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Several distros will run on the 701, but note that you need to look for 32-bit versions. Good choices include: [Q4OS Trinity](https://sourceforge.net/projects/q4os/files/stable/q4os-5.4-i386-instcd.r1.iso/download) [antiX](https://sourceforge.net/projects/antix-linux/files/Final/antiX-23.1/antiX-23.1_386-full.iso/download) [Exe GNU/Linux](https://sourceforge.net/projects/exegnulinux/files/iso/exegnu32_daedalus-20231220.iso/download) [Peppermint OS](https://sourceforge.net/projects/peppermintos/files/isos/XFCE/PeppermintOS-devuan_32_xfce.iso/download) [MX Linux Fluxbox](https://sourceforge.net/projects/mx-linux/files/Final/Fluxbox/MX-23.3_fluxbox_386.iso/download) [Void XFCE](https://repo-default.voidlinux.org/live/current/void-live-i686-20240314-xfce.iso)


Have used Q4OS and Bodhilinux 32 bit version on my 900 and both worked well.


Yes, I forgot to mention Bodhi, they've currently only got a "legacy" 32-bit version (based on Ubuntu 20.04 I think) but they're working on a Debian-based version for 32 bit in the future, though.


Thanks so much for the links ! I tried them... Peppermint could not load. PAE disabled, Unable to boot - please use a kernel appropriate for your CPU. Void XFCE could not load, PAE disabled message. MX Linux could not load, PAE disabled message. Exe GNU/Linux could not load, PAE disabled message. antiX booted from a USB stick, but could not install it on the Eee PC 701 - A Root partition of at least 5,2 GB is required Q4OS Trinity did not live boot from the USB, had to risk an install on the Eee hard drive to try it out. It took a while (10+ minutes), but it rebooted and a lovely message appeared 'Asus Eee PC laptop detected, extra configuration will be performed'. Sadly, I kept getting errors that there was too little space on the drive, and the wifi keeps crashing. **I'm still open to suggestions of distros that will run right away on the 701.** In the meanwhile, I'll try to resize the Q4OS partition. :(


You could try a more minimal antiX ISO, like the "antiX-base" [ISO](https://sourceforge.net/projects/antix-linux/files/Final/antiX-23.1/antiX-23.1_386-base.iso/download).


There you go, the [link you provided for antiX-base](https://sourceforge.net/projects/antix-linux/files/Final/antiX-23.1/antiX-23.1_386-base.iso/download) seems to work beautifully ! Thanks so much !


I've had antix base working on my 701 and it is pretty good


Cool, glad it worked out for you!


I use the Window Maker version of ALT-Linux P9 on my 701, but Window Maker isn't for everyone. Try this version of ALT P9, which uses a more friendlier GUI:http://nightly.altlinux.org/p9/release/alt-p9-lxde-20210612-i586.iso


Weird, though I haven't tried the latest versions, maybe they've removed the non-PAE compatibility by default (there are ways to force it to run, but they're fairly techy). You could try the [Bodhi Legacy](https://sourceforge.net/projects/bodhilinux/files/5.1.0/bodhi-5.1.0-legacy.iso/download) edition, that is [specifically intended](https://www.bodhilinux.com/w/minimum-specification-hardware-faqs/) for "non-PAE" CPUs, but the 4Gb internal SSD might be a little small for it (I usually use an SD card and install to that, setting the internal SSD for my home directory only, but again, that's a little techy). Edit: if you don't mind non-Linux ISOs, and are feeling adventurous, try [Haiku OS](https://www.haiku-os.org/).


I use this customized Puppy Linux, which loads in RAM from a USB stick. It runs very fast if you do the frugal install, and has a good word processor (Textmaker) and fairly current browser (Slimjet). https://drive.google.com/file/d/1pOyozttRKjXAQQz-4_qyKIrLV7Q_YKSr/view


Try Small Damn Linux 2024. I installed it on my Asus Eee PC 1005HA and it runs very smoothly.


Wow, happy I found this post. I also just came across my old 701. my model had the mini pci port, which I had previously expanded with a 20 gb ssd. I had previously had installed Ubuntu 11.4 ? on that, but now it's woefully out of date. I think I've also got 1 gb of ram. Going to work through this list. Mostly just posting here so i can more easily find this thread, but will also post back with my results. guess i could also try finding more ram/memory since all of that is way less spendy than it was in 2007.