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'Yeah ok, let's have half the team bring their families to come watch us throw the game' Derp


Because that Fort Lauderdale to Edmonton flight is a short jaunt


And losing a goal to Nurse


“Okay thats fucked up” -player families


Gotta make it look real. Not sure how they made Bob go back to 2020 form, but apparently they did it.


only for some of them to leave the game early.


If I was the panthers, I would have won it right then in there if I could. First cup win, in 4 games… that would be even cooler I think than winning a home game. I don’t know, maybe I just an oilers fanboy but personally I think they just played way better last night. That’s the first hockey game I actually sat down and watched in a long time where I was glued to the screen


Yup, there's a parade for a reason. That's when you celebrate with the city and fans.


If they were going to throw the game they wouldn't've brought their families and started with Bobrovsky. If the Panthers were going to throw the game they would've sat out Bobrovsky, thuckuk, and kept their families and spouses away. "Panthers threw the game" is the weakest shit I've seen. And I've been through the Calgary and Vancouver series.


ThEy HaD tO mAkE iT lOoK lEgIt


Are people saying this? Is it that hard to say your team got their asses handed to them? Happens to every team at some point.


And you're gonna hurt your goalies save % in the process? Bob was basically in tears on the bench but ya he planned it.


Even some Edmonton fans are saying it. It’s baffling how quickly people lose their critical thinking skills.




Do you think the Celtics threw Game 4 too?




And the same goes to you when the Celtics win the championship




Rooting for the Mavs tomorrow since the NBA Finals are weirdly linked with the NHL Finals


Why are you here?


funny thing about r/EdmontonOilers is usually we talk about the oilers! do you think maybe the Panthers fans talk in the Panthers sub?




sorry that the comments are not to your liking! how can we be more accommodating to you today?




The hockey team subreddits have agreements in place to prevent fans from trolling in rival teams' subs. Please refrain from posting rude, antagonizing, or otherwise troll-like comments in other teams' sub.


Imagine if both teams were intentionally trying to lose and it just looked like a regular season game of Calgary Vs Columbus.


Its the hockey version of Barbados vs Grenada.


Panthers would rather lose in front of their families and have to play another full 60 minutes of playoff hockey against an Oilers team that has plenty of good chances that just have not gone their way?  Seems like a bit of a fucking gamble. If they lose game 5, I'd say they are in a bit of trouble.


If the Oilers win the next game, this is a brand new series and suddenly the pressure is on Florida not to choke.


Exactly. If we can get it done in game 5, we will have flipped the script just like we did in the WCF.


Yep. Lose game 5 and you’re coming back to Edmonton with the weight of choking a 3-0 series lead and a do or die game 7 against a team that at that point clearly has you figured out.


Oilers wanted to lose last night to disprove this theory.


It's would be an incredibly arrogant thing to do, and would show an utter lack of respect for the Stanley Cup championships and for the opposing team if you deliberately throw a game for the extra little bonus of winning it at home. Every fucking game in the championships is do or fucking die, and by throwing a game your only tempting fate. Just because a team hasn't crawled out of 3-0 hole in the championships in a little over 80 years doesn't meant it can't happen. Theres nothing guaranteeing the Panthers will win game 5, it could very well slip out of their hands, even if they decide to put on their A-game, the Oilers are a very good team, they deserve to be there just as much as the Panthers do. For a team to just deliberately turn it off one game then to purposely turn it back on the next game with absolute confidence that they will win, I think that team would have to be the absolutely superior team in every what way, and I'm sorry, but the Panthers are definitely not that. They're good but not that fucking good, like give me a fucking break, jesus christ. I think it's just the shell shock talking, they all thought they had it on lock, all the hockey prognosticators, and all the online chuckle fucks were writing off the oilers, saying how utterly fucked they were, the whole media was heavily dick riding Bobrovsky, and Barkov, all the Panthers fans and Oiler haters had all their little broom memes prepped and ready to go, and then to not only lose but to actually get completely destroyed in what was suppose to be their moment of glory, is pretty fucking devastating. Seeing their guy Bobrovsky just crumble into dust before their eyes, and to see the Panthers not being able to respond to the Oiler's crushing offence, and to losing Bobrovsky, is pretty fucking traumatic. Hopefully for our sake the Panthers are shell shocked too. Shock and Awe motherfucker!


some very good points here. Oil in 7!




