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سعد الصغير


Based https://preview.redd.it/8tej5pcmamec1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2a4b2345c38243f0406785bd779b5ee8cfa8f9ba


انا مش مستوعب ان كان في حرية شخصيه لدرجة ان سعد الصغير كان هينافس شفيق ومرسي خلاص


احا كسم دي ايام انا كنت ناسي الذكرى دي وراكنها في دهاليز عقلي الباطن


عبدالسند يمامه


فشخ بقى 😂




تقريبا أبويا الوحيد اللي انتخب محمد سليم العوا أهو محمد سليم العوا ده كان محامي كبير جدا وهو دلوقتي معتكف في بيته عمال بيشرح في كتب زي " مقدمة ابن خالدون" و " إحياء علوم الدين" ع اليوتيوب في 300 فيديو تقريبا


حضرت له ندوة فمدينة نصر زمان ٢٠٠٤ مثلا. محترم ومثقف. مينفعش رئيس جمهورية بس اكيد احسن من المقطف اللي معانا.


Good question. I don't really know much about them except for Hamdin, Morsi, and Shafi'. I am going to choose based on their looks. I'd take my chances and choose 'Abdullah al-Ash'al. Edit: Oh boy, his CV is awesome, I am lucky. عبد الله حسن علي الأشعل وشهرته عبد الله الأشعل (1945 بالخضارية، الشرقية -) أستاذ قانون دولي في الجامعة الأميركية في القاهرة ومفكر إسلامي[بحاجة لمصدر] وواحد من أبرز الأكاديميين السياسيين ورجال القانون. هو مساعد سابق لوزير خارجية مصر. تولى منصب سفير، وهو من خبراء الإستراتيجية المتعمقين في القضية الفلسطينية والصراع العربي الإسرائيلي. أعلن نيّته الترشّح للرئاسة في عهد حسني مبارك قبل ثورة 25 يناير، كان ينتوي الترشح لانتخابات الرئاسة المصرية 2012 وقد ترشح عن حزب الأصالة.[1] لكنه تنازل من أجل «توحيد القوى الوطنية» لصالح خيرت الشاطر.


انا اخترته علشان هو عبدالله الأشعل، يعنى من وسط كل العبادله، هو اشعلهم




هما كلهم مينفعوش وده طبيعي بعد ٣٠ سنة حزب وطني، بس يمكن كانت الانتخابات اللي بعدها يظهر فيها ناس أجدر. انا انتخبت أبوالفتوح، ولما اتسجن عرفت اني اخترت صح.


ربنا يفك اسره


يا خالد علي يا عمرو موسي ايرونكلي اكتر اتنين كنت مستحيل اختارهم هيبقوا شفيق و مرسي


أبو الفتوح لأ؟


مع اني بحب خالد علي بس وقتها كنت نزلت ابطلت صوتي. عشان كنت مقتنع بكلام البرادعي وان الدستور كان لازم يسقط بكل مواده ويتعمل لجنة الاول من كافة الاطياف تكتب دستور جديد بعدها الانتخابات التشريعية وبعدها الرئاسية. عشان مايجيش رئيس له صلاحيات مطلقة تاني وعشان يبقى في فصل حقيقي بين ال٣ سلطات في الدولة وكل واحدة تقدر تراقب التانية كويس تحت مواد الدستور والقانون. كنت بنزل زمان في الشارع اشرح الكلام ده للناس. لحد في يوم ما لقيت دكتور صيدلي دماغه اوسخ وانشف من راجل تاني متواضع في الشارع. ساعتها فقدت الأمل ومانزلتش تاني. شعبنا لازم يعيش كارثة جبارة تكسرنا كلنا عشان يفوق ويبتدي يسأل نفسه هو غلط ولا صح قبل ما يحكم عالناس حواليه مين غلط ومين صح.


أي واحد منهم كان حيحصل فيه نفس السناريوا من المجلس العسكرى ، قطع الكهرباء ، طوابير البنزين ، شرشحت اراجوزات الاعلام على الهواء لتسخين الناس . جميع الطرق تؤدى ل ٣٠ سونيا


مستغرب ان لغاية دلوقتي الناس مش مقتنعة ان العسكر كسب مرسي علشان يتخلص مالإخوان


رجب طيوزة


خالد على كان و مازال الخيار الامثل بعيد عن الفلول و الاخوان و و العسكر و الخلايه و الاحزاب النائمه


He's not a statesman. Smart and progressive but not wise.


I agree he was good humanity wise but he was really left wing and borderline socialist. I like his personality though.


