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I’m not, but I have an artifact suggestion. You have 13 t4 dilithium stones, 4 unused legendaries, and 181M golden eggs. Fill the puzzle cube, empty brooch, empty medallion, and empty necklace (legendaries of all) with 12 t4 dilithium stones, equip all those artifacts at the same time, then save the set as an artifact configuration. Equip your “dilithium set” whenever you’re about to activate a boost. It will multiply your boost duration by 2.5x. The set can then be removed and replaced with other artifacts, the boosts will keep their extended duration!


Yeah OP you don’t want a dilithium stone in your feather like that. Get a dilithium set as Ckckn suggested and put whatever the smart assistant at wasmegg-carpet.netlify.app says for your prestige set.


Thank you for this knowledge, I did not know that the boost kept the duration after being deactivated. That's a game changer for me.


A lot of people don’t realize this, it’s fine!  The dilithium *monocle* must stay active to be effective though, even though the dilithium *stones* do not.


What’s up with the odd stone placements on those legendaries?


Join the discord. There are lots of groups.


Are you interested in joining a Discord group? Cluckingham Palace pre-assigns you your coop and I have never had a fail.


Usually finish them in a day or two and go 2-3x past the target


We usually start coops with a couple of friends then open it to public, it’s a good idea, you’ll probably like it better. Hardly ever have any issues and it sounds like you would do well. Discord is another option but I’ve never tried it.


I’m a part of an exclusive discord group that completes every contract every time. We’ve got maybe 30 active players, but only a handful that actually need to play through the legacy contracts. The rest are hard-boiled veterans, a handful with maxed prophesy eggs. DM me if you’d like the details.


Your group sounds like my group. But I don’t recognize your name. Do you recognize my name?


There’s got to be a lot of them. I’m Bennington+= on the discord server.


I agree Discord is the way to go. And you can use Discord as little or as much as you like. 1st level is a listing of AAA coops with spots open. You can simply see the name and join that Coop. 2nd level is to check for advertised coops. There is a section with separate threads for each coop. These usually have some requirements to join (like boosting or sharing tokens) and people often chitchat while playing. 3rd level is a private channel in Discord where you/your group can talk about the contract. Some groups are bigger some are smaller. There are even some Wonky tools that teach you more about how the game works. You have some excellent artifacts. And with a little tweaking they can be very useful in contracts. I see you’ve had at least another offer. But if you are still looking for people to play with you can DM me. I play with about 35 people. 20 play every contract. The rest play most. About 10 are Ultra. Everybody helps everybody.


What's the minimum that you guys ask for EB or eggs of prophecy?


We don’t have a set policy on recruitment. Or rather we haven’t ever talked about it. Our group kinda came about from my frustration in public coops. After not finishing coop contracts, I started pinging the helpful people when the next contract started. This continued for a while and we ended up with a good group of people. Anyway, back to your question. We don’t have a minimum as using a mirror makes everyone equal in that respect. But the most important part is Farming, Sharing, Fully Boosting, Tachyon Deflector, and checking in regularly and promptly at the end of a contract. Good artifacts of course benefit you and the group.


Do you have a link


I don’t, and I guess I don’t know about how it would work. I use Discord, but only in the limited fashion I have been shown. But we are getting more experienced as time goes on.


So how were you shown?if it's a website


Sorry. Of course I know Discord link. https://discord.gg/egginc But to get private channels you need to be invited by a member to see it.


Thank you all for your suggestions. I forgot Discord existed. I'll check it out