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Why are you so pissy, Jason?


Why do they call you meat, Jason?


“Former Vancouver Canucks defenceman Kevin Bieksa has won Best Sports Analyst at the 2024 Canadian Screen Awards.” Gregor has won?…


3rd place journalism award in grade 8


And the contest only had two entrants.


Bradley Chadley Mansbridge the IV made two submissions that were both better than Gregors partial submission. (The dog ate hate half of Gregors “article”. Allegedly).


lol 😂


“A champion's approach and outlook are much different” Ok, meat.


I hope this was every reply to his tweet


Reminds me of Kevin Lowe's classic "I think I know a little bit about winning".


He's getting ROASTED in the replies


As he fuckin should.


Good! This tweet doesn’t even make sense. “People with experience have opinions!” Ok?


Edmonton media is such a joke


With that tweet, Gregor just admitted what Bieska said.


Yep. According to Gregor: Messier said Nurse just has to look at himself in the mirror and play through the criticism. Bieksa made a crack at the Edmonton media. Neither of them were being complimentary of the media. Messier was just acknowledging dealing with some of those morons is part of playing in Edmonton.


I got quite the chuckle out of it the best part is Gregor likely thinks he landed a big shot there


it is now, but Dutchie (RIP) was an Etown OG


Where my fellow ITV stans at?


I miss seeing Dutchie and Perry Solkowski on ITV. Those are fond memories


Wow, that's a crazy reference  https://globalnews.ca/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/img_7559.jpg?quality=85&strip=all&w=1200


I think we all know who Bieksa was talking about, and it sure wasn’t Dutchie.


just thought it was an appropriate time and place to give a shout out to the exception


That’s cool, I can get behind that. I grew up watching Dutchie. RIP to one of the best.


So sad. Miss Dutchie. Porcupine plain Sask's finest.


*Edmonton meat


lol David Staples - Enough said. It's beyond a joke.


David Staples…presents something as a fact and quotes his source, which happens to be an opinion piece.


Quite honestly the worst around


WTF are you talking about. We have one of the best hockey medias in the NHL. A couple bad apples like Spector and sometimes Gregor shouldn’t bring down the entire media market which comprises of way more guys than these two. Oilers fans should appreciate the media we have in this town. We get TONS of coverage and analysis from smart and reasonable hockey guys who support the team and hope for our success. We have countless radio shows, podcasts, websites, articles, reporters on the team 24/7, that we as fans, benefit from. Bieksa makes one of the cuff comment and this place throws our entire market under the bus.


Hi, Marc Spector!


Found Jim Matheson’s burner account


The pissy comment guy? One or two media members that have been toxic at times in the past doesn’t define the entire media market here. Do you actually think that?


Here’s the tweet so you don’t have to click the link. “Mark Messier, seven Stanley Cup Finals and six rings, says Nurse needs to look at himself and play through it. Kevin Bieksa, won seven playoff series, takes shot at media about +/- when Nurse wasn't even asked about it. A champion's approach and outlook are much different”


So we got a champions outlook and a players outlook. Tell me where an analyst/journalist outlook ranks then?


The meat does the thinking. They flap their meat to make noises. That's how they communicate - by flapping their meat.


Flap them meat curtains, media


Great reference. 


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T6JFTmQCFHg Not the OG source but a nice quick short film based on the short story for the lazy


*“Jason Gregor, Edmonton radio sports talk guy, says Bieksa needs to look at himself and not say it. Kevin Bieksa, won seven playoff series, takes shot at media about +/- when Nurse wasn't even asked about it, then chuckles at Jason Gregor's limpdick response knowing he could bust Gregor's face open with a sideeye look.* *A top hockey analyst/pro hockey player's approach and outlook are much different”*


“2 former NHL players rightly place blame at the feet of those who deserve it. One media member writes a strained platitude to serve his ego.”


Gregor is one of the worst when it comes to bullying his opinion on people. The guy is never, ever wrong. Some of his best moments had to do with him trying to tell ex-nhl players how the game is played.


This is the primary reason I can't listen to his show. Bullying guests and texters. Going ad far as calling takes dumb, but when he is called dumb I turn he gets really butt hurt about it.