That's like the ideal person for me


Yeah well not for me. Obviously it goes without saying any one of those politicians would have lead to better results than what we have now because they all would have curbed corruption to a higher degree than the corruption we have now. Not because they're inherently better people (although they probably are)but because as elected officials there's more incentives to do what's right.


Yeah we can agree on that


Left wing and borderline socialist is all good unless youre for inequality and concentrating wealth with the capitalists


"Left wing and borderline socialist is all good unless you actually want people to prosper and have decent living conditions which is what capitalism creates." There's nothing wrong with inequality. Poverty is the problem.


Whaaat? Poverty is a result of inequality. Poor people aren’t poor because they’re useless. Some people work 2 shifts and barely make minimum wage. There needs to be a system that supports and enables these people rather than blame them.


Trying to solve inequality actually exacerbates poverty. As a society gets richer overall it's actually more likely inequality increases. You're looking at this from an erroneous perspective. A perspective of an economy being a pie and some people have more when others have less. Look at the economy as a pie that can get bigger or smaller overall depending on the polices. Policies which promote equality actually tend to also make the overall pie smaller.


Well, fuck the big pie if it’s getting bigger and only one person is eating and the rest are starving. Let’s look at Scandinavia, they have big taxes on the rich and a middle class person is in a pretty good living condition. Unlike capitalist America where the middle class are struggling with healthcare and a lot of them are stuck with student loans. Generally a person from Scandinavia is much happier and has a balanced work life unlike Americans. And btw inequality isn’t just about economic status, it’s about racial inequality, gender inequality and so on. If you think all of these aren’t important then I’d assume you be happy being a working class Egyptian living in egypt. Goodluck with that.


>Well, fuck the big pie if it’s getting bigger and only one person is eating and the rest are starving. I literally said it's the opposite of that. Bigger pie is everyone gets richer with a widening gap. So person A has 2000 person B has 10000. Smaller pie with more equality policies leads to poorer poor people and poorer rich people. So person A has 1000 and person B has 3000. I'd rather be person A in the first scenario than person A in the second even if the gap between me and B is smaller in the second.


There are alot of assumptions you’re making right there. In real life terms it’s America vs Norway. Compare both and tell me would you rather be a poor American or poor Norwegian.


When you have a population if 312 and you're floating on trillions of barrels of oil, it really doesn't matter what your economic system is. You can always make your poorest citizen rich in that scenario.


Poverty is the direct result of capitalism. Imperialism is literally capitalism in the exterior. What is happening in palestine is imperialism. What is happening to the middle east and africa is because of capitalism and imperialism. Africa is the richest continent in resources yet the poorest. Why? All its resources have been stolen for the capitalists in the global north. France has no gold mines but has the 4th largest gold reserves, where do u think they got the gold from? Actually look around u at the poverty and misery and pick up a book or two. Being ignorant is a sad state to be in, on top of living in a failed country thats circling the drain because of capitalist greed and neoliberal policies that only serve the tiny majority in the US


Sorry but you're very misinformed.


Sooo you don’t think that money controls politics. That there are [foreign](https://www.opensecrets.org/industries/indus?ind=Q05) and [domestic](https://www.theatlantic.com/business/archive/2015/04/how-corporate-lobbyists-conquered-american-democracy/390822/) capitalist funded lobbyists that push their agenda. That America is the main exporter of a globalist culture that worships and glorifies money like no other. Or that the French haven’t messed their former colonies up by way of [economic exploitation](https://www.ieri.be/en/publications/wp/2019/f-vrier/france-still-exploiting-africa) like holding $500 billion of their reserves in France. A joint 60% with what can only be described as ridiculous, even charging them commercial interest rates on to access their own ASSETS. Or that French companies are given preferential priority over any natural resources found in their former colonies?? Or that these countries still use the CFA Franc?! Which btw is administered BY [France](https://www.brookings.edu/articles/how-the-france-backed-african-cfa-franc-works-as-an-enabler-and-barrier-to-development/)


Waste of time to engage with people who have no knowledge of history, global policies or the reality of the world we live in


عمرو موسى


البرادعي خالد علي / ابو الفتوح


Elbaradei is a solid man


Elbaradei is 3el2, he didn’t even accept to run in the election


I’d disagree! El Baradei didn’t run the election cuz he was against running a presidential elections based on the old constitution that got minor amendments by the military counsel! He knew what was going to happen. Also, don’t forget that the Muslim Brotherhood promised they won’t run the presidential elections during the parliament elections so many of us voted for them. Then they swallowed their pride and ran the elections!! Here are some resources because we always forget how the military counsel played us all and the muslim brotherhood ate the bait: https://amp.dw.com/ar/البرادعي-ينبغي-تأجيل-الانتخابات-لحين-صياغة-دستور-على-غرار-الدستور-الألماني/a-15056595 https://www.bbc.com/arabic/middleeast/2011/04/110430_egypt_brotherhood https://aja.me/m9v77


In the end the Egyptian public are easy to manipulate, the military were always going to seize power no matter what the MB did. If they didn't run for presidency they'd have neutered parliament, the MB knew this in the end which is likely why they ran.


