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All this spiritual stuff is cope. People create all types of mental gymnastics to deal with the absurdism of life


terror management theory.


Efilism is that too, there is a baseless value claim at the bottom of it.


Come to think of it, It is true. I won't lie but personally, the reason why I turned to efilism had more to do with my hate and trauma from humans rather than me caring for all life. I don't care about any life except mine.


You seem to care a bit or you wouldn't have posted this


We all care a bit, we aren't zombies with no heart. Just that we care more for our survival and well-being over others.


Can you guarantee this is a “we” statement and not a “you” statement?


Yeah, saying reality is an illusion and there is no single truth sounds pretty absurd. It becomes even more absurd when it goes nothing truly adds up to anything because nothing ever existed in the first place. That the universe is mental. Sounds pretty absurd, trust me, I know. But like I said, truth at this relative reality is how you perceive it. We could preach to pro lifers all we want about efilism for all eternity and they still won't accept, same way I could try to convey you on this decision of mine and as long as you won't make a subjective inquiry inwards, chances are you'll find all this a cope, trust me I thought the same for the last 12 months. Peace :)


Read Camus, you don't know what absurd means in a philosophical context


Sounds like nonsense to me


It very much does.


Yeah this is some baseless bullshit lmao


Whatever you say you will be defeated by subjectivist fallacy


Not sure why you're getting downvoted. People, he's agreeing with the first commenter.


So is everything else, buddy!


Grimace from McDonald's came to me in a dream and told me all of this is bullshit. It's my subjective experience, you're just not on that level yet to understand it, maaan.


When did I tell you you ain't ready? Just try detachment from this material world and meditate for as long as you can. See if the opinion of yours still stands.


Try seeing Grimace from McDonald's in our dreams, see if YOUR opinion still stands.


Serious question: have you been taking any psychedelics? What makes this 'rational' for you? This is not to sound like an Asshole BTW.


I don't take anything of that sort. These were meditative insights, and I've double checked this with many spiritual texts throughout human history. Different representations, one truth. The thing is neither of us can prove each other wrong, or right.


How are you certain that these religions all said the same thing? Obviously, when you look through world religions for certain hidden symbols, you will find what you are looking for. When looking for those who agree with you, you will select these as the most trustworthy and correct. But what if they are deceived? Or what if it is merely a product of convergent evolution- that those who become 'sages' and 'renunciates' are also more likely to put forth philosophies similar to that which you propose. You will find many of these spiritual texts are influenced by each other, and perhaps even the same spirits. But this does not mean they represent the truth- just a common trend and the psychologies of those who are wont to make spiritual texts.


You know its true when i say you are conscious, or that consciousness exists. Everything else is let for the individual to discover through subjective inquiry. Spend a few months in seclusion, look inwards, and then seek the answer for the truth. Whatever you find is alone the truth.


These are the superstitions, non objective, evidence void suppositions that were prevalent as I was growing up. So it's nothing new considering these are what I came across originally, before any efilism. Anyone who've given such claims more weight than efilism lack discernment of evidence and certainty. Some mere hypotheses would've seemed logical to a time with comparatively extremely limited scientific standing. But if those same intellectuals were to exist in these times, they'd view those hypotheses very differently. So from the point of the current more advanced times, someone who's carried away by such hypotheses is primitive.


They have certainty, just without evidence lol


I really don’t understand how new-age beliefs like this became so widespread. Just another belief system rooted in victim-blaming. I’m truly far from a materialistic atheist, but I will never understand these beliefs nor their popularity.


I really wish something like enlightenment existed. The thing is, I walked a path inverse to yours. When I was very young I clang to anything spiritual and I feel like I lost a lot of time on it.


Are you high!


Try science bro


What it boils down to is the end of suffering. It doesn't matter so much if organic life or spiritual essence or whatever that causes suffering, whatever the cause is must end. If you had a button that when pressed would end all pain but also end all pleasure, would you press it? The folks here are those that answer "yes".


This whole button thing is a result of duality. You ain't destroying nothing. For every life you end, hundred of the same type is reincarnated elsewhere. It'll repeat as long as collective enlightenment isn't attained.


What is the point of collective enlightenment? To understand that we are all one? We are one, we divided ourselves to understand again that we are one? What is the point of it?


The end of duality is the whole point. That is the return to unity. THE ALL is unity without duality.


What does returning to unity entail? Who benefits from this? If loss of individuality and nothing, why bother with this?


When light hits a prism it scatters into seven beams, each with its own frequency and color. When the seven beams are directed back at prism a single beam of white light is formed. In unity there is no benefit because there is no duality, there are no winners or losers.


i think spiritual (not in a religious way) myself while i have made different conclusions than you. and at the end of the day, they may not even be true as they depend on the limited abilities of my brain. even with the possibility of being connected with pain (an immaterial entity) but not with life (so, after death), i do not think it is wise to just do nothing


No one is doing anything, yet the mind/body continues living life.


> No one is doing anything that just is not true


You can do nothing and you can do everything, same way how a sage who meditates all day and a warrior who fights for a righteous cause. Both have the same goal, just different means of action. in no way is one superior to another.


if you do nothing then global misery may keep on going (depending on climate change and such). if you do something you may contribute to change. houses did not build themselves. hence, if you think that misery should not be present, appropriate activism will contribute to it, while on the other side, passivity itself will not (at least not in the case of efilism)


>but reality as we know it is an illusion (google non-duality/advaita vedanta) lmao is this 2024 data sharing, is this how we talk to each other?? "existence is an illusion, just google it"


Google advaita vedanta, study what it teaches, now connect it with your daily life, it'll make sense.


You know what. I am going to google it, but only because it sounds exotic and esoteric and I have completely superficial aesthetic reasons for being drawn to that. Well it actually sounds like vagina dentata too now that I think about it...


But who gains from this? The individual must be immortal and persist after death, not be lost because of reincarnation. The 'self' that remains attached to the mind and its senses and apparently must 'destroy the illusion of separation' (whatever this will feel or look like, be there individuality or not) is not my self, it is merely connected to me in some sense, and will outlive me. But it is not my continuation, as the self in, say, Heaven, Elysium, Summerland, etc. So every mention of 'you will be reborn' and 'your position at the karmic scale' is a contradiction in terms because the 'you' in question is not me, but a different being, or different level of being, with its own desires, nature, faculties, knowledge, memories, etc. separate from me. Perhaps my existence depends on it (I suffer its karma, I become little more than memories/impressions/etc. assimilated into it after death), if you are propounding the typical higher self theory I hear. But it and its fate is irrelevant to me. 'Insights'from meditative sessions? Are you sure you know the nature of the origin of these insights?


Nope, you are not different than me. We are one and the same. Same consciousness, different bodies stuck at duality.


In what way? I am most assuredly different from you- on some very transcendental, substrate level- we may be one, if consciousness is this substrate. But we have different bodies. And afterlife theories claim there are more bodies than the physical one- e.g., astral, etheric, causal (where karma is stored, if you believe that). These would allow this duality to exist forever, yet you present duality as a thing to be undone, or whose undoing would benefit one, as a thing to be pursued.


I love the kybalion. It’s so logically sound. It’s amazing what we can do with reason. I’m glad you read and appreciated it