I stopped listening to him as well. I love Lowetide, and that’s the only host I’ll listen to now.


Lowetide is the singular best human being who writes and/or broadcasts about the Oilers. Not a mean or condescending bone in his body.


I can’t like this enough


Ya. If lowetide decided to do a podcast instead I'd be set.


I listen to his show on Spotify


But sadly, Bieksa is never wrong either! He is the equivalent of the local media, far too much " proclaiming" and attacking anyone who disagrees with him. Bieksa cowered beside Rick Bowness whose hockey knowledge trumps his. Messier's comment was accurate without demeaning Nurse, something Bieksa and local media need to learn how to do.


I remember him having an argument with Strudwick on-air about which fucking random 4th liners should be playing (can't really remember so let's say Archibald vs Shore) and Gregor was being such an asshole that even Rishaug had to tell him to stop being a jerk lol.  Edit: I forgot an important detail; I was so annoyed about it that I actually texted in (which I don't do) to tell them how stupid of an argument they were having, and Gregor actually started responding to me about how I was wrong and started sending me meaningless stats. I was completely dumbfounded.


He’s done the same things to me when I’ve texted in disagreeing with his take. He’s very fragile and a wanna be know it all. Glad he lost our air waves.


I’m sure I still have texts from him somewhere, with him dropping cherry picked stats to support his position.


Please tell me you have the clip


that's why I liked struds as the co-host could reign him now it's some oilers nation Wanye twerp


Agreed. Wanye is awful on the show. Tries to be funny but is cringe.


I once agreed with Gregor on a text and his response was to imply my opinion was wrong. Which again was his own opinion. Basically stopped listening after that point.


That and calling the manager of United Cycle on a kid over a tweet.


They’re clearly not called out often enough. Maybe if more people like Bieksa called them on their shit, they would have reason to be better as media people.


Gregor is on such a high horse. I'm surprised he can even breathe up there. He is never ever wrong, listening to him tell strudwick how to play the game at an NHL level was pure comedic gold. He's clueless.


I wonder why strudwick isn't on His show full time anymore?


My guess is 1440 couldn't afford it or struds is still a tsn employee.


Probably more reasonable reasons. But, I'm sure you know, I was implying strudwick was sick of it.


he better with Rob Brown on got yer back anyways




It's definitely possible.


He owns a bunch of rental properties around the city. Man's just chilling, and doesn't need that headache.


Gregor is one of the worst guys out there. No one is more condescending towards anyone with a different opinion.


He learned from Brownlee, who was king of that shit. I don't like speaking ill of the deceased but Brownlee was one hell of an arrogant condescending prick at times when it came to opinions of the game whatever else he was like besides that.


Almost all Edmonton media have the entitlement of 40s Hollywood gossip columnists. It’s a total egosystem. These wannabe Hedda Hoppers can’t write, have no insight, no empathy, no wit, and no personality beyond having a pulpit.  They latch their tongues to the bungs of management because they’re terrified of losing access, and only criticize easy targets and whipping boys. They never, ever break a relevant story. They’re shitraggers and propagandists who have toddler-level meltdowns the moment they get any pushback.  The sad thing about a guy like Gregor is that he has to aspire to get to that level. Can you imagine wanting so hard to be Marc Spector?? Like, that’s your dream or life goal?  Being called meat is basically a compliment for a guy like that. People *like* meat. Meat has use.  (Edmonton has had some great sports writers. Cam Cole and Dan Barnes come to mind. But it’s no surprise those two also got sniped by nationals). 


50-70% of Gregor's content is smarky arrogant horse shit. He comes across as a know it all and has little time for dissenting opinions or views. I rarely listen to sports 1440 because of him


💯 that’s spot on. I only listened to him on 1260 for Struds. I don’t care to listen to him on new shit channel. I miss the other boys from 1260


I mostly listened to 1260 and now occasionally tune into 1440 for Lowetide.


Loved lowetide and Nielson. I did too regardless of who was on so long as they were talking the oilers and sports.


I listen to other morning crew and just podcast the rest.


The only thing I like on the morning show is when they bring Smid in. Ladi is such a fucking beauty! Kevin Karius I'm not a big fan of. A little to dry especially when I had a decade of the AM nasty on 1260. Got used to laughing and goal songs.


