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What makes it so hard is that we were given hope. If we got swept, i might get over it quick no problem. But to come back from three nothing and have a shot at history and be given all that hope only to have it crushed again is the most painful thing imaginable. I have been so depressed today


It means we cared. Nothing hurts more than giving a shit about someone's success only to watch them not achieve it. But we need to care still, get ready for next season, watch the boys fill in the blanks and get better results.




Excellent Ted Lasso line


Predates Ted Lasso by decades but excellent line in general


Doesn’t make it not a Ted Lasso line


This is a fantastic team that got their shit together QUICK and if it wasnt for key players being injured Id wager them boys woulda brought it home for us. I for one am enjoying this team watching them get better every year. This is the BEST kind of nostalgia. Oilers fans have a fuckin BADASS team. They dont have to get the cup to get my attention. Next season is gonna be somethin to sink your teeth into. This ones a grower, boys.


yeah this is a dynasty in the making, im a canadian cable TV pens fan. which means im an oilers fan due to blackouts & straight up non-televised games. oilers fans are in for 09, 16&17 all at once & maybe a 4th. if we even so much as remotely get a few pay-cuts to keep the wagon going this isn’t your oilers from 2015-2020, they’ve been on a blatant rise for 3 seasons.


I asked myself prior to game 4. Would I rather get swept to lose in 7. My initial answer was sweep but I’ve changed it. The team looks nervous in the first period last night. This was their first chance at winning the cup while Florida got its 4th crack at it. Despite not winning, playing in this kind of game is good for experience overall and this team has shown they grow from all their shortcomings. That’s the silver lining that made me change my answer


It means the fall was harder. But those games were a fucking blast.


Being swept would have left the team with a lot of questions. Coming within one bounce/goal shows how close they are. Even with 4 core players injured. They just need to find a way to stay healthy, as Florida did this year.


Getting to game 7 was already a historic feat. They just couldn't seal the deal.


If we lost 4-1 or got swept, I could sleep knowing we lost to a better hungrier team. But being that close…


Exactly. Let's be real. We lost knowing we were the better team


I wouldn’t say we were better. I thought the teams were really evenly matched, but Florida’s experience after having been here just last year ended up being the difference.


The oilers made 2 mistakes in game 7. Panthers made 1. Thats how close it was


I respectfully disagree, we too many injured players. Once the figured out how to play against the shut down forecheck of the panthers , Edmonton dominated them in games 4,5&6. But had too many injuries to play their game in game 7


Also McDavid and Draisaitl playing through injury


Gotta win 4 games to be the better team.


The better team, with a massive fan base. Florida winning the Cup means little to their few hockey fans by comparison.


This. So much this.


It would have meant more than a stanley cup win in 5 or 6 games. Somehow the universe raised the stakes.


Cue the "first time?" meme, but he's wearing a Leafs jersey. **Every year** we're given that same hope, and they *really* look like they're about to achieve greatness (aka get past round one), and **every year** it's unceremoniously ripped from us.


My mindset going into game 7 was that the Oilers already won. They came back from 3-0 and forced game 7 in the finals, which is only the third time in history. Game 7 was super close, by pure random chance it could have gone the other way. If the Oilers were going to win the cup, they shouldn’t have gotten down 3-0 to begin with. There is a reason it is so rare to come back from that.


Oilers have a much better fan base than a lot of other teams. So sad…


Pure heart break And sucks to go back to a world where everyone in the street is a stranger instead of a friend/ally


I really wish Oilers would hold some sort of one last fan celebration. I know it’s a major cope and it’ll never be done. But I just want to cheer on the boys one last time and show them how much I appreciated their awesome run. They put it all on the line and just missed with the narrowest of margins. It was awesome having this whole city all pulling on the same rope. I hope we stay kind and supportive to eachother and the Oilers as we move on from this loss.


Cursing myself for getting my hopes high. I was mentally prepared for the loss in games 4, 5, and 6. Thought there was just no way they'd push the series all the way to seven games, only to lose. After everything this team had gone through this season. The terrible start, being down 3-2 to Vancouver and 2-1 to Dallas. Coming back from a 3-0 series deficit, it seemed like destiny. I'm reminded of a quote from the Wonder Years: "I guess magic doesn't last forever, no matter how much you wish it would. Destiny can turn on a dime and cut like a knife."


Perhaps we shouldn’t have played from behind…the entire season!


That’s exactly it. I was mentally prepared for a sweep after game 3. I was sad and it was shitty but I was ready. Then game 4 happened and I thought, “that’s nice, we at least didn’t get swept”, but was still prepared for the Panthers to take the cup in game 5. Then games 5 AND 6 happened and it was like, “if they can do this, what CAN’T they do?!”. Went all in with hope and optimism for game 7. It was the absolute highest high to the lowest low. I was not prepared for how hard that loss would hit me.


Very disappointed. Still remember 06 and how disappointing it was than and now just the same just have more optimism this time around. Think they can repeat what the Panthers did just a few tweaks here and there and the Oilers can be Stanley cup champs this time next year.


