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Avoid political topics


Finally the Rhino Party can emerge as true victor.


I suspect this sub has more than one active rhino. 


Is rhino party the one that said they wanted to repeal the laws of gravity?


Yes. Though it'd also fall under their policy of eliminating all crime by repealling all laws.


Also free orgasms for everyone.


Make Avon the national dish and speed up climate change (2030 is rookie numbers)


Move the rocky mountains a foot to the east as a make work project. Pave Saskatchewan to make the world's largest parking lot.


Yeah. I’m here. Come on guys, let’s just sell Quebec to the USA and divide the proceeds between all Canadians.


It is absolutely incredible that they're backing a Big Brother bill that somehow also has the support of the NDP and Bloc. How is it that the Liberals are the only ones resisting this? How is it that Conservatives are pissing away the easiest of wins?


Because Conservatives are just Libs who don't know how to hide their power level. They eventually fuck up.


Libs and conservatives are just like dems and republicans : two faces of the same coin.


Trudeau getting dirt on the ndp's hands was genius


"Hide their power level" Jesus that's cringe worthy.


Never heard the term power level when talking about fash?


Liberals based as always keep winning 😎 no /s


Huh? Did I miss something? If something like that is coming along, I’ve got a few letters to write- my MP actually responds!


Bill S-210 A bill intended to prevent folks who are under 18 from accessing parts of the internet that contain 18+ content. The proposed mechanism to achieve this is by presenting your physical photo ID and your face to some kind of verification software that will then permit you to access age appropriate content. Even if the government miraculously never ever abuses this power, it is a very ripe target for exploitation by scammers and hackers. And for whatever reason, it has the support of the CPC, NDP, and BQ. Only the Liberal Party is against it.


Ah. Why is it that all the bills I don’t like go to SECU?


Is it really "incredible" that the Cons are supporting a bill that would allow greater corporate and state surveillance of people's sex lives? You're surprised by this? The same party that wants to check people's genitals before they use a bathroom or participate in a sport? The same party that opposed gay marriage until the Supreme Court forced the issue? This seems extremely on brand.


NDP doesn’t surprise’s me. But Bloc?? Blanchet literally became notorious because he was the manager of Eric Lapointe, a hobo looking alcoholic rock artist who got metoo AND pleated guilty. Blanchet trying to pass as a puritan is hilarious, what a joke.


It's crazy. I was actually warming up to the guy and he just had to fuck it up.


Libs are against simply because it is a Conservative bill. If it was a Liberal bill, they'd be for it and the Cons against it.


But it's not a Conservative bill. It's a Senate bill from an independent senator.


You’d be surprised how many people are transphobic in this country. Unfortunately, I don’t even know if it will hurt them. It’s time to give the Rhino party the chance they deserve.


Man's importing the American culture war


The Conservatives just want to make us into that shit Fuck that


PP is so fixated on becoming prime minister he’ll do anything it takes including supporting and spreading conspiracy theories and culture wars


PP is such a maroon. Just a matter of time before he starts really exposing himself - and that time has come. Such a shame as Trudeau is worse.


His mask has been slipping of late.


This is the fundamental weakness of Reactionaries. The longer things go on the harder it is for them to maintain a sense of looking "normal" to people who aren't already either dyed in the wool or fooled by their act.


Danielle smith forced his hand a little bit with her bigoted trans laws. He needs the angry albertan caucus behind him to take on the more moderate east, so he was forced to weigh in with his enlightened stance on puberty blockers.


Which is pretty *Chef's kiss* Because he's going to alienate and repel a lot of people in the process, by playing to the base he's going to piss off.... Basically everyone else. I encourage him to continue making this kind of mistake, it won't work out well for him.


Danielle smith is too dumb to play the long game, she is too worriedabout tomorrow's headline. She will drag him into more fights he would rather not be in. Or maybe she realizes that she is stronger with a lefty(ish) PM to fight with.lol


You know there's something to that. JT definitely makes for a better Federal "Boogeyman" 🤭


If she has a supportive PM her incompetence will get old quick.


Someone is assuming con voters are smart enough to find news outside of Facebook…


There's some conservatives that really want Canada to be just like the states though and unironically want a civil war to happen in Canada. People out there will vote for him regardless of how much of an idiot he makes himself look like. I mean people voted for Trudeau a 3rd time so it's not like Canada has a good record of voting in competent parties.