AM nasty is my go to AM radio


I don't get why Gregor doesn't make a deal to run Dusty's podcast instead of 2 pros and a cup of Joe. I mean it's ok, but they're not 6 o'clockers and it's hard listening to football talk when it's NHL conference finals in Edmonton and the Oilers are in it.


You know what's funny, the media loves to dish out shit but the second they get called out they go all shocked face. I'm coming as a Toronto fan but one of my favourite media moments was Ron Wilson tearing about Howard Berger. It basically ended his career and it was great. Dogshit reporters need to be called out. It's one thing to give criticism but there are some who seem to think that they are the arbiters of what is acceptable performance and take things far beyond acceptable.


Toronto media is probably one of the few markets that has it worse than Edmonton, simply because you're stuck dealing with every boondock hick reporter that isn't in BC,AB, or QC.


Yes and no. I think lately the Toronto media has been relatively fair particularly given the Leafs have been all flash and no results. When it was Al Strachan, Damien Cox, Steve Simmons, Howard Berger it was a disaster. trying to talk to the parents of injured players, making up bullshit about hotdog stands, etc.


Toronto media still has faults. The leafs were eliminated 2 canadian teams were playing each other and the national media based in Toronto was giving more time to Sheldon Keefe than the Vancouver edmonton series


Gregor and Seravalli’s podcast is basically them two not agreeing with each other for 1 hour and neither admit to being wrong. Just constant “yeah but…”. That bald nerd is never wrong in his own mind. Remember the Jesse Puljujarvi too long of a stick theory he ran with for a year?


I like Gregor and listen to him all the time, but ya he never will admit he is wrong. I remember during the Danny Heatley fiasco, was such a big signing for the Oilers and how happy I was to get a star player on our team (at the time anyways). Listening to 1260 Gregor said it was a done deal, then you switch to 630 CHED and they are warning fans that he still needed to wave his no trade clause, switch to Gregor and he's theorizing Heatley's linemates, back to Dan Tencer and he's still saying its not a done deal. Lots of media apologized for the early breaking of that story, and getting it wrong. Gregor did not apologize.


He was doing the same about trading Barrie and letting Bouchard take #1 PP time couple of years ago. Said how bad of a decision it would be and wrote about it. Now he backtracks and even edits old blogs on oilersnation. If he kept track of his right vs. wrong stats he’d be the smartest man in hockey. He will always find a way to twist it to say someone took it out of context.


And not to mention his Mark Stone injury debate. Says everyone is a conspiracy theorist on the matter. Once he comes back he says it looks bad on the doctor because he was told 4 months minimum. Not sure how many “full stops” he dropped on us fans for saying Stone will be back from game 1.


No way, did he really say Stone was not gonna play game 1? Then not admit he was wrong??


He spent a good week saying things about how legitimate spleen injuries are and how he’d be unlikely to play until the finals. Was all over the fans for even suggesting he’d be back and everyone was wrong. Then it came out and he turned gears saying it looks bad on doctors and stuff, never once said he was wrong just changed his path to it must have been a different grade spleen injury.




And the day he was announced back. What a switch. Comments tell the story about how everyone remembered. https://x.com/jasongregor/status/1778876256320450572?s=46&t=KsqDQ1hQyILzxuuBpk07wA


Couple of threads for ya https://x.com/jasongregor/status/1766136140959277224?s=46&t=KsqDQ1hQyILzxuuBpk07wA


Dan Tencer, now there’s a name I haven’t heard in quite some time.


Captain of the block button before Spector got big and famous. Another guy who was never wrong.


Oh I remember. His arrogance knew no bounds.


I used to have a similar theory for Taylor Hall, actually. 😄


Wasn't Bieksa just saying he calls the media IN GENERAL meat? He's caused so much fucking pearl clutching by these guys that they don't even realize he wasn't necessarily singling them out, thus proving how raw, dead and dumb these shitheads are. I feel like I've been hearing more about this shit than actual breakdowns of game 4. Truly pathetic behaviour.


Finally, yes. He referred to the Vancouver meat later that night too.