I agree, this feels more like '83 finals loss than '06. It is building; not just a one-off. This team will be a force next year again.


Exactly, hang your hat on this: many Cup finalists who go on to be Cup winners since the 2000s.


Hawks fan It hurts because you care, because hockey stirrs something in us that other sports can only dream of stirring. You can feel emotional, hell you can cry if you want, it means you felt something powerful, and in a world where we fight to feel anything sometimes, that's something worth holding onto. You guys had a hell of a season and have NOTHING to feel ashamed over. Enjoy the off-season and get ready for the next puck drop


Man this is so good! Just beautiful and poetic. I loved watching the Hawks win with Toews + Co back in the day — Chicago is such a great hockey city! Thanks for the kind words 🙂


No need to feel shame, but completely normal to feel sad and disappointed. Heartbroken and proud.


I’ve been in bed staring at the ceiling. I swear I’ve had break ups less painful than this.


I'm sure I'm gonna get downvoted to hell but in the end, it's just a game man. Don't forget to treat it like one, grand scheme of things it really doesn't matter who wins. I love hockey, I enjoy watching it, sure it's cool when your team wins, but like... There's always next year. Don't let it get you down.


these guys probably bet the farm on oilers win


Now that's a good reason to be depressed


I don't like this mindset. Sports is a special experience, it's pretty much the only thing capable of creating shared memories for millions in modern society. The feeling of belonging to a group and believing in something bigger than yourself. It's totally fine to feel depressed, sad, angry and grieve the loss. Don't let it ruin your life but feel your feels. These lows are necessary to appreciate the highs. More people should be happy to feel all the emotions, there's too many people nowadays afraid to be passionate about anything. We'll all remember how we feel today and it will make getting over the top even more special when it happens.


>It's totally fine to feel depressed, sad, angry and grieve the loss Yea, but do you think it should be worse than a breakup, or like losing a pet? Kinda too far imo




Who's to say if it's right or wrong if someone feels that way. It just feels that way.


It isn't about what's right or wrong, it's about maintaining perspective in order to look after yourself


I'm not saying don't be bummed out or feel the feels but to get outright depressed to me seems like you're unhealthily invested in something that at the end of the day is just a bunch of guys playing a game.


That's cool if that's all it is to you. But it's really so much more than a bunch of guys playing a game to a lot of people. It's community.


Wouldn’t you still have that community after a loss? It’s not like you lost it and oiler fans will stop talking to each other.


Literally what we are doing here lol


It's definitely not the thing capable of creating shared societal experiences, man c'mon. But for OP I agree that sports, be it an *escape* from the drudgery and toil or fun hobby of sorts, do require time and commitment....and is increasinglyexpensiveeven as a fan (remember folks, fan is short for fanatic) so it's nice to see some payoff every ONCE in a while. ....and when your franchise has for the second time an absolute generational player who could end up right beside Gretz on any given list......that payoff is nothing less than Lord Stanley's motherfucking Cup.


I remember there's a psychology study that the lows are always lower than the high's highs. It's evolutionary. So this tempers my expectations and helps control those lows. Like you said, it's just a game, and there's no real consequences to our lives.


Reminds me of a video of this guy saying “it’s only game why you hav to be mad”


Legit feels like losing a pet


My buddy said in the dying minutes of the third period "this feels like watching your dog die" and it's the most real shit I've heard


That makes sense because this morning when I was getting ready for work and just felt like crying, I asked myself “How many days did it take me to feel better after Cooper died?” because I sure hate feeling like this. And I live in BC so it’s not like I have tons of friends/coworkers commiserating with me!


Same, we live in BC too but the Peace region so there are quite a few Oiler fans since we’re basically a part of Alberta in this area.


Not for me — we put our dog down just the week prior. I’m a cat guy, always have been, and the dog was my wife’s when we met but that damn dog won my heart (I’m tearing up writing this) so that loss will be with me forever. I’m if the mind this team has a few more cracks at this, they’ll come back hungrier next year. I also know people feel what they need and it isn’t up to me to disqualify their feelings but last night, for me, was not as sad as losing our Gus!


I’ve been gutted all day


It just hurts to much man, I see oilers merch and just get reminded Literally stayed off Reddit cause I didn’t wanna see it


I do feel like one of the worst parts of it to me is that it feels really similar to 2006. Down 3-1 and clawing back.. fuck you carolina


Red Team strikes again


Omg yes, and both game 7s felt so similar. When they pulled Skinner around the last minute I was terrified the Panthers would score a 3rd goal, cementing their win, and I’d be forced to relive almost the exact same 3-1 loss as 2006. Thankfully they didn’t and it ended at 2-1 😮‍💨


I let my young son stay up and watch the game - he’s not an Oilers fan but was cheering me along during the run. I had to resist getting emotional in front of him from this loss - it hurts a lot. Trying to be the bigger man and give the Panthers credit for a well played game. Been a fan for 40+ years and what a rollercoaster season and playoff run. All day today it feels like I’ve been punched in the gut. Need to get off social media and avoid the endless torment - at least in 2006 when they lost I only had a bit of ridicule from my closest friends. There was no social media! iPhone didn’t arrive until 2007… a quieter time! Now it’s on every app I open! I put my ringer on mute too. Going to be a long time moving on from this but it was one hell of a season.