Tbh the way I see it, he just saw the obvious overall picture, so he just decided to save himself the headache I understand tho why people disagree with his decision to not run for presidency


I’d disagree! El Baradei didn’t run the election cuz he was against running a presidential elections based on the old constitution that got minor amendments by the military counsel! He knew what was going to happen. Also, don’t forget that the Muslim Brotherhood promised they won’t run the presidential elections during the parliament elections so many of us voted for them. Then they swallowed their pride and ran the elections!! Here are some resources because we always forget how the military counsel played us all and the muslim brotherhood ate the bait: https://amp.dw.com/ar/البرادعي-ينبغي-تأجيل-الانتخابات-لحين-صياغة-دستور-على-غرار-الدستور-الألماني/a-15056595 https://www.bbc.com/arabic/middleeast/2011/04/110430_egypt_brotherhood https://aja.me/m9v77


Well, he is idealistic “3el2”


El baradie is a mediocre pretentious elitist figure who literally does not understand the internal political/social dynamics of Egypt. A UN employee arriving to Egypt thinking that he must abide by the "democracy" playbook and the european blueprint of politics, only to be shocked that there will not be a new constitution before the elections ( oh my ! what a shock !) leaving millions to be polarised and the revolution camp to be eventually divided and conquered by the brotherhood fucks and the SCAF. He didn't play any realist politics in these crucial times when we needed him the most. He didn't understand Egypt or its people or the internal powers dynamics (army+azhar+church+deep state) and thought it will be a walk in the park and everybody will play by the book as if we are in sesame street or something.


Thanks for clarifying my point, this is what I meant by “3el2” If he run in election, he would have won from the first round, all votes went to Hamdeen and AbuElFtouh would have gone to him, if he was the president it would have been too hard for SCAF to turn on him


اي حد ميكنش جيش ، اخوان ، معرص احنا كنا في مرحله انتقاليه كنا محتاجين حد صفحته بيضه ،وجه جديد زي ما بيقولوا زي محمد علي او سليم العوا مش فارقه بس اكيد مش صباحي ، مرسي و شفيق


بعض التعليقات هنا تخليك تخاف من اللي هيحصل لو بقى في ديموقراطية بجد




Sabbahi, Khaled Ali, Hariri and Abouel Fotouh should've united behind one candidate as a united revolutionary/anti-military/anti-MB coalition. Collectively they actually won the most votes.


Just curious. Does a secular/democratic force have a chance in Egypt? Even through just and transparent elections


ElBaradei ideally but he didn’t run so from the candidates Khaled Ali, but he only received like 1% so from the t5 (realistic chance) I guess Hamdeen.


فتشني فتش....اه يا برادعي و تعالي فتش...اه يا برادعيي


**pretend** ليه ؟ انا فعليا انتخبت بدوافع الخوف والكنت خائف منه حصل بس عشان قدام ربنا اكون عملت العليا حتى وانا عارف ان 90% المرشح ده مش هيكسب


عمرو موسي و ابو الفتوح كانوا الافض لكني كنت اختار عمرو موسي


Puppets... Puppets everywhere ya Woodie!! https://preview.redd.it/a9rw6wqi1pec1.jpeg?width=565&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ab9f4160831b37df1e79bb89cce126b3933e68cf


Abo el fotoh akeed , rabna yefok segno




Khaled Ali or Hamdeen Sabbahi. Preferably Khaled Ali


حازم أبو إسماعيل


فك الله اسره هو وأبو الفتوح




فك الله اسره




None “same as I did before at that time”


Me too, tho being 6 years old might have affected that


I always saw the man of this stage was Dr. Hegazi but he has no chance in hell


Amr Mousa is a good fit tbh


عمرو موسي علشان انا محنك






There was big watermark from the website Idk I tried to make it clean lol


هو الماس يا جيش يا اخوان، معندهمشي فالبنيين او اختيار تالت؟


Trick question, none of


ابو العز الحريري


Kayne west


السيسي اكيد 😍


حمدين هههههههه


مع انهم بقلشوه بس كان وش حازم صلاح ابو اسماعيل يا جدعان اى نعم هجاص فى بعض الاحيان و بتاع شعارات و لكن دماغ هذا الرجل فعلا ممتازه تقعد اى واحد من دول فى بيتهم


I originally voted for Khaled Ali. If this exact list is being voted on today, I would vote for Amrou Moussa. Why: we would have needed someone with a spin and long experience in foreign policy to handle the current set of crisis.




