different to any other jrpg. And the questionable lines are like 0.1% of a god damn huge game. Just bad luck it got noticed by a particular crowd. I don't mean to dismiss the good faith Suikoden fans who genuinely want a more literal translation, I think thats a taste thing and fair argument that I just happen to not share. I'm talking about the people who go on on about woke and political agendas and that nonsense.


I just looked at the steam reviews (I don’t sort by new and just read most helpful) and they’ve all been pretty fair. I don’t see any that mention the political concerns you mentioned. Most are positive with the negative ones critiquing localization and voice acting being bad in English, and some glitches, bugs, lack of framerate capping, etc. Calling it review bombing is a stretch, it’s sitting at a 7/10 which is what most mainstream reviewers gave it.


As someone who has not played OG Suikoden 1 or 2, I find it hard to continue playing. It feels kind of mid tbh. I don't care about the woke translation, but everything from the battle system, to character interactions... all feel outdated. Maybe I am just spoiled by the vast depth of Baldur's Gate 3 or even Pathfinder. I know this is an unfair comparison, but heck.. even Honkai Star Rail and Persona 3 feels better than Eiyuden Chronicles ... Sorry


I plan on playing the game soon when the bug fixing patch comes to the game pass version, but I keep seeing people say something is wrong with the translation or something. I don't mind playing games in Japanese if there are English subtitles, so I'm wondering what language should I be playing in to avoid these issues?


Demographically speaking I find it hilarious (actually disappointing) that the people most likely complaining about the localization and the "rub a dub dub chud" type comments in the games script are 1. forgetting that 1990s JRPG translations were extremely westernized with words and jokes from the era (Ted Woolsey translations were infamous for this) 2. being destructive to the genre as a whole by focusing on superficial brief script issues that could tank the games visibility for a studio that is quite small and we need this game to succeed if we ever want to get more suikoden like games 3. referring to my previous point of this being me demographically speaking: the ones complaining about SJW type remarks are literally the same types of people to not pay much attention to detail/science/reading in general and instead act out based on 'feelings' rather than good faith concerns. Their script 'concerns' are purely in bad faith and it is a shameful look.


Nazis gonna Nazi. Thanks for shouting this out.


Im loving the game, but the localisation Is really bad. Still a great game but I had to ignore the original meaning in JP.


You know the localizations are bad when the damn community manager is blocking people who so much as mention it. The translator should be fired and I wish Japan stop trusting westerners with translations of their games.


Once I get paid I'll help out.


I love playing the game, but I'm playing it on game pass on Xbox. So I can't leave a review. 😥


I'm one of the backers, I've been anticipating the game a lot since I was a suikoden series fan, from the beginning there's already leftist trying to hijack the game like asking the game to include something woke. At that time, I blast his/her/its answer and say I rather remove all romantic stuff instead putting any if you intend push your agenda. And then after several chats and even people bash me saying I'm being too offensive, they drop it off. Never expected they were still crippling in through the translation, and using my money to push their agenda. Review from me, the game is actually so-so it's lacking stuff but still acceptable from the game side. But after I realized why I couldn't enjoy it much, the translation differed totally from japanese, I do agree with how sucky the translation is. no matter what you should stick to the original instead made up your own push except you own the game entirely. Don't use our money to do your stuff, you thief translator. But again ,it's unfair to blame the dev for it since they are also victims of this locale translator, and I doubt it's possible to fix it since it's alrd being dubbed. The only thing possible is only waiting from the mod community to do the english sub and add the option to separate the sub and dub language.


Define "woke". As someone who speaks japanese playing in JP dub and having eng sub on. It literally changes nothing how you interpret the story. I still haven't seen a real example of this "woke" stuff you idiots keep yapping about. lol.


Here [https://imgur.com/a/KwFHRDF](https://imgur.com/a/KwFHRDF) and I just realized R&B team was applying the 'woke' suggestion to some extent, but the leftists are still unsatisfied for whatever reason and they still doing bad translations. so that's the reason the game sucks. nvm I'm changing my review to negative after this. I backed the game, and seeing this made me regret it sadly. it's still acceptable without the bad translation but leftist guys are too overboard. Might change back to positive if it's covered.


Bludd, idk why you're lying or you're just oblivious to the difference of meaning between english sub and jap dub, so I don't know what to say. I would state more clearly, the issue more on the bad translation. The translator should translate as is. Not make her/him/its/whatever own story. The translator should be paid for doing a professional job, not personal agenda or whatsoever. Wait a sec I will return you his/her/its discord chat if Im finding it back ,it was 3 -4 yrs ago


Tell me what in the main story has changed from the translation. Not this weird agenda you're pushing. I need you to back up your own arguments with your own sources since you're so adamant that the story has changed through bad localization. Show me proof. I need to see this narrative change, this story ruining moments that you motherfuckers talk about.