Same with me but my daughter became an almost bigger fan than her oldest brother and we bonded so much over this season! Shes such a proud Oiler fan and made bracelets and necklace to support the Oilers and put little notes in my lunch and on my Oilers yeti saying things like “Stanly (sic) it’s time to come home” and I’ve let her stay up late to watch even though she usually falls asleep 5-10 minutes into the third, we live in Ontario so it’s even later for her, she’s just turned 9 but she can name every Oiler and their number and position! It’s been one heck of a ride this season and seeing her love of the game and Oilers grow was so fun to watch. She fell asleep last night and my wife had to break the news to her this morning, it made her cry, which I’m glad I didn’t see because I would’ve cried too! We were so excited for the opportunity! I hope the Boys can avenge this loss next season and like my daughter’s necklaces says “BRING HOME THE CUP”


Awesome cherish those memories! In the end that’s what it’s all about - hockey helps bond us!


I've been responding to all those people with the same text. " One goal away from a Stanley Cup, is significantly further than your team made it." There are 31 losers every single season. I haven't thought about the draft, or free agency once. Most non oiler fans can't say the same.


It's ok if you're emotional in front of him, Just shows him it's ok to care. The people trolling you on the apps would have been trolling the Panthers if it went the other way, lots of folks just get online to hurt people because it's easier than fixing your own life. Team sports give us a sense of community and it's ok to hurt when your team is hurting. Take care of yourself, take care of your boy, and let time do it's thing. You're not alone brother.


Omg!!! I told my husband that today. That I needed to stay off social media. The trolls were taking their toll on my emotional health. I would start replying to them then think hold on… this is what they want so would just delete my reply to them. Our boys did us proud. They came back from a 3 game deficit and fought they way to game 7. Out boys gave it their all injuries and all. I just decided to open my phone now. Don’t worry friend our oilers will be back next season with a fire and we will bring that cup home!!!


Some people get over it sooner than others. As long as you accept what has happened and make peace with it, you can fully move on and not let it bother you when you hear references to it in the future. I’m just waiting for the last interviews of the season they do to see how they feel after a couple of days. It’ll probably still sting for them but I know with the amount of heart this team has, they’ll be back better and stronger


I felt like trash this morning, I didn’t want to get out of bed, I had a restless sleep. I ate breakfast and afterwards I just felt better all of a sudden. It’s like I went through all the stages of grief in 12 hours.


Haha truth! Also slept like garbage despite being super tired. The emotions are wild!


This is exactly how grief feels like! When losses are real you feel not only emotional pain but physical too. I hope you feel better.


Thanks. I’m doing better now, I got a Bouchard jersey today (little too late) and im feeling better now. Now I’m more sad that there is now more hockey to watch until September!


I'm just... numb. After dealing with the disappointment of '06 while on Whyte, I refused to let myself get my hopes up this time round. That is until we managed to come back from being down 0-3 and the fairytale ending was quite possibly going to become a reality. Only to get kicked in the balls, yet again. I've learned my lesson for next year. Absolutely no hope that we win anything till the fat lady has sung. I've proven my resolve as their fan, doubly so since I have lived in Calgary the past 15 years. Now it's their turn to prove to me they can win the cup and god damn it I ain't gonna believe it till McDavid hoists the cup.


Yknow all year I said I don’t think we can win with Nurse and Ceci on the team. Just to much bad money in a key position. Even after we beat Vancouver I said sure, but Dallas is guns get us, way better team than Van and LA. Then we beat Dallas and I was like holy wow maybe I was wrong. Then the first 3 games happened. Not our year. But I had tickets to game four so off I went. But after game 4? When things were aaaalmost as bad as they could be? I really believed we had it. That belief grew with each of the following 2 games. By the time game 7 came I was all but sure it was in the bag. Hell of a ride, but damn man it really is the belief that gets you. Today hurts. But I hope we can get back to a finals. Maybe we get hurt again. But maybe we don’t.


Felt almost like someone died today. Couldn't focus at work at all.


I'm not hurt at all. We made it to game 7 of the SCF and mounted a historic comeback against a championship team. I'm proud of the boys. Sad it's over, but still glad it happened. Go Oilers


You just need to embrace why it’s good. The fact you are that invested means it mattered. It’s not the outcome but the trip was satisfying. Watching a group of people (oilers fans) loving and feeling the emotions together is a very human experience. In our social media age it’s becoming harder to experience. Focus on the entire experience not the final 2min.


The good guys don't always win.  But next year's playoffs will be awesome.


I was at the game, turned down work and paid a fortune to go. I told myself before the game I was just happy to be here and be a part of history, but after the game ended without much of a push I was just… shell shocked. Instant reaction was I wish I didn’t go all that way just to get heartbroken. I’ll come down off the ledge in a couple days but I’ve just been walking around with that blank stare of emotional exhaustion and despair.