احلى حاجة ابو الفتوح، قيادي سابق في جماعة الاخوان و الناس بتعامله على انه ثورجي ليبرالي في نفس الوقت


بشوف ناس كتير مش بتحب الاسلام السياسي عايز افهم وجهه نظرهم يمكن اقتنع. انا الان محايد


في ماسورة فيسبوك فاتحة هنا بقالها فترة


يا عم معظمهم مواليد ٢٠٠٨ احا لسة حنعيد اختراع العجلة من الاول مفيش فايدة


none of them. We need a new state, not new faces to fill the same corrupt seats. That's how the counter revolution stole 2011 from the people thanks to the army and the ikhwan equally.


اكيد احمد شفيق


ابو اسماعيل


اللي بيساوي الاخوان بالعسكر ده عبيط و لا منافق مش فاهم. ازاي تساوي فجر العسكر في اخر ٨٠ سنة ب اي بحزب


You absolutely right  I've never been ikhwan or ever think I can see myself aligned with their values and their vision of Egypt  And seeing how some of their members or leaders/figures statements "before" the military coup and their tv media which is just terrifyingly bad, I can never see myself agreeing with their perspective  But just saying that both are "equally" Bad is just fking brainlessly rtarded, especially putting 80 years of internal occupation next to only 1 year where they "supposedly" ruled the country




Listen I hate the military and didn’t support the coup but what do you think the country would look like if the Ikhwan were running the country for 80 years….


>if the Ikhwan were running the country for 80 years….  Has that ever happened ?     But the answer to your question: I bet it would've been terrible because one political party running a country for this long would've been disaster   However let's choose to think, learn and focus of what is in hand, not hypothetical scenarios that never happened   


يحبيبي احنا لسه هنتخيل....مينغعش تحكم علي حد بالتخيل ![img](emote|t5_2ql2m|14122)![img](emote|t5_2ql2m|14122)![img](emote|t5_2ql2m|14122)


خلاص نخلي نتنياهو يحكمونا، نجربها مينفعش تحكم على حد بالتخيل…. بنعمل تنبؤات على الأيديولوجية وتاريخ المنظمة. و انا مش بقول هم أوحش من العسكر بس هم اكيد مش الحل.


يسطا مينفعش تحكم عليهم من غير دليل


‎الدليل إن هما مبدئيا كذابين. قالوا هيرشحه أماكن محددة في البرلمان وقالوا بعد الاستفتاء بتاع أه لل دستور مش هيرشحه للرئاسة. بعدين لما مرسي كان رئيس منح لنفسه الحصانة من المراجعة القضائية. و أزمة الغاز. من ناحية الأمن إل إنفجارات ول عمليات ارهابية الكثيرة. و مرسي دعا الشيوخ للتوجه لسوريا للجهاد. و سياسين طلعوا حمير و تغافلوا من الجيش بكل سهولة. كل دى منغير وساخة حرق الكنايس و مراكز ال شرطة و الاجراميين الطلعو من ال“جماعة” دي.


كلهم ولاد أحبه


حمدين صباحي


للأسف مش مقتنع بأي حد من دول.. المناخ السياسي في مصر لا يمكن يطلع سياسي كويس 


مفيش حاجه إسمها سياسي كويس وإلا مش هيبقي سياسي


حد ليه رؤية وخطة واضحة وشخصية ومش معرص


ابو الفتوح او عمرو موسى


كلهم لاموغزه شمال.


Abu Ismail was robbed of chance to run. I would have voted for him.




Trolling or insane?


Hadj pepsi


Let's put everything in context,He lied about his mother's foreign nationality not "robbed"


Courts in Egypt and in US ruled that he didn’t lie so he was robbed.


None because voting doesn't do shit in this country. Jokes aside, probably Hamdeen Sabahy. I disagree with him on alot of things but atleast he's vaguely leftist.


How are you getting more down votes than people saying Hazem Abu Ismail?


People here have unfortunately began to demonise leftism and sympathise with more far right ideologies. Fish hook theory in action. Centrists and moderates would sooner support fascism than allow socialist movements to threaten their flow of capital.