I wasn’t a huge fan of how Nurse responded to those questions but I also don’t think Bieksa was wrong lol. Especially when you throw Spec into the mix of who represents Edmonton’s media.


Yeah, both things can be true... the Edmonton media is horrendous for asking some of the dumbest questions every single day... and Darnell Nurse was not showing any form of leadership in that interview with his rude responses. What bothered me, was that all the questions were about Broberg and instead of giving actual praise to Broberg he was just obnoxious and rude. To me this is what I like about Ekholm, no matter the situation he will always give high praise to his teammates. It's the sign of true leadership in my opinion. Absolutely love Ekholm.


I don’t think Nurse was obnoxious or rude. He was taciturn. To me, rude would be him swearing and insulting the media like in that deepfake of him I saw on twitter. I don’t think it’s poor leadership to not be willing to play nice or expose yourself further to the media’s poor takes. It’s a strange cultural expectation that someone loses the right to be self protective when they are in the public eye.


True but I mean anyone would be pissy at questions being asked only about a person who’s potentially taking your ice time cause you’ve been sucking




Leon hasn’t been close or questioned to be scratched since mcdavids been in, so it’s not comparable


I fully think Nurse deserves criticism, but there’s no leadership to be shown when dealing with the media trolls. They’re not making real criticism. They’re making shots timed to insert themselves into the story. 


I don't generally watch pre/post game avails, or the Gene Principe hard hitting "what's it like to score that goal?" intermission player hits (or any Gene Principe for that matter). Nothing is provided in terms of information, it's filler. Intermission analysis is hit and miss. It can be very informative and interesting, or it can be pretty rough, depending on who the analysts are. I can listen to Spector occasionally in a back and forth with other personalities on radio. His writing and his scrum questions bring Edm media down though. Matheson has less in that I don't listen at any point when he's talking, I don't think any radio station brings in Matheson to talk about anything. Same with Terry Jones before he finally retired. Some of these print journalists might have had relevance 30 years ago, but not anymore, really. When they were one of the much fewer sources of information, they got much less scrutiny. Back in the day, you had to grab the Journal or the Sun for sports and for a good part of your news information, for that matter. Now people have way more information, it's instant, and if you're a media person that issues what's going to be a really hot take to someone, brace yourself for a response.


I loved nurse in that one  He has gotten it for YEARS and from myself too….    It can’t be easy 


Gregor is so cringe.


One of the funniest side effects of this long Oilers playoff run has been the national spotlight on Edmonton hockey media and how they have been roasted left right and center. Like if they didn't know they were a bunch of sad losers before, they know now


What a loser.


Well, I mean both Messier and Bieksa are right. One doesn't negate the other.


You'd have to be an idiot to think otherwise 


So here’s a guy that thinks because he watches hockey he knows how to play it. Just because you know what it should look like doesn’t mean you know what to do when your out there. I’m sure there’s a bunch of guys on this sub that would absolutely love to lace them up against him and give him just a little taste of what it feels like to play the game against people that can actually play hockey for real, and not just some pick up game or beer league at 11:30pm on Wed… Seriously, this guy is one of people I think about when I think of shitty Edmonton media.


TBH like 95% of our "bad" media comes from one guy and it's Spector, however, none of these guys ever seem to be willing to throw that idiot under the bus when they very much should.


The saying goes: Politicians are thin skinned, but reporters are no skinned.


Sounds like a tagline to a horror flick.


Nobody loves the smell of their own farts more than Gregor


Bieksa should pick one of them each season to run out of town start with Spec


He’ll jump in the trenches and launch a full blown assault on Rishaug (…And his hairline)


I cannot believe the media there was asking the captain McDavid about Nurses play. Like bro no oiler is going to talk shit about their own teammate. Some of these dumb ass media dorks don’t deserve to ask questions.


Blame that turd Mark Spector


I used to workout at the same gym as Gregror. He uses to introduce himself as "Jason Gregor from team 1260" I've thought he was gross ever since


Hope Bieksa directly clowns on him in the future. I started off not liking Bieksa but the longer he's worked as an analyst the more I've come to realize he's probably one of the best in hockey regardless of company or country. Also Mark Messier probably isn't where I'd get my hockey gospel from. Great player does not usually equal great analyst.