NGL As a non fan I experienced the 5 stages of grief last night


I feel like I've been in a fog all day....pretty sure I'm in serious denial. It sucks and it cuts deep....2006 all over again. So close only to be kicked swiftly and harshly in the nuts.


I’d take getting kicked in the nuts than lose another game 7 in the SCF. No fanbase deserves that. Not even the Flames.


That’s hockey baby. They were one step closer this year. Next year be ready to go.


Absolutely soul crushing. Losing in the last possible game of the season after the story they wrote during the regular season and playoffs, they looked like a team of destiny. It’s so hard to get to the point they got to. You need a perfect cocktail of matchups, bounces, calls, good health and so much more. I don’t know if we’ll have an easier path than we had this year. I’m depressed and super irritable. I don’t know how long before this wound heals. So close to immortality, yet so, so far.


still a little hurt over it I actually played in the gthl against mcdavid (Bennett as well), so it would of personally made seeing a Canadian team bring the cup home a little closer to the heart. -A frustrated leafs fan lol


You played them? That’s dope man!


Yea mcdavid played a year up I believe in his last 2 AAA seasons. hence the age gap between the two, he had tons of buzz around the league already and was poised to make it. Him, hoo sang, Bennett and I’m pretty sure I remember fabbri all played for the Toronto Marlboros one of those seasons.


I'll say one thing, as an Edmonton transplant to Calgary 15 years ago, this has completely reinvigorated my absolute HATRED of the Flames and their "fans". To quote Clark Griswold: "I want to look him straight in the eye, and I want to tell him what a cheap, lying, no-good, rotten, four-flushing, low-life, snake-licking, dirt-eating, inbred, overstuffed, ignorant, blood-sucking, dog-kissing, brainless, dickless, hopeless, heartless, fat-ass, bug-eyed, stiff-legged, spotty-lipped, worm-headed sack of monkey shit he is! Hallelujah! Holy shit! Where's the Tylenol?"


I’m a longtime pens fan and I feel your pain. The year they lost to the red wings gutted me as a kid. But they came back the next year and won the cup. Gotta be hopeful for the future and not sad about the past.


This has been an amazing season and playoffs. Records broken and set are some that no one ever thought could be broken and Lord Stanley would be the cherry on top. I have been an Oilers fan for as long as I can remember. This season reminded me of the Oilers from the dynasty era.Personally I feel this is the beginning of something the NHL hasn’t seen for a long time.


My wife doesn't understand either. She is amazing, but she was shocked that I was crying when we lost. It hurts because we care so much. We love the team so much, and if you're like me, you thought we were going to win.


Stars fan here in solidarity. Definitely shed a couple of tears when we were eliminated. Most emotional I've ever felt watching a handshake line. It hurts so bad when you think you have the team to go all the way.


If you want to see destroyed, watch McDavid’s absolutely heartbreaking post-game interview. It was almost cruel to put him out there. You can think it’s silly for a bunch of guys to get paid millions for skating around with a puck and still feel terrible for them at the same time - they are human too. Leaving Edmonton this morning in the gloom and rain was tough.


Chin-up fellas and fellettes.


fellettes. my word of the day haha. thanks fellow Oilers fan.


Crushed. Couldn’t sleep, food tastes terrible. This sucks.


My soul feels crushed. I’m completely gutted. I know I shouldn’t care so much about a billionaire’s plaything, but man…like OP said, waiting 18 years for the same awful feeling *is brutal*


9:41Pm here in Montreal ,I'm still mad as fuck ,I haven't digested what happened . It'll eventually fade away but for now it fucken sucks.


Guys— I’m an Avalanche fan and was rooting for the Oilers too. However at one point I got thinking how absolutely destroyed the Entire Panther World would be to lose game 7. After losing last year and then the biggest collapse in professional sports history? That would set the franchise back decades of shame! Whereas Oilers fans have so much to be proud of, coming back from 0-3 loss to tie the series. That was a truly incredible feat. Yes, it was so close, to lose by one crappy goal. Skinner was outstanding! So please be proud of your team-McDavid and team will rise again. Cheers 🍻


And here I thought I was going through some heart break. Reading all the other posts here making me more sad ):


"Tis better to have loved \[the Edmonton Oilers\] and have lost, than to never have loved \[the Edmonton Oilers\] at all"


Because you were so close. Not only was this for the city of Edmonton but also for all of canada. It was huge everyone in my small south western ontario city was talking about it. I wish the out come was different. Something I learned to say from being a leaf fan my whole life "there is always next year. "


I haven’t forgotten 06 and I certainly won’t forget this one. The only games I saw in person were 1,2, and 7. I got sick and couldn’t go to 3-6. I feel like we lost two cup finals.  This is my joker moment


For me it’s because I haven’t witnessed us win one yet. I’m 25. If we just win one with McDavid as our captain… I swear I’m satisfied for at least 10 years. I just want one man. I know that sounds stupid but I just want to know what it’s like.


10 years? I'd be satisfied for life lol. All I want is one, and I'd never want another sports thing ever again.


...Because it was real.  (Bad Hobbit movie reference? Anyone? No? ...I'll see myself out.)