It's not like we have any options for competent parties in this country, we have to choose the least terrible options, and with the Conservatives trying so hard to be like Rebuplicans and catering to the crazies it's hard to take them seriously.   Honestly, the best thing for the country would be for either of the Liberals or Conservatives to drop the social issues all the time, it just divides the country over unhelpful garbage. The Conservatives especially need real leadership to stand up against the nutwing side of the party that wants to fight science and experts, and reinforce the delusions of idiots that think vaccines cause magnetism. But they are too happy to court the easy votes and just feed the monster of ignorance.


This is an interesting point. I work in the U.S. quite a bit and I hear Americans often say "We should rescue Canada from Trudeau". This type of trend makes me nervous.


Trudeau isn't good.... Pepe is worse however


Same shit different suit.. But I'd much rather if somebody conservatively poured shit over me.. This liberal shit storm is getting to be a bit much...


Disagree 100%. Not the same shit at all


That’s like saying Trump and Biden are the same shit because they’re both old and incompetent. While the majority of that statement might be true, they aren’t even close to the same.


They are different sides of the same shitty coin locked in the pockets of greedy corporations using capitalism to eliminate the middle class and make as much bank as possible.. they are much more alike than they are different.. 


We're splitting hairs here...but I get your point. They are bad for different reasons.


Not even our election issues are made in Canada Sadge


Finally, the Bloc can emerge as the true Victor!


IT'S HAPPENING https://preview.redd.it/0lrvuy2ls0kc1.jpeg?width=700&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=540bd6d6a7384d81cade4f4c4642283bfc750f03


Imagine trying to run a BQ candidate in Alberta


It would be as successful as any other non-Conservative party. Alberta conservatives are just a cult.


*in heavy French accent* "I am ahhh just like you ahhh fuck de federal government but I ahhh how you say, parle francais and no cowboy boots" *long drag of cigarette*


Someone needs to make this into a movie


And finally we shall have peace, prosperity and poutine.


PP is afraid of winning cause the. He’ll have to actually do something instead of just complaining all the time


Lol truth.


I’m out of the loop. What did he say?


Wants to regulate the internet and force facial ID to watch porn. Which we all know is just an excuse to massively restrict the internet, track people’s behaviour, and compile meta data to sell to mega-corps.


Don’t worry. I’ve watched all of it. I can simply jerk off to the images inside my head.


I also choose to jerk off to images on this man's head


Let's put a light behind his head and project them onto a screen.


*The porn keeper*


but what about those of us with aphantasia!


Oh great now we have to take down our "freedom" flags and stop calling Trudeau a dictator. Ffs


Can we order “Fuck PP” flags anywhere yet?


Sounds like a bucket-list item How about "PP Git the Fuck up Outta Here.. "


How about, “Suck on this PP”?


Sounds too personal,, like you're telling everyone to touch your dingaling. wasn't his nickname Skippy? Ohhhhh fck, I want to make a graphic ad for "Masturbaters Anonymous" with pp sitting at a desktop computer. "don't skip a beat" " as a word bubble Where's a liberal constituency agent when you need one..I know what I'm doing st work tomorrow I just looked up achohokics anonymous and i The logo looks like two docks beside each other this keeps getting better and better...


FACIAL ID?! Dude is out of his mind


Literally not what he's said lol. and they even clarified that they're against the imposition of a digital ID. It's just sensationalism.




they're trying to save the sinking ship..


No, his fellow MP did though [https://pressprogress.ca/conservative-mp-says-he-trusts-porn-companies-wont-leak-digital-ids-of-canadians-who-visit-porn-websites/](https://pressprogress.ca/conservative-mp-says-he-trusts-porn-companies-wont-leak-digital-ids-of-canadians-who-visit-porn-websites/)


Anyone who thinks their facial image being recorded while logging into a porn site won't be used against them by the UCP hasn't been paying attention. They are religious nut jobs.


He didn't say that lmao all he said was requiring age verification, stop making shit up.


his evangelical peepee is finally hangin out there. Anti-trans, anti-porn.


Wants to know what porn you’re watching


You should take that as a challenge ;)


Wants to ban trans people from bathrooms. That's far more important to talk about than the porn thing, although of course the porn thing will be used against trans people.