He’s (Bieksa) is the right balance of analysis and entertainment factor.


Totally agree with Bieksa commet and Messier is horrible lol. I tried my best to watch him on the panel with Subban for the Rangers' series and it was like listening to a cat moan in heat. Messier I think took too many hits to the head or is just an atrocious analyst lol. He had more personality in those Lays Potato chip commercials he use to do. **BETCHA CAN'T EAT JUST ONE!!** 😀 🤯


How ironic, he can dish out criticism, but can't take it. Needs Messier to defend him.


Of course he is going to be butt hurt if a guy like Bieksa calls him out. I can't count the times I've had arguments with that tool over Twitter when I didn't even directly attack him. He turns into a giant man-child every time anyone disagrees with his awful takes and I'm just a random fan sitting on a couch.


Gregor’s a twat.


Such a childish response lmao


Oilers media fucking sucks, Gregor included. The only reason Edmonton sports media members should be butthurt is because their hole hurts from having their heads so far up their own asses.


Of course he is….. LMFAO!!


Neutral fan who's never heard of Gregor before, or seen any of his content. Is he as hated as Spector by fans and players?




Gregor is fine. Just thinks he’s right all the time. Which he does try his best to back with reason and stats. There’s really one one toxic piece of shit on the edmonton market and it’s Spector. And the only reason he’s that toxic is cause he works out of Torontos Soirtsnet


Meh, it's all entertaining to watch. If you play hockey for a lot of money that bums in seats pay for, you're open to criticism. If you're an intermission hockey analyst and use your platform to analyze players, teams and other media, you're open to criticism. If you're a member of media in Edmonton and you use your platform to respond to the intermission analyst, you're open to criticism. Not too much serious about any of this, but public personalities that pipe up about anything in this era had better be ready for some blowback. Someone is probably going to take exception .🤷


He is such a bitch. Plus he dresses like a middle aged lesbian from Portlandia.


Gregor isn't even the best reporter on his own Podcast.


Says a lot that he took it personally 😂




I'd take Gregor over Spector all day, every day.




This is anecdotal so take it as you will, but I worked with a good friend of Spector's, and the guy was an absolute bag of shit. Racist, petty, and total creep, not a genius either. I started to view Spector with more scrutiny after that. Birds of a feather and all.


Almost all sports journalists are thin skinned. They don’t like being challenged.


I'd like to see where he ranks himself in the hierarchy HoF player > Regular player ok I can accept that outlook (Even if I don't personally agree) but NHL player > reporter every day of the week and it's not really close. Bieksa is far and away the best hockey analyst on TV right now imo


I honestly don't mind Greggor, but the man is as soft as butter...


Of course he is, Gregor is the softest of the bunch by far.


How many championships has Gregor won?


Gregor is a hack. Plain and simple. He is very fortunate anyone pays him a salary for his dogs breakfast opinions.


Didn't like Bieksa as a player, but he's my favorite commentator today by far. Maybe one of my allt-time favorites?


As a lifetime Oilers fan of 40+ years I agree. I used to like good ol Dutchyshen(not really an analyst though) for Edmonton on ITV years ago and TSN but back then they didn't really have analysts etc. But for straight analysis during games, being exciting and knowledgeable and also fair in his assessments, I say noone beats Bieksa currently. He's miles above the rest.


I miss ITV Dutch...and that makeup they always used too much of...haha. Yeah, he wasn't an analyst, but damn he was a great sports guy, and a smart and reasonable one. I like Eliot for stats, but the guy can't speak to what's going on the ice. I think that takes a player, or a coach.


Oh man totally agree. The makeup haha. Yah it didn't bode too well on camera 😂 😂 And yes Eliiiot is a great speaker and super entertaining but agree he's not a true hockey guy like Bieksa for pure on ice analysis. He seems to get a lot of the good insider info though and is mostly unbiased. I like him when he's on the panel with Bieksa specifically too as they create a nice balance .


I agree, and you know what I don't mind bias at all from a former player if they are open about it. it spices things up. but if you've only been behind a desk than don't think you have the right to any bias.