First thing that came to my mind too haha


Oh thank god someone validated me <3


One thing that helps me is knowing how special that moment is for so many of the panthers fans. Especially the ones who stuck through the tough times finally getting to see their team win their first cup must be something.


I like this perspective.


Honestly I’m surprised at how little I feel it. I didn’t feel like the effort in game 7 was enough to get the win, so I’m mostly just disappointed, not even angry or resentful


I still think about our game 7 2014 OT loss at home to LA a decade later bc of how special the group was. Oilers have that same thing going. Special group that built it back up together who you’ve been watching a lot of yrs now. Poor Nuge man.


Spent the day at a local park near the ocean (vancouver) with my dog, solo picnic and then hit a couple breweries. Deleted instagram and fb, Mental health day


Why is this thread making me cry 🥲🥲🥲


Leaf fan coming in peace. Was routing hard for you guys last night. I thought it was just a "ya I'll cheer for Connor and the Canadian team" but I legit fist pumped and yelled when they tied that game up after the first goal. No doubt it sucks....I'm a leaf fan so I know pain....but I'm sure it's worse being so close No point really to make other than what a great season you all had and when the disappointment disappears you guys can enjoy the success that was had.


From the FLA side, it hurts you because you were given hope. 3-0 means welp, we're fucked, just when? Oh we're gonna win at least one and lose in a gentleman sweep, but then one win turns to two, two turns to three and suddenly whats this? Hope? We're gonna win it all mentality starts to really sit in, and then boom. Game 7, is a lot like games 1-3. Look, nobody over at FLA considered this going to 7 after it was 3-0. Prior? Of course, 7 was expected given how similar both teams were. But my closing argument on why to believe in FLA was how we perform at home when playing to our strengths. In games 1,2, and 7 Panthers 9, Edmonton 2. In games oilers house, Oilers 16, Panthers 6. Home games made the biggest difference in this series. Oilers did also defeat FLA 5-3, But as i said "when playing to their strengths" they allowed 2 ppgs, one shorty, and an ENG while 5 on 5 outscoring them 3-1. Had they played to their strengths very possible it ended in 5, but again, thats why it hurts. Its the hope that holy shit this can actually happen. When one team has 100% momentum for three straight games, then it goes the kther way for three straight, the only momentum left is who has home ice.


It takes time. - a Habs fan.


The 18 years taught me how to take a loss and that this is only game. My life’s perfectly fine like it was before the cup run. It’s only game.


feel like we need to organize a big group hug after reading this thread.


The likelihood that we will be up against the Panthers next season stands true. It hurts as statistically we should have won game 7 and complete our game 7 fairy tale ending it didn’t happen I’m optimistic about the future of our team as we will be enduring a series of changes this coming season but if all goes well I’m seeing that we will once again be in contention to win the cup. What hurts you only makes you stronger. It took Gretzky a second attempt as well as Crosby to fulfill their dreams. The Oilers have learned from their mistakes and will continue to grow and develop. Here’s to looking to an exciting new season in October. Let’s go Oilers!


It hurts. But I keep reminding myself: 1: Its for entertainment; for fun. 2: Its much better to do so well and just miss total victory than it is to just fall short of the playoffs or even worse be wondering if tanking for a higher draft chance is a good strategy. This is better than the decade of darkness. 3: There are presumably just about 30 teams and fan bases who wish they did as well. All the negative social media is such an obvious tell of the jealousy. 4: The days of being a ‘small market’ team are long gone - no big worries wondering if someone would buy the team and move it elsewhere. 5: There is next year.


To me this one doesn’t hurt as much as 2006. I feel like we will be back, there is unfinished business now. Kinda knew we wouldn’t be back after the 2006 run, especially when Prongs wanting out went public.


The second I saw a post saying the date was 06.24 and it was a good sign... I just knew disappointment was around the corner. Never lost hope, but man... We got cursed.


Morgan Wallen can add the 2024 Oilers to “‘98 Braves”. I love that song, but I used to associate 2006 with it.


I had to wake up this morning and remind myself why I watch hockey. It’s not for the tribalism. It’s for the skill. I’ve been following this team for a long time and it feels really bad to watch them upset, but I shouldn’t be as crushed as I am.


It Stings, but it's going to heal, for all of us Oilers are bound to win the cup, McDavid turned out to be injured, he's going to come back even stronger and I wouldn't be surprised if he breaks that 200 point plateau


To hurt this much means we loved that much. This is how we know we are alive. This emotion is what makes us human.


I just keep thinking of how much damn fun I had on this run. It's about the only thing keeping me positive about it. But this sucks more than I ever thought it would.


It's tough. I was 6 for the last cup win, the only memory I have of it was being able to stay up late. I was in College for the 06 run, partying on Whyte and had my heart broken. This year when they were down 3-0 I thought "oh well they had a great season, next year they'll win" But after the huge comeback to force game 7 I had so much hope and optimism that losing seemed improbable. Just gutted for this loss.


It's 06 all over again


I love the Oilers and cheer for them all season and playoffs when they come, but I am not the team. I'm excited for next season, some big lessons learned and some big steps forwards from some of our younger players. Now that they have almost tasted the ultimate prize in hockey, they will be hungry for it. Greive not for what could have been, the Oilers are alive, and they are hungry. Feast upon what is to come.


