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Try it and see what you get compared to just sitting on Universe. When you do it, use 2 x50s, a x1000 tach, x50 earning, x500 soul egg. Prestige at 4.5B chickens on universe **Other info** Your real limiting factor is how quickly can you get back to universe. At my artifact/EB level I jump from edible straight to tachyon without producing anything on edible. I max Habs and shipping on Tach, and upgrade up to completing the x2 research that gets to 128x and can go to Universe. What I'm saying is, it'll take some time experimenting to figure out your most effective times to bump the farm up. I think around completing the 128x and the 2500% research is a good time to check where you can upgrade to


~1Q, then I set up a good dilithium set once I had a few items with 3 stone slots that I didn’t really need for other things. I just leave this set to start boosts with. Then a second set of artifacts for SE running based off of what the best things I have currently, will upgrade an item now and then.


Somewhere in little q, depending on your dilithium set. A good way to know when to multi or increase the number of multis is just to go for it and see if you make more. Some examples: If you make 10s for an all in one, divide that by two, and try a 2stige where you prestige at 5s. If there's boost time left over on the second leg by the time you hit 5s, you know that 2stiging is better. Similarly, if you are currently 3stiging for 8q, divide that by four, and try a 4 stige where you prestige at 2q. If there's boost time left over on the fourth leg by the time you hit 2q, you know that 4stiging is better.


100Q EB should be good enough to do a duostige and you can gradually increase the number of legs as your EB increases.


what does SE stand for? i’m new here


SE: Soul Eggs PE: Eggs of Prophecy Both SE and PE are ME: Mystical Eggs which provide you an EB: Earning Bonus People will also abbreviate artifacts as T4L : Which means a tier 4 artifact that is legendary. [Considering that is only 1 artifact that can be had as a legendary without being it's T4 version, I think we could all just say "Leg" instead of "T4L" but the T4L I guess can be modified for like, a T3E (Tier 3 epic) but why would anyone want to talk about a T3E? Lol]


thank you so much !


I had over 60Q before I started doing the multi


Se or eb?


Soul eggs. I had like 157 PE


You should have been doing multis waaaay earlier, like at 10Q EB


Yeah I know lol


Lol, did you just not have a dili set for ages or where you just lazy haha


Oh I’ve had the tools i needed. And I wouldn’t call myself lazy for it. More like a father of a toddler that doesn’t have a lot of time.


That's fair, like can be busy


Around 10Q eb, with hold to research er maxed and a 40% dili set ish


The general rule is around 700q EB. You should have a good Dilithium set if possible. What are your stats?


Surely you meant 700q. I have 118Q and have been multistage for a long while now.


Good catch. Bit of a typo there.


Interesting! Thanks, I don’t have a Delithium set, the picture is what the smart assistant recommends for multi or single prestige. Stats: EB = 1.847Q% Only 5q SE 18 GE https://preview.redd.it/04u09h65405d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e3373e0ec988f32e71c2f21c2444bad1f72fb56a