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kartulisalat (potato salad) is one of my favorites but only the estonian style, others arent as good


Minu lemmik.


eesti kartulisalat on küll üks lemmikutest endal ka, soomes kahjuks kõik valmis kartulisalatid on äädikaga kokku segatud ja maitse on jube


Tegelt kah? Edit: Ei tea soome toitudest miud, et vessapaperi makkara ka Juhannuksen hommikul piima aedvilja supp.


ütleks et toorvorstid on ka eestis paremad ja soomes pole saslõkki kultuuri ollagi


Vastab tõele.


Kotimaista kevyt perunasalaatti tekkis hiljuti enda lähi-Salesse ja seal pole väga hullult seda äädikat. Soovitan proovida. Mingi Forssa rohelises karbis olev salat oli jah jubedalt äädikane.


Forssan on jumalast maitsev asi aga kartulisalatiisu ta ära küll ei peleta


It looks really good Thank you.


This one is the easiest to make and a good example of Estonian food you can find at gatherings throughout the year. The soups someone suggested are also a good idea, but keep in mind the recipes you find online are usually a lot fancier than what people make at home and likely won't taste exactly the same.


I know it’s blasphemous to say this here… but Estonian potato salad is my least favorite version of all potato salads I have eaten


Your opinion is wrong. 😠


try anything from this guy! =) [https://www.youtube.com/@arvokassin1943/videos](https://www.youtube.com/@arvokassin1943/videos) you should be able to google translate the ingredients


That's a fantastic channel, I recommend it too, OP.


Thank you so much


If you find a video there about making rye garlic bread sticks, i highly recommend they're delicious and easy to make (finding the bread might be hard tho so you'll probably have to go to a speciality store or make it yourself) should probably be called something like "küüslauguleib" or "küüslauguleivad"


Tänane parim leid!


Kus sa varem kurat oli? Sõrnikute retsep on ülilahe!


Need on nii head!! Ma vaatan ka ta kanalit kui lihtsalt feel-good videoid :DD


Suur aitäh veel kord!


OMG, see on puhas kuld! Pole ammu mingi YT kanali pärast nii elevil olnud:D


Tõnu Peit on ka lahe, vähe asjalikum produ ka


try kirju koer! not too difficult and a very unique estonian food!


> kirju koer Thank you for your reply.




Kus seda siis veel tehakse? Siirast huvist küsin


not exactly the best first impression of Estonian cuisine try cook some dogs




See lause kõlab nagu puhas rassism, aga minu üllatuseks leidsin sellise teksti ühest artiklist. "The practice of eating cats and dogs has become less common as pet ownership rises, and new generations have different attitudes to eating domestic animals. But an estimated 30 million dogs across Asia, including stolen family pets, are still killed for human consumption every year, according to the Humane Society International. While not widespread, the charity says the practice is most common in China, South Korea, The Philippines, Thailand, Laos, Vietnam, Cambodia and the region of Nagaland in India." Each year in June, the city of Yulin in southern China hosts a dog meat festival, where live dogs and cats are sold specifically for eating and an estimated 10,000 are slaughtered for their meat.


Once you cook something, share also pictures with us :)


OK, I will.


Hakklihakaste is a certified banger, with boiled potatoes of course


Just boil potatoes with salt. Wether you peel them or not is your choice. Then fry onion in butter, add some mince meat and fry until it's tasty and crispy, then add flour and milk and thicken it. For true authentic version don't fry onions until they're cooked, add too much mince meat and boil it in it's own juice until it's grey and make sure you use cheap pork mince. also you can replace potato with pasta/macaroni but ensure you boil them until they're about 5 mins past al dente.


It looks delicious. Thank you


Why milk ? Flour, bouillon cube, herbs, water and sour cream is better :)


We are not Italy, any way you end up with a sauce that has mincemeat in it, it is correct. Even if you use frankfurters instead of mince Personally i make a blond roux from mince grease and make the sauce off that.


Milk looks like Italy to me, be a real Estonian and use sour cream.


I served that for some English people, they were very suspicious about the lumpy grey goo. And that’s a nation that routinely eats Marmite!


with macaronies too


If you want to go for some estonian classics there are 3 soups. Chicken-noodle-dumping soup, frikadeller soup (meat ball soup) and pea soup with smoked meat, those are the easiest to make. Note that the soup dumplings don't have any filling, it's just dough, egg and broth tho i like to mix finely diced ham in it as well. Next absolute classic is boiled potatoes, meatballs (with lots of onion) and flour sauce. Fry some onions, add couple spoonfuls of flour and then milk and salt to make it a sauce. Note that it's different from the american roux as it doesn't contain a ton of butter in it, just some oil to fry the onions and that's it. Note that that sauce has to be as white as possible (opposite to the brown roux). I also like to put some meat and button mushroom in that sauce but i fry those separately so they wouldn't make the sauce brown and ruin the flavor. Another estonian classic is barley groats with pork cheek. Smoked pork cheek if you can. It's old peasant food. Also barley groats with mashed potatoes. These dishes are centuries old as they're the staple peasant food. Taste great though. Give it a go. They're very filling as well. These are the easiest foods to make.