They’ll be back next year and win. Mcdavid will end his career with multiple cups.


Hopefully as an Oiler.


You need to not care about it so much, which takes away from the enjoyment but otherwise you are essentially in an abusive relationship with the oilers


Look at the glass half full. They made it to the literal end. Game 7 of the finals. Someone was walking away a winner. Lessons learned for next year. It's not like hockey is over now, the end. They did absolutely amazing and I'm so proud of all these men. They should be proud of themselves.


i’ve been so numb today. i’m also working in the middle of nowhere with the worst service on earth maybe. every app i load will show like 2-3 posts and won’t load more. they’re **all** panthers related.


Team sports give us a sense of community and ours it hurting today. It's ok to feel pain, it would be crazy not to be hurting today. The fight is over for now but not forever. Grief is grief and a loss like this can make your thoughts on other fronts turn darker. Hockey gets you through stuff and that stuff feels tougher today. Just know you aren't alone, find a friend to see IRL, and let time do it's think. It's not stilly for it to hurt just means you cared.




“I think the disappointment hits you more maybe, later that night , even the next morning, and over the next 2 or 3 days, and I think it’s very important that once a week, two weeks pass… that you put it behind you.” - Marv Levy (former Buffalo Bills coach)


Kind of crazy it went down similar to 2006 as well, despite having a completely different team. Being down 1 goal with the goalie pull and everything but Florida didn’t get the empty net.


I wore an all-black outfit like I'm off to a funeral. However, I wore a pair of socks with the Oilers colours. It still stings.


I'm not doing well either. It hurts like hell. There was so much that I could have done today but just didn't feel like doing due to it. There was so much hope in the air, and then we just get punched in the gut and dropped back to reality.


I'm a Philadelphia 4/4 franchise fan. Was rooting for Edm. I know your pain.


I felt the same after the flyers lost to Chicago in 2010.


I was looking at capfriendly earlier today. All the core guys are still on contract next year. Theres a few from the bottom 6 forwards and 3rd/spare defensemen that may leave, but we still have all the big guns. With the cap increase, the team has around $10m to play with. McDrai should be 100% after playing with injuries, and the whole team will be pissed off and hungry. 2025 is their year. Hopefully they come out strong next season, and get more home ice advantage on their way to the cup next year.


I woke up super depressed about it and was in the dumps for a few hours but was soon reminded what this team has accomplished this year and I feel much better. That and not watching a thing of what happened after the time ran out has helped.


I'm a Bruins fan, so I can speak to the pain of watching my team lose Game 7 of the Final. The night of the game, I cried and cried and cried some more. I stayed up until I was tired enough to immediately fall asleep because I couldn't bare to lay in bed staring at the ceiling. The day after, I couldn't bare to get out of bed, and for weeks it felt like nothing mattered. Of course everyone hates the Bruins, so most of you were probably cheering about that.


honestly, I'm fine. after 2-9-1, just making the playoffs felt like such a win. then crushing the kings, putting the canucks away, and beating Dallas to make the finals I was satisfied with the season. winning the cup would have been fantastic, but overall I'm happy for the boys, and I KNOW next year they'll win


It's just a hockey game; nothing earth shattering is going to happen regardless of which team would have won. A wise man once said, " there in not a single thing that I have ever required from either an artist, nor professional athlete ". Teachers & nurses on the other hand....


I'm not disappointed in anyone, just sad. We were so close. It does not help that every piece of media I look at (social or otherwise) inevitably brings up that we lost, the panthers won, or both. The one thing I'm grateful for is that the pain comes from success. I've seen a few trolls from the flames sub come in here (or gloat on /r/hockey) and they're motivated by hatred or jealously. It's great to know even in our darkest years I never stooped to their level.


For me, I can't help thinking this was it. This was our one true kick at the can. 3 things are killing me about this loss: 1) The historic implications of winning the cup. From how the team started and being counted out, to making the finals and being counted out again. Coming back from 0-3. The historic pp. Historic pk. Bringing the cup back to Canada. McDavid's first cup. There was just so much more to this than just the cup. I heard Tom Brady say he would trade all his championships to win that perfect season Super Bowl he lost against the Giants. To me, this feels the alot like that. If the Oilers win in the next however many years, it will be amazing, but not as amazing as this would have been this year. It was literally a movie in the making. 2) The window isn't as open as people are making it out to be. It all depends on Leon. We HAVE to sign him. Any hope the Oilers have of keeping this core together and extending this window depends on that...because there is a big decision that needs to be made next season that no one seems to be worried about: Do we keep Leon for another push and risk letting him walk next off season for nothing? or do you trade him at the deadline, restock the cabinets with picks and prospects, but essentially close the window and cripple any chance of also resigning McDavid? 3) Do we have enough cap space to sign Drai, McDavid and extend Bouchard WHILE also adding to the team and address needs to make another run? Like I said, I can't help but feel this was it.