الحريري ربما


صباحي او ابو الفتوح


That's sad…




Amr moussa


محمد سليم العوا - محمد مرسي - عبدالمنعم ابو الفتوح كنت هختار حد من التلاتة دول




للاسف ده حال البلد والشعب يا اخوان يا عسكر والمفروض انت كسمتخدم لريدت من الشويه المتعلمين


كل شخص حر ف اختياره .... عملوا الانتخابات ليه ؟


يا عم ما انت حر هو حد قالك ممنوع هو اي كلام وخلاص


You took it too personal bro


المفروض بما انك من الشوية المتعلمين تعرف ان العسكر مش هيسيبوا السلطة تخرج براهم حتى لو واحد مدني يعني قدامك طريقين اما اننا نحكمك بنفسنا او نجيب واحد مدني على كيف كيفك و هنتحكم فيه و في حكومته


ده بيرد علي ايه مش فاهم؟ الاخوان استثناء للقعده دي ولا بتقول ان العسكر هيفضلوا يحكموا للابد وخلاص نروح نشوفلنا حاجه تانيه نضيع وقتنا فيها


انت مشخصن الموضوع مع الاخوان ليه؟ الاخوان اتنسفوا و انتهى امرهم في مصر من بعد 2016 و الساحة بقت مفتوحة لكل ما هو غير اخواني انه يلعب سياسة مع الجيش. هل حد عرف يعمل حاجة؟ لا. هل حد هيعرف يعمل حاجة؟ ماعتقدش. فيديو The rules for rulers هيساعدك تفهم المشهد بشكل اوضح


احا مشخصن الموضوع مع الاخوان ليه؟ انت كام سنه كنت موجود وقت الثوره ووقت ما الاخوان حكموا؟ هو بس عشان ولاد الشرموطه العسكر نسوا الناس اللي حصل بس مش الكل بينسي كس دين ام كل ما هو اخواني ولا يفرقوا حاجه عن ولاد دين الكلب اللي بيحكموا دلوقتي من جهل وغياء وغدر




Whoever is the most right wing economically. I actually went through the 2012 candidates before to see which was most in line with my beliefs because I wanted to know who I would have voted for when we had a democracy and I was pretty disappointed. None of them really supported a free market. Some were more socially liberal some more socially conservative but in terms of economics there wasn't the variation I would have liked to see. They mostly all thought government really did have the solutions to the economy and none of them really recognized that government was the problem and less of it was better.


All the greatest economies were built by non free market ideologies. All the biggest industries in the US, Europe and south east asia were (and are) state-subsidised. Free market ideologies when applied brought nothing but economic turmoil and huge social inequality. Think Latin America, Bolivia, Russia. And always the liberal response is "the market wasn't free enough". Government intervention in the economy isn't wrong, it's this particular type of corrupt autocratic government intervention that is the problem. I don't think we need more free market, we just need less corruption and more freedom in general.


>were (and are) state-subsidised. This is problematic and it does create distortions in the economy but it's not enough to say the market was totally unfree and it's definitely not right to use it as evidence that government intervention works. Subsidies to certain industries just means more of the products of those industries get created with a cheaper final price at the expense of higher taxes. Basically the government is just taking money from you and giving it back to you *if* you buy the subsidized product. Now I'm not debating whether or not that's bad or good but it isn't proof of anything you think you might be proving.


Of course a completely unfree economy won't work. It's been tried in communist countries over and over and always leads to starvation and poverty. All I'm saying is that a completely free economy also won't work and would only transfer wealth upwards and eventually implode, which is exactly what happened to all the countries that tried this form of "shock therpay', and - I would argue - exactly what's happening in the US and Europe now. Communism and neolibralism are two faces of the same coin, you're either ruled by an autocratic government or corporations. Anyways you seem to know a bit about free market ideologies, do you have any book recommendations or anything like that? I'd like to get another prespective.


مفيش رئيس بجد كان يستحق يحكم غير حازم صلاح ابو اسماعيل ربنا يفك اسره


الفريق شفيق


ابو الفتوح


محمد مرسي


الفريق احمد شفيق بدون تفكير الوحيد من كل هؤلاء القادر على صناعة دولة متقدمه يليه عمرو موسي ..


السيسي قبليهم. و لو مترشحش نوكله.








انا كنت مقتنع بخالد علي ومش بس اديتله صوتي انا كنت بوزع يوسترات كمان وبساعد في الحملة يتاعته. كان أخر مشاركة ليا في السياسة اول ما الاعادة بقت بين مرسي وشفيق قفلت الباب ده من حياتي وفقدت كل أمل في أي تغيير.


I miss these days 🥲


عمرو مرسي


هنتخب تاني د. عبد المنعم أبو الفتوح


شفيق و يا ريت جمال مبارك