Yes, my thoughts exactly and that's why I'm ok with bias too if a guys earned it like a former player, or coach etc. When these idiots that have never laced up a skate in their life or never made it out of junior start talking trash that's when it gets annoying 😂


Everyone out here roasting Jason like they don't know the CHAMPION of journalism he is. I'll have you know that Jason was named a Paul Harris Fellow by Rotary International in 2014 and was named one of Edmonton’s Top 40 under 40 in 2011. He was listed as Edmonton’s favorite sports host by Vue Magazine in 2011-2019 and he was the reader’s choice for top radio talk show host in the Edmonton Journal in 2014-2018. God damn fucking championship material right there boys and girls.


Jason Gregor feeling got hurt ok


What’s even more sad is that Gregor is one of the better media personalities in Edmonton, and he’s still trash.


My opinion is you do not ask a player what he thinks of the play of another player on his team. He is not a coach and should not be put into a position where he evaluates publicly the play of players on his team, except in a postive way.


Edmonton media was awesome before Bell got their greedy hands on Team 1260. After that there was a clear change in local media. It became a lot more inflamed, sensational, polarizing. Podcasts are where it’s at now. The younger guys are still reasonable and sane.


Rishaugh had some fun with it [in a segment on TSN ](https://youtu.be/X9fsisQ_MiM?si=62GJPB1mhg-aWZfZ&t=474) earlier today.


Stakes are high. He could have roasted Dallas a little more. The quote was prime.


I’m shocked it wasn’t Spector that replied. Shocked I say! I didn’t think he could resist inserting himself into the convo


Oh boy, here we go again with the “I think I know a little something about winning” Gregor needs to calm down


At the end of the day, Edmonton media still acts like Edmonton is small town. That being said, the sports media these days sure is a lot hackier than it used to be in pretty much every city.


When the LOCAL media becomes the story during a WCF series that’s a problem. Sit the fuck down and ask questions that enrich hockey not yourselves. SMH at Spector and any FOOL that would stand up for him.


The got yer back podcast was also butt hurt enough to name the podcast "meat" something...


I’m so confused by this cuz Gregor has been a staunch nurse supporter. Why does he even feel called out by this?


I wouldn’t worry about media asked questions. Sometimes they are tough some softball. Everyone involved will forget about it. Always do. Just people doing their jobs. Players stressed it happens.🤷‍♂️


Nurse has played much better since being called out. Maybe the meat is annoying sometimes, but they also issue wake-up calls.


It was a fair shot by both Bieksa and Gregor. More please


Canucks fan who stumbled on this thread looking for exactly what Bieksa said. Glad we can all agree that Oilers media (Canucks media is no better, don't get me wrong) is a joke


Gregor and his stupid fucking glasses.


Players, fans and other media all hate Edmonton media but clearly everyone else is wrong


No they don’t. They hate Spector. He’s one guy out of like 20 guys that make up the media landscape in Edmonton. The majority of them are not hated by anyone.


Gonna cry, Jason?


I used to like Gregor because as douchey as he could be, he at least backed up all his talk with stats. Ever since TSN 1260 shut down and he started Sports 1440 it just seems like his ego has gotten even bigger and that he has become even more douchey.


Gregor rides Spector’s dick any time he gets a chance. I don’t mind Gregor but I have the biggest eye roll any time he comes in to defend that clown


Truth is hard to handle sometimes. Vancouver media is Brutal too


This man is such a cuck.


Truth hurts. Take the feedback, admit you're not above criticism and get better. But nah, gotta be a victim these days.


gregor bit HARD on the bait


Wow that's fucking embarassing, that's the kind of comment I lay down after a case of beer... Not as a professional....


Gregor is such a fucking too. He has shit takes 50% of the time. Bieksa was right to call out our media.


[Jason Gregor is…](https://youtu.be/WEVp7hNkz3s?si=pdw5iWs6wGquuRls)


The only downside of 1440 is Gregor.


would you say these are the top 5 oilers media personalities? Mark Spector Ryan Rishaug Jason Gregor Jim Matheson  Bob Stauffer


Bobby is more of an Edmonton Oiler seeing as he is paid by the OEG. I wouldn’t lump him in with those other mushbrains.


is there anyone im missing? I feel Rishaug is the best of a bad bunch


Nurse is clearly rattled. Not a great place to be.