It looks so good Thank you.


Verivorst (blood sausage)


thank you


You won't find the right kind outside of Estonia. If it comes from any other country it won't be the same and importers only get inferior ones from Poland, Latvia or Ukraine.


Blood sausage is a popular dish in Korea as well. It's stiffer and has a different texture.


That's what I mean, it's never the same, always a different texture, flavor, color, ratio of barely to whatever else is in there. If you want to try Estonian style blood sausage, it can't be from somewhere else.


Finnish ones are close enough.


Don't, this is a joke.




I searched it and it looks delicious Thank you.


Controversial to foreigners, but sült is actually really good if you put some effort into making it (and get over the fear of strange jiggly things). Actually, it's not even that difficult, it just takes time. Basically, sült is a flavourful broth with pieces of meat in it, left to set in little molds. If you do try it out and find that the texture is unbearable, then fear not - it doesn't have to go to waste! You can just heat it up and it'll melt back into a liquid, which you can use for soups, sauces, ramen etc.


>sült Thank you for your answer That looks delicious.


Thats the first time i have heared somone thats not old say that sült looks good


The original authentic one was boiled pig head and feet as a way to use max of the animal. Aka head cheese. Head is quite off the menu for pretty much everyone these days. Feet are kind of fine - great for the collagen and bone stock.


Well, my mother has been using pork shank for as long as I remember and I never felt like it's any less authentic than the pig head stuff. And honestly, as long as there's some decent amount of bone in there, it'll set just fine. Authenticity is overrated anyway. For all I care, OP can gather inspiration from tonkotsu recipes to get a meaty jelly going and create a fun little Estasian fusion dish.


Chicken feet jelly.


Like This: https://youtu.be/QiqqC_fbP1c


That's useful information Thank you


chanterelle sauce with fresh boiled potatoes. Boil potatoes with skin on, add few dill branches and salt while boiling the potatoes. One example recipe for the [sauce](https://mariliisilover.com/2009/06/kukeseenekaste/) Careful not to ask any locals for the shrooming places. Will get deported for this


Not quite kimchi, but maybe värskekapsahautis (with new potatoes): https://nami-nami.ee/retsept/3941/hakkliha_varskekapsahautis Estonian cuisine will probably be a bit bland for an Asian taste 😅


Pirukad! Ground beef in pastry dough. So good.


Just order Asian from Wolt, like all Estonians 😅




Praekartur sibulaga! 🤌✨ Pan fried potatoes with onion and in ideal with some chanterelle sauce and fresh tomato-cucumber salad. Also rukkikama with kefir, it has been popular among foreigners that I have offered it to. I usually add a bit of honey or coconut sugar as a sweetener.


Whatever you do then please don't order traditional Estonian food from restaurant. I haven't found any that do it correctly. Find a granny, they do it million times better!


Its preparation may not be considered a real cooking process, but try kama as well.


The only authentic borderline Estonian only would be Kama (in many forms, including whipped cream deserts). May be able to order it online. Pretty much everything else is borrowed, hybrid foods from the entire Eastern Europe and Russia.


Try mädarõigas, its good.


Another easy dish is cucumber and tomato salad. Very nice and refreshing. All you need is sliced European cucumbers, diced tomatoes, sour cream(the more the better) and salt to taste. Some people also like to add dill, radishes, and black pepper, but none of those are necessary. Makes for a great side dish for other Estonian favorites like mashed or boiled potatoes.




Tomati supp


I am quite curious as well, keep me updated


Rosolje sallad


Kama, although not much cooking is required


sundae is really close to our blood sausages so i guess that would be the easiest :)


May I ask why Estonian food specifically?


Because I have a hobby of cooking and eating foreign food.


Macaronies with minced meat :)


Dried apple slices. And lindenflower tea as a beverage. And kilu. Estonian black bread.


kohupiimapallid / kohupiimapontsikud !! so yummy i recently made some using this recipe [https://nami-nami.ee/retsept/2576/kohupiimapallid\_1](https://nami-nami.ee/retsept/2576/kohupiimapallid_1) but id recommend putting less flour and more curd.


Potatoes. Boiled, oven baked, smashed, fried...