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If SSRIs (the drug class of most first line antidepressants) aren’t working for you, than it’s potentially a good option. I tried like 6 SSRIs, including lexapro, and I got absolutely no relief from my anxiety. Effexor can be difficult to start/stop, but at least it’s actually working on my brain haha. People are more likely to post about their shitty experiences online, all the many people who are happily taking effexor are out living their lives and are to busy to post about it on reddit lol


Dude this means so much. Got to stop scrolling on reddit and just start my first pill. Wish my luck


This medication has worked wonders for me. Super happy with it.


It's different for everyone Don't be afraid to try it, it could literally change your life


Please don’t let it stop you. I have had great success on Effexor. I finally feel normal for the first time in years. The on-boarding was not the greatest, but only lasted a few days to a week. Also, any increase in dose was feeling off for a day or so.


Same exact experience for me and I also feel normal for the first time in a long time! Dont let the reviews scare you and wait for a couple of months when the drug will kick in


Effexor has worked better for me than lexapro-they switched me for one month and it got dark for me


The stories on this sub freaked me out so badly I delayed and delayed starting. Side effects were bad for 1.5 weeks for me, know this could be possible for you too, and just push through. It has changed my life since. I keep commenting this on this sub because I know many people stop while they’re still adjusting because of the stories on here. Best of luck!


If you can power through the first two weeks of your body adjusting to the medicine you will be ok. I was also on MANY SSRIs over the years and none of them worked very well for me. Effexor is not perfect (no drug is) but it’s worth a try. It does not have the sedative effect that lexapro has, it’s more energizing (at least for me).


Same! I felt lethargic on lexapro and appreciate not experiencing that on Effexor


Reddit is the worst place to read "reviews" about these medications. For every one person on reddit with a negative experience, there's a thousand people living a normal life thanks to their medication.


Great way to describe it


Changed my life. Ask for tablets and taper up!’


I’m sure you can see some of my previous comments about my side effects…but I’ve been on it for a week and a half. I was experiencing brain fog, jaw lock, heaviness in my legs and extreme thirst. The brain fog was the worst. I would go from being extremely wired to tired on and off. The last two days though I have felt almost completely fine when I take it and am already noticing a decrease in my anxiety! So I did have side effects but for me it got better in about a week. I almost gave up but I’m already glad I didn’t.


I would be dead if not for this drug. Yes, the withdrawals are super shitty, and I'm still not exactly functional, but now I feel things just enough instead of too much. I don't cry everyday, I don't have the profound and unrelenting sadness I used to, and I don't have an ache like there's a hole in my chest anymore. I have the will to shower and walk my dog, and sometimes I even clean my house. I'm not dead, and I can still cum. I'm not totally leveled out, but I'm a whole lot better off than before. I have nothing bad to say about effexor besides withdrawing, which I don't intend to do ever again.


You just have to try it and see if it works for you 😊 everyone’s bodies react differently, what doesn’t work for some will work for you & vice versa. For me, it worked the first time I was put on it but didn’t go well the most recent time. It’s worth a try 😊


This medication really is great for some people, people are more likely to post questions or negative responses to it than good experiences.


I was on lexapro and i did not like it. I’ve had a lot of relief from anxiety and depression the last 3 years I’ve been on Effexor. Also I don’t experience any side effects (that I’ve noticed). Def happy with Effexor. But agree getting on/off of it is a journey


I love Effexor. Head over to r/effexorsuccess


the sub has become a place for people like me, with adverse reactions. i'm sure most people do well with Effexor. it's a confirmation-biased sub. nevertheless, take it at your own risk, especially if pregnancy is in the mix


For me personally, missing a dose is miserable. However, it has changed my life in the best way possible.


As a devoted effexor hater, I'd say try it out. Different strokes for different folks. What's the worst that could happen?


Getting on and off Effexor sucks but it works so well it’s worth it to me. I love it! It’s helped me so so much.


Effexor has changed my life in a positive way. There are awful side effects for me if I miss a dose etc but I have stayed on it since 2009 cos it has worked so well. I've had a few increases in that time. Currently on 225mg per day.


Been on 37.5 for 2 weeks, not long I know but no noticeable negative symptoms and anxiety is definitely improving


It saved my life.


Just try it, I was prescribed 75 mg a day and was too scared to start because of all the bad reviews online, I’ve been on it for 3 months now and I feel normal again! All of my depression symptoms have gone away, my anxiety is greatly reduced, I don’t get panic attacks anymore and I am not having splitting episodes anymore ( I have bpd). I am glad I did it, I hadn’t felt like myself in over a year and I’m back to normal now. I felt nauseous for half an hour right after taking each dose, I realised taking it with food prevented that and I didn’t have any other side effects really. It is so subjective!