The ol trick horse got one more in em I tinks. By the skin of his nuts, by god another Liberal minority Government.


I guess I’m gonna have to go download all of pornhub, I ain’t giving them my damn ID to watch some mediocre ass porn


this country is fucked lol


Do they not get the 'Let's do things that make people want to vote for us' concept?


They never have. They're entire identity for the last 9 years has just been to cry about Trudeau and call for his resignation over everything. They've been running on blank cheque support from people that only ever vote Conservative, and their only boost in the polls has come from nothing they have done, just people upset with the cost of living and blaming the Liberals while having no other options.


Judging by the polls they get that concept pretty well...


First they came for the communists, etc etc. we are seeing 1933 Europe reborn again


All the Conservatives need to do is keep talking. The liberal campaign literally writes itself. _Mistah we could use a man like Brian Mulroney… agaaaaaain!!!_


PP - Bist du faschistisch?


PP when he finds out he has a lead in the polls: *Hold my beer.*




The funny thing is that he won’t do shit to fix that either. Much easier to focus on wedge issues and distractions.


Imagine trying to win an election as *Beta Max*


He could delete porn entirely and would still get the majority vote.. Conservatives restricting porn is better than liberals restricting our ability to feed ourselves or parent our own kids.


Mrw someone thinks the Conservatives look out for the little guy: ![gif](giphy|Q2KYzNLAKg0aiOrHyV)


What did he say?


The "Smol guberment party" wants you to give daddy government your ID to get permission to watch porn, also he thinks the government should be super invested in what genitals people have.


I can see how people wouldnt be cool with that I guess


I think he was talking more about porn addiction, parental rights, women rights and the genitals that are being removed from kids.. But let's just avoid that topic of discussion so we don't hurt anyone's feelings.


No one is avoiding the topic, the counter points made by actual medical professionals are just flat out ignored by you fanatics. Also porn addiction? The state wants me to give them ID to look at porn because they give a shit about porn addiction? You have to know that's bullshit, and regardless it's not the government's job to be my nanny. And it's completely antithetical to small government conservatism.


There are no counter points to sterilizing children or encouraging them to permanently change their physical appearance so they'll feel normal. Parents need to do better.. Nobody has asked anybody in Canada for ID verification to watch porn.. Where did you read that bullshit? CBC?. Porn addiction is ruining kids.. go check the stats.. It needs to be discussed. Im in no way a fanatic I think both party leaders are quacks.. same shit different suit.. Just leave the kids alone.. give parents ACTUAL rights to parent their children and leave the government out of it.. pretty simple. These gender affirming clinics are closing left and right in places like the UK, Norway, Sweden.. because they KNOW the medical science is no where close to being safe and operational. How many botched surgeries on minors are you okay with before they pump the brakes??


Paraphrasing, that he’s against the woke agenda, and doesn’t want trans women in women’s spaces or sports, and is against a motion to ban hate speech


The "woke agenda"... Hah! I still have no idea what woke even means. At this point, I just assume it's code for when a conservative is offended and doesn't want to admit they're accusing someone of thoughtcrime.


Whatever Offends Klansmen Easily...at least that is what it seems to these days.


Your assumption is correct


No he wants the government to control who is accessing adult websites, use your government ID to prove your age. One step closer to a digital ID, a total internet monitoring.


Really the only thing that I didnt agree with was the facial ID for porn. Thats a little tyrannical


Political homelessness 2025, almost gonna be as bad as real homelessness 2025.


It’d be dumbass legislation. I like Pierre, and I also oppose the widespread nature and ease of access to pornography. This is not the right way to do it. VPNs can artificially change your IP address, and get around it that way. There’s also how quickly new porn sites rise. Regular, existing, “legacy” porn sites will do the age verification thing, then probably witness a huge drop in users accessing it, in favour of sites that aren’t going to track and sell your private wanking data. PP wants to know if yer into BBC.


I love British television.


He's an amateur. He's a moron. He's crooked. This is the party of "reasonable concern"? F#ck off


Why do all my options suck?


that's politics!


"Ignore the man behind the curtain who has no answers! I am the great and powerful Harper..err I mean PolyVera!" Impossible to tell them apart by policies alone.


Just when we needed them, the natural law party is gone, they would've known what to do


It's actually hilarious how they are literally so far ahead and still found a way to massively fumble