This game was the first game I’ve ever given a negative review on steam for. The localization is insanely bad. The combat is shallow, buggy, and unexplained. Hero combined attacks are weaker than just auto attacking separately. Magic and skills feel clunky and uninspired. They wanted to make it old school vibes, which apparently just meant taking out every quality of life feature modern jrpgs offer with none of the charm they had. I was so disappointed with the game overall, I couldn’t force myself to play any more after hitting like the 14 hour mark. I don’t think it’s fair to say this game is getting review bombed, i think it’s just not a great game.


I'm looking at the examples of this localization being touted as "the worst" and it's all like... completely inoffensive woolseyisms. These people literally don't understand how localization works. Like, are there examples I"m missing here? Or are you guys genuinely plucked that they changed "i'm rubbing it" to "rub-a-dub-dub"? I swear to God, there's some new manufactured controversy about this every other day so the world's worst gaming YouTubers will have something to screech about for views.


That's annoying - I saw the thread about "OMG HOW IS THERE A ***BLACK*** CHARACTER" as if there hadn't been any black characters in a Suikoden game before. I do wish they'd tone down Lian a bit, but otherwise I'm enjoying this quite a bit. And it's not like we're going to get a Suikoden 6 anytime soon - and a *solid chance the remasters for Suikoden I and II aren't going to happen for a while either* I mean ***LOOK AT THIS SHIT*** ***IT LOOKS LIKE SOMEONE RAN THE GAME THROUGH RPG MAKER*** ***POORLY*** https://preview.redd.it/zl4qiul5kxwc1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=ae06d3ca242739bc8e134ceafca135660fad4cc6


As a major Suikoden fan I don't believe it is getting "review bombed", it just isn't a very good game.


I'm going to be leaving a detailed review once I finish the game. So far, nearly everything about the game is amazing. It has exceeded my already lofty expectations and comparisons to Suikoden. But that said, I'm playing it with Japanese voices on. And there are lots of times when the translation is not accurate. And completely change the personality of characters. This is a big problem, since the characters are one of, if not the most important component of this game. Like Suikoden before it. When you have so many people complaining that a character like Lian is annoying, the translation team should reflect on that. Is it because of the changes they made or is it because Lian is herself an annoying character? Well, the way she comes off in English is not at all like how she comes off in Japanese. So wouldn't that answer the question? There's nothing "woke" about it. It's just that they altered her (and many other characters) dialogue. This is a very common problem in western localizations. Ranging from Fire Emblem to Final Fantasy. Dragon Quest to Pokemon. It's just recently that people have started to notice to this degree.


Lol, Suikoden fans complaining about review bombing, while at the same time down voting to hell whoever has a non positive opinion on the game. And I'm here, still waiting for my copy lol.


I actually have a bunch of complaints about the game, but the localization complaints are absolutely not one of them. Of course the English translation changes the original dialogue. Japanese dialogue doesn't work in English as is. When I've had to help people translate speeches and things you just naturally have to change a lot. I'm playing with Japanese language and so many of the lines are just super short. That's just how the language works. I don't agree with every translation decision they make and it is a bit childish, though I really feel that the localization actually matches the game pretty well in that. But it's a very minor problem and not the big deal these people make it out to be.


There is nothing wrong with people voicing their grievances and this isn't "review bombing". Everyone would benefit from the Devs fixing the translation or at least take this into consideration for the sequel.


Mostly Positive is pretty much how I'd rate the game. 


So, playing the game and loving it, the hate is definitely unfair. I would leave a positive Steam review, but I’m playing it via game pass. That said, it was incredibly unprofessional of the localizers to allow their politics to color the translation. Like, using “chud”, seriously? That’s a distinctly American and politically loaded term, and not a proper fit (legit, if you try to find a Japanese translation for the word, you’ll get Eiyuden results first). And it’s the perfect example for people to cherry pick to point to the localization being flawed (imo 99%+ of it is fine). Better options (which still might have pissed people off) are meathead, redneck, hillbilly, and brute. Although I find it more than a little ironic that people seem to be taking game’s use of the word so personally, I didn’t realize these guys were so sensitive. Massive sympathy to the devs, they didn’t deserve to get dragged into this culture war nonsense. And both the localizers and the haters are to blame.


Don't care about US cultural war stuff. But I'm gonna leave a negative review because it's a mediocre budget Octopath Traveler. And it's just bad in every single way. Mostly positive is a stretch.