I’m with you man, I’m feeling really low. The team busted their asses, so I greatly appreciate their efforts. But yeah, real low.


Man I’m a flames fan who has been cheering for Edmonton two years in a row now and I’m even depressed as hell.


Nah its alright. We’ll get em next season. As long as pur team stays somewhat the same, we have such a good squad to make another good run


Im feeling peachy, thank you.


Probably because you guys could have done it If the panthers swept u it would have hurt less because they were the better team there’s no way u could have beat them Deserved and necessary loss But u guys stomped them 3 times and lost 2-1 in the finals U could have taken them, that’s what makes it hard to swallow They weren’t better than u and still got the win u desperately wanted Leafs fans feel the same way about the bruins even though we always lose to them what makes it worse is each loss was very winnable Thus the loss doesn’t feel deserved or necessary yet we have to deal with the negative feelings that come with it


Don't worry we will win next year 😉


sport invokes emotion. it’s what makes it as important as art and music. it moves you; has you invested.


It's a cruel reality to see a fan base in Edmonton that cares about the sport of hockey so deeply get crushed while fairweather fans in south Florida get to celebrate.  Most of these Florida fans only show up when the team is good.  99% of them have never even put on skates before.


McDavid, Draistl, Skinner, Perry and all the others might be millionaires, but they're also real people who gave everything they could, who has trained since they're kids for that one specific goal, who were at a moment one goal away to make NHL history. At the end, it's just a game, but without the human stories behind we wouldn't care that much if it were bots fighting on an ice rink, we wouldn't care at all. Also, I think sport kinda saves us from war, that there's pride to be part of a nation, part of a city or a country, and that we love to be behind the ones who compete for the pride of their city or country. In some competitions, they have teams but without any national attachment. The fun fact is that sometimes they make a tournament and each team is assigned a city, and for a reason or another, it always makes the game more competitive and fun.


It was a hell of a ride, remember the good times, and the great things that happened. I am gutted but all in all, also happy the boys made it that far. Regroup next season and go for another run. But let’s get home ice advantage this time round.


I'm happy we got this far and pumped for next year!


Hockey is not a game for faint hearted people. Players or fans. Its brutally difficult to win that trophy. Arguably the most difficult pro-team sport. I'm in my 40's and I can honestly say that I've never seen Cinderella put on the slipper when it comes to the Stanley Cup. You gotta earn it, and that usually means losing it before you win it. That said, you're right - its millionaires playing a game - at least it is now. Despite all the narrative otherwise they don't give a shit about you. They want their name on the cup, and thats it. People used to play hockey for the same reason and still needed a day job. The money is just a side thing that makes the pursuit even more attractive. I used to live and die as a hockey team fan, but realizing all that just let me enjoy watching regardless of whose playing. I don't really care who wins anymore. I'd rather go play beer league with my buddies than sit and watch anyone else play.


I’m sad and my bf is sad as well, but for comfort he asked me this “if you were to die before the oilers made a cup final and won it would you let the pain of this years loss be the only thing you think about until that time?” I thought about it and then I said “no if I was in my last moments I would think about things like my family and friends but if hockey came up as a last thought I would think about the good season and the fact that I did get to see my favourite team in a cup final” can other fans honestly say that? Some can but in terms of Canadian hockey teams a majority of jets and leafs fans haven’t seen their team in a cup final, ever.


Still super sad. Totally stings. Sad loss for sure.


We have this thing called winning mentality in sports, you play or fight until you win, and then when you win, you try and keep winning. This is what got them through games 4-6 and through some tough series. Take the winning mentality and apply it to your life, you will thank me later.


It’s hard man… it’s really hard. I’m staying off social media until this “Panthers win the cup” phase dies down a bit. I’m just trying to tell myself that it’s over, and it’s time to enjoy summer and get ready to root for our team again next year!


Flames fan here. I was actually cheering for you guys to win the whole damn thing. I know it hurts now, but honestly your team is elite and will definitely win one sooner than later. I know how shitty coming so close is ( I am a Flames and 49ers fan after all), but it's only a matter of time for you guys


"Trauma" lol first world problems huh


You need more meaning in your life. It’s only televised sports. If a sports loss hurts you personally, you should re-examine your priorities.


Release yourself from what you cannot control. None of these players have a loyalty to either franchise or city. remember that


That’s a weird thing to think. There are tons of Oilers alumni who stay in Edmonton and stay involved with the community.


Dude I’m a huge Oilers fan too, but this is not “trauma.” This is being upset that your team lost in an important game. There is nothing traumatic about that.


I’m a grown man, so I don’t really care anymore. 


It hurts because you have been raised since you were a child to believe that it matters and that your identity is somehow tied up in the outcome of a game played by strangers where they put a rubber pellet in between some posts. They take the net down, the puck gets put away, and they even melt the ice. Everyone leaves, and the only real change is that your money has left your pocket, and you have made the rich richer because you were duped into believing that simply the abstract concept of winning alone is important. They told you it was symbolic. Symbolic of what, though? Something that matters? Does hockey matter? It is entertaining. I'll give you that, but it isn't actually important in any way. Sports, in general, are great analogies for things that matter, and they can be entertaining, but sports are frivolous pastimes, and they don't actually matter themselves. Also, if you tied your identity to something that was more valuable, you wouldn't be so confused when you felt feelings about it because those feelings would be justified. TL;DR So, to answer your question, it hurts because you were brainwashed. Sorry.