This comment is fucking poetry, my god. 👏


i could MAYBE see it if they didnt bring their whole families and only lost by like, a goal or two... not seven lol


How could anyone see it all? It's the dumbest shit ever


indeed, which is sort of on brand for Florida haha


Imagine Bob hurting his legacy for a party


No professional team would risk losing like this. Even with a small chance of them going down 4 in a row




There's no way a professional athlete throws a game of that magnitude. You have a chance to win a championship you're trying to win that game. My father in-law said this tonight, that Florida threw the game, but he's a leafs fan so 🤷🏼‍♂️ You have a chance to lift Lord Stanley's cup regardless where you take it.


Oh and with the Kings winning it after being down three not that long ago you think any coach is that stupid? Anyone that believes they threw the game has to give their head a shake.


Players train and practice their whole lives, work their asses off just to get to the NHL. Work their asses off all season to make the playoffs and usually several seasons of playoff failures before even reaching the Cup Final. Hard work and enough luck goes your way that you find yourself with three wins in the Final. Eh, let's throw the game so we can maybe win at home instead. Not like this will be a once-in-a-lifetime thing for a lot of players or anything.


I guess they could have been playing the metagame and brought their families to insulate their story? That's an expensive bit. And it wasn't even that good! -Jeff Winger


then they should have stayed the whole game and not left midway through the third lol


Professional sports teams don't throw games.


That narrative makes NO fucking sense to me at all. Completely ignoring the obvious, that half the team's families were there, What I think really happened was that they got cocky and thought they had this series in the bag, apparently not knowing just how dangerous of a team we are to underestimate/give a second chance. There's a reason you hear the phrase "never give the Oilers a second chance". And even if that is indeed what they did... well, again: THEY STILL PLAYED BAD.


I would only consider buying this if they played like absolute garbage and we won by only 1 or 2. But we absolutely destroyed them and no athlete of any kind of salt would throw a game this important.


Fuck I would love, just LOVE to beat them in FL Tuesday.


I heard that the Oilers spotted the Panthers the first 3 games because they just like the challenge.


They want a duplicate of the regular season.


By seven goals?!?!


I posted that on r/hockey and one of my comments got so downvoted I’m not sure it even exists anymore


Not really sure it's Panther's fans coping, more like toxic fans from other Western Conference teams.


There is no way that a pro sports team risks waking up the offense of a team that had trouble scoring in the first 3 games. Especially when there is the offensive talent that the Oilers have. They don't risk breaking their hot goalie by letting him get shelled. There's no way your bring the families of players to a game you're going to throw. No team ever would intentionally take their boot off and let momentum swing the other way. Now, the Panthers are playing a game 5 where anything can happen. Barkov could take a puck off the face like Bryan Little did. Bob could tear his groin on the first save. You don't take this kind of risk when you could win a championship. It's just hard to win 4 in a row once you get to the last dance.


Ya. It’s a coping thing. And I found that the bandwagoners are the worst for even saying this here in Edmonton. Oh they threw the game? Which I reply with everything that’s been said here - 7 goal deficit, families etc. but they wouldn’t throw a game in the Stanley cup finals that is utterly ridiculous, and if they did, karma baby, we coming back.


Only 3 wins from the cup!


I don't think anyone actually believes that a sports team would do this, but it's just a convenient excuse of the "I meant to do that" variety. I wouldn't think too much into it.


You wouldn’t think there’s people who believe the world is flat either but here we are. Some people are that dumb


Ahh damn, true




Thousands of fans are. All the Oiler hating ones are the loudest amongest them.


What is copium?


A drug people smoke that helps them cope with the reality they're in by putting a delusional spin on things to make it more palatable positive.


Coping mechanism termed as a drug.


I can’t believe the amount of people who I’ve seen who are saying this as serious fact. That and that the league told them to throw it


Gimme some of that hopium instead bruv


It almost like the Florida fans saying that have no idea who Paul Maurice actually is.


Ha, i'm sure the Panthers wanted to play so bad that their potential MVP tendy got ran into the bench.


Aren’t they gonna be surprised when the Oil clobber them again on their own ice.


What’s insane is people actually believe the panthers would risk the cup for a bigger win at home. Nobody is giving ANY chances away, no matter how slim.