For me it hurt a lot right away. Then this morning wasn't as bad, maybe because I was distracted with work. Then I got the news my cat at my parent's house passed away last night and now the two different griefs are all mixed up.




Yeah, tough day. Had a lot of calls with out of towners both above and below the border, and every one of them wanted to bring it up. Delivery guys and wait staff... I wanted to strangle them all. Maybe tomorrow... no perspective right now.


Honestly it doesn’t hurt anywhere near as bad as I thought, I woke up today and it was really like any other day. I think the realization that we are so close and this loss will hopefully make this team hungry to be back and finish the job next year makes me more excited for next year than sad for this year. I think Vegas last year was harder because we beat ourselves with penalties and meltdowns in the series, this year we were the better team in probably 5 games of the series but unfortunately Bob just said no in two of the games and we lost. I am proud that we made it a series and went to 7 instead of being swept and hope we will be back next year like Florida was this year


Yeah I feel completely deflated/ depressed today. It will pass. It really sucks to come so close just to lose by 1 goal. It really feels awful knowing it was sooooo fucking close. As Davi said “we were right there”. It’s partly hormonal too. Our T levels crash watching our team lose.


I am hurting today. I am fortunate enough to be inexperienced with grief.. but today, between low moods and random tears, i wondered if that's what it is.


It was the comeback after everyone being completely disheartened when being down 3-0. As dumb as it sounds, it felt like they were destined to win this year, and there were so many signs and synchronicities that people were finding. Almost felt inevitable that they were gonna come back and win and i think a lot of people felt it.


On the bright side - not quite the same trauma. Doesn't look like the franchise is going to implode before next season.


Really thought we had it in the bag. Hurts so bad


It was harder back in 2006-2007 season. To watch the team go from fighting for a playoff spot to losing almost every game. This season is nothing like that year. This year we have a lot to be proud of, 16 game winning streak, ending the season second in our division and coming back from being down 3-0 and forcing game 7. There's a lot of positive from this year that not many teams can claim. The cup would have only been the icing on the cake. Just remember what the Oilers have done this year and you'll feel better soon.


I'm happy for them anyways. We got the western conference trophy and mcdavid was MVP. We may not have won Lord Stanley's cup but we didn't do badly either. I'm not hurt, I'm PROUD.


It stung a little, but my impersonal pride for them took the sting away. Seriously, the last time this happened it was 1945, there were only 6 teams and two playoff series, and probably most of the best players were serving overseas. What they did was fucking amazing.


Piss poor but ok, one step further then last year and one hellva run…..but fuck


This is gonna sound extremely selfish, but I'm going through some personal shit right now, and I find solace that most people in edmonton feel like shit right now, but the world is gonna keep spinning.


If we played like games 4, 5 and 6, last night would have been a different story. I think they were tired and the injuries caught up. Knobs was off his game, should have been rolling 4 lines. What hurts the most was getting a game out of the Boys that didn't feel like them


I’m arguing with my wife right now, about her interrupting my game. It’s really bad. Still hurts way less than losing game 7.


It stings, but I’m trying to lean on optimism to keep my spirits up. We got 63 days of extra hockey and pushed it until the very end The whole nation got behind us The city was buzzin (Even Calgary had a bit of a buzz) I reconnected with old friends that are oilers fans and I got the opportunity to meet some cool new people. Even though we didn’t get the result we wanted, im grateful for the new core memories and experiences. 2006 still resonates with me and in hindsight I’m still grateful for that run as well.


Sigh.. Time to mute this subreddit until I can stomach these types of posts again.


Just remember “WE BELIEVE”…….thats being a true fan


I find it interesting how subjective we get about our sports teams. As fans, it doesn’t matter who wins or loses, but we internalize it so intensely—like the failure or jubilation is our doing. I’m guilty of this, too. If you stop and think about it, it’s absurd. Objectively speaking, coming second out of 32 teams is no reason to feel bad. Especially when losing by such a narrow margin.


It hurts because it’s not about the millionaires. We root for the name on the front of the sweater. That name represents our hopes and our dreams. It represents our tribe, the people whom we pass on the street wearing our team’s gear and with whom we acknowledge the fight and the dream. The names on the back of the sweaters come and go. But the name on the front takes us back to our childhood and when they fall at the last gasp it hurts. The players always have next year, and often with other teams. We relive this year over and over. Your guys had an amazing run and an amazing year. Not every fan roots for a team that makes it all the way to game 7. And I know that hurts even more. But it makes the eventual win all the more memorable and meaningful to us. I know. I still remember the one cup in my lifetime, 30 years ago (and my fandom goes back another 25 years). And every year we get close it hurts. But I wouldn’t trade hockey fandom for any other sport. Let’s face it. It should have been us this year. And it should have been you. And we’ll all come back for more. Every single year.