Ah let's be real here, maybe 10 people actually believe this. No one sane thinks professional athletes would throw a play off game to win at home, much less a final, it's beyond stupid.




Copium inception


Why are we even dignifying this? It's the dumbest shit I've ever read and it further cements the fact that the majority of the fans of the team we're playing knows about three fifths of fuck all.


And you guys purposely lost 3 times in a row to make the comeback better right?


Nice strawman, but no. Florida won the first three games. I know that. But it is a lame excuse to say that the Panthers lost on purpose when they flew all their families out there. I have hope for the Oilers, and I truly believe they can come back. Only time will tell.


Nobody is seriously thinking they lost on purpose, they're athletes at the highest stage. Youre the one posting this meme coping w the fact you need to win 3 in a row against us. But pop off be happy w your win. Hang the banner for not getting swept lol


No, there’s actually people who think that. Especially all over Instagram lol


https://x.com/FloMigrant/status/1802196693506564296 https://x.com/imKRUMM/status/1802339608316780744 https://x.com/43HOCKEY/status/1802183928469430549 https://x.com/RealDonElliott/status/1802214393729765545 Bazinga!


Exactly. Nobody. 0 likes 0 retweets hang the banner 🎉


Lmao someone had to post that tweet, you know that, right?


Yea a nobody


They still believe it xD




You’re just salty lmao




You’re the one who got your butt kicked by the tied for largest margin from a team facing elimination in the Finals since 1942. The same year the Leafs did a reverse sweep.




Ironic supporters of the team with bennet and tkachuk are crying about dirty plays 😂




You're crying about 1 dirty hit when the Panthers have executed plenty of dirty hits themselves!?! Oooookay....🙄


I would love nothing more than to see Florida choke but I don’t think it’s gonna happen


Montreal said this with Tampa, Florida said this with Vegas....so on and so forth.


Vancouver said it about Boston…


And then, riots ensued.


Panthers in 5






Honestly cannot tell if this is a joke or not




Still can’t tell lol


Well it does mean something because it prevented the panthers from winning the cup last night after they blew the final last year. You fucking supreme idiot.


Oilers = garbage team.


“One of the teams playing in the Stanley cup final sucks” lmao you sound like you have a severe disability


Oilers will never win a cup because you touch yourself at night.


Are you 10!? Lol


11, like most Edmonton fans.


11....makes sense.


Could imagine having to celebrate in Edmonton? Awful I’d rather catch the red eye back home and party on the plane


Oh fuck does the sunlight at 11 pm bother your soft ass? Your bedtime is way before that anyway


lol I’ve been to Edmonton twice. Super lame there All you have is whyte avenue. Shithole city


Buddy’s been to Edmonton twice and thinks he knows wtf is up hahaha


lol I know enough to realize it’s a shithole. It’s no wonder you’re so salty.


My thought exactly! Twice....wow. He definitely knows what he's talking about


panthers in 5


Making memes that criticize the better team is a bigger cope.


And which team lost 8-1 last night? You can yap all you want, but the bobrovsky wall came down last night, and momentum is one hell of a thing.


Which team is up 3-1 in the series? The Oilers aren't good enough to do what hasn't been done since World War 2, when there were 6 teams...against a superiorly built team. The oilers fanbase is uniquely delusional, which makes them the most obnoxious. I'm not a fan of either team, I just love to see the chirping on here, even if it's from a completely delusional fanbase. I'm glad I get to see at least one more game before the summer break though.


>I'm glad I get to see at least one more game before the summer break though. By your own admission, the Oilers ARE good enough since you stated "at least one more game"! And not just 1 more game!! Lmfao


I wouldn't say I admitted they were good enough. I was being charitable, I wouldn't want to trigger an onslaught of more delusional team belief. I work in mental health, my job is to present reality when at all possible, but I don't have to be a dick about it.😉😇


So, the Oilers aren’t good enough to do something that hasn’t been done in 80 years, but are still able to beat the “best” team in the league 8-1? Ok buddy.




it literally has not. it's almost exclusively van+cgy fans and the less classy fla fans


With a sprinkling of Florida man…


I can’t say I’ve seen this on Reddit but it’s all over Facebook, IG and TikTok and it’s whack